Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own anything Star Trek; this Fan-Fiction is not for compensation, it's just for fun. Please Enjoy (This chapter has been edited so I hope its more comprehensible!)


Ace of SpadesXD


Aleksandrya (Jim)/ Spock

Bones / Gaila

Uhura / Scotty

Chekov / Sulu (Friends)

Sarek / Amanda

"Surprise Character" / T'Farah (Female Vulcan)


Aleksandrya James Kirk never lived up to the legend of her Father's memory; she was everything he hadn't been. She was sarcastic, rude, and offensive; but unknown to those around her that was only just her shield. Deep down these behaviors hid her hurt and distrust of anyone other than her. It had always been easy hiding her genius with this little façade, but how long will that stand before it falls to wear and tear?

(Iowa, Riverside)

Tipping back her tall azure glass of Andorian ale, Jim drowned her sorrows away. It warmed and encompassed her in its embrace, something she constantly craved for. It was a sad entity, but unavoidable in any context to her. Jim relied on her somewhat alcoholism related behaviors to be her crutch. It wasn't like she had anything else to depend on. Just a trusty bottle of whisky and herself. Sad, yet reliable.

She moodily stared into her empty cup, wishing for more to wash her problems away.

Frank and Wionna were such dickheads; really what normal people blamed their own daughter for their own problems? Wionna really was a piece of work, twisted and disgusting in Jim's opinion. Leaving her with her deadbeat of a husband hadn't really helped her case. Really it just made her dislike her more so.

Jim absolutely despised her step-daddy. Frank really was something else, she could barely find words to describe him. The white scars hidden underneath her shirt should've been enough.

With Wionna off planet once again tensions were heating up between the two. The shouting match that had occurred barely an hour previously was the tipper to the iceberg. She just needed to get away after that least she do something Frank would make her regret, even if her getaway a crappy ass bar.

"Two vodka's, two Andorian ale's, and three shots of tequila," Jim turned at the sound of an accented voice, definitely not from around here. Another country, or maybe even planet.

It was a beautiful dark toned women with upkeep black hair, and a red Starfleet standard dress uniform. Jim let a shit-eating grin spread across her face; ah… looks like she found a distraction. Fucking with people was her favorite pastime, and she was good at it too.

"One more Andorian ale for me, and put hers on me," Jim winked at the bartender, swiveling around on her stool to fully view the Cadet.

The woman gave her an annoyed look that spoke many words. Ouch, who stuck a stick up her ass? Ah who gave a shit, Jim Kirk didn't give up for nothing. A challenge was sure to cheer her up.

"My drinks are on me." The Cadet scoffed, brushing Jim off as the bartender began mixing her drinks. Damn looked like she had some of that ritzy city behavior in her. Jim smirked, she was good at breaking that out of people.

"Hey you haven't even given me a chance," Jim adopted a heartbroken facade, "Can I at least have a name to put with a pretty face?"

The Cadet gave her a considering, though slightly annoyed look, raising a thin sculpted eyebrow at her.

"Uhura," Jim grinned widely at that, she was making some progress.

"Uhura; that was definitely the name I was going to guess," Uhura gave her a disbelieving almost exasperated look, "So do the people on your world have last names?"

"Uhura is my last name; although I'm pretty sure it's a give 99.9 % of Terran's have a last name." She replied amused, but there was definitely some sarcasm in there.

Jim just brushed it off easily, she could already see Uhura was beginning to underestimate her, but it wasn't like she wasn't used to it. Usually blonde 19 year-olds who lived in small town farm states had about the IQ of a rock. She fortunately had been an exception to that fate. Thank the Gods.

Growing up Jim had been an unusually fast child. That may have been some of the cause to some of Frank's blatant dislike of her, with him having the brain the size of a pea. Anyone smarter than him was seen as a threat. Basically the entire universe at that point, Jim though was his center of torture.

