Orientation Day

Sam smiled as Branner Hall came into view. The Mission-style residence gleamed brightly in the warm, California sunshine, welcoming.

Slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder, information package in his hands, Sam approached the building that would be his home for at least the next year. For the first time since leaving his father and brother, the eighteen-year old felt more excitement than uncertainty. Now that he was at Stanford, it all seemed to become real, and not just some distant dream.

Sam passed kids his own age, boys and girls, walking in groups or pairs, dragging their parents along after them, laughing, chatting, seeming just as eager as him to start the school year.

Sam climbed the steps to the Hall and slipped inside, and paused to take in the sight of the lobby. The floor of the lobby was smooth, grey tile, with a long pine desk in the center where a Resident Assistant wearing a red t-shirt sat. There was a bank of mailboxes along one wall, above which a portrait of the Hall's namesake, John Casper Branner, watched over the comings and goings of students and visitors. On the opposite side of the mailboxes was a small lounge area with a dark grey area rug, coffee table, sofa and several chairs. Large windows allowed the sunshine to stream in and brightened the space. A corridor led to what Sam assumed was the dining room, common area and server. He made a mental note to check those out later on in the day. On either side of the reception desk, a corridor led, no doubt, to the student rooms. An RA, one boy and one girl, stood at the beginning of each hallway, directing students and parents.

Sam glanced down at his information package and approached the male RA, waiting patiently as he directed a finely dressed man and woman with a girl between them down the hall.

"Hi," Sam stepped forward, "I'm looking for my room?"

The older student peered down at the paper in Sam's hand for a moment and then pointed to an elevator.

"You're upstairs. Go left down the hallway, you can't miss it. I think your roommate is already there."

Sam nodded and stepped up to the elevator. When the door opened he stepped inside and pressed the button that would take him to the second floor. Alone in the elevator, he felt his heart rate quicken. Glancing around, he saw a poster advertising 'frosh week' activities and another for the college's first football game of the season.

The elevator beeped and the doors slid open. Gripping his duffel tightly, Sam turned left and started down a hallway with blue carpeting and cream coloured walls. Doors- some open, some closed- of the same pale pine the front desk had been made with, brass numbers shining underneath fluorescent ceiling lights passed by until Sam stopped, nearly colliding with a fat man perspiring in a suit.

"Sorry," Sam muttered and the man glared at him before walking into the room across the hall.

Glancing up at the door, the number 42 gleaming warmly, Sam took a breath before he grabbed the brass handle and turned it, opening the door.

Stepping inside, Sam came face-to-face with his roommate. He was crouched by the bed, putting his clothes into the build-in-drawers beneath, a large piece of luggage rested atop the mattress.

He had a shock of orange hair, pale skin with large freckles and grey eyes at crinkled at the corners when he smiled. Standing, Sam saw that he was short and stickily built. The boy was wearing navy blue dress pants, black dress shoes and a white button-up shirt that he had left unbuttoned partially to reveal a yellow t-shirt beneath.

"You must be my roommate," the boy stood up and reached out a hand, "My name's Terry Mullins."

Sam took his hand, "Sam Winchester."

"Hope you don't mind me taking the first room, Sam," Terry said, "But I get a bit claustrophobic, you know."

Sam smiled, "That's fine."

Glancing around the room, Sam saw that the blue carpet and beige walls from the hallway had continued into room. The right side held a twin bed and a dresser. The head of the bed pointed towards a radiator and two windows with the blinds wide open. The left side, held a door- that led to the adjoining bedroom- a bookcase, a desk and chair.

Sam turned and opened the door to his room and stepped inside. The layout was similar to Terry's except for the fact that his desk and his roommate's were right across from each other, his bed on the far side of the room. His room also had a pedestal sink and mirror whereas Terry's did not.

"I guess we're supposed to share?" Terry commented over Sam's shoulder.

"Did you see the bathrooms on your way down?" he asked and Sam shook his head. He stepped into the room and set his duffel down on the bed.

"Well, now that you're here, want to look around campus?" Terry asked.

"You haven't had the chance?" Sam asked.

Terry shook his head, "I wanted to get rid of my parents first."

Sam raised an eyebrow.

"You don't get it," Terry told him, "My mother would have introduced me to everyone like I was eight instead of eighteen."

Suddenly, he put on a high-pitched voice, "Oh this is our son Terrence- but don't call him that, he hates it- he's a sweet boy, you'll be good friends, I know it!"

