I do not own Fairy Tail. I wanted to write a BixLu story and my boyfriend gave me this idea from Supernatural. There's not enough BixLu stories out there!

Chapter One

When Lucy got to the guild, it was loud as usual. Her team, off on a mission without her. She had been sick for the past week and they had asked her if they could go and take Lisanna with them and she agreed.

Her brown eyes were tired as she was just getting over her sickness and tiredness of sleeping too long. Lucy found her spot at the bar in front of the scary take-over mage behind it, sitting and slouching in her seat, Mira walked up and asked if she needed anything.

"I think I'll just have some water, thanks," The stellar mage sighed. She was feeling better but just a bit groggy, Lucy was just bored without her team and she kind of regretted telling them to go without her. She was also just feeling bummed out from everything, everything she didn't want to talk about.

Sighing again when Mira handed her the glass of water, the white-haired bar maiden cocked her head in confusion at the stellar mage, "Something wrong Lucy?"

Shaking her head, "No, not really. Just sort of bored,"

Mira hummed, with a hand on her chin. Looking around at the guild she thought of what Lucy could do or hang out with. The only ones here were the Thunder Legion, Alzack, Bisca and their daughter; then some random guild members.

"Why don't you take a mission? You can do a small one by yourself," Leaving Lucy frowning her eyebrows, could she really do that? Lucy had never taken a job by herself, her self esteem with her magic abilities have been shot down by her team. They were always so protective of her in missions that she never thought she could take one on with no help.

Lucy fidgeted in her seat, "I don't know Mira, I don't think I can," Pushing a hair behind her ear, her feet kicked from beneath her.

Slamming her hands on the counter before her, "What do you mean? You're plenty strong," Mira defended her. The take-over mage has seen Lucy in action, she was amazing as what she did. Perfecting her magic and the star dress she learned, Lucy was getting so much better as a defective fighter and getting more intense as an offensive fighter.

Her mocha eyes looked down to the wooden counter, finding a line and following it before answering the white-haired bar maiden, "I don't know Mira. It's okay, I can just hang out here until the team gets back."

"No, no way! I believe in you. Now march your butt to the job board and I will approve it!" Mira encouraged her, pointing to the board with Nab standing there thinking with a focused looked on his face.

Lucy took a deep breath and marched over to the board just like Mira told her to. Stepping over the lifted area for the board, Lucy found herself standing by Nab looking at different flyers for her to choose from.

Now that she was up here, she had no idea what she was capable of; what she could do on her own.

"There's one with your name requested," Nab offhandedly told the stellar mage beside him. Her eyes widened; she's never been requested for a job before.

Her hand snatched it quickly and read it there on the spot:


I have a malicious spirit on my hands, and I suspected that your magic's will work perfectly.

Location: Seven in the town of Jontronus

Reward: 78,000 Jewel 1 Celestial Key

Please hurry, this spirit has hurt many people.

Lucy's eyes pinched, she's never worked with the Seith mage before; looking up at the second floor, she saw him laughing with Laxus and the rest of the Thunder Legion. Thanking Nab before walking back to the bar, Lucy plopped back in her stool and sighed.

How was she supposed to casually walk up to him and ask if he would go on this job with her? They didn't even know each other, they have only dueled twice. Other than that, they haven't even had a conversation that wasn't perverted.

Looking back up to the balcony to see, Laxus telling them an elaborate story and them all laughing; watching Bickslow make a comment and flopping his tongue out and them giving him a shake of their heads.

Taking a deep and grabbing the flyer, she gave herself a quick pep talk and walking up to the second floor of the guild hall. Once she reached the top of the stairs, the storm blue eyes of Laxus spotted her.

"Whatcha doing up here blondie?" He joked which made her shoulders less tense. They all seemed so powerful and intimidating even thought they have all changed for the better by far.

Lucy chuckled nervously with the flyer behind her back as she approached the table, "Um, I got a job requested for me and for Bickslow,"

After saying that, the Seith mages' eyes widened beneath his visor, Lucy couldn't see that though.

