Part 1. The Holiday

"Kazuma, Kazuma! I told you that this would be beautiful! I told you, you will regret for not coming, is amazing isn't?

I didn't want to come. I wanted to stay in bed until mid-day and do my best at doing nothing. But the guild is holding today a great holiday celebration for what they call "Romance and Friendship day".

Yes, the japanese people coming to this world couldn't keep it in their pants and decided to just make their own Valentine's Day here.
Every year the guild holds a somewhat party, where they give heart-shaped cakes to every party that attends, they do contests,
play "live" music until the end of the night and obviously lots of alcohol.

Since the event was announced, I decided by my own I wouldn't go to an event that reminds me the whole failure I was on earth in every Valentine's day. However,the useless goddess, the masochist and explosion lunatic wanted to go in order to have a relax time. While I know that Aqua was here for the alcohol and contests, Darkness was because the noble people couldn't miss such traditions and Megumin wanted to end the party with a stealing spotlight Explosion. The 3 of them managed to bring me here.

"Kazuma didn't you hear me? Don't you think is amazing?"

Aqua was being a pain in the ass as always.

"You know what would have been amazing? That you would have bring your own money today"

"I didn't because the guild is gifting today 3 beers for the ocassion".

"What makes you think it will be enough 3 beers for you?"

"You calling me an alcoholic you shitty-NEET?"
As Aqua and I were trading insults, Megumin remarked:

"Can't both of you calm down not even in a holiday party? I mean, Kazuma didn't your country also celebrated a day for your loved and closest ones? You told me not so long ago about a tradition called Valentino's day wasn't? and chocolate change or something?"

"You think a NEET like Kazuma would ever have friends or even a girlfriend? He was lucky his parents didn't kick him out his house when he was younger!

Ok, now Aqua is playing in the most dangerous field of all: The one where she tells the truth.

"I think it was called Valentine's day Megumin. He told me something about it too, let's just enjoy ourselves today shall we?"

Darkness said as she placed the drinks in our table. When Megumin was about to scream at Darkness for not bringing her a beer under the eternal excuse that she was underage for it, Luna the guild lady stood up in a wood plataform that was set up in the center of the guild and said; with what it looked like a magical item for the voice:

"Today, we are happy for reuniting once again for the Romance and Friendship day here in Axel!. Please remember every person has the right for free 3 beers for today! Once you reach your forth one, you will have to pay for it, for the price of 3 beers! So please enjoy yourselfs as we prepare for the recital contest!"

Hold up. That doesn't make any sense, why the forth beer would have the price of 3 beers? By that logic, once you want a forth one you are basically paying for the 3 that you already drank, meaning you will only get one free beer.

Also, they know that in this guild each person easily drinks 5 or 6 beers by night, and if it's Aqua then we're talking about 8 or 9 beers. This is a fraud, who came with that idea?

"BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA I told you guild lady that desperately wants to marry because she is getting old, that moi Vanir, would have come with greatest idea of business for this place!, remember the deal 40% for moi and the useless lich seller and 60% for you!"

Hearing those words, now I understood. After all, everyone in town was invited.

I checked around and saw that Wiz was in a stand selling magical items, that according to her, it would help you in your search for love and friends. There's a high chance that Vanir was supposed to be with her, but probably he saw the greatest opportunity in his search for his real love, money.

"Assistant-kun! May I take a sit with you and Darkness-san while we wait for the recital contest?"

Chris, I mean Eris, decided to come too. I guess the heaven also likes to celebrate these things. Or maybe Eris is to fond with the concept of love and friendship.

"Yes, why not?. So Darkness where did Aqua and Megumin go? they were here 5 seconds ago"

"I think they went to suscribe for the recital contest, Luna announced that the winner could choose between having a whole month of free breakfeast or a whole month of free beer. Aqua wants the beer, and Megumin wants the breakfast"

There's no way that Megumin wants the breakfast, she does not want to lose to Aqua. After all the winner takes the spotlight, Megumin can't let this opportunity slip of her hands.

"Darkness, did you suscribe in something too?"

Said Eris with a warm smile, but well if I see an open chance I will take it.

