Here goes chapter 4!

i'm very happy and excited that you guys like this story, and I am loving your suggestions keep leaving them please.

with no durther ado.

The time that Clarke and Madi would once again be apart had arrived and Madi was being more and more restless. Everyone was ready, the supplies were packed in the dropship and Raven was making the last checks she could in order to avoid saying goodbye to Zeke.

Yes, after 125 years Raven still sucked at goodbyes.

Echo, Emori, John and Bellamy were quickly saying goodbye to everyone around and making sure they got everything.

Clarke was talking to Madi about everything.

"So, you talked to Gaia, right? You'll be staying with her for now. So she can help you if you have any nightmares?"

"Yes, Clarke. We already talked about it. And you will check in with my mom every day?"
"And don't make any rush decisions, use all the time you have before making any decisions. Okay?"

"It's funny I used to tell you the same thing about your tests. Remember?" Abby approached the two girls.

Madi cracked a smile, and Clarke rolled her eyes in the sweetest way possible.

"Mom. This is a little more important than middle school tests." Clarke elaborated.

"Yet you still use your mom's advice." Abby commented and Madi's smile widened.

Abby looked Clarke up and down.

"Did you take your flask?"

"Yes, mom."

"The rations are on board, we have very limited torches but you must got one. You have it?"
"Yes, it's in my backpack."

"Good, I know you know what you're doing, and I am not going to give you advice that you won't listen this time. So…" Abby brushed her daughter's hair with both her hands and rested them at Clarke's cheeks.

"Whatever you do, make sure you always make the safest and most effective choices."

Clarke held to her mother's touch.

"Thanks, mom. I know Kane will be okay, you'll make sure of that. So I will see you again down in our new home."
Clarke smiled at both her family members.

"Take care of one another. I love you both." She kissed her mother first and then she knelt down and kissed Madi. Madi engulfed her.

"I changed my mind, I don't want you to go."


"No. you should be with me. We are a good team when we are together. I need your equanimity. I am going to come with you."

"No, Clarke. You had promised, you promised you'll always be there."
Clarke then understood under how much stress Madi was under the past two days.

This explosion of emotions, it wasn't spontaneous. Madi was afraid. And people around started to notice.

"Madi, to this day I've only broken a promise I've made, and that was because the stupid universe was working against my promise. This time, this time even if the two suns fall in my head I won't let them break my promises to you. Alright natblida?"

"Yes. But if we're together…"
"Right now your people need us to be separated. You need to be here, to take charge, and let us make sure our new home is welcoming."

"If something happens to you…"
"Nothing is happening to me."

"Nothing is happening to her."

Bellamy and Clarke said at the same time. Clarke turned behind her back to find him there.

"Madi, I promise you I'm going to make sure she is safe."

"No offense, Bellamy, but you made the same promise to Clarke and you broke it like five minutes later."

Bellamy bit his lip and was ready to answer when Clarke got Madi's attention back to her and completely ignored him.

"Madi. Everything I've been through was so I could make it to our valley. I've lived through a week without water, twice as much without food. I've been captured and almost beaten to death more than once, I've managed to survive your bear trap, I am certain our story is far from over.

And I need you to believe that. I need you to believe that I am going to do anything and everything I have to make sure that I will come back. Besides I'm not alone here, Bellamy is right."

"I believe in you."

"Thank you."

" But what about me?"

"You are more than fine on your own. We made sure of it all these years right?"

Madi nodded.

"But you don't have to be. You aren't on your own. You have Abby and Gaia. You can always go to my mom and Gaia, that's why you're staying with her. There won't be any crisis but even if there is, you have the most cunning women by your side, Diyoza and Octavia will assist, because otherwise they're dead. You have Jordan too, you can get to know him and then tell me all about him.

He can be the first person that you get to know before me."

Madi was intrigued by the last statement.

Madi nodded.
"Also, your highness. You can't allow or forbid me anything."

"I don't care if you become the commander of the galaxy you and I will be equals okay?"

"Now, how about we stopped being this ship's drama source and you just kiss me goodbye?"

Madi agreed and did as she was suggested.

"You call me every day though right?"

"You want the intros too, your highness?"

They both chuckled at their inside joke and finally they broke up their moment.

and with that Clarke entered the ship and she left her daughter behind.


The sound of Clarke's voice was heard through the speakers of the control room.

It was the same day that they had send the exploratory team down on planet alpha. Correction moon alpha, Jordan had figured that one out alone and he was very proud of himself. They had spent hours waiting for news and it was considered night for them now.

Raven was the only one inside the control room, she was actually the last one there, she had send everyone to sleep, since they were no news yet and she promised that she would notify everyone if there were news.

