Hello everyone, it's Brave of the Blue here with my first crossover fanfic (and regular fanfic in general). I hope you all enjoy this first chapter, but enough talking let's get this show on the road!

So this is it...My journey has finally ended. After defeating Yuuki Terumi, once and for all, I finally figured out the truth...that I was the Central Fiction, the Origin's dream, and as long as I exist then the cycle will continue. So I did the only thing I could think of, erase myself from everyone's memories. It was a hard decision and if my master was there, he would definitely tell me not to do this, but I had to do what had to be done. So I went to the Master Unit and told it to erase the memory of 'Ragna the Bloodedge' from the world and then I took the dreams of everyone and went through the gates of the Azure, creating 'possibility'.


Sister..is that you, I remember the days of my youth, oh if I could just go back to those days I wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

"Ragna the Bloodedge...wake up."

I'm coming sister, yes…

Ragna then felt himself suddenly above a volcano about to erupt and his eyes flew wide open.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!"

Then right before Ragna was about to fall into the Volcano, he was teleported to the gates of the Azure.

"That was close...Hey, what the hell was that for!" Ragna said irritated.

"That's what you get for not waking up on time.." The Will of the Azure said.

"Huh, I was reminiscing that's all, it's been a quite a while since the whole 'entitled' situation happened. Never would I have imagined that an 'SS class criminal' would be the one saving the world, it's been a while since I've seen Jin and Noel, maybe I should just real quick take a peak and see how they are doing."

"Ragna...it's only been 23 minutes."

"Yeah I-WAIT 23 MINUTES!" Ragna said.

"23 minutes 45 seconds, 23 milliseconds.."

"I get it!" Ragna said while clutching his head. "Oh no I can't stay sitting here forever, I swear I'm a freaking lose it."

"Do you have a problem being in the gates of the lustrous, sought-after Azure?"

"Yes, I do. All I see nothing but a big-ass gate and white, no other colors, no flowers, I feel like I'm in a penitentiary!"

"I agree, too being here would be boring and listening to you complain would be annoying, so let's get to the reason I woke you up." The will of the Azure. "It's for your training."


"Currently, you are technically not the Guardian of the Azure, you are the Guardian of the Azure in-training." The Azure said.

"I highly doubt I need training, I got all the p-." Ragna said as he showed his right arm, which contained the Azure Grimore, but was interrupted.

"The power you currently have is insufficient, because as I recall you barely defeated Izanami, and you had to result almost destroying your body in order to defeat Susano'o and the only reason you were as strong as you were is because you didn't have a drive." The will of the Azure said. "That will not do as the enemies you will face in the future will be cunning, brutal, and dangerous than Yuuki Terumi could ever be."

"Ouch, didn't have to that brutally honest." Ragna then added. "My story is over, all I have to do is guard this gate and leave the rest to 'them'. I'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end."

"Yes, your story in your 'world' has ended, but the ending of one story is the beginning of another." The Azure then changed the topic. "I have a question for you, how well do you know the Multiverse theory."

"Multiverse what?!"

"I assumed as much, allow me to give you a run down…..."

Ragna suddenly found himself in space, looking directly at all the planets in his solar system from above.

"This is your solar system, filled with asteroids, planets, along that many other things. Beyond that encompasses the galaxy, which is filled with multiple solar systems, and beyond that is…."

Ragna then found himself surrounded by darkness, with the only light being the sphere that was in his right hand

"The Universe. The sphere in your hand is a representation of your universe. The universe consists of all existing matter and space, even time. Before the universe existed, time and space did not matter. Your earth is only a speck of dust compared to how large the universe is. Now what if I told you that there were an infinite amount of universes."

"Wait what?" Ragna said astonished.

The darkness surrounding Ragna, then began to turn blue as it was revealed that Ragna was surrounded by an immeasurable amount of sphere that looked like that was in his hand.

"Each of these orbs represents a universe. In each of these universes, there are different events that happen that lead to each universe having different outcomes. For example, in this universe you never became Ragna the Bloodedge, instead you had a peaceful youth and went to the NOL academy."

"Wow, your shitting me." Ragna said astonished. "So you're saying there is a universe for any possible outcome."

"Yes, there is even a universe where Yuki Terumi is a girl and you get married to he-."

"PLEASE DON'T CONTINUE THAT SENTENCE!" Ragna said. "I don't want to ever put that horrible image in my mind."

Ragna then found himself standing right in front of the gate.

"And beyond the multiverse, is the Gates of the Azure. Right now you exist in a plane far above the Multiverse, there is only one gate of the Azure in the Multiverse. I hope that my explanation was sufficient for you to understand or should I go more in depth?"

"No thanks I think I get the big picture, but why are you telling me this, now." Ragna asked.

"Well I was going to get to that," The will of the Azure added. "What if I told you that there was infinite multiverses outside of our multiverse."

"Oh. That's nice, but why-"

"And I figured that the best way to train you is to through putting you through life-threatening situations." The will of the Azure said. "So I decided that for your training, I'm going to send you to these multiverses, so you can gain more experience."

