Bakugou hated the conversation he had with his new homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa. He had been scorned for using his quirk without a license, and worse yet, physically harming someone. If Bakugou hadn't been running on only an hour of sleep, and if he hadn't overused his quirk last night, he would have had half a mind to bitch the bastard out. It was stupid that he was in trouble for saving a woman from getting raped.

However, he didn't have the strength to argue. Not even when Aizawa told him to go home. His body and mind were on the brink of total exhaustion and he knew it. Not to mention that he agreed with Aizawa in some places. In truth, Bakugou lost his temper and went too far. He needed better control of his anger. Because of this, when the tired hero was done speaking with him, Bakugou simply nodded and left.

Catching a train back home, Bakugou leaned forward on his knees and reflected on what he had been told. Aizawa had confirmed that the man confessed right away, so there would be no punishment for Bakugou's actions as his story was corroborated. He was also told that the man had pretty severe burns on his face, but it was unlikely Bakugou would face any charges. He had "gotten lucky". Bakugou's face contorted into a grimace, just as it had when Aizawa had said that at the hospital. It made him want to spit. There was nothing "lucky" about any of this.

What did bring him solace was Aizawa's cruel smile when he mentioned the protocol for dealing with people who attack UA students. This boy would be blacklisted from any University's in Japan, or internationally. He was also put on a list for sexual predators for life, and he would be registered as a low-level villain until he had gone through multiple programs to help ensure his change in character after prison time.

He leaned his head back to look out the trains window, thinking back on Aizawa's smile, that had felt somewhat out of place on the mans tired face, and his matter-of-fact tone as he had told Bakugou, "we are protective of our students at UA. Especially in situations like this one. No one…and I mean NO ONE, gets to hurt our students and get away with it." He believed him, and it had put him at ease enough to leave Sakura at the hospital. UA would throw the book at that damn pervert.

Shit. He had tried to push back thoughts of Sakura.

Bakugou slumped down again and covered his face in his hands. Why had he said those things to her? Why did he touch her? He must be borderline delirious from lack of sleep.

The train halted at his stop, and he dragged his feet as he walked out of the station. His mind flashing to pictures of her face as he had gently brushed a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Damnit!" Bakugou kicked a rock that was on the sidewalk as hard as he could.

He hated the mix of childish embarrassment and complicated feelings that fluttered in his stomach. All of the emotions that sprung up in him just made him feel weak and uncomfortable. He needed to focus on his goal.

Sakura had made it pretty clear that she didn't even remember him, and so his feelings towards her were definitely one-sided. He had kept them under wraps for over a year now, ever since he stumbled upon her going into that dusty old gym. He had pushed her away once he realized she didn't recognize the him as the boy she had met so briefly when they were young, because a part of him was hurt, as she had left a definite impact on his life.

Then, in that damn hospital room, she spoke to him the same way she had when they first met. She was so nervous and adorably shy. The flash of red on her cheeks had caused his brain to go into a standstill. He remembered that warm summer night when they…

"Bakugou!" His mother's loud voice halted his train of thought. The spikey blonde woman ran down the street and pulled the exhausted teen into a hug. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"Sorry." He couldn't hide the exhaustion is his voice, and his mother pulled away concerned. She turned, and practically dragged him into their small, humble home. Once the front door was closed, she smacked the back of his head. "Damnit! What the hell was that for, 'ya old hag!" She just smiled at him.

"That's for putting yourself in danger." Bakugou huffed and began walking to his room. "Go sleep, and I will wake you up for dinner," she called from behind him. "Oh, and Bakugou," she paused, and he turned to look at her, "good job saving that girl. I'm so proud of you."

"Yeah. Whatever," he said dismissively, but he couldn't hide his smile as he walked into his room.

Sakura had spent the rest of the summer working with Mei on her hero suit. They had even recruited Mr. and Mrs. Hatsume to help as they both worked in the hero support item business. Before Sakura had realized what was happening, her hero outfit had become a family project. Mr. Hatsume had even contacted a close family friend that was a famous hero costume designer to help create her bodysuit.

For a brief moment, Sakura found herself being a member of the family, rather than an onlooker. Testing out different designs: some successful, some…explosive. Eventually, she ended up with something that everyone felt good with. She stood in the living room with a shy smile, while the rest of that Hatsume's gathered around her. With a flash, the preset camera took the impromptu family photo. Mrs. Hatsume grabbed the camera and headed to print it out.

"Make three, honey," Mr. Hatsume called after her. "That way we can have one, and both girls can take a copy to put in their dorms."

"Come on, hero," Mei began pushing Sakura outside, Mr. Hatsume following close behind. "Let's do one last test run to make sure everything is working."

Sakura allowed herself a moment of pride, as she walked out into the backyard with the amalgamation of all the Hatsume's hard work.

The only item not designed by the Hatsume's was her skintight, black bodysuit with two red dots near her naval that were a signature of the suit's designer. After wearing it a few times, Sakura found that the suits material was comfortable and fire proof (the latter being especially useful while trying out Mei's precarious inventions).