"I don't know Big Boss, there's no "Hit hard as you can" contest or "Strip me with your teeth while I beg you to stop" category, so I don't see Darkness competing today"

"As expected of Trashzuma, he is humiliating furiously me in front of my friends. This man has no limits hggn"

"I will ignore what just happened and I will ask again. Darkness did you suscribe in something too?"

Damn, this goddess is just to pure for this world. Aqua would have probably come with more pervert categories.

"In fact I did Chris!. I will compete for arm wrestling and the fastest drinker!"

"Darkness, you're literally a living tank. You're the strongest being in Axel physically speaking, you're the only person who can take Megumin's explosion directly without any serious scratch and you can stop a goddamn Golem full punch with your bare hands. You could break easily anyone's arm in the arm wrestling contest and you need galons of beer to get drunk, for you drinking fast a beer is like drinking a glass of water You're almost cheating by only being you"

I'm serious, this pervert girl is the most durable and probably strongest adventurer in the world. She took Vanir's death ray directly and survived becoming the second person who survived, with other than the lich and incredible Wiz being the first one. She once hugged Aqua so hard, that even after she casted Healing on her own back, Aqua couldn't sit straight for a whole week. There's a reason why Aqua only can drink here if she's with Darkness. She's the only person who is still sober after drinking the same amount of beer that Aqua drinks, so she could easily takes her home.

"Yes, Kazuma!. But do you imagine all the reactions and stares of the people if I lose at the final moment? Do you imagine the humiliation? They would probably say "What a loser, all that strength so she could lose ridiciously?" I get nervous with only thinking all the things they could throw me. hgggggn"

However, her fetishes always ruins the best of her. And I know Eris is thinking exactly the same because her expression in her face say the same as me right now: What waste of boobs. I mean: what a disappointment.

"We're about to start the recital contest! Everyone grab your seats!"

Well, let's see this contest then.

"Please welcome our first contestant! Megumin!"

Well, time to go home then.

Part 2. The Poem

Darkness and Eris made me stay to hear Megumin... by Darkness almost breaking my arms, while Eris whispered something like "I could easily downgrade your luck stat if I wanted too, so better stay and pay attention to your friend".

I have a bad feeling about this, but between losing my arms and my luck stat, I will rather wait to see the ending of this situation.

"I write this poem last week after I casted my daily explosion session in the forest"

No you didn't.

"It comes from the deepest part of my heart"

No it is not.

"So here it goes... Welcoming this holy night, darkest as deepest nightmare of a child. I will climb right into tallest part of your heart going wild."

Ok, this is unexpected. All the people in the guild are quiet, staring with quiet eyes every word Megumin is saying. It does not sound so bad what she's saying.

"I'm lost in your gaze, please let me be in your way"

The whole atmosphere is quiet, Megumin's words are making every adventurer to feel love, they actually thinking in their special someone by only hearing Megumin.

"Everytime I move away from you, I'm closest to hell. Because you're making me feel in heaven, even if..."


Wiz's warnings could be heard in the whole guild.

Darkness managed to stop Megumin by making the most incredible yet olympic jump I have ever seen. She went from our table, right to where Megumin was. Megumin took a straight tackle from the strongest tank in the world. Aqua took her time to heal both of them. After everyone calmed down, the contest continued. Yunyun, Dust, even one of the Succubus girls said their poems. Right now, I'm living my typical day of this broken world:

Megumin tried to steal the spotlight by (almost) casting an unnecesary explosion: Check.

Darkness's fetishes somehow make an appearance: Check

Aqua puts me in trouble or gets in my nerves: Uncheck.

Well it's only missing the last one. I hope I could...

"And now our last contestant, Aqua!"

Oh shit I forgot.

"This poem is dedicated to all the people who have a loved one, to all who dedicated their hearts to only one person and even swore to put their lifes on the line for the person they love"

Please don't say more, please don't say more. It's perfect that introduction. Please shut up.

"And obviously this is not intended for the shitty-NEETS who are so ugly and lonely that could only dream about having a 2D girl"

Ok fuck you too Aqua, fuck you too.

