Jaune never pictured himself as a carpenter.


There went another slice of bark. It was so easy to accidentally destroy the tree with his aura. It took him weeks to learn how to prep logs into lumber without turning the tree trunk into mulch.


But this wasn't so bad. Juane pulled out a hand plane and went to work smoothing out the wood. He would cut them into planks later.

His time passed with a rhythmic scrape of the wood and plane used to smooth it out.

Jaune pulled back to admire his work. It looked clean enough now. Jaune would tell anyone who thought he was an actual carpenter that he was a novice at best. Nora had just never been picky. But this little project was for the squirt.

Jaune picked up the two of the long trimmed tree trunks and carried them towards Nora's house over his shoulders. The house was a large cabin outside of the settlement on top of a hill. Normally that would be dangerous, but when you have two kids with their semblance unlocked since they were four, it was safer for everyone else if Nora had moved.

A boy sat on the porch and excitedly called to the doorway. "Mom! He's home!" The squirt promptly ran barefoot around the house to the building site. The cabin was originally Nora and Ren's vacation house when they were huntsmen. Now it just was hers.

Jaune spotted the mish mash of flat deep red hair and frowned at the boy's bare feet. "Where are your shoes? There's wood shavings everywhere here." Mez grumbled and made some kind of excuse. Jaune ignored him in favor of finding a spot to set down the two trunks. Jaune paused just long enough to smile at the stone frame of what would be the house extension. He was proud to say he did a good job there. "You ready for your own room?"

"Hopefully sooner than later. Oh! Mom is with Aunt Ruby inside playing with Syfie's hair. Come inside!" Jaune laughed as the boy grabbed his hand and pulled him along "Let's go! Aunt Ruby brought cake. The sooner we have dinner the sooner we can eat it!"

Jaune shook his head. "Your poor sister. I am sure Syf isn't too happy about that."

There was a high pitched growl followed by fits of laughter as Jaune opened the door. "Nora! I'm back!"

Nora stilled for a moment before she stood up with her little girl clutched in her arms. "Jaune! Welcome back! Ruby dropped by to visit " Syf did her best to wiggle out of her mothers' arms before she was let down. She promptly ran to hug Jaune's leg.

Jaune laughed at the uncharacteristic pig tails. "Good to see you too Syfie. Are you behaving for your mother?"

The girl seemed to ignore the question and just raised her arms in the air and gripped her hands. "I want up!"

Jaune laughed as he picked her up. She promptly hugged his neck and rubbed her chubby face against his beard. "I'll just pretend you said yes." Jaune looked over to Nora. His smile waned. She seemed to have had one of her moments. Jaune's concerned look silently asked if she was ok.

Nora shook her head. Her voice cracked with forced cheer, "And perfect timing! I need to get the children in the bath. Think you can keep eachother occupied?"

Ruby smiled and walked up to Jaune. "We sure can Nora. Just holler if you need something."

Nora smiled as she held each child by the hand and escorted the five and six year olds to the bathroom.

Jaune scratched his head before he turned to Ruby. "Good to see you Ruby." The two hugged. "It's been a while."

"Nearly a year. Job keeps me busy." Ruby sighed. "I'm sorry. I think I saw something I wasn't supposed to see. Nora seemed really shaken by it."

Jaune beckoned Ruby to follow with a sympathetic look. "Come on, I should get their water heated up. The kids take a while in the bath."

Ruby let herself be dragged outside of the house. Jaune grabbed some dried wood and went to the furnace room. It was a stone built room five steps underneath the house. Ruby wiped her brow at how warm it was under the house. She had to keep her head low but Jaune had the distinct honor of staying bent over while he carried the wood and placed it in the stove. He pumped air into the furnace until it roared before he turned a dial that was accompanied with a metal squeak to slow the burning wood.

"You didn't have to come in, I just wanted to get you out of the house for a moment. The kids tend to find any reason to stall getting into the bath."

Ruby smiled. Once outside in the fresh air she sighed. "That feels better. How are things?"

Jaune knew what she was referring to. "Nora is better. That was the first time in a long while that she looked like she would cry. I am really just around to help with anything she still needs. There seems to always be something. I usually stop by on weekends like these. But the current project will last a extra few days. But honestly? If it wasn't for what ever happened there, she hasn't really needed me around for a while now."

