I don't own Harry Potter or Avatar.

Eyes stared out forlornly at the blue ocean. He grit his teeth in frustrations as he turned from the endless blue. He was so tired of the color blue, and the smell of salt.

"Zuko, sit and have some tea if anything is out of ordinary one of our men will surely tell us." an old man said in a joyful voice as he sipped on his nice hot tea with a content sigh.

The dark-haired teen press his lips together and glared at the floor before joining his Uncle, but not touching the teacup.

The old man looked at his sulking Nephew with a frown and placed his cup down. "Zuko what has you so angered today?"

Zuko turned slightly away from him and he could see his jaw clench and his fists tighten. the flames of the wall candles rose slightly with each of his breaths.

"..Its been two years already Uncle...Yet still no sign of the Avatar, not even a whisper..."

Iroh watched as Zuko tensed up again as his anger grew, and sighed.

"What do you expect Zuko they have been hiding for so long, it takes time."

Zuko growled and stood his chair toppling over. "Time! I have been searching for two years! I have been almost everywhere, and still nothing. How long Uncle? How long until I have my honor back, and can seem my home?" he questioned anger and a little hurt dripping from his words.

Iroh's heart clenched at the young boy's pain, and he sighed.



a soldier rushed in out of breath. "Sir something just fell into the water...from the sky!"

The two looked to one another before Zuko was out the door and ordering people to get whatever fell out of the water.

Iroh stood and walked onto the deck and looked to where the others were pointing and others where getting a boat ready. His eyes narrowed as he walked closer to the railing of the ship.

'was that...'

Iroh gasped as he eye widen in realization he turned to the soldier next to him and quickly ordered him to get a bed ready in the infirmary, and to have the doctor ready immediately. The soldier looked like he wanted to question why, but ran off to do as he was told regardless.

Iroh turned back to looked at the spot as more of the water turned from pink to red...

Zuko sat in the boat as the three men got to the area as quickly as possible as the Young Prince ordered. Zuko frowned as the water turned to pink and then darker as they got closer. Zuko saw the thing bobbling in the now red water. His eyes widen when he took in the dark brown hair and the dangerously pale skin...the thing was a person.

The three soldiers pulled the person onto the boat and headed back even quicker as blood started to pool in their boat.

Zuko looked at the young girl who seemed to be the same age as him. She had wavy brown hair that looked darker because of the water and blood. Her skin was pale and her small lips slightly blue. He looked at her torso the was red and her breath was coming in rasps. She seemed to be fighting for each breath.

He looked from her and to the ship that was now in front of them. the men tried to be as gentle as possible as they tried to get her onto the ship. Zuko looked to her when she let out a mix of a grunt and whine before a whispered word fell from her lips.


He watched as they got her aboard and wondered what was going on and who or what was a...Harry? what even kind of word was that?

whelp this is a thing.

let me know what you think of this.

also the harry potter time is the fifth year.

and it is a year before the Avatar pops up. so Zuko is 15.

I've never written an Avatar fanfiction so I will try to keep them in character let me know if I'm not.