AN: I don't think I'm gonna be able to do the Vat of acid episode either. Mostly because there's no way I could make it make sense. Sorry about that.
For the next couple of days, Rick and Lincoln went on adventures by themselves in an effort to try and find Lynn. The first idea they had was to go to the places where Lynn could charge the portal gun and leave traps there for her. Unfortunately, there were a lot of places in the universe where Lynn could charge the portal gun and they couldn't leave traps at all of them since some of them were in public places. The only other thing Rick could do was cause the portal gun to self destruct but that would probably not be very helpful for Lynn if she was in danger. Lincoln had wondered why Rick didn't just have a tracking device on the gun. After arguing that that was the kind of thing the Federation did, Rick claimed that he didn't think that he'd ever need to do that since he could make the portal guns self destruct and he didn't think any of them were stupid enough to try something like this. With few other options, the two simply wondered aimlessly, hoping Lynn might have found somewhere to stick around for a while.
Of course, Lincoln couldn't just spend all his time worrying about Lynn since not only would it make people around him suspicious but like Rick said, she could just come back herself at some point. He didn't need to stress himself over her that much. Well, at least Rick thought so. Tomorrow, he'd be taking a break as there was going to be an Ace Savvy convention. One of the most sacred Clincoln McCloud traditions. Speaking of Clyde, Lincoln heard someone knocking on the door. He opened it to see Clyde, dressed in his One-Eyed Jack outfit that he had made himself. "What do you think?" He asked. "You ready for the convention tomorrow?"
Lincoln nodded. "Definitely." He then smirked at Clyde. "Wait 'till you see my costume." He then gestured for Clyde to follow him as the two went into the garage where Rick was working on a device (which Lincoln noted looked almost like an eyeball). "Grandpa Rick, I need to borrow my Ace Savvy outfit. It's for the convention."
Rick gave Lincoln an annoyed look before sighing and pressing a button on the wall, causing a wardrobe to come out next to it. It opened up, revealing outfits for all of the Full House Gang. Clyde stared at the outfits in awe. "Whoa..."
After putting his Ace Savvy outfit on, he turned to Clyde. "What do you think?"
Clyde scratched the back of his head. "Uh, it's cool and all but shouldn't you have made your costume...your...self..." Clyde's eyes widened as he realised Lincoln was now floating slightly off the ground. "You have superpowers now?!"
"Pretty cool, right? Lincoln asked. "Grandpa Rick made them to give us the same powers that we had in my comic."
"Dang! But then how come I don't see you guys use it?" Clyde asked "You guys could be real superheroes!"
Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Rick doesn't really like us using it. He says it would 'take the fun out of adventures'." He then whispered to Clyde. "He also hates superhero stuff."
"Don't know why you're whispering, Lincoln." Rick then said. "I've been pretty vocal about how much I don't like capeshit."
Suddenly, a purple crystal on the shelf started to glow, emitting an otherworldly noise. Lincoln looked over at it. "It's the Vindibeacon! We're being called to assemble by the Vindicators!"
"The Vindicators?" Clyde asked.
"They're this awesome superhero team that go around the galaxy, stopping evil!" Lincoln explained.
"Wait, superheroes are real?!"
"Yeah. Me, my sisters and Grandpa Rick went on an adventure with them to stop and evil alien warlord. It was awesome!"
Clyde gaped in shock. "You went on adventure with actual superheroes and you never told me?!"
Lincoln had a guilty look on his face. "Yeah, sorry Clyde. I didn't want to make you jealous since you missed out on it. But this time, you can come with me and Rick."
"Uh, Lincoln, I refuse to answer a literal call to adventure." Rick then said.
Lincoln sighed in annoyance. "Come on, Rick, he Vindicators only call when the universe itself is at stake! They might seriously need our help."
"Oh, they seriously need help all right. They're a bunch of drama queens that spend an hour talking and twenty minutes jumping around while shit blows up. They're a phase. We did one, it was the big event of the summer. Let it die."
Lincoln frowned at Rick. He really hated it whenever Rick got this preachy about things he didn't like. "Clyde, I need to speak to Rick alone for a minute."
"Uh, sure." Clyde said awkwardly as he left the garage.
After he left, Lincoln said. "Rick, what if the Vindicators could help us find Lynn?"
Rick turned around. "You seriously think those posers would go out of their way to help us with Lynn?"
"Why not?" Lincoln argued. "If we help them with whatever's happening now, they could help us out with finding Lynn. Besides, it's not as if we have any other idea right now. Why not just try this?"
Rick groaned for a couple seconds before saying. "Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you."
Lincoln smiled before picking up the Vindibeacon. "Vindicator command ship, beacon received!"
On the Vindicator command ship, Rick, Lincoln and Clyde were sat around a round table in a briefing room with four members of the Vindicators. Coming from the table was a hologram of a giant, evil looking, one-eyed alien. "Vindicators, Worldender is back..." Started Supernova, a purple, cosmic being with long flowing hair and an outfit that resembled a galaxy with floating miniature planets surrounding her. "And this time, he's out to end more than worlds."
"Oh boy, another generic, doomsday villain." Rick snarked, sitting in a relaxed position, just so everyone knew he wasn't taking this seriously. "Let me guess, he wants to destroy the universe to create a new one. Definitely never been done before."
"Rick!" Lincoln chastised.
Supernova gave Rick an annoyed look before continuing. "We have reason to believe his stronghold is located on the Terraneus system." The hologram then changed, showing a galaxy full of planets. Supernova pointed towards a red one. "Once in range, Million Ants will scan for pheromone activity, which should lead us to the location of the base."
Rick looked over at Million Ants, who was literally a colony of red ants who had collected themselves into taking a humanoid shape. He was coloured red and had a hollow looking set of eyes and mouth. "Oh, that's Million Ants. I can't see the ants over here. I just assumed that was, uh, Turd Man. Wiggly Turd Man."
"Rick, please stop it." Lincoln pleaded.
"Rick, you have something to add to the briefing?" Supernova asked.
"Uh, yeah, just a few more design notes." Rick pointed a thumb towards the Vindicator next to him. A part crocodile and part robot cyborg. His chest area was machinery and his skin was a brownish green. His left eye consisted of a couple of cameras and the only organic parts that he still had on his body were his head, tail, left arm, and right foot. "Um, this guy." Rick chuckled. "The, uh..."
"I am Crocubot." Crocubot said in a robotic voice.
"Right, Crocubot." Rick laughed. "So, you're half-cold, unfeeling reptile, half-also cold, equally-unfeeling machine."
"So, you're origin is what? Y-You fell into a vat of redundancy?"