Ruby shuffled next to him but followed as he led them around to the front. Ruby looked at the house. There were a lot of updates to it over the years. All the handy work of Jaune just being 'around'. "You did say you wanted to stick around."

Jaune frowned into the sky. "And I do. Is that wrong? I feel like it's wrong somehow."

"Ren wouldn't think so. And I don't either. Just... were you crashing over tonight? My bullhead should be picking me up soon, I could offer you a lift." Ruby asked with a tone that sounded more like she was not sure if she should be offering.

"That would be cool. I had planned to crash here for the night. It's a long run back to my place. Maybe-" Jaune thought aloud. It would be nice to sleep in his own bed. The small cot at Nora's house was only so large.

Ruby let her finger trace the hem of her jacket. "Actually, I have a favor to ask of you."

"What's up?" Jaune sat on the porch. Ruby followed but still looked around. It sounded like Nora finally got the kids in the tub judging by the splashing sounds of the water and scream of protests about baths from the kids.

"Can you stick around tonight? Nora… You need to talk to her. She was actually really upset when you came in."

Jaune stared at his friend and nodded not sure what to make of that. "What happened?"

Ruby moaned slightly. She seemed at war with herself before she eeped out, "When Mez came running in to let us know you were here, Syf cried out 'daddy'."


Nora let her kids play in the water for a moment. They were her pride and joy. She saw so much of Ren in them. Mez may have had her hair but he had Ren's calm demeanor. He would try his best to reason things out on his own and it has saved him from getting into a lot of trouble when he was smaller. Syf was the very image of Ren with her black hair and sharp nose. Nora nearly lost it when Syf, who looked so much like her father, call out to Jaune like that.

Nora exhaled and blinked away the tears before they could form. She shook her head to snap out of those depressing thoughts. Jaune had been a godsend. Never asking for anything and supporting her like he had when they were still a huntsman team. Even after they split from RWBY…

Nora and her two boys.

Nora still thought of Jaune and Ren as her boys even now. She giggled at her daughter who looked startled at the bubbles that disappeared when they would not stay in her hands.

Her children were wonderful. So were her first set of boys. It wasn't the first time she caught Syf or Mez calling Jaune dad. Jaune himself never noticed of course. He was usually outside and rarely had time to play with her children. He was here to help work.

Just to work.

Nora's chest ached at this complicated feeling. She knew what it was. Jaune provided a safe place to lean on for these past four years. He was a place to feel safe when she felt like the ground would swallow her whole after Ren died.

Jaune came with her this last year to see the ruined settlement memorial. The destroyed settlement was flattened to an open field with a tall stone honoring those who died protecting it. Nora had pointed out Ren's name along with his team to Jaune. Jaune never met them but she wish he had. They were a few years younger than JNPR had been. But they were good people. Nora couldn't bring herself to take the children on that trip. They had stayed with a neighbor to allow Jaune and Nora both to mourn their friend. There were times where she hated that Ren died without her or Jaune there with him. But that is what happens when your team separates.

Nora realized she let the kids play in the water too long and grabbed the towels that sat on the sink. Her children's dirty clothes were piled behind the door. And they would stay there until she did the laundry. Nora never said she was the neatest or most organized mother, but she tried to do her best. Which made the small things Jaune did for them like do the laundry without a word so special to her. He did them for her. Everything he had done had always been for her.

Even if Jaune never said it, it felt like he placed a hold on his own life to help Nora with hers. He moved to the town and would just show up to check on her and the kids. When the house was in disarray, he didn't say anything he just helped clean it. He chopped wood, made a safe place outside for the children, taught Mez how to read before he was sent off to school. And did a myriad other things the cabin needed. And there were a lot. Ren had bought the cabin with the intention of expanding as they grew into a larger family. Neither Nora nor Ren planned for what would happen if one of them passed away.

Nora toweled off Mez who promptly ran out the door with nothing but a pair of tighty whities. "Get some clothes on Mez!" she shouted after him. Nora went to dry off little Syf and nearly felt a cry leave her throat. Sfy under her wet short hair looked at her mother with those curious gorgeous bright pink eyes.


Nora just kissed her daughter's forehead. "It's nothing sweetie. Why don't you go tell Aunt Ruby and Jaune that I am about to start cooking dinner if they want to join in the fun."

