A/N: Sickfic collection!! I take requests just leave requests in the reviews!!!
I'm going off of a prompt list from tumblr...
Ship: HarryxUma
PROMPT: Bodily Fluids
Sickie: Harry
Caretaker: Uma
Warning: Puking
Uma, Gil and Harry had recently been allowed to escape the isle to attend Auradon Prep. They had 2 rooms on the far end of the west wing of the Academy. One for the boys and one for Uma, right across the hall. Dinner had just ended in the Cafeteria and now the students were heading back to their dorms to get ready for bed. Harry trudged to his room. His feet dragging on the floor. He hadn't eaten much at dinner, he hadn't really had an appetite. When he finally made it to his room, he collapsed on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling. He felt like crap. His stomach hurt, his head hurt and he was tired. He had spent all day helping Ben move boxes into Queen Belle's new office. Even after being in Auradon for a couple months, he still hated Ben and didn't understand why he was so happy and popular. The sun started going down outside. Gil was off at a campout in Sherwood Forest so Harry would be all alone tonight. He tried to close his eyes but the pain made it really hard to even get to close to slumber. Harry lay on his back listening to the sounds outside. He could feel his stomach churning and gurgling but it hurt less in this position.
Uma walked out of the library and headed for her room to go to sleep. She passed Harry and Gil's room on the way. She knew Gil was away tonight so she figured she should say goodnight to Harry and make sure he wouldn't be too lonely tonight. She found Harry's door cracked open. The lights were on so he was clearly in there. She pushed the door open and walked in. She looked around for her "Hook-handed" first mate. She saw his hat on the bed along with his Hook. She stepped further into the room and stopped in her tracks when she heard retching. She turned her head and realized where it was coming from. Her first though was *Gil!*. With all the raw eggs he eats, she wouldn't be surprised if it had finally taken a toll on his body. But Gil wasn't here. So it had to be...
She yelled.
She ran to the bathroom and opened the door. Almost breaking the handle in the process. She threw the door open and wasn't prepared for what she saw next. Harry was kneeling on the floor, next to the toilet, vomiting up who knows what? He had on a ripped white tank top and black shorts. His dark hair was messy and his forehead was drenched in sweat. Uma ran over to his side.
"Harry... are you okay?"
She said, placing her hand on his shoulder. He was breathing heavily. Uma had know something was off during dinner but this just confirmed her worries. After a few minutes, Harry's stomach was empty. Uma reached over and closed the toilet lid. Harry laid his head on top of it and closed his eyes in apparent pain. Uma ran her hand through Harry's hair,
"Are you okay?"
She said again only firmer this time.
"Yes, I'm just peachy."
He said sarcastically.
Uma held back a laugh. His accent was much stronger when he was sick.
Uma said, helping Harry to his feet. He leaned on Uma who was basically holding up all of his weight at this point. They made it over to Harry's bed. Uma sat down, back against the headboard. Harry sat laid down and put his head on Uma's lap. Uma could tell her first mate had a fever. His forehead was burning up. She re-adjusted his head on her lap.
"Harry what happened?"
"I dinnae"
She said again. She could tell he didn't want to talk about it.
He looked up at her and sighed.
Uma pulled Harry into a hug,
"How long were you in there Harry?"
"Since dinner..."
He finally said.
Uma was taken back with shock. Dinner was about an hour ago.
"Oh Harry..."
She said quietly.
She set Harry's head down on a pillow next to her and stood up. She grabbed a rag and ran in under cold water. She double timed it back over to Harry and found him asleep. She smiled and put the rag on his forehead. She kissed his forehead and walked to the door.
"I love you Harry."
She said before closing the door and walking to her own room.