Original Posted On: July 19, 2020

Beta Read by: Heckelman88, Crowfeast, Tachyon99, xhope14x, Neostardustdragon101

Review Response:

Calderoneric758: What? I'm confused.

Animecollector: No problem, we are talking about what is going to happen in Purgatorio, and my GF and I are working on a better artwork for its cover, and then it will be posted on her Deviantart page.

Midnightscar17: Sorry about that, but hopefully this chapter is better.

Chronosign: Thank you, and yes, Vali is going to get fucked up.

Darth56: It will happen as I write, but time moves slower in the Pure Lands, so a month in the DXD world could be an hour in the Pure Lands if I made it that way.

R reyes: I know, I actually got this idea while watching Avatar. Lol.

AJGuardian: You thought it was Ghoul of Gremory, but it was I, RETURN OF THE GOLDEN PROTECTOR!

XenoBlaze: Essentially that is what happens. And there is no bunker Ophis can't break into.

Tsukoblue: Avatar Iroh.

Smatt9411: What? Your wording is a bit off, so are you saying you recognized our work and you like it and this story?

Dlowe265: Thank you, and I know you are going to like this chapter.

Archangel Xireon Chaos God: What?

Arraia: Thank you.

Church2550: Yes, Iroh is best character of the older Generation in Avatar. And I was waiting for this scene for a long time. And I think you will like what I have done with this chapter, but warning, it gets a little trippy.

MonokumaFan002: No problem, sorry it took so long.

Kurokawa Uzuna: The Naruto World is basically in the same as the Boruto one, just without that little bastard. And the two small differences are that Kakashi is still Hokage and Sasuke has a Puppet hand to replace his original. For the afterlife… okay, so to explain this I will borrow what I wrote for Purgatorio of the Forgotten: Each after life is a part of one 'Whole' afterlife, each part representing one religion/culture's version of the afterlife. Hell is the same way. So, the Pure Lands is a yokai of Japan's heaven. Dude, you are very smart, figuring out what I wanted to do with Trihexia.

Natsu Gama Dragon Slayer: What?

Guest: Albion knew Ophis was related to Naruto, and told Vali himself.

Lilhuesos: I have.

WindCitySlayer1: Don't wait any longer, for the chapter is here!

588963-B: No problem, I know the story's quality goes up and down, but when I am able to write original stuff, like now, it is better than when I write for the canon stuff. Not kidding, look at the dive the quality takes when I do the Riser stuff until now.

Guest: It shall be explained soon… maybe.

Redlox2: Yes, that is exactly it. I'm surprised you were able to pick up on that as no one else has.

Clarkbar18: Iroh is Yoshimaru's father-in-law if that helps. Thank you, man, I'm happy I was able to make you feel all those emotions, even with the story quality dropping here and there every so often. And for the other stories, I guess I'll let you decide if you enjoy them, as I can't make you like them. Lol. Enjoy this chapter, because it's a mind fuck.

Current Harem:

Zest, Gabriel, Lucoa, Serafall, Penemue


Yasaka (Tamamo), Jack (Unknown Birth mom), Kuroka (Fujima), Xenovia (Unnamed Italian female), Asia (?), Shirone (Fujima), Jiraiya (Lucoa), Oscar and Lily (Serafall), Joseph and Mary (Gabriel), Kushina (Zest), Damian (Penemue)


"Hey" = Speaking

'Hey' = Thinking

'Hey' = Memory

"Hey"= Sacred Gear/ Communication link/ Tailed Beast

Chapter 52: The Right of Decision

"Grandpa… is not coming back?" Kunou asked, eyes watering as her mothers broke the news to her.

She shook as she saw the sad sincerity in Yasaka's and Amaterasu's eyes as they held hands.

Kunou's lip trembled, gripping her shoulders as she started to cry.

Yasaka and Amaterasu drew close to their daughter and held her, not caring that their clothing was being covered in tears and snot.

Yasaka felt a sense of nostalgia.

Something from her past was pushing itself to the surface of her memory.


"You are leaving, Papa?" Yasaka (Age 10) asked Naruto as he stood near the door with Tamamo.

"I have some work in China." Naruto said as he squatted down beside his beloved daughter, who was trying to not cry, causing her eyes to water up something fierce as she bit her trembling lip.