Syf grinned and skipped out the door. Nora watched her go to her 'dad'. Nora knew she shouldn't be surprised. It was a hard day when she realized that Syf and Mez knew Jaune longer than they knew their own father. Jaune had no idea why she sobbed into his chest that night. Well over a year later it was just a dull ache now. Like an old wound that never fully healed. You would forget about it completely and then there is that one movement, that one gesture that made it sting.

Nora exhaled and looked at herself in the mirror. She loved Jaune. With everything she had. She loved that man. But he showed up to only help her get on her feet. She could never ask him to stay and stop his life for even longer. He would never be happy with this premade family. Could he ever see his friends' kids as his own? He said he had all these plans when they separated. Jaune closed his mercenary company for her. Jaune said he could always reopen it. But not if he is stuck here. With her. That thought made her heart ache.

Nora inspected herself in the mirror. Thank goodness her eyes were not red. She rubbed them and inhaled through her nose. She coughed in annoyance when snot hit the back of her throat. "O.K." She announced to herself in the mirror. Time to go back to being super mom.


Jaune felt his hand across the top of the lacquered table. It was one of the first things he made for her. Nora had broke her old table during a rough night shortly after Ren died. It was a good distraction for the both of them as Jaune and Nora both learned how to break apart the wood, shave and sand, and basically build their own furniture. Jaune built most of the things in the house. Countertops, cupboards, the chest, night stands coffee tables and bookcases. Anything that could have been furniture Jaune had made an attempt at making it at least once. It gave the house the feel like Nora and her kids lived in a tree. Of course Mez and Syf loved it.

Nora had always been patient with his shambled attempts at buildings things for her house.

She looks better now. Jaune thought to himself. Nora sat across from him at the dinner table, the kids were on one side and 'Aunt Ruby' was on the other.

Jaune glanced at Ruby and the woman simply raised an eyebrow. Jaune's thoughts were on what Ruby admitted to him a few hours ago. Nora is afraid you'll leave. Jaune looked at Nora and had to laugh. Nora made a face to match Syf's now that the little girl has decided she was full.

"One more bite to prove you are not going to explode from carrots and you can be done." Nora scootched the small plate closer to Syf.

Syf huffed and played with the small piece of orange vegetable not the least bit willing to take another bite of the orange thing on her plate.

"When did they get so fussy? I remember Syf loving to eat carrots." Ruby recalled the orange fluffy carrot in the girls room.

"You can blame Mez for that one. He told her dogs and cats pee on them before we pull them up to eat them." Jaune pointed out. He had been growing those vegetables and it was Mez's job every morning to water them when Jaune wasn't there. Jaune had heard Mez say it once or twice to Syf.

"I did not mom!" Mez groaned out. When Nora's disbelieving look got through to her son that she did not believe him, he huffed and surrendered by showing his empty plate to his mom.

"Good, put it in the sink honey."

Ruby giggled and just gave a shining smile at Nora. "It's so fun watching you be a mama bear." There was a quick repeating beep from Ruby's pocket. She sighed in disappointment. "Looks like my flight is here. I got to go. I should be back to visit in a few months." She apologized.

Nora stood up and hugged the shorter girl. "It was really good to see you again. Thank you for coming. Kids! Hug Auntie Ruby. She has to go!"

Both kids wrapped their arms around Ruby's hips. "I'll miss you guys too." She gave them each a hug before Jaune and Nora followed her out.

Jaune needed to bite the bullet and just ask her if it was ok to crash the night, or he was in for a long walk if he waited till later. "Nora? Is it alright if I crash here the night?"

Ruby was already out the door and down the steps.

Jaune could feel Ruby's eyes on him as he asked.

"Sure. You're always welcome. I'll get the cot out right before I put the kids to bed." She started to turn inside.

"Thanks." Jaune waved to Ruby who simply took the rope that was lowered for her from the hovering bullhead.

Ruby put her hands on her hips and shook a finger at him. "Jaune, she needs to know." That was all she said before the rope pulled her up.

Jaune watched one of his closest friends fly off to god knows where. She had a team she was training. He just never did get the chance to ask how that was all going. He was a little preoccupied with something else. His gaze lowered to Nora's. She looked nervous. Jaune guess she heard that last part.

