Hello everyone. I know I've done a crossover of Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia before, but it was a long time ago when I was really new to writing, thus it sucked. The shingeki no kyojin tag eventually got fused with the Attack on Titan tag, so my story kind of got borked and was cast into oblivion. I decided to redo it after a while of brainstorming and contemplating on my previous failure of it. I want to thank Raizen1125 for brainstorming this whole thing with me! I couldn't have done it without his help! Go check out his stuff!

Let's give it another go, shall we?

I think it's safe to say I don't own any of these series.

One more thing. When The MC joins U.A., he's going to replace Aoyama. Let's be honest here, who would you want? A guy who can shoot belly button lasers, or a damn Titan? That's what I thought.

Anyway, I've drabbled on long enough. Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Introduction

Sometimes, the world doesn't need another hero. Sometimes, it needs a monster. But I say...Why not both?

Quirks. Wonderful things, aren't they? A long time ago, in a hospital on one fateful day, a baby was born. That baby was special, for he shone with radiant light that made him look like a living light bulb. From that day forward, children all around the world began to manifest their own powers. Being a new phenomenon, science could not yet explain it.

As the years went by, people all over the world began gaining these powers, "Quirks" as they were dubbed. Some were mundane, others were downright godlike. Naturally, as humans do, some decided to use their power for their own benefit.

These people became the first villains.

As more time passed, some individuals became sick of it and rose to challenge these villains. They challenged them in the name of all that is good and just. Challenged them to protect the innocent.

The first heroes were born.

Over time, quirks became a regular part of society. Almost everyone had one. Their own unique power that defined them.

Fast forward a few decades, and we have full blown hero agencies. That's right. Superpowers only thought possible in comic books were now a reality, and being a superhero was a profession now. From stopping crime to preventing major disasters, being a hero quickly became a dream for people everywhere. Each of their quirks became a useful tool in achieving that dream. Some successful, others not so much.

But some people...Some people don't like their quirks. Be it out of lack of practical value, or just not liking what it does.

Other quirks can be disliked because of what they do to the user, what it turns them into.

Our person of interest is one such a boy. A boy with a quirk that turned him into something monstrous. He bears this quirk much like his father, and his father before him, dating all the way back to a woman by the name of Ymir Fritz. This is his life. His curse. This is that boy's story of how he molded his curse into a blessing.

Deep in Musutafu Japan, in a fairly average apartment, a family of three start their day.

"Come on Mikey, you'll be late for school! Wakey Wakey!"

"Gah! Shoot! Thanks Ma!"

Michael Fritz. Age 17. Lives with his mother and father in an old apartment. Tends to avoid confrontation and keeps to himself. Immigrated from North America. Afraid of his own quirk.

Mike sprang up from his bed and ran into the bathroom to clean himself up. He looked at himself in the mirror. Same old face. Brown, unruly hair, green eyes with a tint of gold, and those ugly markings under his eyes. He brushed his teeth and ran a wet comb through his hair, straightening it out as much as it would allow.

Running back into his room, he rummaged through his dresser for something decent to wear. Aaaaand his uniform's dirty. Great.

"Moooom! Do we have a spare uniform?"

"Top drawer!"


He never thought he'd see the day when he needed a spare uniform. He was thankful to say the least. Slipping into his black uniform, he grabbed his backpack and sprinted down the steps, jumping the last two.

His father sat at the kitchen table, reading a book and looking stoic as ever. His appearance wasn't all that notable. Average physique, brown hair, completely gold eyes with markings running down his cheeks, pointed ears, and sharp teeth. His mother sat on the couch, folding the recent batch of laundry in her armored lap. His mother was definitely on the more eye-catching spectrum of quirks. Mutation quirks will do that to you. Tan armored plates covered her body from her blonde-haired head down to her toes, with room in the joints for freedom of movement. Even with the armored plating and barely visible facial features, she was a stunning woman. She was a kind woman, but stern and disciplined when she needed to be.

Mike ran over to the pantry and reached into a box of non-brand pastry squares and shoved a packet into his backpack.

"Have a good day at school sweetie."

"I will ma." Mike jogged over and gave his mom a hug and a kiss on her armored cheek.

"You have that ring I gave you?" His father looked up from the book he was reading and raised an eyebrow at mike.

"Daaaad, why do I have to keep that thing with me? It's dangerous to keep around!"

"When you need it, you'll thank me."

"Humph. Fine. Love ya dad. Bye dad."

"See you when you get home."

"Bye!~" Mike called as the door shut behind him.


Mike's father looked up from his book to meet the concerned eyes of his wife, Marida.

"You rarely tell him to keep that ring with him. You think something's going to happen?"

"Can't say for sure," Damien put his book face down. "But I have a gut feeling. Bad one this time."

Mike hurried down the stairs and into the apartment lobby. An old couple waved hello, and he returned the greeting. He'd seen them before. Nice people. Waving goodbye, Mike walked out the lobby door and headed down the street.

After walking for a few minutes, he checked his phone, then looked up. Right next to him was his best friend, Minato Kurisu. The boy had neatly combed dark blue hair and round glasses, all topped off with his school uniform.


"Right on time, as usual."

"Are you seriously keeping track of me?"

"Maybe a little bit."

"You keep that up, I'm going to sic Doctor Snuggles on you."

Minato Kurisu, Age: 16. Quirk: Chinchillin'. He can control chinchillas with his mind. He can also see and feel the world from their perspective when doing so. His pet chinchilla is named Dr. Snuggles.

"And why would that be a bad thing again?"

"You've never had a chinchilla running down your pants."

"Okay, never mind. I don't want to know."