Sam couldn't help but laugh.

"It'd be awful," Terry told him, shuddering comically.

"Sure," Sam said, "Let's go. Just give me a minute."

Going to his duffel, he pulled out his cell phone and sent his brother a text:

Hey D,

Made it. Found my room and met my roommate. His name's Terry. You'd like him.


"Who're you talking to?" Terry asked as Sam shoved his phone into the pocket of his jeans.

"Just my brother," Sam told him, stepping out of his room and closing the door behind him.

Terry nodded, "Lucky, I'm an only child."

Sam smiled and shook his head.

Sam and Terry left their room and headed down the hallway. Terry asking him what he was at Stanford to study.

"Pre-Law," Sam told him.

Terry nodded, "Impressive."

Sam smiled, "What about you?"

"Pre-Med," Terry told him. They rode the elevator down to the first floor, squeezing out as a family began stepping into the lift as soon as the door opened.

Crossing the lobby, Sam followed his new friend as he stepped outside.

"So, are you from around here?" Terry asked as they started down the path, walking aimlessly, with no destination in mind.

"My family traveled a lot," Sam told him.

Terry suddenly started singing 'I've Been Everywhere' and Sam laughed. They headed down the sidewalk, past academic buildings, groups of students. Terry looked back a two Asian girls giggling to one another, both wearing short shorts.

"Maybe we should join a club?" he asked Sam.

"I don't know," Sam hesitated, "I'm not sure I'll have time."

"Sam," Terry looked at him, "You can't do schoolwork 24/7 or brain will turn to jelly. You need some fun in your life."

Sam shrugged, "I'm just not ah, into extra-curriculars."

"All work and no play makes Sammy a very dull boy," Terry chided.

Sam glanced at him.

"What?" Terry asked, his smile disappearing.

"My brother calls me Sammy," he told him.

"I won't, if that's what you want," Terry assured him.

"No, it's okay," Sam smiled, letting Terry know he wasn't mad.

"C'mon, let's see if we can't find a club you'd be interested in," Terry grinned at him.


There had to be over a dozen clubs and groups all trying to get the attention of freshmen as they converged onto campus. There were clubs for specific religions- Jewish, Muslim, Christian, even Wiccan- as well as a Dungeons and Dragons club, a vegan club, a chess club, a computer club, plus the fraternities and sororities.

Sam, truthfully, was a little overwhelmed by the choices. He and Terry paused and sat on the edge of a raised circular flowerbed in the midst of all the commotion, voices calling out to passersby in an attempt to grab their attention ringing in their ears.

"Maybe we could join a fraternity?" Terry offered. Sam grimaced.

"I'm sure they can't all be full of rich snobs," Terry told him, "Besides, if we get into a fraternity, that means we'll be able to date sorority girls."

"I don't know," Sam said, watching a girl at a booth for the Nature Club handing out reusable straws to freshmen who passed by, "They just seem kind of cultish to me."

"They're not cults, Sam, they more like… a band of brothers."

Sam snorted, "Sure, Terry."

"Look, it wouldn't hurt to try, right?" Terry wheedled.

Sam shook his head, "You go ahead. But that kind of thing's not for me."

"Man, you are in the right program," Terry muttered, "You're a party pooper."

Sam shrugged. He pulled his phone from his pocket to see if he had a text back from Dean. Nothing. Oh, well, his brother was probably busy.

"I'll be back in a minute," Terry put a hand on Sam's arm and pushed himself into a standing position.

Sam watched as his roommate walked off the sidewalk into the space between two academic buildings. Assuming Terry was looking for a bathroom, he leaned back, trying to enjoy himself.

"Hey Sam!"

Sam looked around to see his friend hurrying towards him through the crowd, a goofy smile plastered on his face.

"What's up?" Sam asked.

"I just got invited to join a fraternity," Terry told him, a little smug. He showed Sam a piece of black paper the size of post card with silvery script written on it.

Sam read the name of the fraternity, "Beta Theta Upsilon?"

"Yeah, they're having a party tonight and I'm invited," Terry told Sam, "The guy said I could bring a friend if I wanted. You wanna come with me?"

"There was a guy?" Sam asked and Terry turned, pointing to the alleyway in between the two building he had gone to, "Yeah, he was right there. You didn't see him?"

Sam shook his head.