"Assistant-kun are you alright?"

I think my annoyed expression was so obvious that Eris noticed. Darkness and Megumin stared me with a troubled expression from the other side of the table. Yes I do feel the shitty NEET was for me, what's wrong with a wanting a 2D waifu?

"You know Kazuma, I do know the reason behind for the poem Aqua is about say."

Something just caught me of guard, Eris-sama didn't call me Assistant-Kun neither Kazuma-san. More than that, her eyes went lost in Aqua, and looked sad. This is not a normal day after all.

"What did just say Big Boss?"

"Nothing, Assistant-Kun, we better stay quiet and pay attention"

She went back into herself, there's something behind this. Why she would look so nostalgic when Aqua said "dedicated their hearts to only one person and even swore to put their lifes on the line for the person they love". She knows something? Knowing Aqua, that wasn't an indirect hint from her to someone, since that girl is the furthest from the concept of love. It was probably for a couple she knew. And probably someone Eris knew too, but why the sad and nostalgic tone?

"This poem is called Bit by Bit"

I have heard that name somewhere.

"Bit by bit, you're charming my heart. You're a piece of hope in this world, surely, everyone wants to attain eternity. Even though I pretend I don't care all, I'm in love with you. Let's fly away from this endless darkness holding my hand"

The whole guild went silence, the most beautiful words had just come from Aqua's mouth. Megumin, Darkness and Eris seemed lost in Aqua's voice. Still there's something familiar in those words...

"I like you whether you look angry or when you are tired, but I wonder if it's okay living such a scattered life?. With such an smooth kiss you make me feel I'm in the seaside blue. But even so, are you so lost in her?"

The adventures that had couples were holding together, feeling the moment. The atmosphere was under the spell of Aqua's poem. But I swear those words aren't new to me.

"There was a last thing I wanted to ask you, but our moment was interrupted by the loud dancing horses outside the street"

I could see Wiz in the other side of the guild tearing up after that verse, Darkness was trying to hold it together but for the looks of it was inevitable for her to start crying. Megumin was looking down, fists on her lap, hat blocking her face, but the tears could be seen running from her cheeks. How was Aqua able to put a whole guild of adventures under such mood? Everyone in this place is receiving a call from the heart. How can the words "loud dancing horses outside the street" being so powerful? I'm starting to feel sad with the thought of trying to say I love you to someone, but you can't because there are horses who interrupt you.

Wait a minute... how can dancing horses be loud in the street? Wouldn't be more logical to be... cars outside the street?

"Bit by bit, you're charming my heart. And though it's strange even to me, I want to call you right away and tell you there's something there"

Now I know why is familiar. Aqua didn't write that poem. Those are the lyrics from a romantic classic song that was really famous in Japan during the 90's. I wasn't alive back then, but it's classic used in a lot of karaokes. The song is "Bit by Bit you're charming my heart" bettter known as "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku". Of course someone lazy as Aqua would prefer to change some words that could fit this world, instead of writting a whole poem by herself. But it was too late, everyone fell for it, and no one would believe me if I tell them that poem is not even from this world.

"Even though I pretend I don't feel nothing at all. In the end I have only eyes for you. Let's fly toward the sea holding your hand... Thanks!"

It was too late indeed, Darkness couldn't hold it, Megumin went out running to the bathroom. Wiz was cleaning her tears with Vanir's cape. However Eris, still seemed lost in the atmosphere. She looked me with an honest expression and told me:

"Don't worry Kazuma, I know she didn't write that. Aqua's skill has always been about giving the most beautiful shape something could have. Even if she didn't create it, she could easily make changes and turn that something into art".

Again just Kazuma, but did she just told me something about Aqua I didn't know? How does Eris knows this? I thought that Aqua's work in heaven was only resurrecting people? Was Aqua also an artist or a restaurist in heaven? I mean the girl always had skills for painting, building, crafting, sculpture. What even I'm saying? The girl is a talented artist with a terrible judgement for making decisions.

"Kazuma Kazuma!, I have a free month of beer!. However, I have to pay for the time the beer will be stocked here. Could you borrow me some money?"

