An abandoned warehouse in Fuyuki (three weeks before the Holy Grail War)

2033 ATB

Kirei Kotomine, an executor of the church, and a master of the holy grail war, stood in front of a summoning circle. He was quite afraid, and justified in it too. He was about to enter a war with seven magi, each one controlling a famous warrior from history, never during his time in the church did he expect something like this. Even now he still did not understand the reason as to why the grail had selected him. As he glanced down at the command seals on his hand, red marks that signified his participation in the war, he wondered why he was chosen for the ritual.

He had no wish or desire, just an empty hole in his heart that couldn't be filled even by his late wife and his daughter.

No, his purpose in the grail war, was to back up Tohsaka Tokiomi. Unlike most Magi, Tohsaka had very close ties to the church. Kirei's father, Risei, had asked Kirei to join the war and assist Tokiomi, as they knew what his wish was, to reach Akasha, the root of all things, and restore knowledge of the lost magics.

Kirei was going to assist from the shadows with the assassin servant, Hassan-il Sabbah. And thus he stood in front of ritual circle, next to a ancient shattered skeleton mask.

"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.

The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.

Shut (fill) Shut (fill) Shut (fill) Shut (fill) Shut (fill)

Repeat every five times.

Simply, shatter once filled.

- I announce.

Your self is under me, my fate(doom)is in your sword.

In accordance with the resort of the holy grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.

Here is my oath. I am the the who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all of the evil of the world of the dead.

You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the rings of detterrance, O keeper of balance -!"

A bright flash of light filled the room almost knocking kirei off his feet, When the light died and the mist cleared, he realized that something was wrong with his servant. The one standing in front of him, was certainly not "The Old Man of the Mountain".

In front of him was a woman who held herself like an aristocrat, but had a kid face. She seemed to be about 5'9, with long, ink black hair that covered her bangs. Her eyes were a dark blue, almost violet. Her face was quite round and she had a pale complexion. Her dress was a darker beige with poofed shoulders, wide sagging cuffs, and ruffles on the lower half.

"I am the servant assassin, tell me, are you my master."

Kirei silently held up his arm showing her his command seals before responding, "I am."

"You're doing an excellent job hiding your confusion at having summoned the wrong servant. If you had a strategy planned out, I do apologize for hijacking the ritual."

Kirei was surprised at this revelation, a heroic spirit hijacking a summoning ritual to take the place of another servant. Who was this woman.

"Might I ask you what your true name is." Questioned Kirei. "My name is Empress Marianne Vi Britannia." Finally the shock on Kirei showed in the form of him widening his eyes, and taking a step back. Extremely unsettled at having summoned the mother of the most evil man to ever exist.

"My legend isn't that feared, is it." The woman closed her eyes and chuckled to herself. Kirei composed himself before answering. "Rather the legend of your son Lelouch is." Marianne let out a sigh before asking her question. "What did he do." She sounded exasperated which confused Kirei, as far as he knew she had died when Lelouch was ten years old, was he a troublemaker when younger?

"Fifteen years ago he became the 99th emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire. He conquered the world in a week using a weapon called the Sword of Damocles, during his time as emperor he slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people and oppressed hundreds of millions he is often called the Demon Emperor, and is considered the most evil man to ever exist. After his two month long reign he was killed by a person known to the public as Zero, and the throne went to your daughter Nunnally, the current Empress." The face Marianne was making implied that she was trying to put together a difficult puzzle in her head before realization struck her. "Tell me, after he died, was there world peace?"

This was not the response he had expected from her after learning the crimes of her son, even if she was a Britannian empress. "Ever since his death most of the world has embraced equality among all people, all wars have stopped, and power in society is based on merit rather than lineage."

Assassin seemed to comprehend this information for a second before she started walking. She walked right past Kirei and kept going until she left the warehouse. As Kirei caught up to her, he heard her say something as she looked up at the stars.

"You did it Lelouch." Kirei froze "You actually succeeded. When you told me that humanity could look towards a better future, I told you that you were wrong, but you did it. You created a gentler world, a world for Nunnally." Kirei could've sworn that he saw tears begin to form in the eyes of his servant.

Aries Villa (2 weeks before the Holy Grail War)

2033 ATB

The girl stood at the top of a staircase, staring at the circle she painted on the fancy red rug, in front of the circle at her feet was a black chess piece, a king with a bloodstain on it. She needed to ensure that she got the right servant. That's why she chose this location the place that the heroic spirit she was after was truly forged. Steeling herself she took a deep breath, and raised her right hand over the ritual. On the back of her hand was a red mark, it looked like an avian sigil cut in half with a line in between the two parts.

Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let red be the color I pay tribute to.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"Let it be filled. Again. Again. Again. Again.

Let it be filled fivefold for every turn, simply breaking asunder with every filling.

There was a bright flash of light and mist filled the area, but the girl did not waver. She peered eagerly into the mist hoping to find her desired servant. As the mist cleared, revealing the figure, the girl couldn't help but put a wide smile on her face. In the center of the circle stood a tall boy who looked to be around eighteen. He had messy black hair and violet eyes which stood out against his pale skin. He had a sharp face which made his wicked smile more intimidating. For clothing he wore an elegant white robe with golden accents. Clothes fit for royalty.

"I am the servant Avenger. I can tell that you are my master, tell me what is your name?"

The servant studied the girl who had summoned him. The first thing he noticed was her striking gold eyes, that seemed almost playful in nature. Pale, porcelain like skin, contrasting against her neat midnight black hair that extended to her lower back. She seemed very young, probably around fifteen years old. She was fairly tall, about 5'6. Her expression was one of pure joy and happiness, she seemed almost on the brink of tears.

"My name is Liliana Vi Britannia, I'm glad I could finally meet you father."