Clyde raised an eyebrow. "You don't think a cyborg crocodile is cool?"
Rick rolled his eyes. "Come on, Clyde, I-I-I mean this guy looks like someone just read the idiot's guide to cyber-organisms. Who's his creator? Dr. Fartenstein?"
"My creator was-" Crocubot started before getting interrupted by Rick.
"You know what? I don't want to know. I don't need to put a name or a face to such shoddy workmanship. Don't get me wrong. I-I-I'm sort of curious, you know? To see what other bad ideas that guy put together. Like a robot rock, or I don't know, a wooden fireplace." Rick laughed as Crocubot started to look down in shame.
"Got dang!" Snickered a small alien, wearing a pink mask with a purple cape. He had pink skin and his eyes were arranged diagonally from each other. He was currently sweeping the floor.
"Noob-Noob, we're having a briefing!" Supernova chastised before turning to Rick. "If I can continue, Rick. I anticipate sophisticated security measures. I trust you can be of service there."
"Well considering I have the ability to do literally anything I want, whenever I want, yeah, that sounds like a job for me." Rick replied.
"I wish he had the ability to check his attitude." Sneered a large, muscular, dark skinned man who wore an old-fashioned train conductor's cap with matching overalls, gloves, and a dirty, sleeveless greatcoat. He also had a glowing green chain and train whistle around his neck.
"Alan Rails, ladies and gentleman." Rick started. "After his parents' tragic death in a railroad accident, he gained the power to summon ghost trains. It's not all bad, though. They were spared having to see their grown son wear a whistle!"
"Got damn!" Noob-Noob exclaimed again.
Rick turned to him. "Thanks, Noob-Noob! This guy gets it."
The door then opened as a caucasian, human male with auburn hair and beard stubble flew in with his jetpack, carrying a martini glass. He wore a blue battle suit with built-in weapons, over which he wore a vest that had the Vindicators logo on it. He landed next to an empty seat next to Clyde as he drank from his glass. Lincoln stared at him in amazement. "Vance Maximus, Renegade Star Soldier!"
Vance then tossed the glass behind him before zapping it out of existence with his laser arm cannon. "Sorry I'm late. It was happy hour." He joked, getting a laugh out of everyone except for Rick.
Rick raised his hand. "Uh, I was also late because of my drinking and mentioned it to zero applause."
Vance sat down next to Clyde, giving him, Lincoln and Rick a pleasant smile. "Rick Sanchez, Tinkerer of Terror. Man, that's hard to say. And...Ace Savvy, right? Where's the rest of the Full House Gang?"
"They were busy today." Lincoln replied. In truth, Lincoln had decided not to bring them in case they ended up finding out about the Lynn situation. "But we should be fine without them right?"
"Well, I think we'll manage." Vance then turned to Clyde, who was staring at Vance in awe. "And who might you be?"
"Oh! Uh, I-I'm One-Eyed Jack! I'm Ace Savvy's sidekick." Clyde responded nervously.
Vance chuckled. "Ain't that cute. Well, welcome to the team." He then turned to the others. "What do you say, Vindicators? Let's make this three for three?"
Everyone besides Rick, Lincoln and Clyde started to cheer. "Three for three?" Lincoln asked. "Don't you guys mean two for two?"
The Vindicators all exchanged looks with one another before Supernova spoke. "Actually, we assembled a second time to fight Doomnomitron."
A look of hurt appeared on Lincoln's face. " assembled without us?"
There was a moment of awkward silence before Million Ants spoke. "I sense... insecurity."
"Are you sure there's not just a picnic nearby." Vance joked, getting another laugh out of everyone except for Rick, Lincoln and Clyde.
"I guess he found his crowd." Rick snarked. "Pretty toothless stuff, guys."
Lincoln frowned at Rick, now starting to get sick of his attitude. "Could you just stop? Why are you so against this stuff?"
"It's called event fatigue, Lincoln." Rick responded. "Everyone's tired of crossovers and forced team-ups and 'interconnected' shared universes! It's not about adventure! It's not about story! It's just one big cash-grab. Besides, the interconnected universe stuff is dumb. Am I really expected to believe that whenever a supervillain pops up, only one or a select group of heroes ever notices them?"
Meanwhile, Clyde was staring at the hologram of the galaxy as he had noticed an odd glowing white planet that appeared to be cracked in half. "Whoa, what kinda planet is that?" He asked, pointing towards it.
Rick looked over and rolled his eyes at one of the few planets that he wanted nothing to do with. It was a planet that even the Galactic Federation wanted nothing to do with. "That's just some planet full of gem people. I wouldn't think too hard about them, Clyde. They're not that interesting. Nothing but a-a bunch of stiffs there."
Later on that night, Lincoln and Clyde were in a bedroom that the three were staying in while Rick was in the bathroom, brushing his teeth. Lincoln and Clyde were wearing their pyjamas while Rick was wearing a blue bathrobe. While Lincoln was frowning at something on his tablet, Clyde was sat up, bouncing on his bed in excitement. "I can't believe we're actually gonna work with superheroes tomorrow! This is way too exciting! I don't think I can sleep tonight!"
"Maybe you should take a walk to get rid of all that excess energy?" Lincoln offered.
Clyde nodded. "Yeah, good idea." He jumped off his bed and then left the room.
Rick spat into the sink before coming into the bedroom. "I hope you're happy with the adventure so far, Lincoln. These guys are even lamer than last time."
"We weren't here 'last time', remember? They did a whole adventure without us." A sad look appeared on Lincoln's face. "A bunch of them got killed, too. They lost Lady Katana, Calypso, Diablo Verde..."
Rick scratched the back of his head. "Yikes. Yeah, things did feel less diverse in there." He then went back into the bathroom to continue brushing.
"This article says the reason we weren't involved was...'personality conflicts'."
"Don't worry, Lincoln, they love you." Rick assured him. "Superheroes need a wide-eyed kid to tag along and react to everything like it's mind-blowing."
"I... think the personality conflict might have"
Rick spat into the sink before looking at himself in the mirror. "Jesus..." He then grinned. "How awesome is that?" He entered the bedroom again. "I mean, they wanted to not need me so bad, they murdered three innocent heroes of colour, and they still had to bring me back?"
Lincoln huffed. "Can you please just stop with the comments? How are we supposed to convince them to help us find Lynn if you keep insulting them?"
"Look, Lincoln, I'm not even sure they'd even be much help anyway. I defeat gagoos more powerful than these guys every week."
"But these guys are actually heroes. They could-" Lincoln argued before being interrupted by Rick.