"Hey, I've noticed your Japanese is getting better! Nice job!"

Mike flushed a faint pink, a little embarrassed to have such a thing pointed out. He was happy nonetheless.


"No problem. Er, this is an odd question, but...Do you ever use your quirk?"

Mike stiffened. Minato stared at his friend with a curious and slightly worried gaze.

"Well," Mike rubbed the back of his neck. "Not all of it, no." The two stopped walking and leaned against a building for a moment. "It has some passive effects like regeneration and I emit steam from my body when I do regenerate, but other than that, no. I don't want to use the other part. Too dangerous. I've only ever had it happen once, but I don't remember it. My dad told me about what happened. Bad news is that I still don't know what triggers it."

Minato saw the worry in his friend's face and pulled him along. "Well, whatever. If you don't want to use it, that's fine. Come on, we'll be late if we don't move."

"Oh! Right! Sorry!"

The two headed down the street towards school. Thankfully, the rest of the walk was uneventful. The two talked about what they did the day before, current events, and the possibility of hero work someday.

School was also a bore. They just reviewed stuff that was covered last week, the teacher seemingly indifferent to the matter.

When the lunch bell came around, that was when Mike and Minato were finally free. The two got their lunches and plopped down at a table away from everyone else. This part of the day, Mike actually enjoyed. Not only would he be hanging around with his best friend, but he'd be studying and actually learning something! Mike had been learning Japanese for a few years now. Professional tutors had helped, but Minato seemed to have boundless patience with him. Minato had decided to teach Mike himself. And it had paid off. Mike became more and more fluent with the language, only slipping up every once in a while. In a way, Minato was more helpful than any of the actual teachers.

"You're getting really good at this! It's amazing how far you've come in just a few years!" Minato beamed and closed his books.

"Thank you! I never knew I could learn a new language this fast!" Mike smiled and clapped his hands happily.

"Good thing I know a bit of English, otherwise this might have been a lot more difficult."

"Heh. Yeah. Oh! Lunch is almost over! We should probably get back to class."

"Why do you think I was packing up?"

"Fair point."

The two students finished packing their things and headed back to class. Art class was next. Between the two friends, it was agreed that art was their favorite subject. In art class, people can express their individual creativity and show off to the world!

(Or at least their class…)

Their art teacher plopped down at his desk and sorted some papers on said desk. "Alright, listen up." He lazily addressed the class. "I don't care what you make today, just don't make a mess of the place. Paint, draw, whatever. Don't care."

An enthusiastic cheer erupted from the class.

Minato had a passion for painting. His active imagination was free to create whatever it wanted on a canvas. With the available tools, he let his mind run wild with ideas.

Mike was more into sketching. With an equally active imagination, he would draw all sorts of strange creatures. Some humanoid, some beastly.

Mike pulled out his sketchbook and his box of pencils, and went to town.

"Whatcha drawing this time?" Minato leaned over his shoulder.

"I'm thinking something humanoid this time."

"Haven't done one of those in a while, huh? Let me know if you think of something!"

"Will do." Mike twirled his pencil in his fingers. After a moment of thinking, he started to draw.

'Maybe something muscley…' He thought. After a few minutes, he had a broad-shouldered man sketched down. 'Now I just need the face and-'

"Agh!" Mike clutched his head. "The hell was that?"

"You alright dude?" Minato called over from his painting.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Just a headache." Mike kept drawing. He leaned closer to his sketchbook.

'Owww! Why do I have a headache all of a sudden!? Did I hit my head or something?!' He kept drawing, hopefully drowning out the pain.

"Details…" He muttered. "I need more details."

He went back over his sketch. Two arms, two legs, head, shoulders, knees, toes, and…


Chiseled, rock-like armor adorned the body of his newest work. When had he drawn armor…?

"Hey, you really don't sound too- Woah." Minato stood over Mike. "That's a new one. Inspiration?"

Mike was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say or think in that moment. He was interrupted by a waving hand.

"Hellooooo? Earth to Fritz?"

"Huh! What?! Stop it."

"It kind of reminds me of your mom."

"Excuse me?!"

"The armor. Reminds me of her. And...if she was a dude instead."

Mike stared at the drawing. It...kind of did look like his mother.

"How…?" Mike stuttered. "How did I make this?"

Minato chuckled. "You mean you don't know how you drew your own art?"

"Yes. I remember I drew a humanoid sketch, but I didn't draw this armor and face. At least...consciously."

"Dude are you getting ghost drawings?" Minato ribbed him.

"Ow. And I don't know."


"Welp. That's the bell. Good luck with your ghost drawing or whatever. I'll catch you later!"

"See ya...later…" Mike held up his drawing closer. Looking at the imposing armored figure, he couldn't help but be filled with an eerie sense of deja vu. 'Where have I seen this before…?' He thought to himself. Maybe he should ask his dad about it. Or his mom. One of them should know something. Returning to the subject in his hands, he had to give it a title. He gave it the most fitting name he could come up with.

Mike packed his things and left the classroom. On the way out of school, he passed Minato and waved goodbye before heading their separate ways.

The streets were busy today. Mike weaved his way in and out of passing people, eventually coming to an open sidewalk he could walk freely. On the other side of the street, some hero was being pestered for autographs from fans. Mike had always respected heroes. He was almost tempted to go over there as-

"Move it, kid!"

As he went down, he saw someone running past him with a bag full of...something. Probably money judging by the paper flying out.

He didn't even have time to process that information before his head connected with the ground and the world went black.

End of Chapter 1

My buddy Knight nagged me to upload the first chapter early to get some feedback on it and motivate me to continue. Thanks buddy. Have that car battery on standby.