Sakura also realized that it allowed her to be quite nimble when using grappling and fighting techniques. The suit was sleeveless with a sharp v neckline, and overall showed the most of Sakura's personal aesthetic: minimalism. However, the short girl was then seemingly wrapped in the Hatsume's inventions which were red, with copper pipes and buckles, that gave off a more steampunk feel. Sakura didn't mind the design. It gave her a warm feeling in her chest to feel like she was a part of this quirky family, and it felt like a perfect mold of all of them.

Mei had designed and equipped her with large red boots with copper rockets that helped Sakura jump higher to gain better sightlines for her quirk. The boots also helped absorb the impact from falling at those great heights.

Mrs. Hatsume was more practical in her design, creating a backpack that could hold supplies and be used as a parachute if Sakura found herself falling with too much momentum. The red backpack had leather straps that went around her in a full-body harness to help support her weight if the parachute was deployed.

Finally, there were her gauntlets and kneepads. She had described her fighting techniques to Mr. Hatsume, and he designed her metal copper kneepads that acted as extra protection when falling, but also packed an extra punch when she kneed someone during a fight. Her gauntlets were also outfitted to absorb impact and protect her bones from breaking when using her momentum to deliver punches that she would otherwise be incapable of throwing.

Sakura practiced with her new support items until the sun was beginning to set, Mr. Hatsume and Mei standing back and shouting suggestions from time to time. Eventually, the three went inside for supper and looked over the new family photo that Mrs. Hatsume had printed for them. Sakura looked over it, her eyes filling with tears as she stared down at her in her hero suit, and her family that had helped her design it. Mei leaned over and rested her head on Sakura's shoulder.

"Are you all ready for school to start?" Mei's voice was cheerful, but the was a tinge of sorrow behind it. This summer had been great for Sakura and her relationship. Now it was coming to an end, and they would be moving into different dorms.

"Yeah," Sakura murmured, wiping the tears from her eyes. She was also not excited for her dream of a close family to be ripped away just as it had finally come to fruition. "Everything's packed for the move tomorrow. Are you nervous?"

"Meh," Mei replied. "I'm mostly excited. I keep thinking about all of the new babies I will get to make." She pulled out a notebook and thumbed through it, showing Sakura a ton of designs. "I'm pretty sure I will only be running on caffeine and minimal sleep by next week."

Sakura gave a small smile, and the Hatsume's laughed. Tomorrow would be hard, but it was the beginning of a new journey for the two young women.

Bakugou's father was helping him drop off the last of the moving boxes in his new dorm room, while his mother was already unpacking and placing clothes into the drawers provided by the dorm. The UA dorm rooms were quite spacious with large individual rooms and patios. Each homeroom class was given their own building, including two wings: left for females, and right for males.

Bakugou hadn't paid much attention to the people moving in around him, but he had noticed that his room sat at the end of the hall and only shared a wall with some guy with stupid red hair. He would have to warn the bastard at some point today that he better be quiet after 9pm, otherwise he would be getting his ass kicked.

"Alright, 'ya brat," his mother came over to him placing her hand on his head, giving him a wicked grin, "I better not hear about you causing any trouble for your teachers."

"Shut up!" Bakugou felt childish under the weight of her hand. "I'm not a kid anymore, 'ya old hag!" He smacked her hand away, annoyed and greatful they were in the privacy of his room.

"Okay you two, no fighting." Bakugou's dad swooped down and grabbed the two in a big hug, effectively sedating the situation. Kissing the top of Bakugou's head, he heard the teen growl. "Alright, darling. We should let him finish unpacking and settle in. We're going to head out Katsuki." He pulled away, dragging his wife with him while he walked to the door.

"I'm not kidding, kid," his mother called behind her, "if I hear you are running around and getting in trouble, I will personally come here and kick your ass in front of all of your classmates."

"I'd like to see you try," Bakugou yelled at her.

She simply turned around and smiled. "Call us if you need anything."

"Tch," was the only response she received from her son, but it was as good as any. The two parents left their son to finish the job of unpacking and decorating his room.

After a few hours of unpacking, Bakugou's stomach growled unhappily, and he decided to explore the kitchen in the common area. He had been told that there would be meals available for students prepared by the school's master chef, Lunch Rush.

As he made his way down the hall, he heard a familiar voice. Anger welled up inside the blond as he opened the door and caught site of the green-haired bastard walking towards him holding a large box. He had been talking to the friendly redhead that lived next to him.

"DEKU," Bakugou yelled with venom dripping from each syllable.

"AHHH!" Midoriya dropped his box, which fell with a loud crash of something inside it breaking. "Kacchan!" His hands immediately flew up defensively, surprised by the sudden appearance of his longtime school bully.

"You bastard! What you doing here!?" Bakugou didn't hold back his anger, and instead allowed it to consume all the frustration from moving, essentially fueling it.

"Ah…Sorry…I uh…I live here. I mean…my dorm is right there." Midoriya stumbled through his words, terrified of Kacchan's reaction to them not only being in the same class, but also living together.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY LET A USELESS BASTARD LIKE YOU IN HERE!?" Bakugou was slowly increasing with rage as the reality of the situation began to sink in. He took a step towards Midoriya, who in turn stepped back bumping into someone standing behind him. The pink hair caught Bakugou's eye, and his attention switched to the figure who he only noticed now was standing behind Midoriya. Copper eyes glared back at his, while Sakura's hand grabbed Midoriya's shoulder protectively.