Unlike most of the children still struggling to learn their alphabet and colors in preschool, space and alien life-forms had enticed Jim with something that was akin to an inanimate crush. Her teachers were exasperated of course with her, but they couldn't do much with her already having memorized both the Terran and Andorian alphabet, along with a rainbow of colors. Thinking back to what she could remember of pre-school, Ms. Trahn's face was hilarious when Jim began spouting off every vowel and consonant in perfect Andorian vocals.

From that point on she had became the town genius, but anything good always had to have a drawback. Bullies became a common occurrence, and Frank really disliked Jim outsmarting him. Neither had turned out good for her, so eventually she came up with the perfect strategy. Play off being smart, and instead let people assume she was a stupid blonde country girl; that allowed Jim to observe what was around her and in turn learn more.

"So what's your major Cadet?" Jim asked casually, reeling her thoughts back in as she sipped the ale the bartender had just placed in front of her.

"Xenolinguistics, you have no idea what that means." A small frown graced Jim's face, at Uhura's condescending tone; really she didn't have to be rude.

Letting the frown fall away, Jim forced on an easygoing grin. She hoped she didn't need to knock this girl on her ass; the "I-am-holier-than-you" people grated on her nerves to no end.

"It's the study of alien languages darling," Jim smirked slightly; maybe it wouldn't hurt too much to push this Uhura down a peg or two for her insolence, "Morphology, Phonology, and Syntax; though in my opinion Xenolinguistics comes second to Warp Drives and Cores. If it weren't for Warp Cores there wouldn't be such a thing as Xenolinguistics, Terran's would more than likely still reside in the dark ages if it weren't for the creation of technology that aided in space travel. Gravimetric field displacement manifold is the peanut butter to my jelly."

Jim suddenly lost her smirk and blushed, realizing she had been rambling on. Uhura was looking at her with a new like. Damn, she hadn't meant to go that far, sometimes it was hard holding back her passion.

"Wow," She finally chuckled, "I'm impressed, at first I thought you were some hick that drank moonshine with her cousins and learned to drive from the classic Dukes of Hazzard." Jim was honestly offended at that point. Moonshine was amazing when gotten from the right person, and the Dukes of Hazzard was fucking amazing!

Before Jim could shot back a snarky remark, a bulky figure in dress blues was hovering over them.

"This townie isn't bothering you, right," He questioned Uhura in a gruff voice, before giving Jim an appreciating once over that made her sneer.

She snorted in slight disgust into her drink. Not likely, this little boy could keep his hopes up with someone else. Jim didn't particularly like steroid looking junkies that were immature little kids on the inside.

"Oh, beyond belief," Uhura snorted rolling her brown eyes, "But it's nothing I can't handle."

A small tell-tale smirk formed on the edge of Jim's mouth.

"You can handle me buddy-ole-darling?" She dramatically wiggled her eyebrows, "That an invitation?"

"Hey, you better mind your matters," Steroids grumbled, "You should go run back to waiting tables, or better yet waiting on me." She snarled at him; for one she was NOT any waitress and for two the day she slept with him would be when Hell froze over.

"Hey sweetheart, come a little closer," Jim purred sugar-sweetly, beckoning him forward with her index finger, "Yea, that's it darling to just a little closer."

The idiot leaned in as if expecting a kiss or some whispered word, but instead he got a sucker punch, compliments of Jim's leftie. Eyes crossed and nose gushing he went down like a sack of potatoes.

"How 'bout you 'wait' that cupcake!"

Seconds' later goons were surrounding her, completely ignoring Uhura's yells of "stop", "stop". Finally, Jim thought happily; now this was going to be a great distraction. Nothing got her blood pumping better than a good bar fight.

"Do you really want to do this boy's?" She lazily checked her nails, itching to deck another one of them in the face.

"Hey, bitch, maybe you can't count," The one in the middle sneered, while the others appraised her with none to innocent eyes just as cupcake had done before; idiots, "But there's four of us and one of you."