Aqua puts me in trouble or gets in my nerves: Check. Now my day is complete.

Part 3. The Myth

After paying a ridiculous amount of money for saving the free beer in the guild, the second contest was about to start.
According to Luna, this was a team painting contest under 3 hours. The rules were that some person of the team paints a portrait of the other members. Once the painting is done, they had to take the paint to a workshop at the center of the city and build a frame for it. Once the frame is done, they have to bring back the paint and hang it over the guild. The winner is team is the one who made the most beautiful paint with the most fitting frame for it. This was under the concept that once you "love" everything fits perfectly. The winner gets 2 months of free dinner in the guild.

Aqua, Darkness, Megumin and Wiz joined forces for this time. I was left out because I already learned the forging and smithing skill, so according to Luna I could be easily cheating once we would reach the frame building part. Wiz took my place.

I was in the table with Eris once the contest started. However Darkness took a sit with us because Aqua told her to wait while she was painting the background. Megumin and Wiz decided to wait closer just in case Aqua comes with an stupid idea for the background.

"Aqua proposed me to paint me naked, so the judges could easily choose our work as the winner since they all were old and single men. Just what that girl has a in mind to think a Dustiness member would accept such a bulgar proposal? Imagine all the dirty rumours they could..."

"We get it Darkness, once Aqua proposed you that, Wiz and Megumin send you here to wait because they know you eventually would say yes, they are trying to convince her to do other take for the portrait while she paints the background"

Darkness's blush was the only indicator that I needed to realize I was right.

"Assistant-kun, please stop mocking these girl's feelings."

I hate being lectured by a real goddess.

"Kazuma, are you paying attention to what Aqua is doing? Look."

Darkness's face went from red to amazement. Yes I haven't put attention to it, but while she talks with Megumin and Wiz, the girl is painting the background using a diagonal pattern? That's way harder and complicated that any normal technique. I'm starting to see the other teams and they are doing the typical horizontal lines for the background. Why is Aqua doing complete the oppositive of what it is easy? More than that, why it looks so goddamn cool what she's doing?.

Also is Aqua using her left hand? Damn it she is, she's left handed and I haven't never pay attention to it.

"I have only heard of one person capable of doing what Aqua is pulling right now. There's a myth among the royalty that centuries ago, existed the most talented artist in Belzerg who painted all the royalty portraits that are hanging in the Castle of the Capital. Kazuma you did see those paintings when you were with Iris right?"

Darkness words caught me off of guard, because in fact I do remember seeing some really old but cool paintings of the oldest kings and queens in Iris's place.

"Yes, but since my only knowledge is for manga and hentai I can't really tell why these paintings were special"

"Manga and Hentai? From where you got those words?. Anyway according to the myth, the artist who painted most of those, was a young and talented girl known for her brown eyes and black hair. She was catalogued as the greatest artist in Belzerg due to her incredible hability in a lot of the forms of art. She could dance, paint, craft, play instruments, anything you can imagine she was the best for it. Her talents were so known, that she was even famous between the royals so they called her to paint the annual portrait of the royal family. According to the old ones who claimed to know her, she was left-handed and always used the diagonal pattern for her paintings, the same one Aqua is using right now.
One day, the Acients Gods asked her to paint the Heaven Palace. However, she just dissapeared after that event. Some people say she went to live to the mountains looking lonely places to paint, some say she stayed in heaven painting the skies and whenever is raining in the forest, it means the artists washing her brushes. But no one knows exactly what happened to her. Her name was Crystal and is the greatest artist that has ever lived in Belzerg"

That's such a mysterious and wonderful life. This world was fueled with adventurers, but sometimes we forget that like any place there are also artists who live by the chazing their dreams. Asking to paint this called Heaven Palace, it has to be the equivalent when the Church asked Miguel Angelo to paint the Sistine Chapel in Italy. The biggest dream and honor it had to be.

But does Aqua had to do with this? No one here believes that Aqua is a goddess, so they just think she's just a crazy priest with talent for art.