"Why?" He asked, she had handed him the mission paper as Evergreen leaned over to look at the mission with Bickslow and Freed just watched the two of them.

"Well, it says that there's a vengeful spirit that has hurt a lot of people. They thought our magic's would help in the matter. You being a Seith mage and me being a Celestial mage," She shrugged, thinking that he might not want to work with her.

The Seith mage nodded his head, "Sounds cool. When did you want to go?" Handing it back to her and holding his hands behind his head.

The stellar mage was shocked, he actually wanted to go with her. "You want to go?" Lucy absentmindedly asked looking shocked.

They all looked up to her, "What do you mean, Miss Lucy?" Freed asked, putting down his book to pay attention to her words.

Lucy swallowed, shaking her head, "Nothing. I was just asking," Holding her arm with her other and looking the other way, "We can leave tomorrow morning, if that's okay,"

Nodding rapidly making the feather on the top of his visor bob, "Can't wait for it cosplayer," lolling his tongue and smiling to her.

Gripping the hem of her shirt, she felt heat on her cheeks and just walked away from the Thunder Legion table.


Back in her home, Lucy was slowly packing her bag thinking of what this mission was going to be like. So, there was a spirit who is angry about something; maybe they could help them move on or they that to possess them.

Holding a hand to her chin she hummed, would she be of any help here? She would get a key out of this and maybe Bickslow would get a new friend, if he calls them that.

She really wanted to talk to him about his magic, Lucy didn't know much about it of what he really did. Hopefully he's up for talking about it. Or talking at all for that matter. The blonde sighed again, slamming a shirt in her bag; hoping that this wouldn't be too long.

"Plue, is this going to go well?" Her little dog spirit shake and jumped at Lucy. "Yeah, I thought so too. I just have to be positive,"

Laying in her bed for the night and staring out the window next to her bed. She watched the stars fluttering in and out in the sky; seeing the various constellations that she could see. Lucy was just worried about tomorrow, if she was going to be good enough to help.

"I guess we'll see what happens," Saying to Plue before he glowed away to the spirit realm.

Hours later, at 2 in the morning; Lucy started to toss and turn in her bed. Her hand hitting the side table but that didn't bother her one bit as her eyebrows pinched together in distress. Her mind was jumbled with nightmares of heartache and abandonment.


Standing alone in her old house at the foyer. Her head looking around for someone, anyone, to help her.

"Hello?" She asked the darkness. Getting no answer at all. No sound only her own breathing. Her tears started to leak again, no one was coming, and she was all alone again.

Everybody leaves her at some point. Will anyone actually love her?

A scream ripped through her lips as her eyes stared up at the ceiling. Lucy was sweating as her hands quickly ran to open the window by her bed. This was going to be one of the nights where she's not going to get any sleep and she had a mission in the morning.

Slamming her head back to her pillow and sighed, she hated herself even more.


Walking into the guild hall at 8 in the morning, with her bag over her shoulder she glanced around the guild to see if Bickslow was here yet. Her eyes were heavy from the lack of sleep and the nightmares that plagued her mind. She let out a long sigh and looked around again.

He wasn't, so she sat at a far table and brought out her book out from inside her duffle bag. There was hardly anyone here, Lucy may have gotten there a bit too early. Yawning and rubbing her eye while she flipped to the next page.

After about an hour of reading, the guild doors slammed open to the loud thunder legion and Laxus all rolled in at once. Bickslow was laughing and sticking his tongue out while Evergreen slapped him with her fan; Freed was only shaking his at the two of them but held a small smile and Laxus looked like he was bored.

"Cosplayer!" Bickslow yelled, causing Lucy to tense her shoulder while his babies flew over to her. They circled around her head then forming a vertical line in front of her.

"Um, Hello?" Lucy tentative smiled at the small totems.

'Hello, hello, hello!" They synchronized together making her giggle.

There was movement from beyond the totems, looking up she saw Bickslow sit across from her. The Seith mage smiled widely at her, "Hey there, we leaving so soon?" He asked leaning forward on the table.

