Disclaimer: My Hero Academy and Dark Souls belong to their respective creators. The Oc´s are Hotpinkmonster property along with the SYOC Generation Z.

This is a spinoff made with Hotpinkmonster permission. I, the original creator of Kazumi Enoshima, presents this story with the only purpose of entertainment.

One thing I will like to make clear is that I have played Dark Souls a LOT and know that somethings are inaccurate in this story. So those who know the game must understand it was made on purpose.


Kazumi Dark Adventures

Chapter 1: The Undead Asylum

With an aching pain in her head, Kazumi´s sulfuric eyes slowly opened although with some trouble. Rubbing her forehead to dissipate the headache, the lamia proceeded to sit onto her own crimson tail until the world stopped spinning.

"Ughhhh. Wasssss I run over by a truck?" She though for a split second before dismissing the though. When her sight managed to focus again, she noticed something that set her on alert. She wasn´t in the dorms nor in the hospital of U.A. She was inside a small cell with run down grey walls full of cracks and dust, high ceiling with a small hole in the middle, a black cloak littered in the ground and a rusty jail door as the only way out.

Eyes wide open and body trembling in anger, she screamed "WHERE THE FUCK I´AM?! YOU CAN´T LOCK ME LIKE AN ANIMAL. TETSUYA! KENSHI! IM GONNA MURDER YOU BOTH!" The image of the last two people she saw before blacking out flashed in her mind, rising them to the top of her ginormous mental shit list. Kazumi was so deep into her rant that she would have missed the object falling into her cell if it hadn't landed on her tail.

Turning around to see what just touched her she grew silent and weary once she noticed. It was a body. A human corpse to be precise, or at least the withered husk of one with a key on its rotting hands. Kazumi looked up to the only place it could have came from and saw a Knight looking down at her from the other side of the hole in the roof. He nodded and left, leaving a really confused lamia with a dead body next to her.

Kazumi cooled her temper off with some breathing exercise and ripped the key off the corpse ignoring completely the fact that the hand just fell off. After opening the jail door, she slithered out, but something stopped her mid-way. A shiver run down her entire body when she felt a light wind current from the badly lit hallway. The second she looked down, she understood why. She was completely naked. No bra, no skirt, nothing. Her cheeks turned as red as her scales and in less than two seconds she went back into the cell and covered herself with the old black cloak that laid in the cell´s floor.

"I sssswear that next time I see them…" She grunted with venom in her voice as she slithered slowly through the run down hallway, dark and humid cells on her right and flickering torches on the left wall. Kazumi had no clue where the hell she was nor how had she ended there. She silently promised to find that information out and skin alive the one responsible for this humiliation.

For a couple of minutes, Kazumi slithered through the hallways and stairs of the ruins. Expecting to see the knight that had provided her the key to escape. Although she doubted that the door could hold off a mighty swipe from her tail, she would be thankful to the man. After all she still needed to get out of this place and the guy surely knew how.

When she opened a large semi rotten wooden door, she found herself in a stone courtyard full of dead bushes and yellow grass, and in the middle of, it a strange looking bonfire. With her temperature getting lower, Kazumi didn´t hesitate to get close to the fire and coil around it to get warmer. "Why is there a ssssword ssstuck inside a bonfire? Wait! Are thossssse… bones?". Even if the lamia was disgusted by the image in front of her, she would not refuse the warm feeling this little fire gave her, and the flames… the flames were truly mesmerizing. It seemed to be the only thing alive save from her inside this ruins. Even the sky looked dull and grey.

A couple of minutes later the cold was gone from her scales and she felt strong and refreshed enough to continue. She adjusted her black cloak and approached the rusted metal door that was on the other side of the courtyard, opposite from where she had come from. Kazumi tried to turn the knob, but it fell off. A threatening hiss escaped her mouth along with her longue bifid tongue and in a show of pure strength she threw half of her tail onto the door, blowing it out of its hinges and falling flat on the floor. Satisfied with the result she entered the building in search of an exit.