Naruto had a sad look on his face before he looked up at his wife as Yasaka tried to wipe her tears away.

Tamamo smiled and nodded as she knelt next to Yasaka and Naruto, tapping the ground in a rhythmic way as they opened their mouths…

End Flashback…

"Leaves from the vine

Falling so slow

Like fragile tiny shells

Drifting in the foam

Little soldier boy

Come marching home

Brave soldier boy

Comes marching home"

Yasaka sang these words, running a hand through Kunou's hair as it calmed her daughter, getting her to look in amazement.

"Been a long time since you sang that, Yasaka." Amaterasu said with a melancholic smile. "Not since we became a couple."

"That seems so long ago now." Yasaka said as she noticed Kunou's staring. "Something wrong dear?"

"How do you know this, mama?" Kunou asked curiously, her mourning put to the side for it.

"It is a song passed down for a few generations on my side." Yasaka explained as she picked Kunou up. "It was created by Great Grandpa Iroh for his son who passed away. He sang it at his grave, and Great Grandma learned the words and sang it to him every time he left for battle. Grandma Miko sang it to Grandpa Yoshimaru, mama sang it to Papa, who sang it to me, and now I am singing it for you."

Kunou didn't understand all of it at once, but she could tell it was important.

"Can you teach me?" Kunou asked.

Yasaka looked at Amaterasu, who smiled brighter than the sun.

"Of course, dear." Yasaka replied.

Pure Lands…

Iroh smiled at he looked at the Infinite Dragon Loli.

"Ophis, please, come, sit." Iroh said wisely and joyfully, tapping the part of the ground next to him. "I made my famous Jasmine Tea."

"You should try it, it's really good." Miko said with a smile as she pushed her monocle up.

"It sure is." Yoshimaru commented.

"I don't want tea." Ophis snipped. "I want my son."

Minato cowered a bit and started to tear up at the raw anger and power Ophis emitted.

"Calm yourself," Iroh said cautiously as he put his tea cup down. "We can't help you if you act like this."

He showed now fear while he looked into Ophis's eyes.

Ophis took a deep breath and sat on the ground, taking the cup of tea Iroh offered her while Tamamo sat next to her grandfather.

Minato sat in his mom's lap as he looked at Ophis, slightly weary but still interested in her.

Iroh smiled as Ophis drank the tea.

"Now," Iroh said as he carefully moved, Ophis watching carefully, dropping her cup when she saw it.

Naruto (Age 3) clung to Iroh's kimono, staring fearfully at Ophis as he shook.

"Ashura…" Ophis said as she reached out for him, touching his hand only to feel pain in her heart when he pulled away as if in pain and ran to Miko.

"There, there, little one." Miko said affectionately, her eyes very sad as she remembered all the mistakes she made when raising him. "It's okay. She won't hurt you."

Naruto didn't stop shaking as he clung to Miko.

"Hey, Naruto." Yoshimaru said, getting the toddler's attention as he pulled out a stringed instrument, strumming it a few times before he started to play. "Leaves from the vine."

"Falling so slow." Miko continued.

"Like fragile tiny shells." Tamamo followed up.

"Drifting in the foam." Iroh sang happily.

"Little soldier boy." Yoshimaru continued.

"Come marching home." Miko sang as she rocked Naruto, who was smiling as he clapped in rhythm to the music.

"Brave soldier boy." Tamamo sang while Minato waved his arms in tandem.

"Comes marching home." Iroh finished, tears in his eyes as he wiped them away, memories of his son Lu Ten flashing as the song he created was sung.

"Again, again!" Naruto laughed as the light started to dim, and a fire roared to life.

"There are night cycles here in the Pure Lands?" Ophis asked as she took notice of the change in light.

"Of course." Miko said as she held Naruto to keep him from the fire. "We may be spirits, but we are still very much a live, so we need our rest too you know. Oh, wait, you are Infinity, so you wouldn't know."

Ophis glared angrily at Miko as she laughed behind her hand.

"Hey, that isn't nice." Yoshimaru said as he gently flicked Miko's nose, making her blink before glaring at her husband, who flinched.