"So, you want to come with me? It might be fun even if we don't want to join," Terry asked.

Sam sighed. He really didn't want to get involved in anything that might jeopardize his scholarship. But, he didn't want to alienate himself from his roommate and so far, only friend, for an entire year.

"Okay, sure, I'll come along," Sam smiled at him, "But I'm not making any promises."

Terry grinned and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Thanks, man," he said, "Let's head back to Branner for a bit."


Once they returned to their rooms, Sam unpacked his meager belongings and then sat down at Terry's desk while the other boy organized his stuff.

Pulling his phone from his pocket, Sam saw that Dean had returned his text:

Glad you're making friends.


Although the message was short it made Sam smile to know that his brother was happy for him. He paused, wondering if he should tell his brother about the frat party and then decided he would; Dean might get a kick out of it:

T and me going to frat party 2 night. Should be interesting. Tell you all about it later.

Once dinnertime rolled around, Sam and Terry made their way to the servery. It was bustling and noisy, the scent of food thick in the air.

Sam headed straight to the salad bar and began filling a bowl with lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, croutons, sliced avocado and pumpkin seeds.

Terry watched Sam, a disbelieving expression on his face.

"You're eating that and you didn't join the Vegan Club?"

Sam chuckled, "I just like to eat healthy."

"Whatever man," Terry shrugged and got into line for a burger.

Sam grabbed a bottle of unsweetened iced tea from one of the refrigerators positioned around the perimeter of the servery and went to pay for his meal.

He waited for Terry to pay for his food, eyeing the dining room and trying to find somewhere they could sit.

"There's a spot," Terry said as he approached Sam and the two roommates quickly claimed a small round table with two chairs.

Sam looked at Terry's dinner: a cheeseburger with bacon and a fried egg on top, a mountain of chili fries, and a bottle of Pepsi to wash it all down with.

"My brother would love you," Sam told his friend, stabbing his fork into his salad, "You have the same idea of what's good food."

They spent dinner talking casually about their upcoming classes, the books they needed to get, what their professors might be like.

"Why do you want to join a fraternity so bad?" Sam asked Terry.

The boy blushed, "Well, my Dad was in one when he went to college and for as long as I remember he was always raving about what a great experience he had. He still has friends he met back in fraternity."

Sam nodded. He guessed he could understand that.

"I think he'd be disappointed in me if I didn't at least try to join one," Terry finished, sucking down the last of his Pepsi.


At twenty to ten, Terry and Sam walked down the sidewalk, towards the Beta Theta Upsilon house. Terry grumbling all the way that they were late.

"You were the one who couldn't decide what to wear," Sam reminded him, "It's a frat party, Terry, not a presidential inauguration."

"I just want to make a good impression," Terry pouted and wiggled his tie, "Does this look okay?"

Sam just shook his head. He hadn't bothered changing his clothes, not matter how much Terry pestered him. He was fine wearing his jeans and a flannel button down. Besides, he was really just going to support his friend; he didn't really have any intentions of joining the fraternity.

The Beta Theta Upsilon house was further than they had thought, and although it was lit up from within, it stood alone among quiet residential homes. Jazz music floated through the air towards Sam and Terry, just audible over the sounds of voices.

The two boys walked up the path towards the house and crossed the sprawling porch. There was a porch swing hanging from the overhang, a blonde girl slumped drunkenly to one side on it, her dress riding up her thigh.

"Is she okay?" Sam muttered.

"I'm sure she's fine," Terry assured him and once again fiddled with his tie.

"Do we knock?" Sam asked.

Terry shrugged and lifted his hand. Before he could touch the door however, it swung open to reveal a tall young man with pale blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Um… hi," Terry said, "We're ah, here for the party?"

The young man said nothing, staring intently at Terry and then to Sam, only his eyes moving as he took in the taller man.

"Come in, come in," the young man told them, speaking in a surprisingly deep voice.

Moving out of the way, he let Sam and Terry enter.

"My name is Magnus," he told them, "I am the leader of this fraternity."

Terry smiled, "I'm Terry Mullins. I got this invitation earlier today from-"

He paused, eyes scanning the entryway behind Magnus and caught sight of the Brother who had given him the invite, "Him! He gave me the invitation!"

Magnus turned to look at whom Terry was pointing at and then returned his attention back to him, "Yes, Brother Titus was recruiting today. So, you wish to Pledge to Beta Theta Upsilon?"