"Oh, please. They just call themselves heroes so they can-" Rick started before he was then also interrupted by Lincoln.
"I'm calling them that, Rick! They're my heroes!" Lincoln snapped. "Seriously, I don't care what you think of them or superheroes in general. If you're not gonna help me convince these guys to help us find Lynn then you might as well go home!"
Rick glared at Lincoln for a moment before he stormed out the room. " accounting for taste."
Clyde walked through the hallways of the Vindicator command ship, gazing at the hi-tech technology in amazement before turning a corner and accidentally bumping into Crocubot. "Oh! Sorry, Crocubot. I guess you can't sleep either, huh?"
"I do not sleep." Crocubot responded.
"Oh." There was a moment of awkward silence before Clyde asked. "So, what's it like working with the Vindicators?"
Crocubot was silent for a moment before responding. "It is fine."
This response caught Clyde off guard. "Really? Don't you have any cool stories about how you guys met or about how you bonded with each other and became a team?"
"No." Crocubot responded. "To be honest with you, One-Eyed Jack, I barely know these guys. I am only working with them as I am incapable of working as a superhero alone."
"Really? But you're a cyborg crocodile! I bet you'd do fine by yourself."
"I have been told that I am incapable of working alone." Crocubot argued. "That someone like me could only work as part of a team. It is as Rick Sanchez said. This body is...flawed."
Clyde scratched the back of his head, looking sorry that he asked in the first place. "Well, that sucks."
Crocubot then decided to ask. "Is there any significance to the time you and Ace Savvy met?"
Clyde blinked in surprise before answering. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."
Years ago, on Halloween, a five year old Lincoln, dressed in an Ace Savvy costume, was running down the street, chasing after his sister, Lynn. "Lynn! Wait up! Mom said you have to stay with me."
As Lynn was running, walking along the opposite direction was Clyde, dressed in an One-Eyed Jack costume. Lynn hurdled over Clyde before Lincoln bumped into him, causing both of them to yelp and fall over. Clyde sat up and put a hand to his nose as it had started to bleed. Lincoln got up and then helped Clyde up. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry." He then offered Clyde his cape. "Here. use my cape. Ace Savvy is always ready to lend a hand."
Clyde smiled as he took the cape to block his nose. "Thanks," The two then shook hands. "I'm Clyde, what's your name?"
Upon finishing his story, Clyde had started to tear up. "Dang it. That story gets me every time."
Despite his cold-blooded nature, even Crocubot felt slightly touched by the story. "I see. You were able to bond over your common interests."
Clyde sniffed. "Yeah. Ace Savvy's what brought us together in the first place. But what about you? Don't you and the Vindicators have any common interests?"
Crocubot was silent for a moment as it almost seemed like a frown appeared on his face before he responded. "No." He then walked away, leaving behind a confused Clyde.
Rick knocked on the door to Vance's room. The door opened up, revealing Vance wearing a bathrobe and holding a margarita glass. An annoyed look appeared on his face. "What do you want, Rick?"
Swallowing his immediate snarky response, a strained look appeared on Rick's face as he spoke to Vance. "Look, about earlier, I'm...rrrsorry." He tried to relax himself. "Things have been rough at home lately and I need your help. It's my granddaughter, Lynn. She stole one of my portal guns and I have no idea where she is right now. I was hoping that since I'm helping you take down Worldender, you could maybe help me find my granddaughter. What do you say?"
Vance was silent for a moment before he started chuckling, immediately angering Rick. "What the fuck are you laughing at?"
Vance stopped laughing. "You can't be serious. Look, we're a superhero team. Do you have any idea about what goes on out there? We can't waste our time trying to find just one little girl. There's planets out there that need us."
"Ok, then I'll sweeten the deal. I'll take out Worldender by myself along with any other supervillains out there if you'll help me find my granddaughter."
Vance rolled his eyes. "Rick, this is ridiculous. We're here to take out threats against the universe. We're not a charity case."
Rick glared at Vance. "Yeah, well, where were you when the Galactic Federation were taking over all those planets, huh?"
"The Galactic Federation weren't supervillains, Rick, they were simply a...political movement."
"Political movement? They were a literal dictatorship! They eradicated anyone that didn't bend their knee to them!"
Vance shrugged. "Well, that's just your political opinion. And none of this changes the fact that we can't just waste time searching for some little girl because of your neglectfulness."
"This isn't just some little girl though! It's the Strong Suit, remember? She helped you guys out that one time, don't you at least owe her one?"
"I've heard enough, Rick. I've already told you my answer and it's no." The door them slammed in Rick's face.
Rick was now seething in pure anger. He put away both his pride and his principles to try and please his grandkids, only for it to be spat in his face again. Just like when he decided to try and make his adventures safer, only for Lynn to spit in his face. He really didn't know why he even bothered. It's not as if he wasn't the smartest man in the universe. He knew the Vindicators were nothing more than a bunch of smug assholes so why was he entertaining Lincoln's stupid idea? He groaned. He seriously needed a drink right now.
The next morning, Lincoln and Clyde were awoken by the sound of the PA system. "Good morning, Vindicators. Ship has arrived at the Terraneus system. All Vindicators report to the... briefing room. The-The room from the, uh... the... Uh, it's the d-It's a different room than-than... the conference room. I'm sorry, it's my first day as a PA system. First day jitters."
After both of them got ready, they entered the briefing room, only for both of them to cringe in disgust as they saw Rick sleeping on the floor with his pants down and his butt in the air while the rest of the room was a mess. The Vindicators were also there, staring at Rick in disgust. "Oh no..." Lincoln groaned.
"Ok, that's just gross!" Clyde exclaimed, covering his eyes.
"Good morning." Supernova greeted them, barely hiding her irritation. "Looks like your grandpa had a long night. Crocubot, why don't you escort Mr. Sanchez out of here so we can..." She sighed. "Clean up his mess." Crocobot nodded and went over to pick up Rick.
Noob-Noob then walked into the room, carrying some firearms and ammunition. "Whoa, I'm nervous about my first mission."
"Actually, Noob-Noob, you have a new mission." Supernova stated as she made his guns disappear before conjuring up a broom in Noob-Noob's hands.
Noob-Noob looked down in disappointment. "Got...damn."
"Vindicators, prepare for arrival." Supernova ordered. The rest of the Vindicators dispersed from the room, leaving only Lincoln, Clyde and Vance.
Vance approached Lincoln and Clyde. "Ace Savvy, One-Eyed Jack, the Vindicators and I had a chat this morning and I'm afraid we need to make a little change."
