Hey guys! I'm back. It has been way to long since my last update, so I apologize for that. But I finally have this one. I hope you enjoy! Please r&r.
"Sara," Laurel greeted in surprise when her sister walked in the door. "I didn't know you were coming."
"I needed to see you," Sara responded nervously. According to Mia, Laurel already knew about her alter ego. So why hadn't she said anything? Did she hate her now? It didn't make any sense. "Can we talk?"
Laurel glanced up with confusion painting her features.
"Yeah sure," she said hesitantly. "Are you and Ollie ok? Is something wrong?"
She definitely knew. The fact that she was asking if they were ok clearly indicated that. Sara shook her head slightly.
"It's kind of a long story."
To say Laurel was concerned was an understatement. Sara wasn't exactly one to open up to her sister. Even before the gambit, she'd never been a big sharer. And since she came back it'd been even worse. The only one she seemed to open up to was Oliver, which was why she was trying to be more supportive of them. Leading her sister to the couch she sat down next to her putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"I don't have anywhere to be."
Sara inhaled sharply trying to steel herself for the moment to come.
"I know Slade Wilson told you Ollie's the Arrow. So I know you've figured out that I'm the Canary."
Laurel's jaw dropped. How on earth had her sister known that? She'd been extremely careful ever since her encounter with the sword-wielding psychopath.
"That's also a long story. It also sounds really crazy and insane. But it's true. I checked myself multiple times," Sara said nervously.
"What is it?"
"Someone traveled back in time to meet Ollie and I. Our daughter… from the future."
"What!?" Laurel yelled. "That's not even possible."
"I didn't think so either, but it's true. We ran a DNA test and everything," Sara explained.
"Wow," Laurel replied breathily. This was crazy. Her niece… from the future.
"I really needed to talk to someone about it," Sara said dropping her head into her hands. "I was going to leave today. Leave Starling City and Ollie. I almost killed his friend. I couldn't find another way. I didn't see it until it was almost too late. How does that kind of person, a monster like me, become a mother?"
"Sara you're not a monster," Laurel said fiercely dragging her sister into a hug. "You are a good person, whether you think that or not. If you weren't you wouldn't be wearing that mask."
"How do you know that?" Sara asked. "What if I hurt her or kill her?"
"You're not going to do that, I promise. You just need to adjust. Don't give up on this. On Starling or Ollie or on this relationship you and dad and I are trying to rebuild," Laurel encouraged her sister. A tear streamed down Sara's cheek, her first one in what felt like forever. She sat there with her sister for over an hour taking solace in her arms.
"Thank you," she whispered at last. Laurel wiped a tear off of Sara's cheek.
"Always. That's what sisters are for."
Author's Note: So what'd you think? It's a bit shorter than usual but I am trying to get this out quickly. Let me know your thoughts.