Jaune realized there was half a heart beat where their eyes met. Jaune looked away. "Thank you. Let me do the dishes. It's the least I can do."

Nora shook her head and looped her arm through the gap in his. "Let's both do the dishes, you wash, I dry."


Jaune sat on the couch. It was a simple piece cut and held together more by sliding rods and slabs rather than glue or staples. He did not know how to attach cushions when he made it so he bought pillow cushions for the bottom and back. Really the cot was so much softer than the couch. He eyed the coiled springs on the folded bed warily.

Jaune knew it was worth it every time. He smiled at Nora as she quietly walked out of the kids room and sat next to him. "Finally asleep. Mez is so ready for his own room. He is still convinced he doesn't need a story time."

"I am sure we'll both be reading him plenty of stories in his room." The two shared a laugh. Jaune leaned forward and handed her a glass of wine. "How are you feeling?"

Nora sighed and nudged her shoulder to his. "Ok. It was just a thought that hit me harder than I thought it would. Syf looks so much like her father it just threw me a little."

"Ruby spilled the beans."

Nora huffed and leaned back into her couch. "I knew she would, it's just... You do a lot for us and having that put on you withou-"

Jaune reached for her hand and squeezed it. "I understand. I am flattered by the way. They are good kids. I really like them." He let go of her hand and Nora felt the complete absence of his heat. "Should I try to correct-"

"No!" Nora shouted. Her wine nearly spilled when she waved her hand and covered her mouth at the volume of her voice. She paused and didn't hear any stirring from the kids room. "Thank god the walls are thick. No Jaune, I don't mind. But if it bothers you, I can speak with them."

Jaune watched her look at her glass and sip. "It doesn't." He answered cautiously. She seemed relieved. "I am honored they think of me like that. But what happens when you start to date someone?"

Nora snorted into her glass. She had forgotten how dense he was. Although to be fair, she did her damn best to never hint a thing to him. "Jaune, we're old. Most people our age already have kids going to beacon, not five year olds."

Jaune nodded. He honestly had not been looking for a companion himself. Jaune had entertained the idea at one time of looking for someone to date. That resulted in Nora and Ruby finding every sleazy date site they ran across to look for someone. Jaune laughed. "Thirty seven isn't that old Nora. But maybe you can try those dating sites. I can even set up a profile."

Nora gave him a horrified look that he would even do something like that until she remembered Ruby. "You are not doing that to me. The pictures Ruby and I had to wade through were horrible. Not to mention most of them were men dressed as women."

"Ruby tried her hardest to chat up that one guy, started with a R."

Nora started laughing. "Rougette? Yeah he was very interested in seeing how well you handled your sword."

Jaune covered his face. "I can't believe you two used my sword and shield as my cover picture."

"We got you so many hits for being a man of mystery."

Jaune laughed, "Please stop."

Nora smiled and set her glass down. One had always been her limit since she had her kids. She sighed as she answered honestly, "To be fair, we didn't expect you to be a hit with the guys and not the girls." Nora laughed as she kicked her legs out. "But me Dating? I don't think there is a future Mr. Valkyrie or Mrs. Futurestranger in my life Jaune. I have my kids."

Jaune nodded. He poured himself another glass but set it down as he half turned to her. "I'll be honest, I have given up on looking myself."

Nora paused and tensed as she asked, "Why?"

Jaune ruefully gave her the same answer, "I'm too old."

Nora slapped his shoulder.

Jaune cleared his throat. "You could still pass for twenty. I actually look older than my age Nora. Although I never really tried hard to look for anything. There seemed to always have been something else to do."

Jaune leaned back on the couch and watched the fire. He seemed lost in his own thoughts when Nora lowered her head. "I'm sorry."

It was so quiet Jaune almost missed it. "For what?"

Nora closed her eyes. "You had plans. You dropped everything to come help."

Jaune looked at her surprised. "Nora, we have been friends for twenty years. Of course I wanted to help."

Nora shook her head at the waste of it all. "You're too selfless Jaune." She let her head rest against this shoulder. "But thank you." She closed her eyes and relished the moment.

Jaune slowly lowered his head against hers. "I'll always be here Nora. I am not leaving."