He became whipped in a single glance, complete with leach and collar on his neck.

Ophis couldn't help but crack a smile, and it got bigger when Minato tried to get to her lap.

However, this smile faltered when Naruto spring from Miko's grasp and pulled Minato away, struggling to get to Ophis as Naruto didn't want him to.

'Why, Ashura?' Ophis thought sadly. 'Do you not remember me?'

"It's not that he doesn't remember you." Miko said as she scooted next to Ophis. "Its because at this time in his life, Naruto hadn't met you yet."


Azazel looked at Sirzechs and Michael.

The three of them had gotten together to discuss something, but all they had been doing for ten minutes was sit at a table in a diner, wearing casual clothing, and waiting to take their order.

"So, it has been a month and a half since the meeting, have your people taken the news well?" Sirzechs asked Michael and Azazel. "With the knowledge that the three factions have formed an alliance I mean."

"Yeah, the people of the Fallen have accepted it. Some more than others, but given time, all of them should appreciate what we have done to secure the future for them." Azazel replied.

"The Angels and the Flugel were excited to hear that the alliance had been established." Michael said with a small smile. "Though, they are in great concern for Gabriel, who has been doing nothing but work, barely taking time to take care of her children, so I have been looking after them for her."

"Serafall has been doing the same." Sirzechs said, none to happy either. "She is having her parents take care of her children, and is barely leaving the office."

"Penemue called me and said Zest is focusing more on her job at the school, leaving her and Lucoa with taking care of the younger children with the help of all the teenagers Naruto adopted and took in." Azazel explained. "But it isn't healthy for them. I know it is difficult to accept, but Naruto wouldn't want them to neglect their loved ones."

The waitress came by and took their orders before she left.

"Do you really think he is dead?" Sirzechs asked as he leaned into his palm. "I mean, Ophis did say he wasn't dead, but he had his heart ripped out and his body vanished. I don't see a way for him to survive."

"Neither do I, and I feel extremely mad at myself for letting that happen." Michael said, loosing his smile and gripping his pants legs in anger. "I just stood there and let my brother fight alone."

"It's not that bad, Michael." Azazel said as he leaned back. "As for your question, Sirzechs, I believe he will come back. Naruto is… an amazing person. There is no way a simple heart removal can keep him dead."


Serafall stumbled home.

'I need to sleep.' She thought as she entered the Sitri mansion, pulling her hair out of its pigtail form.

She took seven steps, and a banana peel appeared under her foot causing her to slide down the hall, her expression not changing from exhausted, even when she crashed into the wall and hitting the floor.

"YAY!" Lily shouted cheerfully as she and Oscar laughed, their tiny wings giving them flight.

"MOMMY FELL FOR IT!" Oscar shouted as he pointed at Serafall.

"SERAFALL!" Edward and Samantha shouted as they saw Serafall hit the wall and the floor.

They got closer to their oldest daughter, Oscar and Lily floating closer to them, all four concerned for Serafall.

"Serafall, wake up!" Edward shouted as he propped Serafall up.

Her eyes did not open, and he pressed his fingers against her neck.

Her pulse was strong and he could hear her breathing once he focused on it.

"She fell asleep." Edward said with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank god." Samantha said, not caring about the headache. "I… I thought…"

Serafall muttered something, her eyes leaking tears.

"Naru…" She whispered.

Oscar and Lily landed on the ground and touched their mom.

"I think it's time for bed, everyone." Samantha said as she scooped her grandchildren up while Edward picked up Serafall.

"Agreed." Edward said as they headed towards Serafall's room.

They put the trio in the room, and once out, Oscar and Lily cuddled with their mom.

"Mommy, sorry." Oscar sniffled.

"Please don't mad." Lily hiccupped.

Pure Lands…

Ophis sat by the fire across from Iroh, who had Naruto in his lap, sleeping with his head being rubbed by the elder fox.

Yoshimaru, Miko, Tamamo, and Minato were sleeping nearby.

"So, Ophis, why did you come here?" Iroh asked the Infinite Dragon.

"I came for my son." Ophis stated as she looked at Naruto. "Ashura has family that need him. I came here to bring him back with me."

"I see." Iroh responded as he took a deep breath, his face becoming serious. "Did it ever occur to you that Naruto wouldn't want to return?"

