Hello my dear friends! So i just rediscovered my first EVER fanfiction that i published on here and it was called 'A Sirens Call'. It was a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfic published on the account 'CaptainCharliseSiren'... which i lost the password too... so! im rewriting and publishing it here with a few things fixed and changed! please enjoy my darlings!
Chapter One
Charlise Siren let her eyes glare into the back of the soldier infront of her, the slow steady steps they were taking making her grimace. She gallantly resisted the urge to scowl or stick her tounge out at the soldiers that surrounded her, trying her best to look haughty, like she had no real reason to be walking, or rather be marched, towards the gallows.
She shifted again, trying her best to loosen the rough rope that bound her wrists, the movement causing her skin to grow raw and sore.
A soldier saw her actions and smacked her hands with the butt of his gun. "Stop that!" The red coated man commanded. His voice was high and squeaky and altogether, incredibly annoying.
Charlise rolled her eyes at him, and this time she did let herself stick her tounge out at him, but she stopped nonetheless.
Her and her little entourage had reached the gallows platform and she felt herself be shoved unceremoniously up the stairs.
"I swear to god you bloody inconsiderate lobsterbacks-" she grumbled, her proud facade slipping away to her normal rough exterior for a moment. She heard a faint chuckle from her left and scowled darkly.
"Glad your getting some entertainment from my hanging you crazy asshole," Charlise practically spat the words out of her mouth and she started tugging on her bonds again, panic startinstarting to mount in her throat and stomach.
The gallows platform was old and creaky, every step she took seemed to send a shudder through the wood. I wonder... would it collapse is i jumped enough? She let the thoughts of some outlandish escape run through her head for a few moments, snorting slightly at the idea of the stage completely breaking apart from one silly little hop.
Charlise grunted as she was yanked to the middle of the platform, and in the breifest moment she felt like she was just on some taverns stage, like she was here singing as she always did.
Her eyes scanned the crowd, catching on a few familiar faces and new ones as well. They all jeered at her, shouting profanities and insults at her as if they enjoyed this entertainment, this young woman being hung. Charlise snarled darkly, watching in satisfaction as a few of the crowd members took a step back.
The down clerk shuffled to the center of the platform, a few feet from where Charlise stood, and cleared his throat.
"Charlise Astor-"
She flinched slightly at the use of her old last name, the emotions that came with it still far to strong for her liking.
"You are here for the following crimes:" The willowy town clerk continued, his voice loud.
"Stealing various livestock including a mans chickens and anothers dog. Breaking into a bakery and stealing various goods. impersonating a man and breaking into a male only buisness and finally, inapropriate conduct within the publics eye."
Charlise heard someone supress a laugh and couldnt help but smirk slightly at the list of crimes as well. She turned her head slightly as to see the laughing soilder.
He, Charlise decided, was an incredibly strange soldier. His hair was tucked up into his hat and there were rings that covered his tanned fingers. Usually these redcoated soldiers weren't allowed to wear any form of jewelry, much less rings and his face... he had a mustache and beard that was braided in two, Soldiers were meant to be clean shaven...
The strange soldier noticed her frown and winked.
He winked.Charlise raised her eyebrows at him, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. This man most certainly, was not a soldier. She faced back forward, her head held high as she looked over the crowd once again, that faint smile finally breaking out over her face. The panic in her throat had now reached her chest, a tight constricting feeling that made her want to vomit and that panic turned to faint hysteria. "Bloody fuck..." she murmured as the town clerk finally finshed his overdramatic rant. The man moved to his place next to the Commodore, who she recognized.
He was a tall, thin man, and although he wasnt strikingly attractive he did have a certain amount of handsome features. However, all of this was completely drowned out by the fact that he enjoyed hangings a little to much. She flinched, realizing this may truly be the end and she felt a familiar sting in her eyes, the tears already threatening to fall.
"Any last words Ms. Astor?" the Commodores voice reached her through her panic.
Charlise cleared her throat, stepping forward as she regained her composure. She threw her shoulders back and gave the crowd a withering grin.
"How does it feel, good madames and monsuires? To sentence me to my death because a few acts of rebellion? I tell you this now! You are all the foulest of people, and i will see you all in Hells eternal flames! So-" Charlise paused, her head tilting to the side as she felt the tension that was thick in the air. They all held their breath, waiting for the womans next words.
" Remember the name Charlise Siren, my friends! I will promise you it will often haunt your dreams." Her grin grew wider, seeing the crowd shuffle uneasily.
There was silence. A dark, forboding silence that hung over them all.
The soldiers grabbed her, taking her to the noose and slipping it over her head. Charlise looked up as one of the red coats stepped infront of her. It was the strange one, she noticed, the one with the rings. He smirked at her, checking her wrists bonds as another checked the rope looped around her neck. She all but snarled at the man, a few inches away from his face she could see the small amount of shock that wormed its way into his eyes.
Charlise opened her mouth, ready to say some insult at the soldier when she felt something cold press into her palm. The ringed soldier moved away, taking his place to her left. She glanced down at her wrists and a manic grin crept over her face.
Well! That was chapter one rewritten! please forgive any grammar/spelling mistakes, i had a puppy on my lap while i typed it lmao. Please review! leaves me with motivation to actually write more!All my love,Bella