Hello everybody! Welcome to the second chapter of TamersTale! Last time, while Frisk and her friends where cleaning up after playing the Digimon Card game, frisk found a mysterious Blue Card, and driven by her curiosity, she decided to slide it through her card reader, only for it to turn into a Digivice! A D-Ark, to be exact. Grabbing the safest card she could think of, and apparently not learning her lesson about strange cards from before, she then slid a Lunamon card through the card slot on her newly acquired Digivice, only for it to summon a real live Lunamon! It appears that they got into a much greater problem than they can chew. P.S. I don't own Digimon Tamers or Undertale.
-Talking and Narration-
Episode 2: Enter Lunamon!
"okay, let me get this straight," said Sans, who was looking quite bewildered, to Lunamon and by extension Frisk, who was holding Lunamon in her arms. "since frisk here summoned you and owns that digivice, she's your tamer, meaning that both of you might have to battle some wild digimon that appear in the real world, despite the fact that both of you hate fighting with a burning passion, and if you don't the wild digimon might start attacking everything because that's how digimon gain power in the digital world? did i get it all, or did i miss anything?"
"You got almost all of it," stated Lunamon, "You forgot that Frisk can power me up using her Digivice and Digimon Cards." You see, after Lunamon had finished calming down she informed everyone that many Digimon wanted to go to the Real World, aka their world, in order to either get a Digimon Tamer, which is like the human partners from the anime, to just exist in the Real World, or to wreck-havoc in order to get stronger. Apparently, Digimon can get stronger by absorbing the data of other Digimon.
"Okay then, moving on from, that, I have to ask something to everyone else," stated Undyne, who was leaning into the couch. "Do we tell Toriel and/or Asgore about all of, this, or do we keep it from them?"
At that, no one could find a reason as to why they should tell them, except for Lunamon who hasn't met either one of them. You see, both Asgore and Toriel are extremely protective towards Frisk, Toriel more so since Frisk is her adopted daughter, and if either of them knew of this they don't know what they'll do, but it'll probably be something very rash, if not very dangerous.
"OKAY, WE HAVE SOMETHING WE ALL NEED TO DO, AND THAT IS HIDE LUNAMON'S EXISTENCE, AND OTHER DIGIMON'S EXISTENCE, FORM ASGORE AND TORIEL!" said Papyrus, deciding to comment on what they all need to do. "BUT FIRST WE NEED TO FINISH UP WITH CLEARING UP THESE CARDS, OR ELSE TORIEL WILL GET QUITE ANGRY WITH US!" With many cries of panic, they then proceeded to grab their cards, leaving Lunamon on the arm of a plush chair looking quite confused.
As they finished cleaning up all of their cards, they heard the door open and Toriel's cry of, "I'm home!" Needless to say they were panicking since Lunamon was still out in the open and all of them were searching for a place for Lunamon to hide until Alphys managed to grab Lunamon and hide her behind the closed drapes.
"S-stay here and try t-to stay quiet. We'll t-tell you when y-you can come out," whispered Alphys. Everyone than hurriedly sat down on various seats and tried to act natural, all the while trying to not betray their nervousness.
"Oh my, you all look a little tired, did something happen while I was away?" asked Toriel.
"Don't worry about it Mom, I just dropped my card reader, causing it to break and it took a while to find all the pieces, so we had to rush collecting our remaining cards," stated Frisk, before she then said upon seeing her mother's face, "Don't worry about it, I can get myself a new one without much trouble."
"Well, if you say so my child," said Toriel, before she then decided to change the subject. "Well, I better go put away these groceries and get started on dinner. All of you better put your cards in your rooms though." And with that she left for the kitchen.
"hey, you can come out now, but stay quiet," whispered Sans to Lunamon.
"Okay," Lunamon whispered back, before letting Frisk pick her up. They then proceeded to go upstairs, and after putting away their Digimon Cards they went into Frisk's room in order to find Lunamon a place to hide.
"i don't think we could say that lunamon's a plushie, after all, i've never seem a lunamon plushie in the first place," Sans stated. You see, they were looking for a place to hide Lunamon in Frisk's room, which had a standard one person bed, a chest that put in spare blankets and pillows in, a window, a comfortable grey carpet (Frisk once decided to sleep on the floor on a weekend, so she would know), and a dresser. There, really, wasn't a lot of places that they can hide the lunar rabbit Digimon easily and comfortably.