Lincoln started to panic. "W-Wait! We're sorry about Rick. W-We'll make it up to you on the mission!"
"You should be sorry." Vance said as he opened up a locker and took out two blue Vindicator vests before tossing them to Lincoln and Clyde. "Dressing like you two aren't with us. Disgraceful."
Clyde gasped in amazement as he put the vest on while Lincoln stared at the vest in surprise. "Wait, you're saying...we're officially part of the group?"
Clyde could barely contain his excitement. "I can't believe we're actually superheroes!"
Vance put his arms around the two and guided them to a seat next to the window. "Cop a squat, boys. Everyone in the universe is a hero. All you have to do is know the difference between good and bad, and root for good."
Lincoln frowned. "Rick says 'good' and 'bad' are artificial constructs."
This was news to Clyde as he gave Lincoln a shocked look. "Wait, what?"
"Yeah, well, I get the feeling..." Vance looked over to Noob-Noob, still cleaning up Rick's mess. "He kind of needs that to be the case. Not coming, Noob-Noob?"
Noob-Noob slipped over upon Vance distracting him. "Ohh! No, uh, I...I got stuff to do here."
Lincoln smiled. Admittedly, a part of him always wanted to know what it'd be like to be a superhero. He ignored the small voice in his head, asking him how the vest was considered a uniform if only one of the Vindicators wore it.
Upon entering the planet's surface, the Vindicators all hopped out of their ship and flew down towards the red planet, landing at the entrance to Worldender's hideout. Due to being unable to fly, Clyde rode down on Million Ants while Rick was still being carried by Crocobot. "Security drones, inbound." Vance stated as various drones advanced towards the team.
Supernova flew upwards as the miniature planets flew around her. "Star Mother, grant me your wrath!" She then created a triangular portal, from which shooting stars emerged and eliminated the drones.
The team ran towards the entrance, only to find it that it had no door. "All aboard!" Alan shouted before blowing his whistle. This summoned a ghost train that plowed a hole through the mountain, creating an entrance.
Upon entering, Clyde looked around nervously as the hallways seem to be littered with bones. "This place looks really messed up."
Lincoln gave Clyde a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Clyde, we've got this.
The team eventually came across a wall of dripping lava. Million Ants then altered his form to pass through it before disabling the machine that made the lava. The team then continued moving with Million Ants at the front. He then turned a corner. "Aah!" He was then hit by bullets coming from two automatic turrets, leaving holes in his form before going back for cover. "Gun turrets."
"Are you alright?" Supernova asked.
"Yes. I only lost 400 ants. My queen is laying more." Million Ants explained as the holes soon filled up with more ants. "I am back to one million ants."
Supernova turned to the others. "Someone wake up Sanchez."
Crocubot then laid Rick on the floor before Vance sprayed a puff of blue gas from a finger gun on him, waking him up. "Ugh! Oh, Christ..." Rick groaned as he got up, massaging his forehead and his back, his eyes bloodshot.
"Rick, you're up." Supernova said.
"Rick, we're taking fire from an automated turret. Can you bring it offline?"
"Uh-huh." Rick then took out a thermos-like container and opened it. He then poured some red chemical into a small container, causing it to generate a small, plump alien creature. He lifted it over his eyeballs and squirted red liquid from it like an dropper into them, causing him to fully wake up. "Uh, my God, that's better."
"RICK!" Supernova snapped.
"Hey, I can't help if I can't see." Rick then took out a small roving device that went out to face the turrets. The bullets went through a gooey, mercury-like disc at the top of it before the goo is pulled into the device. Out then came thin silver discs that morphed into small robots, who climb onto the turrets and plug the barrels. Rick then jumped out and struck a pose. The plugged turrets fired until they exploded.
"I could've just used a ghost train." Alan remarked.
"Really? You don't say. You would have used a ghost train?" Rick said sarcastically. "Hey, everybody, the ghost train guy would have used a ghost train!"
Alan glared at Rick as everyone started to press forward. "Man, fuck you."
"Is there coffee?" Rick asked before walking alongside Lincoln. "Hey, Lincoln, can you be a pal? Grandpa left his coffee maker on the ship. Y-You know, the French press thing?"
"Get it yourself." Lincoln said in annoyance as he walked away from Rick.
As the group made their way to Worldender's lair, Rick remarked to Lincoln. "Little extra snippy this morning, aren't you?"
"What did you expect?" Lincoln snapped. "Are you trying to make sure the Vindicators don't help us out?"
"Yeah, well...what if I told you I already asked them to help find Lynn and they said no?"
Lincoln gave Rick a surprised look. "Huh?"
"Yeah, it's true. I asked Vance last night and I believe he said that they didn't have time to look for 'some little girl'. Really, hero you got there, huh? Also, for the record, that jacket really doesn't go well with your outfit. Just saying."
Rick walked on while Lincoln had a mixed expression on his face. He then shook his head and decided to talk to the Vindicators about this after the mission was over.
The team soon entered Worldender's lair, only to gasp in shock as someone or something had already massacred all of Worldender's henchmen. "Son of a steam engine! They're all dead!" Alan gasped.
"Why would Worldender do this to his own men...and several women?" Crocubot asked.
"Well, he is the Worldender." Vance pointed out. "The guy ends worlds. Kind of his thing."
As Clyde walked forward, staring in shock, he then accidentally stepped on a part of the floor that triggered the appearance of a hook with a mortally-wounded Worldender hanging from it, just barely alive. "What the FUCK?!" Vance exclaimed in horror.
"It's Worldender!" Supernova stated. "What happened to him?"
Worldender let out a weak, pain-filled moan. "I sense his life force is fading." Million Ants remarked.
"Million Ants, ladies and gentleman! The ant colony with the power of two human eyes!" Rick snarked. "So, we done here? I mean, since Vance said he wasn't gonna do that favour for us, it seems like we're done here."
"What favour?" Crocubot asked.
"Why don't you tell them, Vance?" Rick asked. "Tell everyone what you told me last night."
Vance chuckled, nervously. "Rick, I think you may have misconstrued what I said last night."
Clyde gave them a look of confusion before turning to Lincoln. "What are they talking about?"
Lincoln, however, was still distracted by whatever had happened here. "Guys, whoever did this is an even bigger threat than Worldender! We should do something about this."
"He's right." Supernova added. "This is far from over."
Suddenly, a door blocked their way out and the windows in the lair all automatically shut themselves. Everyone readied the powers for battle while Rick searched for his portal gun, only for his eyes to widen as he realised that he had left it on the ship. "Shit!"
"I sense the presence of a greater evil." Million Ants warned the team.