Jim smirked one last time before cocking a fist back and meeting home; at the impact the middle one was sent twirling into a couple of bar tables sending glasses flying and crashing.

"Now there are three of you."

Lord, that really set it off; it was like a gunshot starting a race. It became a bar brawl as Jim held her own against the Starfleet loons. Even with her prowess in brawl fighting she was beginning to become overwhelmed, with Cupcake and the middle guy having gotten up.

Before she could crack the liquor bottle over the counter, one of the burly apes had tackled her into the table and his buddies had started punching her. But Jim wouldn't lay still; she scratched and punched back as much as they gave.

"ENOUGH!" A loud ear splitting whistle had the Cadets pulling up almost instantly; they had all adopted looks of surprise, some even looked kind of scared.

"Guys, she's had enough!" A man in his early forties with graying brown hair had a severe expression on his face, "Outside all of you, we will be having a talk on manners and insubordination at a later date."

"Yes sir," They chimed, before quickly hustling out of the bar almost scared of this man's wrath.

"You all right," His voice had lost its gruffness, as he stared down at her prone with something akin to concern.

Jim was sprawled across the round table all ruffled, and black and blue. Two tampons she had moments earlier pulled out of her back pocket hung out of a gushing nose, making her quite a sight to see.

"Just peachy," She groaned, "You know you can whistle really loud; you must've been a banshee in a past life."

He sent an amused look in her direction.

"You know I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me who you are." Jim looked at from half lidded eyes, with suspicion.

"Who am I ahh…" She peered closer to read his nametag, "Captain Pike?"

"You're Fathers daughter, Aleksandrya Kirk."

Jim winced; she absolutely loathed being compared to the Father that was never there, the one that left her alone with Wionna; let alone that name being added to the mix. This guy really was something; she completely despised her first name for many reasons. A big one being George Kirk had named it her, it didn't help this guy was practically rubbing it into her face.

"Tom, please cough up one more of those Andorian ale's," She signaled the bartender fingers rubbing the bridge of her nose, "Actually make it a double shot."

"Its Jim, haven't gone by Aleksandrya in a long time, to elaborate and taxing."

Pike had an inquiring almost disapproving look, but he just "had" to continue on with his tirade. This guy really knew how to push her buttons. She was really tempted to knock him on his ass.

"For my dissertation I was assigned USS Kelvin; something I admired most about your dad, he didn't believe in a no-win scenario." Jim snorted at that.

"Well he sure learned his lesson, didn't he?" She uncaringly took a swig of the ale, wincing at the pain coming from the side of her face.

"Well that depends on how you define winning," Pike pulled up a chair ignoring her annoyed look, "You and your Mother are here, aren't you?"

As if she gave a flying shit if Wionna was here or not. That woman was no Mother to her; Mother's didn't abandon their children to go off planet, while leaving them with a deadbeat of a step-father. No biological Mother would let their son runaway; Jim's only brother George, because she didn't apparently give a crap what happened to him. Lastly no Mother no matter the species would have let their 10 year old go of planet to spend quality time with distant family as a punishment for something Frank had lied to her about, which had ended in Jim enduring Tarsus IV.

"For all I care he could've let Wionna meet her maker; she was never a real Mother to me." A look of shock and then sudden understanding flitted across his face, before it returned to a blank slate; she almost thought she had imagined it for a second.

"Why are you even talking to me man? This is a total waste of time; you and I could've gone are separate ways and have been doing better things by now."

"Your aptitude tests are off the charts, so what is it? You like being the only genius level repeat-offender in the midwest, or is it all to get back at Wionna for being a piss poor Mother?"

Jim scowled lowering her gaze under his scrutiny. It annoyed her to Hell in back on how true everything he was saying was.

"What's this getting to, because if you don't stop wasting my time and wrap this up, I might feel inclined to leave."

"Enlist in Starfleet."

"Enlist!" She scoffed, choking slightly on her swig of liquor.