"Yeah, I really need to decorate my room," said Frisk. She never really realized that her room didn't really have anything in it until now, and now that she did, she was wondering why she didn't notice it earlier. However, both she and everyone else noticed Lunamon was going over to the chest and grabbing a small, yet comfy blanket and a similarly small yet comfy pillow. They then watched as Lunamon brought those two items under here bed, where her bed covers hid Lunamon quite nicely. Frisk couldn't help but ask. "Lunamon, what are you doing?"
"Making my hiding place," explained Lunamon with the ease of someone who was drinking from a straw. She then added, "This place is comfy, it hides me well and is easy to get to, and all I really needed was these soft things to make if complete. Besides, it'll be easy to get me if you have somewhere to go, and you won't have to worry about me getting lost. Not only that, but you can also get me food and water without having to worry about finding food that the person you call your 'mom,' whatever that is, won't get suspicious about."
After putting her hand on her head, Undyne, sounding like she was so done with all of this then said, "I don't think any of us can argue against that. And it also looks like we'll have to explain what a mom is, along with many other things. This'll be, an, experience." Needless to say, that was a major understatement, and she knew it.
"WELL THEN, NOW THAT LUNAMON'S LIVING ARRANGMENTS HAVE BEEN SOLVED, I SHALL NOW BRING UP A NEW PROBLEM, AND THAT IS HOW ARE WE GOING TO GET LUNAMON HER FOOD AND SOMETHING TO DRINK?" asked Papyrus. At that, everyone froze since they haven't really thought about that, and in hindsight, they really should of have, since dinner might be getting close to done soon.
"M-maybe after dinner, o-one of us could wait f-for a little while, and then grab a-another helping, along with s-something to drink, and then b-bring it upstairs," suggested Alphys. And really, when they thought about it, it was a good plan. Besides, as long as it isn't the same person in a row with the others in between and not in the same order, and that they keep the timing infrequent, then they should be able to keep suspicion off of their backs.
"i'll make the first trip then," Sans stated quite simply. But then another thought came to mind, "hey frisk, why don't you grab your duffle bag of school supplies and bring it up here. that way you can bring lunamon to school, and all you need to do is drop off lunamon in secluded area, and then pick her up on your way home. it'll lower the risk of lunamon being found out, and we all know that tori is still taking online classes so that she can become a teacher, and I doubt that lunamon has the patience to stay in your room all day." It was something that anyone of them would realize, but he decided to get it out of the way sooner rather than later.
Frisk nodded and then decided to go grab her bag, currently glad that it was as big as it was and that she regularly cleans it out of any unnecessary items. "Better go grab it then, I'll just tell Mom that I want to be more efficient when it comes to getting ready for school." And with that said, she then left.
Undyne sighed and moved to leave and said this while she was doing so, "We better get out of Frisk's room. It's feels a little weird standing in here without Frisk in the room." And after she said that, they all left, all of them agreeing with Undyne's sentiment.
"GOODBYE LUNAMON, WE'LL BE SEEING YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE," said Papyrus, and after that he closed the door, but leaved enough of a crack so she could hear what they might be doing downstairs.
Lunamon looked after them with a minor confused look, before a soft smile appeared on her face. It looks like I was lucky to have gotten a Tamer who has those people as such good friends, huh.
Why hello there, sorry I took a bit to update my, I guess very few, readers, but I just wanted this to be perfect, and I live in a family of five, and two of them love to use the computer I use to write this. Now, I know that the characters might feel a little flat, but to be honest it's because this is my very first fanfic, and I'm currently juggling seven characters and trying to get all their thoughts at once. But after this chapter I'm gonna focus on one character during a certain span of time that focuses on their thoughts and what they think the other characters might be thinking, so it won't hopefully feel as clunky as the first two chapters did. Also, before you ask, here is how the Resets happened, mainly, they were all Flowey's, and not Frisk's. Sure she died, a lot, and sure after the Omega Flowey fight she went back to before the fight with Asgore, but she never Reset or did a Genocide Run. Now before you ask why, I'll kindly tell you. I'm basing that part on my play through, because I only played once, and then never touched the game again because I wasn't a cold, heartless, person. And I doubt I would be able to do a Genocide Run. I'm a wuss when it to those sorts of things. Also, I see Frisk as a female, mainly since when I was playing through the game I kept perceiving them as a female since I'm of the female mental and physical gender. She's also bisexual with a preference towards men, like yours truly, since I would know how to write that. I wouldn't know how to write them any other way to be honest, so, yeah. But this thing has been going on for long enough, so, bye!