A giant monitor then lowered from the ceiling. To everyone's surprise, a drunken Rick was on the screen. He was adjusting the camera before he stepped back. "Check, check, One, two. Ok, is it recording? Good. Hello, Vindicators. Welcome to your reckoning, babyyyyyyyy!!"
Everyone then stared at Rick. "Welp, it's official. I had too much to drink last night."
The drunken Rick on the screen continued. "If you guys are watching this, you're, you know, the Vindicators. So now that we know..."
Vance pointed his arm cannons towards Rick. "Rick? What's going on, buddy?"
"Obviously, I came here last night during a blackout." Rick said, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Obviously? You came here and defeated our arch-nemesis while so drunk, you don't remember doing it? That's something obvious to you?" Supernova asked in disbelief.
"Look, I'm a little more complex than you guys and, no offense, but I've always suspected that a lot of what you do in a year could be knocked out in a couple of hours."
The drunk Rick onscreen was still talking. "So I thought, why not just do your job for you so we can have a little fun game." A spotlight then shone on a game show board with crude drawings of the Vindicators on it with descriptive cards below them. There was also a countdown clock timed at three minutes above it.
Clyde was starting to panic, despite barely being able to follow what was happening. "What's going on? Are we in danger?"
"If you break the rules, lose the game or try to leave, you will die. Like in Sawwww." The drunk Rick slurred.
Clyde's eyes widened in horror. "S-S-S-Saw?!" He gave Lincoln a pleading look. "Lincoln, I don't even like watching horror films. I REALLY don't want to be in one."
Rick then spoke up. "Everyone, relax. Don't panic. As long as you keep calm and do exactly as I say, we'll be completely fine. I'm just gonna figure out how to unplug this." He then ran somewhere behind the monitor.
"Ok, here we go, room number one." The drunk Rick started. "The Vindicators are known throughout the galaxy, but do they know yourselves? Do you know yourselves? Match your...your shit, your...your gimmicks with your faces and y-you get it, it's a matching thing. And do it in three minutes, or you'll all die." Rick ran back to the others just as the timer started.
"Screw this. I'm not playing his game. I'm gonna find us a way out of here." Vance stated.
Rick approached him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, Vance. He said you'd die if you tried to leave. That means there's booby traps."
Vance pointed towards the monitor. "Why are you acting like that's not you?!"
"What part of 'blackout' don't you understand? I thought you drank?"
"Like cool drinking! Like sexy drinking, not this psycho trailer-park shit!"
Lincoln then approached Vance. "Vance, I know things look bad but it's like Rick said, if we just listen to him, we should be fine."
Vance turned towards Lincoln, glaring at him. "Oh, so you're the leader now because we gave you a jacket?! You're just some albino kid we do photo-ops with!" Lincoln stepped back, hurt by Vance's comment. Vance then started hyperventilating. "Ok, this...this is triggering me. I need space. I-I need SPACE! FROM THIS!" Vance then flew up to the ceiling before tearing open a grate as he tried to enter the ventilation duct. Once he got halfway in, everyone then heard rapid-fire gunshots, electrical crackles, a chainsaw, and a slicing blade before Vance's lower half fell to the floor. One of his rocket boots suddenly turned on as his legs then went flying across the room until Crocubot destroyed them with his eye laser.
"Ugh..." Clyde then promptly fainted.
Alan then held up Rick by his throat, raising his fist at him. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't crush your windpipe!"
"Because my epidermis is laced with a nanofiber defence mesh." Rick stated as an electrical explosion came from Rick's throat, sending Alan flying back. "And because, like I said, I don't remember last night. Besides, fuck that guy. This wouldn't have happened if he'd have said he'd help me find my granddaughter. Was that too much to fucking ask from a so-called hero?"
"I told you not to invite this mummified motherfucker back!" Alan barked at the other Vindicators.
"Alan, I'm not proud of what's happening here, but if you keep coming at me, there's gonna be another passenger on that ghost train." Rick threatened.
"Guys, I figured it out." Lincoln then said. Everyone looked over to see that he had randomly placed the cards beneath each of the pictures.
"Congrats! You did it!" Drunk Rick said as a door nearby opened up.
"There weren't any wrong answers." Lincoln explained, a bitter look on his face. "All of the descriptions fit because Rick thinks that none of you are anything special. Because Rick can't stop talking about how much he hates superheroes."
"Let's just get through this as quickly as possible." Supernova said before glaring at Rick, Lincoln and Clyde. "Then, we'll deal with the three of you."
Lincoln gave her an offended look. "The three of us? What did me and Clyde do?" Supernova ignored him as the Vindicators entered the other room. Lincoln glared towards Rick. "Well, I hope your proud of yourself, Rick."
"Uh, I kind of am." Rick responded. "I saved the goddamn universe."
Lincoln growled in anger and frustration. "You know what? That's it. You have officially crossed the line. From now on, I never want to hear about anything you have to say about superheroes, ever again!"
"What, am I not allowed to-" Rick started before getting interrupted by Lincoln.
"No! You're not! You need to get this through your head. I like superhero stuff. I like reading superhero comics and I like watching superhero movies. Nothing you say or do will ever change that. Especially since all you do is exaggerate the bad stuff and ignore anything positive about them. If my sisters teasing me about it won't make me change my mind then nothing you do will either. So just drop it!"
Rick was taken aback by Lincoln's rant for a moment before he glared at him. "I'm just saying, they're not exactly high art."
"Yeah, well, you know what else isn't high art? Pirates of the Pancreas. What kind of stupid name for an attraction is that?"
This got a rise out of Rick. "Oh, fuck you, Lincoln, you're only saying that to spite me!"
"What do pirates have to do with pancreases? Absolutely nothing. It's a stupid idea and you know it!"
"Shut the fuck up! You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" Rick then stormed into the other room, not wanting to talk about this any more while Lincoln glared after him.
"Ergh..." Clyde groaned as he had finally regained consciousness.
Lincoln ran over to him. "Clyde! Are you okay?"
Clyde rubbed his eyes before giving Lincoln a concerned look. "Lincoln, does this kinda stuff happen to you all the time on Rick's adventures?"
Lincoln seemed hesitant to answer. "Umm...kinda. Maybe not this bad but..."
Clyde was silent for a moment. "You know, I could always give Dr. Lopez a call for you if you want."
Lincoln sighed. "Just, please don't tell anyone about anything that happened here, ok?"
Clyde seemed apprehensive about agreeing to that. "If you say so, man."