Sam frowned. He was getting creepy vibes from this Magnus and he wasn't sure if it was just the older man putting on a show for them or not.

"Well, I want to," Terry told Magnus, "Sam's not so sure."

Magnus turned his icy eyes on the taller boy.

"Perhaps we can change your mind… Sam," he said and smiled, showing glaringly white teeth.

"Come inside, have a drink, socialize," Magnus told them, "See if we can't convince you to join our Brotherhood."

Sam nodded and watched as Magnus walked away, deeper into the house.

"Is it just me or is he kind of strange?" Sam muttered to Terry but his friend wasn't listening. He was walking into what appeared to be a parlour, a group of Brothers were talking with some boys around Terry's age, clearly more students wishing to pledge.

Sam shook his head and followed his friend. Glancing around, he saw that there were a few girls in attendance, which, he guessed was to be expected at a frat party and noticed that most of them were hanging of the Brothers, hardly paying the younger boys any attention.

Sam jumped when someone touched his arm and he turned to see a young woman wearing a short dress, holding a serving tray with glasses of alcohol. She smiled a little too widely at Sam.

"Can I offer you a drink?" she asked. Sam shook his head.

"I'll have one!" Terry, who had just caught back up with Sam grabbed one of the glasses, "Thanks."

Terry took a generous mouthful of the liquid and grimaced, "Oh my God! That has to be ninety percent booze!"

"Why don't you sit down or something, Sam? Talk to someone instead of standing around? You look awkward as hell," Terry told him and polished off the glass of alcohol, setting the empty glass on a coffee table.

Sam glanced around and found an empty armchair and dropped into it to make Terry happy.

"See those guys over there?" the red-haired boy asked and Sam nodded.

"They want to pledge too."

"Cool," Sam muttered. Terry looked down at him.

"You could at least look like you're trying to have fun," he told Sam. Sam frowned at him.

"Fine, I'll see you later then," Terry told him, "I don't want your negativity ruining my chances to join."

Sam watched his roommate stalk off to where Brother Titus was standing with the woman handing out drinks.

Sam folded his arms, realizing that he had made a mistake in coming here.

After a moment he pulled his phone out and sent Dean another text:

At the party. Not sure I like it. May go home early. This guy Magnus is creeping me out.

"Can I offer you a drink?"

Sam looked up to see another scantily clad girl with a serving tray.

"No," Sam replied and returned his gaze to his phone. Dean had texted him back:

Bummer. Y not leave? Any hot girls tho?

Sam smiled slightly and texted again:

Waiting for Terry.

Sam shoved his phone in his pocket as a Brother approached him.

"You are not happy with our hospitality?" he asked Sam, looking as though the younger man personally offended him.

"What? No, I just," Sam began, "I just don't like drinking."

"You don't wish to pledge then?" the Brother asked.

"I'm really just here because my friend dragged me along," Sam admitted.

"Pity," the Brother said, "We would have loved to have you join us."

Sam frowned, uncomfortable, as the Brother walked away.

"Sam!" Terry's voice called to him from the crowd.

Sam stood up and followed Terry's voice, "Look at all this food!"

Terry had found the kitchen. An island stood in the middle, invisible beneath the assorted hors d'oeuvres. Two more young women stood in the kitchen, wearing short dresses, oven mitts and wide smiles.

"That's great," Sam told his friend, "Look Terry, this isn't for me, I'll meet you back-"

The other boy grabbed his arm, "C'mon Sam, don't leave. We just got here."

Sam shook his head, "You have fun but I'm go-"

"Look, I won't bug you again, just please, stay?" Terry begged and Sam sighed.

"Fine," Sam left Terry in the kitchen and returned to the armchair.

Again, Sam pulled his phone out. Dean had sent him another text:

Name of Frat?

Sam typed back:

Beta Theta Upsilon.

"Can I offer you-"

Sam looked up before the girl could finish and snapped, "No, I don't want a drink!"

The girl hurried away and Sam suddenly felt bad for yelling at her.

"This is stupid," Sam muttered to himself, watching the people around him, hoping Terry would get bored so they could leave.

Sam kept looking at his phone: checking the time, checking if Dean had texted him back, as the minutes dragged on.

He was just about to say screw it and leave whether Terry went with him or not, his friend lurched over to him, reeking of alcohol.

"It's happening, Sammy!" he slurred, "I'm in!"

"What?" Sam asked, "Terry, you're drunk."