But knowing she's in fact a person that descended from heaven and she just fits perfectly the description Darkness just gave me. However, it can't be her. Her name was Crystal, not Aqua. And Aqua is blue haired with blue eyes. But there always has been despictions in art that associate crystals with water. There's no way that Aqua is related to that myth... right?

"Darkness stop chatting with that thieft and that NEET and come here quickly! Wiz declined to be painted naked and Megumin said it's illegal trying to paint her naked! So I just have to paint all of you normally, please come we're running out of time!"

Yeah, there's no way Aqua is related to the myth of Crystal.

As Darkness was running to where Aqua was, Eris whispered me with a lost look.

"Kazuma that's not the full story of that myth. And is not a myth, it was real"

I better stay quiet, she called me Kazuma again and I think she's about to give me one piece of this misterious artist.

"Crystal did exist and she was asked to paint the Heaven Palace. However she did not stayed in heaven after it. She went to the mountains to live with her family. She was married with the medic of the town who also happened to be a skilled wizard. He is the one who invented the "Healing Spell" that is pretty common between Archpriests. They met in a river when Crystal was looking materials for her works and he was studying the healing propierties of the water. His name was Axel"

So she was married with an skilled wizard? What a clich .

Wait... was his name Axel? That's the name of this...

"They wanted to be parents, but they couldn't. So Crystal prayed everyday to the Ancients Gods that they could grant her most dying wish. The Ancient Gods answered her prayers, but with only one condition. She would have to paint the Heaven Palace in order for them to grant her wish. As they thought it would be impossible for someone to paint the Heaven Palace completely, Crystal did it easily. Crystal was able to have kids now, she and Axel became parents of a little girl. And decided to live in the mountains to raise their child among the nature"

This is getting interesting but Eris's voice-tone tell me otherwise.

"Everything has a price. Crystal was a mere mortal who stayed in heaven too much while doing her part of the deal, there's a prevency rule when a mortal stays to long in heaven and returns, it would be cursed so it can't tell anyone in earth what it saw in heaven. She was cursed with dying spell that would kill her in 5 years. But she didn't care, because she finally will be a mother. And finally will have a happy family so she would will die in peace."

Ok that's too extreme even for this world. But I guess the gods have the right to take care of they have up there.

"Axel knowing this, spend half of his time with his family and half of his time trying to break the curse. He didn't want to lose her beloved Crystal. He did the impossible, he invented an spell that challenged the gods. He was able to transfer Crystal's dying curse to himself and gave her more years to live so she could raise their daughter properly. He passed away 5 years later and he was burried next to the river where he met Crystal. The Ancient Gods acknowledge him as the greatest wizard and medic that has ever lived. In his honour the gods named this town Axel. But for Crystal it meant nothing, she lost her husband and wanted to go too, but her daughter gave her all the strength she needed to move on. She taught her everything she knew about the art and life in the next years, so her daughter became also one of the most talented artists in Belzerg. When her daughter was 16, Crystal died due a health condition related to her heart. However, she left happily, knowing that her daughter was ready for this world. In heaven, Axel was waiting for her. They reunited again and the Ancient Gods gave them the opportunity to reincarnate again in Belzerg, but they decided to stay in peace in heaven and decided to stay far from the gods. So now, they are together in eternity somewhere else, taking care of her daughter from up there."

That's like sad and beautiful at the same time, the real meaning of loving someone until eternity.

But I was in the obligation to ask this.

"Eris-sama and what happened to her daughter?"

"Next to the river they met, it's written in a stone the words they both said when finally had their daughter in their hands. It says "Next to me is the place where I met the most precious thing I've ever found, and right now we're holding the most incredible treasure we dreamed to have. We both know she's beautiful, he says is because she has my smile and I say is because she has his hair and eyes...""

The baby had Axel's hair and eyes? That means her daughter didn't look like her mother when she grew up. But her mother taught her all...

Oh shit...

"The only thing we both agree is that she looks pure as the river".

Please no.

My heart is breaking into pieces. I know exactly what it comes next, please no.

"Her name will be the one who remembers us the beautiful thing in this world that brought us together"


"Her name... will be Aqua."

Oh my God...