Clyde got up and followed Lincoln into the other room with the others. Inside that room was a metal platform. Another monitor with Rick on it came down. He was now wearing a deerstalker cap. "The Vindicators say their job is is to fight evil wherever it hides, but they don't... pick the location you'll... you'll never even hear them mention, because to fight darkness is to fight yourself." A holographic map projection of the galaxy then appeared on the platform.
"Oh, I know this!" Crocubot stated. "Dorian 5! There's no other possible answer. My mechanical and reptilian logic are certain of it."
Crocubot was about to step on the platform before Clyde suddenly grabbed his arm to stop him. "Um, maybe we should wait until we're absolutely sure it's the right answer. I really don't wanna see anyone else get killed."
"Why wouldn't you guys ever mention Dorian 5?" Lincoln asked. There was an awkward silence before Lincoln then asked. "Did something happen there?"
Supernova turned away. "Nothing!"
"Nothing?!" Alan exclaimed. "We exterminated a planet!"
Lincoln stared at Alan in shock. "Wait, you did what?"
"Doomnomitron was hiding there!" Supernova argued. "He was a shapeshifter! Destroying Dorian 5 was the only way to kill him!"
"Come on, guys, we're all thinking it. Don't...don't make me say it." Drunk Rick taunted.
Lincoln then sighed. "Wait, I know what it is." He then walked towards the hologram.
"You know, I could have made a device to detect Doomnomitron from orbit like that." Rick pointed out, snapping his fingers.
"I'm not the one that didn't want you back. Alan was!" Supernova claimed.
Alan stepped towards Supernova threateningly. "If you lay those deaths at my doorstep one more time..."
Million Ants then appeared between them, giving Alan a stern look. "Do not threaten her."
Everyone then heard a ding sound. "Congrats! You did it!" Drunk Rick said as another door opened up.
Supernova looked towards Lincoln, who had selected a country on Earth as his answer. "What the hell is Is-ra-el?"
"It's something Rick starts talking about whenever he's really drunk." Lincoln explained.
"W-What? In w-In w-w-what-In what way? Like, w-w-what's my point?" Rick asked.
Lincoln shrugged. "I don't know. You just babble about defence budgets and the United Nations, and then you pass out!"
"So, to be clear, I sometimes reference the geopolitical complexities of the topic, which is not the same as going to an anti-semitic place." Rick explained to the others.
"I have no stake in this." Million Ants said.
"I don't either. I-I'm just saying, if anything, the drunk version of me is probably so supportive of Israel, he wants what's best for it and..."
Million Ants raised his arms. "Hey, man, I'm not touching this. You do you."
As the group pressed on into the next room, Clyde walked alongside Crocubot, giving him a worried look. "You guys really blew up a whole planet just to stop this one guy?"
"It was not my choice." Crocubot explained. "I had offered to hunt him down with my superior hunting skills. Unfortunately, I was outvoted on that one."
"If you knew it was wrong, why didn't you try and do something to stop them?"
Crocubot's head tilted slightly downwards. "I suppose that is one of the drawbacks of being on a team."
The group entered the next room to see another monitor with Rick on it, now wearing a Hawaiian t-shirt and holding a coconut drink. "Aloha...means hello and goodbye in Hawaii. But, uh, aloha means...has nothing to do with this room." He coughed before massaging his head. "I'm so fucking drunk. Ugh, okay, here's the deal. I-I want to rest my eyes for a little bit. I'm-I'm not going to sleep. I just...just need to rest my eye, so let's make this one simple. Just try to hit some three-pointers." A light then turned on to reveal a basketball hoop, as well as a neutrino bomb and a countdown clock set for five minutes. "Let's have to hit...five three-pointers in...five minutes or, I don't know, the whole place-the whole planet will get blown up with a n-neutrino bomb. And try to make it a-a lesson about yourselves like, like how...selfish you a-are, or something. Also, Hawaii."
Lincoln sighed before approaching the bomb. "You guys play ball. I'll try and disarm the neutrino bomb. There's a 40% chance it's a dud, but you guys should still stay back."
Clyde went over to him, giving him a surprised look. "You know how to disarm bombs?!"
Lincoln shrugged. "You learn a lot when you hang out with Rick."
"You say that like it's a bad thing." Rick said as he went over to help.
"Perhaps I could be of assistance." Crocubot offered as he also went over to help them.
This left the other three Vindicators to try the challenge. Million Ants picked up the ball and threw it with Supernova levitating it towards the hoop. A ding was heard and a digital counter on the wall counted up one shot. "That's a three-pointer!" Drunk Rick said.
"Nice shot." Alan complimented after catching the ball.
Million Ants shrugged. "Thank you."
There was a deep frown on Alan's face. "You two make quite a team."
He tossed the ball towards Million Ants, who barely managed to catch it. "Gah!"
Supernova smiled. "We all do."
"Yeah, I guess." Alan said.
Million Ants threw the ball again with Supernova levitating it towards the hoop again, scoring another point. "That's a three-pointer!" Drunk Rick said again.
Alan caught the ball again. "But you guys have always had unspoken bond." There was a hint of jealousy in his voice. He threw the ball towards Million Ants again with the ball now going into his chest. He pulled the ball out and glared at Alan as he approached them. "I mean, really unspoken. Like, 'let's-not-tell-my-husband' unspoken." Million Ants tossed the ball again, only to miss the hoop as a buzzing sound could be heard. The ball bounced back over to him as he picked it back up.
Supernova folded her arms, giving Alan an annoyed glare. "We aren't married anymore, Alan."
Alan started to sound more aggressive, mostly glaring at Million Ants. "Sure, but were we married when you two were 'stranded' on Delphi 6 for three days? Because I sensed...something was weird when you came back. But what do I know about sensitivity? I'm just a phantom train conductor. You're the pile of ordinary bugs that fucked my wife!"
Million Ants made another shot, this time scoring another point as another ding was heard. "That's a three-pointer." Drunk Rick said again.
Meanwhile, there was an awkward silence as Clyde and Crocubot watched Rick and Lincoln disarm the neutrino bomb. Eventually, Rick sighed. "Look, I get it. In a sense, you're right, Lincoln. Everyone's entitled to like whatever piece of media they want because at the end of the day, taste is subjective and it ultimately doesn't matter what people watch or read. I mean...unless it's written by a bigot or something like J.K. Rowling but then I guess you could just pretend someone else wrote Harry Potter if it makes you feel better about yourself."
Lincoln sighed. "What are you trying to say, Rick?"
"All I'm saying is, Lincoln, is that even if you like superheroes, that kinda stuff doesn't exactly work out in the real world. I-It's not exactly a great idea to call someone a hero when you don't really know the kind of person they are. I mean, look at these assholes."