Minutes after they left, the red button started beeping and after she hit the right buttons Clarke's voice flooded the control room. And here she was, playing it without anyone else.

"It's been one day since I last saw you. I thought, you might like the intro after all. I know you are sappy like that, and maybe at my old age I am too. We are alive, and on the ground, once again."

Raven exhaled out in relief.

I can't describe to you how much of a déjà vu I'm having. In so many ways it's exactly like the first time. Remember how I told you Octavia had decided to run towards the lake although we didn't know how to swim? Well, I relived that one with Murphy, thankfully there was no snake this time. But I kept my eye out for some big rocks anyway.

So far the air is breathable, I am great and so are the non-nightbloods. That's good because I was very worried about how your people would react to this huge blasphemy.

Thankfully we won't have to find out."

There was a pause, Clarke thinking about what to say, Raven figured.

"So far the trees are new but not very impressive, it feels like we just moved continents not planets. We've found water too.

It's actually a little sweeter than our own, I'm guessing the pH is higher than the one in our water. I'm not too worried about health consequences though. I'm more worried about the tan we will all have after living here for a few months. Thankfully the suns don't circulate at opposite directions.

Madi, I know we've put a stop to our classes due to obvious reasons but I will be expecting you to know what I am talking about." She chuckled.

"Alright, I'll stop being the strict teacher now.

Madi I'm tired of speaking a monologue. I would pretty much rather speak to you."

Raven felt like she was caught red handed. This was basically a message for Madi, a private one, and yet she was listening.

She knew she was recording it, and she knew the radio was meant for the team to communicate, to share information, but that was clearly something private.

«Fine, I'll just go on.

Today is the first time since everything happened that I missed my art supplies.

This place is impressive, so beautiful.

You'll see it too. By now I think it's the red sun that changes the colors around us. Everything is a little more orange.

I think you'll love it. It's a bit more romantic, than usual. I figured a soul like yours will appreciate it."

There was a sound that reminded Raven of a chuckle. How long has it been since she heard Clarke laugh?

"Anyway, the long nap has left a feeling of cold in me. The weather is nice and warm and all and after all that walking I should be sweating and hot, but although there is sweat I can still feel the cold on my fingertips, like a chilling sensation.

I'm not sure how else to describe it. Do you feel it too?"

Raven did actually. She had felt it, walking around and shivering from the chill when she moved too suddenly.

She almost did the mistake and pushed the Button to talk, only moments before she caught herself.

«I think it'll pass, it's probably because we spend the last 125 years without sun.

Well, now we have to.

I think I'm going to go now.

Please radio when you get the recording.

Stay safe, sweet dreams, my natblida.»

Raven breathed as the radio call ended. She tried to think when she had last heard that tone from Clarke.

Even her voice sounded different when talking to Madi.

And then she remembered.

Back on the dropship.

When Clarke was more than a leader, when she was the mom of the group.

It turns out she was as genuine as it got.

She really loved them.

And look at what happened to them.

Most of them were dead.

Raven didn't want that for Madi.

She wouldn't let Clarke be the cause of death for one innocent person.

"You're okay." Clarke muttered while looking at the sky. She was disappointed she didn't to speak to someone on the radio. If only to make sure they listened.

The logical part of herself was telling her that they had indeed listened to, that the radio calls were recorded, that everyone was safe.

But she worried either way.

That's what happens when you're a mother, her brain told her.

Actually that's what's like when you love someone.

"They didn't answer?"

Clarke turned to look towards the voice she knew as fast as she humanly could.


She simply replied. Under different circumstances she would say more. But this was the new normal.

"Don't worry about it. they will communicate once they get it."

"Yes." She agreed, "Bellamy, what are you doing here?"
"They sent me to explore a new planet." Bellamy smirked.
"Funny guy." She said sarcastically, she had a small smile formed on her face though, and Bellamy took the win.

"Why aren't you with the others?" she rephrased the question.

"I came to save you from that radio. It must be excruciating speaking without knowing if someone listens."

Her eyes got a little darker, Bellamy noticed, so he bumped his shoulder into hers.

"How long till we get into trouble, you think?"

She smirked.

"I'm surprised we haven't found any yet."

They both chuckled, lazily, in comfort. Nothing more than two old partners laughing their fears and demons away.

They stayed in silence, Clarke shifted a little and now they were touching all the way from the shoulders to their hands.

"Will you stay a little longer? We don't have to talk." She whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere"

He whispered back.

And they both took a deep breath.

I am really not good with ending chapters, but i'm doing the best I can.

i hope you enjoyed it,

Let me know what you think.

see you next time :)