"Bakugou," her words were even but held a firmness to them, "calm down."

She pulled Midoriya behind her, and though they were both similar in height, something about the girl's presence demanded far more fear and respect than the cowering frame behind her.

Bakugou took a breath and became instantly aware of all the eyes on him. Probably half of his class was now staring at him with concerned looks. Some had even began walking over to them, including a blue haired guy with glasses.

Rage seared in his mind, but he knew he had to sedate it for now. He took another deep breath, and steadied a look at the green eyes that were peering out from behind Sakura.

"Stay the fuck out of my way, Deku." He walked toward the kitchen, avoiding Sakura's glare as he walked around them.

As he walked away, he heard Sakura's voice turn sweet and gentle as she helped Midoriya pick up his box. He felt a tightness in his chest, but continued walking forward, glaring at anyone who dared make eye contact with him.

"Are you okay," Sakura's voice was gentle as she walked with the green haired boy into his room.

"Yeah," Midoriya mumbled as he placed the box on his bed. Kirishima had split ways with them in the hallway in order to finish unloading his box in his own room down the hall. "I'm sure Kacchan was just surprised to see me. What are the chances that we would be in the same class? I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way." He reached out to shake hands, but noticed Sakura for the first time. His face lit up bright red as he noticed that he was in his room alone with a girl. His whole body began to shake.

Sakura stared at him curiously. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Uh…I'm fine. Promise" he stumbled, and Sakura smiled at him and grabbed the strange boy's hand and shook it.

"I'm Sakura." She had been caught off guard when she had heard the name Deku, and had found Bakugou bullying this poor boy. "Why did Bakugou call you Deku if your name is Midoriya?"

Some of Izuku's blush faded, and he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly with a big goofy smile spreading across his face. "Kacchan and I go way back. It was a name he gave me when I was little to make fun of me." The posture and smile of the awkward teen reminded Sakura of her old mentor. Yep. This was definitely him.

"Deku sounds like the name of a hero to me," her voice was warm and sweet.

Izuku's faced flushed bright red again. "UH…YOU CAN CALL ME DEKU IF YOU WANT." His voice was overly loud and flustered as we waved his hands at her. Sakura realized the situation and took a step back, blood rushing to her cheeks. She saw Deku as a father figure, and hadn't thought about how young Deku would take her words.

"Oh…Uh…," She stammered, trying not to visibly gag at the thought of having accidentally flirted with her future mentor, "I'm sorry. That came out wrong. Um…I'm gonna go." She turned and opened the bedroom door. She met Kirishima's gaze as he was about to enter. He looked back from her blushing face to Midoriya's blushing face behind her.

"Oh ho ho," he cooed, "I could come back later if you two lovebirds need more time." Sakura brushed past him, screaming internally, and rushed out of the male wing. She rubbed her face as she walked out into the common room. She would have to clear that up eventually, but it would not be today. She looked over and saw Bakugou sulking over the stove. She noticed that in the time that she had been gone, everyone had either left the common room, or moved as far away from the blond as possible.

She sighed, feeling an unjustified guilt, and walked straight to the kitchen. She tried to clear her mind of her previous encounter with Deku, when she caught a whiff of something yummy as she came up behind Bakugou. She felt her stomach growl.

"We aren't making the best first impressions today." Her voice obviously caught Bakugou off guard as he jumped.

"Shit!" The red eyes spun to find her, and for brief moment she saw what looked like sorrow before he turned away from her to focus again on his cooking. "What the hell do you want?" His voice was gruff, but lacked the edge it normally had.

"Just checking on you. Something smells good. Did you make enough for me?" Her voice was playful as she tried to get Bakugou to react. Over the summer, she had tried to get to know Bakugou, especially after the whole encounter on the beach. However, every time she tried to talk to him, he just seemed to shut down. Was that moment they had in the hospital just a fluke brought on by exhaustion, trauma, and residual adrenaline? Possibly, but something kept pulling her back to him. Something she couldn't put her finger on.

"Tch," was the only response. The boy continued cooking and ignoring her. Sakura sighed and walked to the fridge to see what was in it. There were a ton of meals that just needed to be heated up in a pan or microwaved, so she grabbed one and put it in the microwave. She went to press the start button when Bakugou's hand stopped her. "You can have some of mine if you don't mind it being spicy." His voice was soft so that only she could hear. Where their hands touched, her skin radiated with warmth. There it was, again. That gentleness she had witnessed at the hospital. She looked at him, but he was looking down at the food he was cooking. He pulled away, and she felt herself wishing he would have left his hand on hers for just a moment longer.

Without saying anything else, she pulled the meal out of the microwave and returned it to the fridge. She then went and grabbed two plates and cups, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks from the boy cooking. He was a hothead, but there definitely something pulling her toward him.

Bakugou plated the meal, and the two sat at a table and ate quietly. This year was going to be wild if this was how things were already starting, but she wouldn't expect less from the prestigious school.