Nora held her breath and looked away. Her tense shoulders relaxed. She squeezed her eyes shut until the overwhelming wave of relief left her. Something brushed the top of her head.

Nora smiled with her eyes still closed. "It's the beard by the way."

Jaune seemed to have begun the early stages of dozing because it took him a moment to remember what she was referring to. "It makes me look older?"

"A lot older. But Syf was right. I like it too." She tilted her head slightly and his beard rubbed against her forehead. A warm tickle like a soft brush caressed her.

Jaune simply moved his chin back and forth on her forehead.

"Hey! Don't ruin the moment!" she hit him in the stomach. It got the two of them laughing before Nora went back to leaning against him.

Jaune finally asked, "Tired?"

"Hm?" she murmured. It felt nice to lean against him.

"You only ever do this when you're tired."

Nora sighed and just ignored the question. She just wanted to be a thief that took every moment from him. Which was why she gasped when Jaune leaned forward a moment to move his arm and she felt her body slide farther back against him. His arm draped over her shoulders and around front to let his forearm dangle from her shoulder. "Thought we should make it more comfortable for the both of us."

Nora smiled at him and found a new toy to play with as she traced his calloused fingers with her delicate fingernails. Her hands used to match his. But she had stopped training altogether just before she realized she was pregnant with Mez. Without much thought she placed her palm against his. His was far bigger and muscled from hard work.

Jaune watched on curiously while Nora played with his hand. He smiled into her hair. He has seen her family so often he was aware how rare it was to see this playful side again. Nora and the kids had become his whole world.

Jaune smiled like an idiot in front of Ruby when she said that little Syfie called him daddy. Ruby just smacked him for making her worry. And again when he kept smiling.

Ruby had argued why he had not done anything about it before. Jaune readily said he was a coward. He was a guest here. Sure he lived in town, but he was always Nora's friend through it all. Never once had he honestly thought to make a pass at Nora.

Ren and Nora were so entrenched as a couple that he did not even realize he had feelings for her. He only had the epiphany when one of his old buddies from his old Mercenary Works sent him a message all those months ago. They had a large payout if he wanted to join in or lead a second group. It was the kind of job Jaune was waiting for to make a name for himself. It was the kind of job he would take in a heartbeat seven years ago. It would set his company and him up for life with a clientele that would last generations.

Jaune did not even regret when he immediately said he was tied up with an important long term job and would be unavailable for the foreseeable future. His friends were understanding but said they would keep in touch just in case.

When Jaune went to Nora's house that day to fix a coffee table Meza broke with aura, she had no idea Jaune spent the afternoon looking at her. So long as Nora would welcome him, Juane realized he never wanted to leave her side.

Ruby just gave him the excuse, that little push. When he felt Nora's palm against his, he watched as a small smile played on her lips. He closed his hand lacing his fingers in hers. The movement made her freeze. She let her free hand rest on their laced fingers before she look up to him. Her face was the very picture of all of the taut nerves that he felt. "I should have done that a long time ago." He admitted in an apology.

Nora smiled and tilted her head back a little farther. Jaune leaned forward for a chaste kiss. The redhead giggled as she went back to playing with his hand. Time slowed for Jaune as he felt her fingers brushed against his. He leaned into her hair and his lips lingered on the top of her head.

Nora pulled his hand close to her chest. "You promise not to leave?" It was so quiet when she asked. Jaune could feel her heartbeat against his hand as it rested just below her neck.

Jaune pulled his free hand around to wrap both his arms around her shoulders. "I will never leave you."

A/N: I just had the idea to write this. I felt like this could have been a lot longer but then I run the risk of some scenes would just be repeated info from different points of view.

I really liked this one, and it stopped at a point that could go somewhere later down the line. When I first started writing for RWBY I had wanted my hand to try and make something with Jaune to pair up with each of the RWBY girls just to see what I could do with it. I never could get a Lancaster RubyxJaune to work. I think while I ship them I don't really like seeing Ruby with anyone romantically.

Never thought I would have written a JaunexNora. Nora's Arc? Had to look it up on the master pairing sheet. Go figure.

This was written mostly in a single day. I think I needed a break from the More Than One Way. Next chapter for that story will be soonish? Question mark. It's mostly done. At that weird spot where to cut off the chapter. Cough.