This Captain Pike really must've been off his rocker to suggest she should enlist in Starfleet of all things. Why would she want to represent the organization that was the cause of practically all of her problems'? This shit was just too good to be true, just freaking lovely.

"You understand what the Federation is, don't you? It's important; it's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada." Whoop-t-do like Jim really needed to be reminded of that.

"Are we done yet Captain?" Sarcasm filtered through her tone.

"I'm done," Pike sighed looking slightly annoyed, "Riverside shipyard. A shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow - 08:00. Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes; he saved 800 hundred lives including yours. I dare you to do better, prove Wionna your better than her. You can be a Captain in four years, if you truly want it." Odd he started calling her 'Mother' by her first name.

'Damn it' Jim thought scowling at her drink as Pike walked out of the bar. 'Don't do it Kirk, don't do it'.

'God Damn it'! She could feel her resolve slipping, as his words continued to play over and over again in her mind. Jim had always been a sucker to a good dare, and rubbing shit in people's faces.

"Damn it to all, might as well give it a try." She pushed her glass away, before slamming a tip on the table leaving the same way Pike had.

(Riverside Shipyard – Starfleet Outpost)

Leaning into the hover bike, Jim lightened on the thruster as she angled into the old shipyard, outfitted with the latest Starfleet gear. She wore the same leather jeans, antique Metallica band-tee, and combat boots from the night before. Frank hadn't been the most 'accommodating' with her leaving to enlist. Along with the swelling and bruising from the bar fight, there was a fading grab mark on her arm, from him pulling her to the side.

When their shouting match, ah… 'argument' had finally reached a standstill; Jim had stormed away packing only the necessities and keepsakes she couldn't leave behind (it had all fit in Wionna's old Nike duffel bag she had left behind before going off planet).

"Nice ride sweetheart." Jim pulled to a stop besides an admiring technician.

"It's yours." She plopped the keys in his hand, ignoring the disbelieving face as she clapped him on the shoulder; it may be rare, but she could be nice on occasion.

A smirk spread across her face when she saw a smug Pike looking her way. Maybe it wasn't necessarily smug, but to her it seemed so.

"Four years," The smirk turned into a full out grin, "Darling make it three."

Jim practically waltzed into the hovercraft, ducking as she narrowly missed banging her head on a low bar hanging in the doorway. Making her way through the rows of people she passed her bar buddies along the way.

"At ease gentle ladies and cupcakes." She relished in their glares and muttered curses; seemed like Pike really did tear them a new one, seeing how quiet and unresponsive to her taunts they were.

Oh lovely, the only open seat was across from that Uhura chick; maybe she would have a little fun on this trip. Hosting up her bag, Jim shoved it on the shelf above her head, before settling down in her seat to mess with the complex space safety seat buckles.

"Fancy seeing you here," Jim purred, feeding off of Uhura's slightly exasperated eye roll, "You know I never did get that first name."

Before the Cadet could hurl an insult at her, a loud southern voice disrupted her train of thought. An obviously annoyed attendant was pushing and pulling a complaining rugged brown haired man out of the bathroom; his brown eyes shone with visible anxiety.

"I don't need a doctor, damn it," He growled trying to hide his panic beneath gruffness, "I am a doctor."

"Sir, you need to go back to your seat." Her voice was becoming more and more irritated by the passing seconds.

"I had one, in the bathroom with no windows; I suffer from aviophobia women that means fear of dying in something that flies!" His voice had raised a pitch or two.

Jim's eyes softened with worry and sympathy for the man as the attendant practically shoved him in a seat next to her own saying, "Sir, for your own safety, you need to sit down or else I'll make you sit down!" She may have done that a little too roughly in Jim's own opinion.

"This is captain Pike; we've been cleared for takeoff." The speakers crackled before shutting off, as the craft began shaking, readying itself for takeoff.

"I may throw up on you Darlin'," He groaned holding the armrests of his seat tightly.

