February 23, 1996, 08h00
Location- Ministry of Magic: Courtroom Ten
Harry and Hermione were chained up in the most uncomfortable chairs known to man in the biggest courtroom the Ministry had. They did not even have a lawyer to defend them.
The courtroom was packed to the brim with the Wizengamot, The public and the media. If the two teens craned their heads to the left, they could spy a very menacing looking Molly Weasley glaring hatefully down at them. The other Weasleys ranged from uneasy to sympathetic.
Neville and the others who had stood up for them were giving them encouraging looks. That lifted the weight of the burden they carried slightly.
Everywhere else they looked, they were getting really negative feedbacks from the people who were in attendance.
Finally, after ten more minutes of this torture, Minister Fudge, High Inquisitor Umbridge and Albus Dumbledore glided in. Well...Dumbledore did the gliding, Fudge stomped and Umbridge tottered in on her stubby legs.
"Since when is Dumbledore allowed back in the Wizengamot?"Hermione whispered only loud enough for only Harry's ears alone.
She kept on staring straight ahead so as to not let anyone else know about their secret conversation.
"I don't know. Maybe he fucked both McFudgie's and Toadbitch's brains out during a threesome?"Harry whispered back, barely moving his mouth.
Hermione scrunched her nose minutely. "Gross, Harry! That may be the only nightmare that I would experience in Azkaban at this point!"she hissed.
"Glad to be of service."
"Shut up, Harry."
It was then Fudge started speaking:
"Members of the public, the media and Wizengamot, today we are gathered here today to deliver the sentencing of one Harrison James Potter—"
"My full name is Harrison? What else are these people hiding from me?"Harry muttered to Hermione.
"Don't know,"the brunette replied.
"—Age fifteen, Halfblood, Son to Lord James Charlus Potter and Lady Lily Roslin Potter nee Evans and one Hermione Jean Granger, Age sixteen, Muggleborn, Daughter to 'Docktas'—oops, sorry Mr and Mrs Granger—Doctors Daniel Aaron Granger and Emma Neve Granger nee Rivers.
The accused are charged with one count of murder and two counts of using two Unforgivable Curses. The Avada Kedavra and the Cruciatus Curse which were used in the murder of one seventeen year old Cedric Anthony Diggory in June 1995.
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore had been the interrogator of the two accused and had found out the truth from them—"
"That is the biggest amount of dragon shit I've ever heard!" Harry yelled.
Every eye was on him, the room was dead silent.
"Yes! He is right! How could you, grown ass adults, except us, two teenagers to properly cast Unforgivables when we've had so many FUCKED UP Defence Against the Dark Arts teachers? Only ONE out of the five so far have some sense!"Hermione yelled at the room at large too.
"Excuse me! There are a lot of witnesses who have evidence that proves your devious crimes!—"Umbridge began to shout but was cut off by an irritated Harry.
"Now you shut the fuck up Toadbitch! I don't got time for you. Anyways... Why would you arrest us if we actually DID kill Cedric only eight fucking months later? We are telling right now that we did not do it! You only do this just cause we finally stuck our middle fingers in the air and told you to fuck off!" Harry said, smirking at Fudge and Umbridge in particular.
There was an instant uproar at Harry's statement. People were shouting things like :
"You should be hung!"
"You and your little slut aren't meant to be with people who are innocent!"
"You two should get the Kiss!"
Then Dumbledore aimed his wand in the air and loud and bright sparks emitted from it.
"SIIILENCE!"he boomed and everyone immediately quieted.
He took a deep breath and stepped to the front of the Wizengamot. His blue eyes were no longer twinkling as he faced Harry and Hermione.
"Members of the Wizengamot, raise your wand if you find the accused guilty,"he ordered.
Those who weren't Death Eaters lifted their wands high in the air. Since there were fifty members only twenty one did not lift their wands.
Harry and Hermione made sure to take note of them. Fudge and Umbridge had ugly smirks as they too lifted their wands.
The two teens were done for.
"Well! It seems that the Wizengamot finds Mr Potter and Miss Granger guilty! The two are sentenced to three life sentences each in the maximum security section of Azkaban prison with all the other highly dangerous convicts such as Bellatrix Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov and Augustus Rookwood," Cornelius Fudge said.
Cheers arose from the crowd.
"I HATE YOU ALL! YOU WILL ALL WISH THAT YOU HADN'T DONE THIS SHIT!"shrieked Hermione, crystal tears flowing from her topaz orbs. The way she struggled in her chair made her look crazed and bloodthirsty.
Admittedly, that was exactly what she was feeling.
A Stupefy was sent at both the teens and soon they were unconscious.
Cornelius Fudge cleared his throat and said:
"To the people who are closest to the accused, you too are allowed to say your final goodbyes. Court is adjourned."
Aurors Kingsley and Dawlish is unchained is the two teens from the chairs and slipped their thin arms into their Magic Binding Cuffs.
Soon the courtroom was empty with only Dumbledore waiting in the shadows as the two teens were carried off to a room the that was used for final goodbyes.
Dumbledore had a disappointed look on his face. He whispered aloud quietly:
"Oh Harry and Hermione, you two had such a bright future ahead for yourselves...Now that you two are no longer around to protect Black, I think he can join you two in Azkaban. He'll get a nice cell to share with young Harry. It is for the Greater Good."