Part 1 Normal Life

My name is Eris and I came from an orphanage looking for my dreams of becoming an artist in this not so safe town.

I was paired with probably the greatest artist in the world as my roommate and as my class companion.
We struugled at first because the world is unfair for the people like us, who came out of nowhere with nothing in our hands.

However after 3 months we managed to survive with the little things we could offer to the world. And no, we didn't used our bodies as a payment.

Aqua and I got a part time job in the academy's student "dining hall". Aqua was put on charge of washing the dishes and I had to dry them off. We got really efficient on it because Aqua instead of washing them normally, she would play with the water saying 'The plates and cups are boats that I have to sink'. All I have to do, is dry the "sinked" boats with a towel and our job was done. We also got the privelege of eating breakfeast, lunch and dinner in the dining hall for free, because it was part of the payment we got.

By some reason, Vanir gifted us pillows and sheets some "rich" people of Academy was throwing away. It were high classed products with only feeling the cloth with your fingertips.
The best of all, it looked barely used. You can say we got lucky that such expensive bed pieces were given to us. We finally could sleep in good conditions.

For the everyday clothing, another student who worked in the dining hall with us, gifted me 2 huge pieces of fabric. According to him, they were from his father who was an acclaimed tailor between the rich people. Neither he or his father would need them, so he thought it would be better for someone who is needs, to have them. I thought they were a piece of junk. Until Vanir told me it was a top-notch cloth the high ranked generals used for their uniforms. Since Aqua has an incredible precision in her hands for cutting and knitting,she made tons of sleeveless white shirts using one piece.
She also made tons of loose brown pants using the other piece. So we both have a lot of high quality clothing without spending any money.

The pay we were getting in the dining hall wasn't good, but we don't have to pay for food, we were sleeping well in the farm thanks to pillows and sheets Vanir gifted us and we have high quality clothing thanks to an extraordinary gift and Aqua's skills. So the money the dining hall payed us, was all for the art materials needed for the classes.
Vanir told me is incredibly ridiculous the way we managed to move on without spending money or even taking a hard sweat, is almost impossible that so much casualities could happen at the same time.
All I could think is what I always tell myself, I'm just really lucky.

We only have to keep living as we are doing and we will be fine.

Part 2. The Daily Life

"So students! For the next week I need you to make a landscape!. However, is not that easy as you may be thinking. This painting you have to do, has to be special. When I see it, I have to feel what you felt when you saw the landscape you are painted.
And there's two conditions for this homework. It has to be a landscape that is not close this town and it has to be painted by two persons. That's right! Get a partner for this one. See you next week!"

So I had attented a lot of classes these months, and well as it can be expected... I love this place so far. Every class is just like a dream, I work harder everyday because I want to get better in every style of art that is possible. However, I just have to accept that well... I'm the second best of this place. Aqua is just levels above me in every way possible. Crafting, drawing, painting, sculpting, dancing, playing instruments...

But it does not mind me that much, because she's not even trying to be the best. It's like she was born to do this. But well, I think she's my friend. After all we started together here.

"Eris! I know a perfect place for the homework! We have to go tomorrow! Eris are you listening me?"

"Yes Aqua, I heard you I'm next to you and you don't have to scream" Looks like she already has it planned, as we were walking to the dinning hall we talked.

"On the way we could stop in some shop. And buy 2 medium-size coconuts"

"Why would we even need exactly 2 medium-size coconuts?"

"I was thinking that maybe, if we could remove the first shell it may fit you perfectly as some temporally pads for you!"

"Aqua, while I appreciate your intention. Please don't said that outloud, I mean don't scream it here, in front of the dinning hall, full of people..."

All the eyes were on us, but not exactly on us. They were looking straight to my chest. I know she meant no harm, but she looks like she does not completely understands the concept of being quiet.

We were getting ready for our daily labor. As Aqua was tiding her hair and I was looking for some gloves, a sudden visitor came from the back door that connects the dinning hall with the zone we were in.
It was that tall handsome man that by some reason liked always to hang with us when we were working.

For the looks of it, the only reason Vanir liked to come here was to rest of his job. By some reason he fonded with us because in his words, in his job he realized that truth behind Aqua and me.

"How have you been my flat friend? Getting ready to kill a blue-haired lunatic?"

There's nothing wrong with my chest.

"Hey! Stop with those antics Vanir! I can take being called a lunatic. But Eris can't take that hard truth yet!"

There's nothing wrong with my chest... right?

"Muahahaha. It's a joke young ladies. Anyway I'm here to make an offer. The academy bought some lizards for transportation use. Since the lizards are not familiar with Axel, I was put in charge to ride them around the town so they could get know and meet the routes inside the town. Want to join me? That way we could make some sightseeing of the town"

"That sounds wonderful Vanir! Of cou..."

"We can't go. Tomorrow Eris and I are heading to the Spell Mountain in order to paint the most incredible landscape this school had ever seen".

Wait, I thought it was a homework? Spell Mountain? That's where we going?. What is that place? Why I feel I will go to the most dangerous place in this town?

"Oh, well I can give you a ride to the entrance then. But I can't take you exactly there that's way too far from here. Also, the lizards may get lost if they get near the Cursed Forest"

"Tch! You are weak Vanir. I lived my whole life in the Spell Mountain I can't get lost there, but if you are afraid it's fine. Eris and I will make our way there"

Now that I remember, when I came this place Vanir mentioned something about Aqua coming from the mountains. For the looks of it, Aqua does not know that Vanir knew that information before hand. Was it meant to keep it a secret?