"Not another one." Jim heard Uhura mutter from across the aisle; that was rude. There was nothing wrong with using 'Darling' or 'Sweetheart', they were a lot more endearing than 'babe' or any of the other 23rd Century terms. Mr. 'Aviophobia' would've looked up questioningly, but his face had turned an unhealthy shade of green as the shuttle finally lifted up off of the ground.

"I think these things are pretty safe, otherwise they wouldn't have us riding on them." Jim told him in an oddly gentle voice, (odd for her at least) concerned for him.

"Kid please, don't' pander me," He grunted trying to regain his composure, "One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in 13 seconds. A solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And while you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you're still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding." Jim raised an eyebrow; he had really thought that speech out hitting on all the bases. Why the Hell did he want to join Starfleet if he was this paranoid?

"Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."

"Well I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space." She quietly reminded him, hoping not to set him off ranting again.

He winced slightly rubbing the back of his neck at that. Oh… looked like this guy had some baggage to. Nice to know she wasn't the only one.

"Yeah, well... I've got nowhere else to go, the ex wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce," Jim gave him a sorry look of understanding, "All I've got left is my bones."

She had made up her mind; this guy was diffidently becoming her new best buddy. He had character and didn't seem like one of those stuck up assholes she had encountered the night before.

"Aleksandrya Kirk, but I go by Jim," She held out a hand, ignoring the cadets surrounding looks of surprise who had obviously heard that name before on the holovid documentaries on George Kirk and co.

"McCoy," He glanced at her appraisingly, "Leonard McCoy."

"Ok, I'll call you by Bones then." Jim grinned at his spluttering expression, happy she had distracted him away from the fact that they were flying.

"What the Hell, shouldn't have let my mouth get away from me," McCoy grumbled acknowledging her stubborn expression, "You wouldn't stop calling you even if I'd ask nicely, would you?"

"See, we are starting to understand each other nicely Darling." That had him raising an eyebrow; 'that' was what the lady from across them meant, Jim seemed to have similar quirks. Maybe his time at Starfleet wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Glancing over at Jim, McCoy grimaced slightly, maybe not. This girlie no matter how sweet and genuine she seemed to be looked like the type to drag him through all sorts of trouble, however 'fun' she may think it too be; oh God help his soul. His Momma always did tell him his taste in friends did lack a bit.

(Klingon Space)

"Captain Nero. You've been requested on the bridge, sir." A blue toned Klingon with sharp features turned to see his Commander approaching him.

He had waited so long, he could feel the anticipation with the knowledge it was finally time. His plans were finally falling into action.

"Ayel says it's time," Nero was almost giddy; he was going to make him pay for his lies and wrong doings. He was going to pay for the death of his loved one and little one.

"Sir, we've arrived at the coordinates we calculated," Ayel sounded confused, "There's nothing here. What are your orders?"

Nero stood, turning to watch the infinite space out beyond the ship.

"We wait for the one who allowed our home to be destroyed; as we've been doing for 25 years."

"And once we have killed him?"

Nero turned to look at his subordinate, eyes flashing with malice and fury.

"Death is not enough," Nero snarled, "I'm not going to kill him. I'm going to make him watch as his planet and race dies as he had done my own."

Fire danced around his eyes as he watched a familiar ship shot out of the black hole. Oh, this was good; his plans were finally falling into place. Finally, his revenge was being served to him on a silver platter.

"Welcome back Ambassador Spock!"

Wow! That was the longest chapter I think I've ever wrote, but it was totally fun. I hoped you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if anyone reading has read any of my other stories, it's been hard to update with stuff like this on my mind; "blahh" updating is hard. I don't know wither I should continue this or leave it as a one-shot?

Thank you guys for waiting so long for me to continue working on this!

For anyone whose interested or cares to look this is the link to my Etsy page so you can browse around!


Eventually I will be adding fanfiction related items. I'm currently working on themed knitted scarves and blankets. Namely Harry Potter Houses, Game of Thrones,

and Star Fleet emblem related items. Enjoy!