Pokemon: Blue's Balls

Author's Notes: IM BACK BITCHES! And I'm ready to slap you all with the 12 inch cock that is my literary prowess. Behold my mighty dong and feast your eyes on the tales I'm about to weave upon your weary souls. Its gunna be a multi-chaptit work, so brace your nipples and hold onto your scrotes, cuz its gunna blow all the other faggots on this site rite outta the water.

Blue woke up one morning with a big ol' boner. He had just been dethroned from his seat as champion over the Kanto region. Like any loser does, Blue had been drinking himself into a Pabst Blue Ribbon coma and jerking off to Clefairy porn. In horror, Blue's pokemon often watched his self destructive behavior from a distance. After a week of smoking his sausage he decided to go out and get some pokepoon. "All right guys," The former champ said to his pals, "Let's go out and catch me a poke to poke." Unable to disagree or say anything in response, his pocket monster friends left with him and ventured into the tall grass of Kanto.

Blue and his pokemon skulked around the grass looking for something to satiate the trainer's hungry boner. Blue was desperate, be it Clefairy, Vileplume, Chansey, hell he'd even take a Mr. Mime if he had to. He found a Magikarp. He looked down at it for a little while noticing its pinkish mouth. "…No." He said and walked away. Before he could almost give up hope though, he saw some tight piece of ass sticking out of the grass. "Gotta catch'em all!" He said right as he slipped his cock into the poor unsuspecting Pokemon. As he began a-humping away he noticed something was off about the encounter, something… racially charged. "Aw, shit! I accidentally fucked a Jynx!" He said. "Damnit, now the kids gonna be fatherless." The Jynx was into it though, and continued bouncing dat ass on his cawk. "Oh well, said Blue." He continued to fuck the offensively designed pokemon, even though his eyes watered from the abhorred stank emanating from its puss. He finished in its ass like how Grandpa Oak taught him, "Smell ya later." He said and then flew to Celadon City on his Pidgeot. Fortunately for Blue the anatomy of a Jynx was just like that of a black woman, so he avoided a pregnancy… for now.

Little did Blue know that what he had set in motion could not be undone. Jynx was out to fuck that little white boy until it impregnated her and she could live off the child support. Such was the dreams of any Jynx roaming in the wild like a jobless hoe. But Jynx didn't want it to stop there, she rounded up all the other Jynx's and they formulated a plan that would scope much more than just collecting alimony…