A/N Thanks for your reviews and support.

Guest: Thanks for your review my friend. So glad you enjoy it!

APridefulSin: thanks for your review my friend. He's got this. Nightingale isn't like Hogwarts. Things are a little different.

DarkRavie: thanks for your review my friend.

WhiteElfElder: thanks for your review my friend. Not very. Jolly might not be a Gryffindor but he was a member of Lupus for a reason. They value loyalty above all else. And the survival of the pack.

Jolly's POV

The walk to the dungeons only increased Jolly's agitation. He did not like being so far from his family. They should be allowed to stay together not separated. However going against the Dark Lord was not advisable. He was brave not stupid. Which was why he stopped his rowdy bunch.

It wouldn't be their only surprises either. They had to fight for ranks within the House they had been put in. Slytherins would only obey their King. If he wanted them to leave his people alone he would need to challenge the King. Or at the very least the Prince.

Sighing internally. He knew that King would be the best option. As the King of Nightingale it would be expected for him to take the top in his House. To do otherwise would make the others think he was weak. Then they would be more inclined to challenge him to take the King spot within their school.

All he could at the moment was to trust his classmates to do the same. Fight for a spot and set up the rules of Nightingale. They were difficult after all.

Rule one was that all Houses were equal in standing. Any House or year could approach the King or their Bannerman. They must be listened to and judged equally. Failure to do so meant loss of position.

Rule two was against bullying. Blood and creature status meant very little to him. They were all magical and that was what mattered. If you discriminated for whatever reason you were subject to punishment.

Rule three was the most important. When in unfamiliar territory show a united front. There had been times when they visited another school. It was usually to show that they existed and as a power play. To prove that one didnt need to support of the government to have high standards.

He was drawn from his thoughts when the prefect in front of him called out to a wall, "Pureblood."

Jolly rolled his eyes. What an original password. Did they really think something so simple would protect them from intruders? All one had to do was think what would an arrogant ass make as a password.

He didnt voice his thoughts. If he did it might incite a fight before he even stepped foot in the common room. That wasnt on his plans for the evening.

When they stepped into the common room the upper years broke off. Most headed towards the fire while two stood in front of the first years and Nightingale students. By the looks of them they were sixth or seventh years. Prefects and high ranking members of the House no doubt.

The male began his cold blue eyes looking down upon each of them, "First years let me be the first to welcome you to Slytherin. I am Adrian Prucey's current King of Slytherin. You have proven your ambition to get into the house. Now you will have to prove that you are worthy of titles. Standoff to one side while we speak with the transfers. Prepare yourselves the best you can for what you will face."

The first years scattered. They knew the unwritten rules of the House of Slytherin. Their parents had been former members of the house and would be foolish not to teach them.

As transfers they were at a severe disadvantage. However he would not allow this boy to upstart his own position within Nightingale.

The girl began her eyes cold, "I am Belladonna Lestrange one of your sixth-year prefects. My rank is Lady in the Slytherin House. Nightingale is here as refugees. If it was up to me none of you would step foot in this house. But we must obey our lord so you will be tested with the first years. Do not expect to be anything other than peasants. You mudbloods sully our house simply by being here. The ranks from lowest to highest are as follows. Peasant, squire, knight, lord, prince, king."

That was enough of that. He would not allow his people to be bullied.

Jolly declared, "Then I challenge Adrain Prucey to the title of King. Terms being if I win I am the King of Slytherin and all of Slytherin falls under my domain. Should Prucey win all of Nightingale shall fall under his domain. Should I lose I forever remain a peasant."

Prucey gained a feral grin as he accepted, "You should have kept your mouth shut. I'll put you in your place and your fellow birds will be under my direction. Normally we would wait for our Head of House to start challenges but I see no reason to bother him."

Space was cleared out for them in the middle of the common room. Older students barely gave them second glances. They were used to new students being over their heads in challenges. It would make them arrogant when his own started their challenges. They were already transfiguring their clothes into battle robes. As did Jolly.

The only other preparation Jolly did was pull off his sunglasses. He would not lose because of overconfidence in his abilities.

As soon as the platform was made he was stepping onto the right side. Prucey stepped up onto the platform and they both bowed. As expected before Jolly could even finish his bow the other had shot a silent sickly yellow spell at him.

Jolly easily deflected the spell seeing exactly what it was in the other's mind. For a pureblood the boy's mind was an easier read than Malfoy's. It was disappointing how few actually learned about the power of taroc. It wasn't like they were a state secret.

With practiced ease he ducked, dodged, and deflected every spell. Shields had to be erected around the students to protect them. With each passing moment the supposed King was growing more frustrated.

Jolly was simply amused by the situation. Libertà could have easily taken this fool. That was including the fact that the blond could not use his taroc.

Eventually the dark-haired boy sent an overpowered disarming charm at the other. It shattered the hastily made shield that he had made. When it made contact the want was sent to the complete opposite side of the room near the door. Prucey was launched off the platform and into the far wall. A loud painful crack responded through the room.

For a long moment the room was completely silent. Everyone was staring at Jolly with scarcely concealed surprise. No one had expected him to. Certainly not with only using a single spell.

Jolly questioned as he returned his sunglasses to his face, "Does anyone else wish to challenge me?"

Mute shakes were all he was given in answer to his question. It seemed that he made quite an impression upon them.

Coldly he said, "I will make this easy for all of you. You will follow the same rules as my own school. Failure to do so and you will be punished in our way. If you have doubts about my claim that I will know regardless of how well you hide it ask my people. They can tell you. Rule one was that all Houses were equal in standing. Any House or year could approach the King or their Bannerman. Rule two was against bullying. Blood and creature status meant very little to him. They were all magical and that was what mattered. If you discriminated for whatever reason you were subject to punishment. Rule three was the most important. When in unfamiliar territory show a united front. Keep your quarrels within the house. Do I make myself clear?"