"I am standing right here." Crocubot stated.
"I'm aware." Rick said plainly.
Lincoln raised an eyebrow. "You know, Rick, to me, it kinda sounds like you're just jealous."
Rick gave Lincoln an offended look. "Jealous? Of these assholes."
"Lincoln does have a point." Clyde added. "Thinking about it, you do seem kinda possessive."
"I don't remember asking you, Clyde." Rick snapped.
"Perhaps your issues stem from focusing on the differences between you two. Maybe it would be better if you focused on the things you had in common?" Crocubot offered.
Rick gave Crocubot an odd look. "Jesus, when did you start having any depth?" The bomb then powered down as Rick took out a wire. "Disarmed."
Back on the court, the three Vindicators were still arguing. "YES! Is that what you want to hear?!" Supernova shouted. She turned away from Alan, folding her arms and closing her eyes.
"Did it feel good?!" Alan asked. "Did you like his six million wriggling legs more than my tragedy-stricken, half-ghost, half-tumescent penis?!"
As Million Ants altered his form to make the ball and himself go through the hoop, the others approached them as Lincoln stared at the scene in concern. "Guys? What's going on?"
A saddened look appeared on Supernova's face. "You wish this was about sex! We loved each other! We had a child together."
"WHAT?!" Alan exclaimed.
Supernova turned to Alan with a look of distraught and tears in her eyes. "I conceived a child with Million Ants and it died inside me because it was HALF A MILLION ANTS AND HALF COLLAPSING STAR!" She started to get angry as she wiped her tears away. "And yes, he was better than you!"
"Yeah?" Alan asked as he started to sweat.
Million Ants then morphed into a larger form with tentacles. "One million times better!"
"ALL ABOOOOOOARD, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Alan shouted before attempting to punch Million Ants, whose ants dispersed to avoid getting hit.
"STOP!" Supernova's voice echoed out as she trapped both of them in a purple force field with zero gravity. Million Ants then flew over and entered a screaming Alan's mouth, causing his body to expand until he exploded.
Rick and Lincoln stared at the scene in disgust. "Oof! Didn't see that comin'." Rick remarked.
Clyde put a hand over his mouth. "I think I'm gonna be sick."
Crocubot stared at Supernova and Million Ants in shock. "Million Ants! What have you done? You have killed one of our own!"
Supernova glared at Crocubot. "This isn't on Million Ants. All of these deaths are on them!" She floated towards Rick, Lincoln and Clyde before materialising handcuffs on them. "I don't want any of you slipping away when this is over!"
"What? What did I do?" Clyde asked.
"Supernova, I question your decisions." Crocubot argued. "I understand your anger at Rick Sanchez but the children are innocent."
"Save it!" Supernova spat. "I don't need to hear what you have to say. You'd be nothing without the Vindicators so just do what you do best. Stay quiet and just go along with the rest of us." Crocubot found himself unable to argue back as he simply lowered his head.
After Million Ants scored another point, another door opened up. "Congrats, you did it!" Drunk Rick said.
Upon entering the next room, the group saw a metal platform and another monitor with Rick on it, eating a pizza. "All right, by now, I've been pretty clear that I think the Vindicators are full of shit. do have one thing I'll never have. And that thing is the only part of the Vindicators with any value to me. if you know what it is, place it on the platform. Guess wrong and the pla...planet will explode. And probably the solar system, 'cause I kind of fucking eyeballed the neutrino bombs on this one." The screen then turned off.
"So what's the trick?" Supernova asked before turning to Lincoln. "Ace Savvy, you're the Drunk Rick expert."
Lincoln frowned. "I dunno. Maybe...Noob-Noob? You got along with Noob-Noob, didn't you Rick?"
"Who the fuck is Noob-Noob?" Rick asked.
Clyde then clicked his fingers. "Maybe it's Lincoln."
Both Lincoln and Rick gave Clyde surprised looks before Rick then said. "Well...maybe? I don't know. I mean, look, when I get drunk, I get stupid and emotional and there's no logic to it. it's, like, possible I got so drunk, I felt like I was losing Lincoln to the Vindicators, and maybe this was my way of saying 'Ok, you can have him, but only if you know how important he is, otherwise I'll kill you'."
"Rick, why don't you just be honest about this stuff? We could've avoided all of this if you'd just talked things out." Lincoln said.
Rick squinted his eyes at Lincoln, suddenly starting to feel uncomfortable. "I mean...I don't know if that's definitely the answer. Maybe I gave the Vindicators an amulet or something last night."
"We have no other options." Crocubot stated.
Lincoln smirked. "I think I'll take my chances." Everyone watched nervously as Lincoln walked onto the platform, only to let out sighs of relief as a ding sound was heard. Lincoln then yelped as the platform suddenly opened up underneath Lincoln and a chair popped up for him to sit on. The chair then went down and the platform closed above him.
"Oh, shit." Rick remarked.
The chair lowered down into a rocket-shaped cart. It started moving forward like a ride at a theme park. Lincoln passed through a cardboard cutout environment depicting giant monsters destroying a city. There was also another monitor with Rick on it. "Sorry, I'm...not good at goodbyes. It looks like I'm never gonna see you again. I can't really roll with the hero types, and I don' don't want me around. But I to know, even if I didn't show it at the time, I really appreciated you sticking by me." The cart eventually reached some doors that opened up to reveal the end of the line. The cart went up a ramp that lead to a pair of cardboard cutouts shaped like a pair of hands with a rainbow painted on them. A monitor then came up with Rick on it. He was starting to get emotional. "Goddammit, why am I crying? It makes no sense." Lincoln found himself touched by the display as he wiped his tears away. "Ugh, y-you're probably confused because we barely know each other..." Lincoln's expression turned into one of confusion. "But you really stuck your neck out when you gave me props for my awesome jokes in the briefing room. Everybody else had their heads so far up their ass. Even my own grandson is like, 'Oh, the Vindicators are so cool'. But you're different, Noob-Noob."
Lincoln glared at the screen. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."
Drunk Rick continued. "You're fucking cool! And you're smart! And...and..." He then sobbed. "Listen Noob-Noob, I-I need to confess something to you. This is-this is why I brought you down here. I-I-I'm a fuck up!" Lincoln's expression was now one of surprise. "I let my granddaughter get hurt after I told myself never let it happen and now I have no fucking clue where she is! This is...this is all I do, I fucking hurt every-everyone around me. I c-can't fucking stop myself. I'm a monster! God, what am I saying? I-I-I can't say this shit to Noob-Noob! F-Fuck it, I'm changing it to-" The screen then turned off.