"Of course not, Ashura would want to return." Ophis snipped, her patience starting to thin again.

She had been here for god knows how long, and hadn't made much progress.

"Naruto came here once before," Iroh said as he looked up to the starry night sky. "He had shot himself in the head, and came here. He was nothing but a mass of chakra, wanting nothing but to die. However, over two hundred years here, you were able to find his chakra in the Dimensional Gap and pull him back from here. This time, however, you weren't able to find anything, and now see him as he is now."

Iroh looked back into Ophis's silver eyes with no fear, a look only Naruto and Great Red have given Ophis.

"I ask again, do you think Naruto wants to be brought back to life?" Iroh asked.

"Yes." Ophis replied without hesitating. "He needs to help his family and raise them."

"Are you sure?" Iroh asked again.

Before Ophis could speak, one of Iroh's tails connected to Naruto and Ophis's foreheads.

Ophis gasped as she felt Iroh's chakra flow into her and when she blinked,

She was no longer in the Pure Lands, but somewhere dark and full of fog. The ground was water that went up to Ophis's ankles and there were walls with pipes going through and around them.

'What is this place?' Ophis thought as she looked around, her eyes being able to see up to ten feet in the dark.


Said dragon's eyes widened.

"Ashura!" Ophis shouted as she looked around for the source of the voice. "Where are you?"

She took off running, not knowing where she truly was, nor if she was getting closer to Naruto.

"Why are you here?"

"To bring you home. Your wives and your children need you, and the alliance you helped build won't last long if you aren't there. I don't know how much time has passed, but we need to leave, Ashura!" Ophis shouted, gasping for breath. 'What's going on? I am short of breath and I haven't even been running for long?'

"But I don't want to."

Ophis's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why would I go back to a place that hurts?"

"Because you are needed there!" Ophis repeated.

There was a pause.

Ophis started running again, trying to find a way-out using sound magic like sonar, bouncing thin magic waves ahead of her and learning the lay out.

'It's a never-ending maze.' Ophis realized after several minutes of silence and tiredness. "Why am I so tired?"

"Because, you are in our domain, Ophis."


"And here, we make the rules, and we don't want to go back."

The area Ophis was in widened and expanded, the darkness replaced by an ethereal yellow glow.

The nine tailed beasts were present, their massive bodies towering over Ophis as they looked down at them.

"We will not allow anymore suffering to happen to Naruto." Matatabi said to Ophis.

"Nor any harm to ourselves." Son spoke.

"The Otsutsuki are the enemy of us tailed beasts, and if we stay here, we are safe." Chomei chimed.

"What about those who you gave blessing too?" Ophis demanded. "They are in danger, so you need to return and protect them!"

"We don't care." Shukaku stated.

"We are only involved in that world due to you keeping Naruto and us alive." Saiken interrupted.

"So, we shall not interrupt what should have been." Isobu continued.

"Nor shall we attempt to stop the Otsutsuki." Gyuki said.

"Those with a blessing shall die." Kokuo replied.

"And we shall remain here, with Naruto." They all said as Ophis looked on in disbelief.

"It's what I want, Ophis."

Said dragon turned and saw Naruto, raising from the water.

His eyes dark and gloomy as his posture showed a man who was broken beyond repair with a body sliced open, bleeding and unable to be healed.

"I am scared." Naruto said as he gripped his shoulders and started to shake. "I want to die, but I can't. I'll never be able to live in happiness in the world you put me in against my will!"

He looked up at Ophis, who took a step back, fear for the first time in her eyes as she saw the look Naruto had.

"You took my peace from me." Naruto said as he entered Six Paths Sage mode, the nine tailed beasts fading and entering his body as he did. "I'll take yours from you."

Chapter 52, DONE!

Well, well, well… things got interesting.

I wonder how many will realize what is actually going on with this.

Anyway, I hope you guys all enjoyed the chapter, and review, even if you hate it.

Also, Leaves from the Vine is a song from Avatar.

I also got a collaboration with Crowfeast, two of them actually.

Purgatorio of the Forgotten, which is on Crowfeast's page.

Messing with Dimensions, which is on mine.

Please check them out if you can.