Sometimes you just need to be able to write cute baby Snufkin and trying-his-best cat dad Joxter. I'm taking requests for these, by the way!

His son is a terrible hider.

Joxter would almost think it to be disconcerting if it wasn't so obviously part of the game. He closes his eyes again dutifully and counts to ten, out loud because Snufkin had demanded it so.

He goes slowly too, taking his time on every count. He is facing the tree, but his hands are covering his eyes all the same. Also part of the game.

"Ten-" He calls, loudly and clearly and even then he takes another second to drop his arms, the sun too bright for comfort. He blinks rapidly, adjusting to the light for a moment before turning around.

He spots his son almost immediately, crouched underneath a nearby bush and staring at him with big, round eyes. Joxter dutifully pretends not to notice him, letting his gaze sweep right over the bush and to the other surroundings instead, pretending to be genuinely confused.

"Dear me, I do wonder where he could have gone?" He says, rather unnecessarily and he can just catch Snufkin trying hard not to start giggling, his small hands coming up to stop the sound from slipping out.

The Joxter walks around a bit, purely for appearance's sake, of course, even lifting a few branches and large leaves as if the child would be small enough to conceal himself underneath them. He hums and mutters to himself and just generally makes an entire spectacle, all the while keeping himself from laughing.

The stage lost a fine actor the day he decided to become a full-time layabout.

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, he puts his hands on his hips and sighs, facing away from the bush. "Well, I guess he will turn up on his own eventually."

And then he sits back against the tree and closes his eyes because the afternoon sun is ever so warm and he could definitely do with some rest.

It only takes a few minutes for an angry Snufkin to pounce on top of him, nearly knocking the air out of his lungs, tiny claws digging into his chest angrily. "Pappa," He whines, trying to shake him awake but the Joxter is relentless in keeping up the charade of sleeping.

A very fine actor indeed.

"Pappa," Snufkin puts his full weight on top of his father, which isn't very much really. "Wake up! You're supposed to be searching for me."

"Was I?" Joxter asks while putting his hat over his face to keep the sun from his eyes. "You kept hiding over and over again, I just assumed you didn't want to be found."

Snufkin huffs, face scrunched up in indignation, pouting just the smallest amount. He lifts the rim of the Joxter's hat up just to frown at him. "It's a game."


With another low whine, the boy sprawls on top of him, tail wagging slowly from side to side and chin resting on his father's chest. Joxter picks him up by the back of his shirt and places him on the ground beside him, tucking him under one arm and curling around him.

"I know a different game." He says. "It's a lot of fun."

Snufkin fusses for a few seconds before growing still again and watching him expectantly.

"I count to ten again," He pats the boy's unruly hair. "And when I get there you have fallen asleep and so have I."

"That's just taking a nap," Snufkin says slowly.

Joxter smiles. "Is it? Well, let's do that then."

The boy seems to consider it for a moment, playing with the hem of his sleeves. Then he leans back against his father in agreement. "Will you sing me a song then?"

"Whichever one you like."

"All small beasts should have bows in their tales?" Snufkin decides, rather predictably. It is his favorite after all.

"What a wonderful choice," Joxter concedes. "Just remember to try hard to fall asleep by the end."

Snufkin nods eagerly, pinching his eyes closed obediently and lying perfectly still. The Joxter laughs quietly, poking his son in the side. "Not that hard."

He sings the first verse, voice soft and soothing and the birds twitter along in tune to the music. Snufkin slowly relaxes against him and by the time they get around to the chorus he is fast asleep. Joxter finishes the song, because it is bad luck not to and it wouldn't do for either of them to end up in Hemulen jail.

Then he lays his chin atop Snufkin's hair, warmed by the sun and hours spent outside, and sleeps too.

Tumblr: sharada-n