"Wait, WHAT!" Ragna said

"The enemies you face in the future will have centuries if not millennia of experience, so the way to catch up is to put you through situations you aren't familiar with so you can grow."

"I honestly think that that THIS IS A BAD IDEA!" Ragna said. "It's only been like 35 minutes-."

"37 actually."

"Who the hell cares anymore!" Ragna then continued with what he was going to say. "Since I left my world, can't for once in my life, get some peace and mind."

"Don't worry in another universe, you were able to get some peace and mind after you defeated Yuuki Terumi."

"That's not funny." Ragna said irritated.

"Well, I should get you own your way."


Ragna saw nothing, but darkness and then suddenly found himself on a bed inside a camp. He looked to his left and right to see if anyone was nearby and found that he was by himself.

"Where the hell am I?"

Ragna then got out of the bed and stretched his body for a bit. He started walking to see if there was anyone nearby. He heard footsteps coming towards his direction, so he turned around

"Oh, it seems you're finally awake."

Ragna turned to the source of the voice and found that it belonged to a black haired man.

"Sorry, if I spooked you or anything, hahaha." the man said. "The name's Ritsuka Fijumaru."

"Ok Ritsuka, could you tell me where the hell am I?"

"I don't know how, but somehow you ended up in the Sixth Singularity and we tried to see if you were a servant, but it just gave us an 'Unknown' result so I'm wondering how were able to get in here without Da Vinci or Roman, noticing." Ritsuka then noticed that there was something on Ragna's head and added. "By the way, there's something on your head."

Ragna felt something on his head and grabbed it to reveal that it was a note that read:

Hello, Ragna. I know you might be wondering where exactly you are, but that's for you to find out. It's up to you to find a way back to the gates or you'll be stuck here forever~. - The Will of the Azure. P.S I also 'upgraded' your Azure Grimoire a bit, you should figure out what I mean soon enough.

Figured as much

Ragna then tear up the note into several pieces before turning his attention back to Ritsuka, that is until Ragna heard more footsteps coming to the cabin.

"Brother, there you are!" said an orange haired girl wearing the same white uniform as Ritsuka, right next to her was a purple haired girl holding what appeared to be a shield. "Oh, it seems like the mysterious person woke up. Hiya, the name's Gudako Fijumaru, nice to meetcha'!"

"Hyperactive, much?" Ragna said

"You have no idea." Ritsuka said.

"Hello, I'm Mashu Kyrelight, nice to meet you."

"The name's Ragna." Ragna then turned his attention to Ritsuka. "What was it you were asking me, again, something about how did I get here, right."


"Well you see I'm from a completely different universe and I was sent by some omnipotent being called the Azure." Ragna said. "It's a long story, so let me start from the beginning, it all started one day…"

Yeah they'll totally believe that and not think I'm totally insane. What should I say... might be a good time to use the good old cliche.

"I don't know...I don't remember where I came, why I'm here….or even if I have family." Ragna lied. "All I remember is my name and something about some guy who goes by the name 'Azure', who I think might be the cause of why I'm here." Ragna told the three his half-truth.

"He must have Amnesia." Gudako said. "Poor guy."

"Yeah...wait, I've got an idea!" Ritsuka said. "Why don't you just join us until you can get your memory back?"

"Eh?!" Gudako & Mashu say in unison.

"Huh? What's wrong with that idea?"

"We can't just bring some random guy to our party, even though I feel bad for him. What if he turns out to be some someone working with the Lion King?"

Are they talking about the movie?

"I agree with Gudako, senpai. This seems really rash and could end up backfiring on us." Mashu added.

"I get what you guys are saying, but I can't just leave a guy with no memories and just go along with my adventure with a good conscience. Plus, I don't think that he's a bad guy, at least that's what my guy tells me."

"Also to concur, if this Azure guy is running around in this world, whose to say he couldn't cause chaos in this Singularity or whatever you call it." Ragna then added. "I'm your best lead into finding that guy and making sure he doesn't cause any trouble."

Gudako and Mashu sighed before looking at each other and shrugging their shoulders and responding.

"When brother is like this, nothing will change his mind." Gudako said. "Also you do have a point about this 'Azure' guy, so I guess we can let you join our party."

"All right, welcome to the team, Ragna!" Ritsuka said "Let's go and introduce yourself to the others!"

Why do l get the feeling that this was a terrible idea

"Hello, everyone meet Ragna, he's going to be part of the team until we can get his memories back! Now I know it might be a bit strange, but I have full faith that he's a good guy!"

Ragna could feel glares coming from the crowd of heroic spirits that Ritsuka and Gudako had formed contracts and fought along side with throughout their journey. Ragna waved as he started to laugh sheepishly.

This is gonna be a long day.

And there we have it, the prologue of this story is complete, I hope you all enjoyed this prologue and support this fanfic until the end, while also providing constructive criticism to make this fanfic better. With that said, until the next chapter, see ya!