"Magnus just told me!" his roommate crowed, "They agreed to take me!"

Sam forced himself to smile, "That's great Terry, but we should get back to Branner Hall before-"

A hand on Sam's shoulder stopped him and he turned to see Magnus himself.

"It is time," the fraternity leader told them.

"Look, I'd like to take Terry back to our dorm. He's had way too much to drink," Sam told him.

Magnus just smiled, ignoring Sam, and spoke to Terry, "Come."

Terry grinned at Sam.

"Terry, no-" he began but the other boy was already following after Magnus.

"Shit," Sam swore and trailed after his friend.

Magnus and the other Brothers had shepherded the pledges into the kitchen where a door stood open, formerly hidden inside what seemed to be a pantry. The doorway led to what could have been a basement or cellar but the fact that Sam had not seen it before made him uneasy.

Magnus stopped in front of the doorway, his back to the descending staircase. His blue eyes caught Sam's hazel ones and he smiled widely.

"You've decided to join us, then?"

Sam folded his arms across his chest, "I'm just here for my friend."

Magnus tilted his head slightly and his gaze slid to take in the Brothers and the new pledges.

"Tonight the world you know has come to an end," Magnus announced in his deep voice. The hair on the back of Sam's neck stood up.

"And you are about to enter a new world," the fraternity leader continued.

"If you do everything we ask of you without question, you will be rewarded," Magnus' smile widened, showing off his pearly white teeth again, "Fail to follow our direction and you will be punished."

Magnus frowned. One of the new pledges let out a belch. The fraternity leader's gaze fell on him. The young man quickly stammered an apology.

"This week will be a test of resilience, of strength, of obedience," Magnus continued, "Not all of you will see it to the end, but those of you who do will honour not only yourselves but us."

Magnus paused. Sam wondered if he was going to ask if they had any questions but he didn't. Instead he turned his back to them and, started down the staircase.

One of the Brothers, who remained in the kitchen, motioned to the first pledge in line to follow. The young man did, hurrying to catch up to Magnus as he descended into darkness.

Sam watched, his sense of danger ratcheting up, as the boys followed Magnus. Terry, standing directly in front of him, made to go forward, but Sam grabbed his shoulder.

"I don't like this," Sam told his friend, "We should go."

Sam noticed that he and Terry were the only two left, surrounded by the Brothers.

"We'd like to leave," Sam told them in a stern tone.

"C'mon Sam," Terry slurred, "Don't wuss out on me now."

"Terry," Sam hissed, "Something's not right."

Terry rolled his eyes at Sam, clearly not feeling the same sense of impending doom his friend was.

"Stay with us," Brother Titus said, "One night. If you do not wish to continue by the morning, you may leave."

Sam looked at him, trying to gauge if he was being truthful.

"C'mon Sam," Terry tugged at Sam's arm, "Magnus' waiting for us."

Although Sam still did not feel in the least bit comfortable about the situation, he did not want to leave Terry by himself.

"Okay," he muttered, "Okay. But in the morning, I'm out of here."

He looked back at Brother Titus before he followed Terry down the steps. They were wooden and creaked with every footstep.

As Sam descended the stairs behind Terry, he caught sight of the basement and he knew he had made a terrible mistake. The floor was unfinished, hard-packed dirt, the walls thick concrete with no windows, with metal rings driven into them at two feet in height. Along the ceiling were a series of light bulbs, washing the basement in a sickly yellow glow.

"What is this?" Sam turned to Magnus.

The fraternity leader smiled, "You don't want to alarm your friends, do you Sam?"

Sam looked over at Terry, his eyes glazed and a small smile on his lips. Sam wondered if alcohol had been the only thing the Brothers had been serving tonight.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Why, we're just about to start the hazing," Magnus told him, "Weed out the weak from the strong."

"This isn't right," Sam argued and glanced towards the stairs, where the other Brothers stood, blocking the only exit.

"You don't want to be one of the weaklings," Magnus said and Sam wasn't sure if he was asking him a question or telling him.

The fraternity leader turned to the new pledges. He clapped his hands once and grinned, "All right, your first challenge as pledges of Beta Theta Upsilon house is a very easy one."

Sam watched, disgusted, as the boys seemed to be hanging on Magnus' every word. The fraternity leader glanced quickly at Sam, flashing a smile before announcing what he wanted the pledges to do.

"Remove all your clothing!"