The rocket then went backwards before eventually bringing Lincoln back up with the others. He had a mixed expression on his face. "Lincoln, what did you see down there?" Clyde asked.
"I'm not really sure what I just saw." Lincoln confessed.
Suddenly, the whole floor started to rise up. "I sense this means we are not dying." Million Ants deduced.
"Not all of us." Supernova said before force-choking Rick, Lincoln and Clyde.
"Supernova! Stop!" Crocubot cried out. Supernova simply sent one of her miniature planets towards Crocubot's head, knocking him out.
Million Ants tried to put his arms around her. "Sweetheart?"
Supernova lightly pushed him away. "Just let Titty-Bean do this, Snuzzles. It's for the greater good."
"Why are you doing this?" Lincoln choked out.
"Because it's like you said, Lincoln, there is no right or wrong." Supernova stated.
"I never said that."
"It's the galaxy's faith in the Vindicators that keeps the galaxy secure!"
"Yeah, I feel safer already." Rick said sarcastically.
"Titty-Bean, listen to me." Million Ants approached Supernova. "When you came to me, I was merely a sentient colony of ants." He put his hand on her face which she then hugged, letting go of the three. "It was your beliefs, your pursuit of justice, that taught me to be a man."
"When did it get so complicated?" Supernova asked.
"Who knows? But we can make it simple again."
"You were always the romantic." Supernova's voice suddenly took a sinister tone. "Which is why you can't leave either." Million Ants then gasped as Supernova reached into his chest and removed the queen ant. "Goodbye, my love." She said before squishing the queen, causing Million Ants to fall apart and become a non-sentient pile of ants.
"Damn! She double-crossed Snuzzles!" Rick remarked.
Supernova then loomed over them, preparing to deal a fatal blow. "Silence! I'm going to enjoy this-gah!" A laser then went by her head, barely missing her. She turned to Crocubot, who glared at her as he had one hand on his laser eye.
"That's enough." Crocubot threatened. "You have lost your way, Supernova. It now falls to me alone to bring you to justice."
Supernova floated over to him before picking him up with a force-choke. "You're next." Suddenly, a poker chip went flying at her eye. "Ah! My eye!" She let go of Crocubot. "What the fuck was that?"
Rick and Lincoln turned to Clyde, who had used his utility belt to fire a poker chip at her. He laughed nervously. "P-Pretty cool belt, right?"
Supernova growled furiously as she floated back over to them. Before she could attack them though, they had all reached the top as they now in the middle of a party happening at the top of Worldender's lair. Various people from Royal Woods were there along with a bunch of different aliens. They then heard an announcer's voice. "Let's give a huge thanks to Rick Sanchez for killing Worldender, putting this awesome party together, and for booking one of the hottest talents out there: Logic!" Most of the crowd were standing around a stage where Logic had started to perform.
Aww, yeah!
Rick looked around at the party, impressed with what he had done here. "Look at that. Geez, I must've planned a whole party. Invited a bunch of people. Not bad, Drunk Rick, not bad." He gave Lincoln a nudge.
Are you ready?
There's a choo-choo train man, he's rolling down tragedy
Everybody knowing Supernova fights gravity
Lincoln noticed Supernova pretending to dance before escaping through the crowd. "Rick, Supernova's getting away!"
Both of them were then distracted as Crocubot was now aiming his laser eye at Rick. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have you arrested right now."
"Uh, I could give you a few reasons, actually." Rick stated. "Technically it was Million Ants that killed Alan Rails and it was Supernova that killed Million Ants. Vance pretty much killed himself since I warned him not to panic or try to escape. Oh and let's not forget I also killed Worldender and saved the galaxy. Doesn't that count for anything?"
Crocubot stared at Rick for a moment before backing down. "You make some fair points."
"You aren't upset that your friends are dead? Like Million Ants?" Lincoln asked.
Crocubot shook his head. "Energy, like you, like me, like Million Ants has no beginning and no end. It can never be destroyed. It is only ever shifting states."
Lincoln raised an eyebrow at him. "I...don't understand what you're trying to say."
"I think that's just a roundabout way of saying he doesn't care." Rick remarked.
Lincoln sighed. "You know, Rick, maybe you were right. Maybe there are people out there that you shouldn't look up to and call a hero." He said as he took his Vindicators jacket off and dropped it. He then smiled as he looked at Clyde and Crocubot. "But that doesn't there aren't any heroes out there."
Rick rolled his eyes. "You take whatever you want from this, Lincoln. I kinda don't have energy to really care any more. This adventure kinda sucked. Whose idea was any of this?"
"Clyde!" Clyde, Rick, Lincoln and Crocubot looked over to see two men running towards them. One was a skinny, caucasian man with red hair and a long nose. The other was an overweight, African-American man with black, thinning hair. He was shorter than the other man.
Clyde waved at them. "Oh, hi, Dad. Hi, Dad."
"So, did you have fun playing superhero?" The overweight man asked.
"You didn't get yourself hurt out here, did you?" The skinny man asked with a look of concern.
"Uhhh..." Clyde glanced at Lincoln before laughing nervously. "No way, it went totally fine. Eh heh. Hey, can I talk to you guys about Dr. Lopez for a moment?"
"Of course, sweetie." The skinny man said as the three then walked off.
"Huh. Can't believe it took this long to meet Clyde's parents." Rick remarked.
"Didn't you invite them here?" Lincoln asked.
"I don't remember everyone I invited here last night, Lincoln."
Lincoln started to get nervous. "You didn't invite our family, did you?"
Rick looked around before responding. "Yeah, luckily even drunk me knew that would be a bad idea."
Crocubot then approached the two. "I understand you are trying to seek your granddaughter. I wish to offer you a deal."
This caught even Rick off guard. "Wait, really?"
"I will seek out your granddaughter for you but in return, you must promise to defend the galaxy from the threat of evil. You are clearly better at taking down villains than the Vindicators ever were. Whenever the galaxy calls for it, you must be there."
"Jesus..." Rick muttered, annoyed that he'd have to now play superhero. "Fine, deal. I'll explain the details after the party." Crocubot nodded before going off to see if he could still find and arrest Supernova.
Lincoln gave Rick a smug look. "Looks like the galaxy has a new superhero to look out for."
Rick frowned. "Yeah, well, don't get used to it. I'm only doing this until either me or him find Lynn."
"It's also pretty nice of you to agree to buy tickets for the both us to watch the next few superhero movies."
"What? I never agreed to that!"
"Really? Because I don't think Lori would be very happy if she found out what happened to the Vindicators."
Rick glared at Lincoln. "You little shit."