Setting down her book off to the side, "Uh, we don't have to if you have something to do," moving a piece of hair behind her ear, the blonde sifted her feet under the table, "I just wanted to leave before noon."

He nodded his head, "Well, I'm gonna eat breakfast first. I'll be back," Slapping the table before standing up to go get something to eat while his totems following him except one.

The one with a large smiling face and no nose stayed behind, "Did you need something little one?" Lucy didn't know their name, but she wanted to be nice.

The totem flew up and just laid itself on her shoulder, "Hmm, okay?" She shrugged and opened up her book back up to read, thinking Bickslow was going to eat with his group. Until he sat back down with a plate of eggs and bacon, "What are you doing here?" wondering why he was sitting with you at all.

With cheeks full of eggs, he stared at her through his visor and if she could have seen his eyebrow quirk at her, "Wha do yu men?" His cheeks are were full still.

"Well, I just thought that you were going to sit with your team?" Forgetting that there's a totem on her shoulder as Bickslow stared at his little spirit.

After swallowing, he stuck his tongue out at her, "You're my team today."

Her eyes widened at him as his totems flew between both of them. That was the nicest thing someone has said to her. Lucy cleared her throat with a blush on her cheeks, turning away from him to look at the lamp that was next to her, "Well, then," was all she said and picked up her book again, just to ignore him.

Bickslow just laughed as he continued eating, most of his totems were calm and quiet as they sat on the table but two of them were hovering over Lucy and her book. The one still perched on her shoulder while the one with clenching teeth was floating by her face as if they were reading with her.

The Seith mage's head lifted to look at his babies; Pippi and Pappa was reading the book with her in her hands; of course they could read, they were human souls and smart.

They never acted like this and she didn't seem to mind. Cosplayer did seem a bit out of it, now that he thought of it, she did seem off that last time they talked. He was about to ask her if she was alright when Laxus showed up beside their table, looking at both of them.

"When will you be back?" Asking the Seith mage and completely ignoring Lucy.

"I'd say about 3 days Boss man," Showing his guildmark to the lightning dragon slayer. "Why do you ask?"

His large hands leaned further towards him and Bickslow even saw Lucy lean back into the booth.

"What if we get a job while you're gone? I can determine if we can push it off until you come back." Acting responsible for his team which surprised Lucy quite a bit.

A loud laugh was heard across from her, "Yeah Boss man, I think you guys will be fine without me. does Laxy want me to stay with him?" Bickslow joked with his tongue out and his hands behind his head.

Laxus suddenly growled at the mage before her, "I will electrocute you." Before walking off to the second floor with the rest of his team.

"What was that?" Lucy asked placing her book in her bag as Pippi sat on her other shoulder.

He cackled again and pointed a thumb up to the second floor of Fairy Tail, "That's his way of being concerned about me. He just cares in a different way," Both laughed as Laxus yelled down for him to quote 'Shut his fucking mouth'.

Standing up with an empty table, Bickslow slammed his hands down in front of his new partner today, "So, you ready to get going?" Lucy's eyes looked around for his plate, but she couldn't find it anywhere, "My babies took it back to the bar, so are you ready?" He answered her unasked question.

Lucy stood up with him and grabbed her bag as one of his totems grabbed his own bag from the front doors; which is why she didn't see it before.

Both mages arrived at the train station, Bickslow's babies were silent as they bought their tickets for Seven, then boarded the train. The two of them had stayed silent, considering they had nothing to talk about.

Lucy cleared her throat, causing the Seith mage to look at her, "So, can I ask you something?" talking for the first time since leaving the guild; which made Bickslow kind of jittery since he loved talking people's ear off.


Her mocha eyes shifted, wondering how she could ask him about his magic without sounding rude, "Um, can…what are your babies names?" Well, that's not what she wanted to ask.

Each totem flew up and introduced themselves, "Pappa!" in a cute child like voice was the smiling little thing popped up in the blonde's face.

"Pippi," A cranky sounding teenager was the totem with big, wide teeth.