Sam moved forward and grabbed Terry's arm, "Don't."

The other boy shook Sam's hand away, "What's wrong with you?"

"Terry, stop," Sam tried again as his friend pulled his tie off and dropped it onto the dirt floor at his feet.

Terry paused and shoved at Sam, "This is what they do, and you just have to play along! Why can't you play along?"

Sam shook his head, watching as the other boys shed their clothes until they were standing as naked as the day they were born.

Sam looked at Magnus, "This isn't funny."

The fraternity titled his head again, "I am not laughing."

"Let me out of here," Sam took a step forward, "If this really is some creepy hazing thing then you'll let me leave."

"Sam," Terry's voice called to him but Sam refused to turn around, "You gotta do what he says."

Magnus looked at Sam expectantly.

"You said you'd stay the night," Terry reminded him, "You said so. You have to do what they say."

Sam shook his head, "I am not taking off my clothes."

"That's too bad," Magnus spoke up again, "I like you Sam. You have promise and I really didn't want to start off like this."

Sam took a step back, unsure of what was about to happen. Magnus however didn't approach him. Instead he motioned to the Brothers, who quickly closed ranks around the young man.

"Don't you touch me," Sam snarled, "Any of you."

Sam thought he could take out one or two, maybe even three of the Brothers but certainly not all of them.

"Brothers," Magnus' voice called from behind them, "Please assist Sam with the first challenge."

Brother Titus moved first. Sam dodged him and shoved him into another Brother before turning around, ready to fight. Two Brothers rushed at him. Sam punched one in the solar plexus, sending him gasping and sprawling, and clotheslined the other as he ran forwards. Sam, paused for a second to gather his bearings, when someone grabbed him from behind, their hand fisted in his shirt. Sam twisted around to try and fend off his attacker when another Brother grabbed the right sleeve of his flannel. Another Brother tripped Sam, sending him to his knees.

"Get off me!" Sam growled as another Brother grabbed his left sleeve, "Let me go!"

With a ripping sound, Sam's flannel tore and for a moment he was able to stand up again, his shirt hanging off him.

Looking around, Sam noticed he couldn't see Magnus when suddenly his feet were swept out from underneath him and he landed on his back, the breath knocked out of him. Magnus smiled down at him as the Brothers converged on Sam, their hands pulling, tearing, and ripping until he was as naked as the others.

Sam sat up, trying futilely to cover himself, as Magnus began to speak to the new pledges again.

"I apologize for the wait," he told them, "Now we can continue onwards."

Sam wondered what the fraternity leader had in store for them now. He tried to catch Terry's eye but his roommate wouldn't even look at him. He only had eyes for Magnus.

"Now," Magnus said pleasantly enough, "I need you all to stand in front of one of those rings in the wall."

Sam watched as the others did as they asked, looking as though they were listening to the instructions of a favoured teacher.

Magnus looked at Sam and motioned with his head for Sam to follow suit.

The younger man almost didn't move but then decided he didn't want the Brothers to 'help' him again and he walked to the wall, to the last ring in the line up.

"Sit, with your backs to the wall," Magnus instructed and they all complied, even Sam.

Sam looked across the basement, to the old wooden steps, maybe twelve feet away. It would be nothing for him to make a run for it.

Sam's view of the stairs was suddenly obscured by one of the Brother's standing directly in front of him. Sam lifted his gaze and saw Brother Titus holding a pair of handcuffs.

"Brothers," Magnus said, "If you don't mind tucking the pledges in for the night?"

Brother Titus reached behind Sam and snapped one of the cuffs tightly around his wrist, then, raising his arm, looped it's chain through the metal ring in the wall before cuffing the other wrist.

Sam looked to his right and saw that Terry, who was shorter than Sam, had his hands raised uncomfortably. He wanted to say something to his roommate but he didn't know what to say.

"Congratulations," Magnus spoke, "You've all passed the first challenge. Tonight, rest and in the morning, your journey to become members of the Beta Theta Upsilon house continues."

He smiled at them all and turned around, heading back upstairs, the other Brother's following single-file. Sam, pretty sure this was not a fraternity, wondered why Magnus was continuing with the charade. As the last Brother left the basement, the pledges' clothing in a bulky pile in his arms, he turned out the lights, closed and locked the door, leaving Sam and the others in utter darkness.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to mandancie for editing this chapter.

Please send a review if you want to read more!