She was not expecting to have jump to the side to avoid a metal ball rolling down the stairs but thanks to her quick reflexes she managed to evade the trap. The metal ball kept rolling down until it crashed and demolished part of a wall. Hoping it could lead her out, Kazumi went through the opening but to her surprise she found something she wasn't expecting. Laying against a small mountain of ruble was the strange knight with a shiny sword and a decorated shield at his feet. He looked injured, but alive so she approached to help him. Her hero training kicking in.

"Are you alright? Can you move?" Kazumi´s voice was harsh and demanding but still held some concern deep down that you could identify if you were not startled by her threatening sulfuric eyes and her tone.

"Oh… you are not a Hollow are you…? But neither human it seems…" Asked the knight with a soft tone that hold no prejudice about her appearance.

Kazumi´s left eyebrow raised when she heard his question. "Hollow… what-?

"Please…" He interrupted her, his voice now full of sorrow and a plea that begged to be heard. "I´m not long for this world. I´ll die, lose my sanity and go Hollow. Just listen to me please."

The lamia huffed in exasperation and nodded. "Maybe if I hadn't been exploring this ruins, I could have found him faster. Great job Kazumi. Such a fantastic hero you are" She mentally scolded herself.

"Don´t beat yourself young lady. I was doomed before I gave you the key." Even if she didn´t show it, hearing those words eased her conscious a bit. "Listen. There is a legend passed down my family. A prophecy. Thou who at undead art chosen, in thine exodus from the Undead Asylum, maketh pilgrimage to the land of ancient lords when thou ringeth the bells of awakening, the fate of the undead thou shalt know … What is your name, young lady? Mine is Oscar. Knight of Astora.

"Kazumi Enoshima. Hero in training." She answered unsure of her title and a bit lost about that strange as hell prophecy.

"A hero? Well that is certainly a relief. Now I can die with hope in my heart. Here. Have these, they will aid you in your journey." Oscar handed her a key, a belt and a satchel with 5 emerald flask filled with some strange orange liquid. "Now please take my sword and leave. I don't want to hurt you when I turn."

While she hated to be told what to do, she wasn´t going to deny this man´s last wish. So she picked the sword with her tail and left the chamber.

"Okay… if what Osscar said issss remotely true… Yeah right… Then we are in some kind of Asssylum. A creepy assss fuck Assylum and my only way out is this key. But where is the door?" She looked around a bit and ended up returning to the stone courtyard where she noticed there was another door she had not explored yet. When she approached it, she heard heavy footsteps from the other side. Big and slow footsteps that she was certain weren´t human.

"Only one way to be ssssure" With steel resolve and her mind focused on the task of escaping rather than dwelling on the fate of Oscar, Kazumi used the key and pushed the door open. Sword in hand and cloak secured with a belt and the satchel hanging from it, she entered into another courtyard with columns and a door on the opposite side but empty as the first.

"That wasss dissssapointing." She complained to the air. But when she began to slither into the middle of the new courtyard, she felt it. A feral presence. A monster's presence. A creature dropped from high up and landed between Kazumi and the door with all the weight of its body.

It was as disgusting as it was tall with a seemingly humanoid figure, probably 20 feet tall, a sick green and grey scales, a gigantic floppy belly full of rolls, two small wings on its back, an equally short and meekly tail and a face only a mother could love. "No, not even your mother could look at it straight in the face" Though Kazumi in morbid fascination as the demon stared at her with glossy grey eyes. It wasn´t that intimidating, save for the great wood hammer it wielded like it was a simple stick.

For a second, Kazumi stood still. Not moving an inch. To the growling demon the lamia looked frozen in terror, but it couldn´t be more wrong.

A sadistic grin escaped her lips and her eyes shined with manic glee. Her size started to increase, startling the creature. She reached 14 feet in height and although she was 6 feet shorter, her aura alone felt twice the monster's height.

"I had been eager to releasse some stresssss for a while. Would you help me, please?" She asked with a sickly sweet tone.

Shrieks of pain and despair filled the Asylum of the Undead for a whole hour.

To be continued…