"Peppe," The bored looking totem with a big nose, he sounded a bit normal.

"Poppo," The angry looking totem that actually sounded a bit angry and stayed next to Bickslow instead of popping up in Lucy's face.

"And I'm Puppu," The last totem floated in between the two mages with his bright red eyes at Lucy.

She giggled at them all, "Well, I'm Lucy. It's nice to meet you guys," Waving at the little cuties, her eyes looked back up to the Seith mage and saw a small smile on his face, "What?" Lucy asked, thinking she did something wrong.

He shook his head; the blonde couldn't see his eyes but if she did, she would have seen his soft expression. "Nothing. I didn't say anything, Cosplayer,"

She stuck her own tongue out at him as he laughed. Two of the totems started flipping in their little compartment on the train, the rest were sitting quietly beside the Seith mage.

"Can I ask you something?" It was his turn to ask the blonde something that has been bugging him all morning. She nodded for him to ask away, "Is something wrong?"

The stellar mage was looking out the window when he asked, her mocha eyes widened and slowly turned her head to him, "What," Lucy thought she hid it very well but guess not. Clearing her throat again and swallowing hard, she straightened herself up, "Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

Her team didn't even ask if she was fine, since the guild rebuilt. They just went on like normal and kept the team intact. Her heart felt abandoned all over again, no one cared that she was upset so she just shoved it deep down and forgot about it.

No one even said sorry.

After Tartaros happened and they won but she lost apart of herself. Aquarius. Her dearest friend and they all left. Scattered around Fiore without even a goodbye. And Natsu, he just left a note and couldn't even face her.

Lucy had been abandoned all her life, why would this be any different? Maybe she was the problem, the blonde didn't even hear what Bickslow said to her.

Flashes of when she tried to run after Natsu, of when the guild disbanded the very next day, of her crying her eyes out for days until her spirits came to make her 'better', of her feeling lost.

There had to be something wrong with her; why would everyone in her life leave her?

"LUCY!" A shout was heard in front of her and her eyes became focused on Bickslow kneeling on the train floor in front of her.

Her breathing was heavy and quick, her hands were bunched up in her shirt, "Yes?" Her voice was so quiet and soft and broken.

"Are you okay?" His hands were on her knees as his babies were sitting on the bench with her, she nodded her head, he tilted his head in mock response, "Cosplayer, you're crying," Her hands immediately went to her face and felt the wet drops on her cheeks.

She sighed and stared down to her lap and hands, "I'm okay for now. Thanks." She gave him her strongest smile she could. Lucy hoped that he would believe her.

He stayed for a minute just watching her as she looked everywhere but him, she hadn't even noticed that the train started moving. The Seith mage then stood and sat back in his seat across from, "Okay, but if you wanna talk about it, I'm here."

"Me too!" The babies flew around in between them and made Lucy let out a small smile.

"Thanks Bix. I really appreciate it." Lucy highly doubted that she would go to him in the first place, but she did like the sympathy. "Well, do you mind if I take a small nap? I didn't really sleep too long,"

He nodded and showed his guildmark to her, "No problem, I'll watch over you beautiful body." Lucy could only roll her eyes and smirk at him as she pulled out her soundpod and headphones.


Bickslow watched as she almost immediately fell asleep to the sound of really loud and scream-y music. He didn't think she of all people would like that kind of music. His babies were quiet as he told them to sleep as well.

Their souls were vibrating, wanting to play with Cosplayer but after that small scene of her crying. He really didn't know how to handle that, Evergreen hardly ever cried and when she did, it was around Freed or even Laxus but him? He was no good with crying girls.

What had gotten to her so bad? He only asked if something was wrong. Looking over at her with her hand on the windowsill and her eyes just with her music blasting, she looked angelic and not, what's the word, broken.

They only had one hour until the train stopped at Seven and then they would walk to Jontronus from there. He hoped this mission would go well. This was very awkward from the start and who ones what will happen next.

Thank you guys! This takes place after Tartaros and after the guild gets back together, if anyone was wondering. Anyway, leave a review and tell me what you think, until next time!