In fact, now I put my mind on it. Aqua had never told me anything about where she lived before coming here.
But if she wants to go there is for something. Now I'm curious, but something bothers me.

"Isn't the Cursed Forest like extremely dangerous giant forest? I was told it's like a deadly place..."

I had to acknowledge them my concerns, after all I know nothing of this town since I came here.

"Not gonna lie to you, I have never been there because somehow became new 3 months ago. But I have heard horrible stories"

"Those are stories to scare the children. Besides that forest is close to the mountain, not exactly in there. So we will be fine."

I don't know who to believe if the honest Vanir or the prideful Aqua.

"Hey ladies what are you doing chatting? You are working! Don't make me take out the dinner of your payment. Vanir leave them alone, you are not helping your scholarship by talking with poor girls"

Of course, the girl who had a chest that doesn't deserve, Artemis, will come to ruin the moment. I bet that if she had a normal chest like mine she will be a more easy person. Yes that's the reason why she hates us, she hates us because she will love to have my chest.

"Eris, you know is disrespectful stare her boobs like you are doing. Let her be, that's why I said the coconuts could be a good idea"

"What? No Aqua! Life is unfair, why she hates us? Is for her big chest right?"

"Aqua come here! Here's the first set of dishes to wash, come pick them!"

As Aqua was walking towards Artemis that was waiting her with a bag full of dirty dishes, Vanir put a hand on my shoulder and whispered something out of the blue.

"Eris, I want you to pay attention to something once you are done here. Please just pay attention when Aqua looks the Crystal Portrait that is in the main wall of the dining hall. The same picture you looked with a lost glare the first day you were here. Whatever you notice, you have to remember it clearly for tomorrow when you reach the mountain with her. Tomorrow I will pick both of you first time in the morning. Bye"

What did Vanir said? What's the meaning of "Aqua looking the Crystal painting in the dinning hall"?


I better go...

Part 3. The dinner.

We finished our job as usual. And as usual, we get to eat the free dinner once we were done with our job. Since we eat once we wash all the dishes, is pretty common that Aqua and I eat alone in the night in the dinning hall. We were sitting almost in the center of dinning hall in a large table, only with a candle between us. It may look like a scary enviroment, but well I was somehow used to being alone in the dark for my years living in the orphanage. Aqua didn't care either because according to her, she was used to. I wonder why, but I think she was telling the truth.

In my mind were Vanir's words. Why I have to pay attention to Aqua's thoughts on that painting?. The worst part is that we barely could see it right now, because the painting way is too big and could be only fully appreciated with the light of the day. The only thing we could see was the shared food and each other's faces. So it was impossible for us to see that famous Crystal Portrait right at the moment.

"Hey Eris, your food will get cold if you don't eat"

"Oh I'm sorry. I was just lost in my thoughts"

What is the relationhip between Aqua and that painting?. I think I better ignore Vanir's words. Maybe he's somehow desilusional.
As my hand was reaching some piece of the fried frog's leg that we were eating, my hand knocked the candle that was between us.

"HEY! What are you doing! You want to burn this place? Is that it? No! I know what is, if you burn me and kill me you will keep all the food for yourself!
You flat killer!"

"Wait Aqua, it was only an accident! Don't behave like that. Besides nothing happened, luckily the candle fall down in a water bucket that was conveniently next to us."

That was a lucky shot, that candle would have burned all the place like it was nothing. Now we are trapped in the dark.

Wait did she called me flat killer?

"Eris, I can't see a thing! Where are you?! Eris? Don't take the food and ran away?"

"Aqua calm down, don't move. I'm still in front of you. I think I have another candle around here. HEY AQUA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

I think the girl freaked out because she seriously thought I ran away, so she started to throw her hands to the air. Since I was in front of her, in the moment she felt me she grabbed me hard as she could. However...

"Wow Eris, I feel pity for you now"

"Aqua take your hand out of my chest please..."

As I was looking for the other candle, suddenly the whole dinning hall started to glow with a white and soft light. A relaxing atmosphere could be felt.
I totally forgot we were in full moon tonight. The moonlight made look the dining hall came straight from a dream.

"Phew, well Aqua as you see by the moonlight I didn't run away. The food will get cold, so we better start eating again before the moon sets down. Hey Aqua?"

When the moonlight came, something caught her attention and she went right away to look it closely.

There she was, looking spechless that huge portrait of Crystal. Her blue eyes and hair combined perfectly with soft light that was in the room. However...
Her eyes looked lost in the painting, but she looked... sad. Like she was about to cry.

I've lived my whole life in an orphanage...

I know what that sad look means...

I know what those blue eyes are gazing...

I have seen that face before... the face of a child who only wants an answer...

I wanted to stay quiet, but now everything makes sense. Vanir knew this, and of course is confidential. How the rest of the Academy would react if they realize that the daughter of the legendary Crystal is here? This is why Aqua is incredible good in everything related to art, if it's in her blood to be the best one ever.
Why Aqua haven't said a thing? Where did Crystal go? For what I know Aqua came from the mountains, she lives there still?
Wait, Spell Mountain? Cursed Forest? 3 months ago everything started to go down here in Axel. Does Aqua and Crystal have anything to do with all this?

I wanted to ask her 1000 questions but...


"Aqua... Let's go, is late"

I know when a child is missing her mom...