Set directly after the movie.

Rated M for smut/violence etc. This was pretty rushed, so I apologise if there's any mistakes - just wanted to get it out.

Plot: As the news of a female Sultan starts to spread, there are rumours of unrest and rise within the countries and an assassination attempt brings war to the region.

Chapter one:

As Aladdin stared into Jasmine's brown watery eyes as she murmured "I accept", his heart did an extra thump. From the moment he laid eyes on her, his heart hadn't calmed down one bit and it made him feel alive.

Aladdin had been living, but he really hadn't been living. Before he met Jasmine, his life was about living for each day and not caring about where he would end up. But now as he was hugging Genie, he was feeling something he'd never felt before.


Aladdin hadn't really thought about his life before. What it would be and what he would become. All he had done was steal and live for the day, not live for the future.

But now, Jasmine was his future and he was excited.

The party had died down after a couple of hours of dancing, drinking and celebrating, but now it was time. Aladdin scaled the steps to their new bed chamber, shaking from head to toe. He wasn't really privy to royal protocols, but Genie had advised him that he would be first in the bed chamber and Jasmine would join him afterwards to consummate the marriage.

Aladdin was sweating profusely at the thought.

No one really taught him what on earth he had to do… to consummate a marriage. Aladdin had an idea, he'd seen soldiers go into brothels and had an idea what they would do in there, but he'd never seen a woman's body nor had any idea what to do with it. His desire to see Jasmine was something he'd never thought of, but it excited him and scared him at the same time.

Aladdin couldn't help but feel utterly unprepared and he was worried Jasmine would not enjoy herself.

Aladdin removed the extra tunics from his dress and laid it over the chair in the corner, leaving his boots beneath it. He was now just left in just his under shirt and pants, the nervousness making him push his hair back with his hand as he set himself on the edge of the bed.

Aladdin stared at the door and he felt a hundred different things go through his head.

They all disappeared as soon as that door opened.

Jasmine was standing, the veil over head and in a stripped down version of the wedding dress. You could see all the soft curves of her body and Aladdin felt his breathing accelerate. Jasmine had a small, nervous smile on her face and Aladdin matched it. Her hair, which was done so intricately before, was now just flowing freely down her back and this was the most beautiful he had ever seen Jasmine.

Aladdin stood quickly as she started to step closer and he gripped the veil, removing it and placing it over her head. He could see tears well in her eyes and Aladdin grew alarmed.

"Jasmine?" Aladdin whispered and she shook her head, biting her lip as she looked down.

"I am so happy." Jasmine whispered back, her eyes moving back to Aladdins and he couldn't help but smile.

"Me too."

Aladdin gripped her neck as he leant in to kiss her. It started off soft and gentle, the both of them still learning with every touch and then it turned urgent, their hormones starting to take over. Aladdin felt Jasmine's hand move to the back of his head, gripping his hair and that sent a shiver down his spine. What originally was just love between the two of them, turned into lust and desire now. Aladdin's hand moved down to the pool of her back and he felt her hands on his chest, almost tugging at his shirt.

Jasmine pulled away from the kiss then and Aladdin opened his eyes.

"I can feel your heart." She murmured quietly and Aladdin just smiled, nodding.

"It is yours now." Aladdin said quietly and leant down, leaning in to kiss her neck softly. Aladdin heard Jasmine's sharp intake of breath and he knew he must be doing something right. Then, unexpectedly, she pushed him onto the bed and Aladdin couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.

Aladdin could see the blush fill her cheeks and he smiled widely, then he blinked. Jasmine gripped the tie of her dress, loosening it and Aladdin could feel himself blushing, he was just staring in awe at her beauty. Her dress dropped and she still had her undergarments on, but Aladdin could still see everything.

Aladdin swallowed hard, feeling suddenly hot in his southern regions and he sat up, his fingers trailing over the soft white fabric that covered her body. He stood then and without even thinking, wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her again, pulling her tightly against him. Jasmine's body felt soft and delicate against his, but as her breasts pressed against his chest, all he could think about was touching every inch of her.

Then, as if he was in a dream, Aladdin heard the small clink of a knife being unsheathed and he spun Jasmine around. Before he even saw it, he felt the small blade pierce his chest and the black hood racing towards them. He felt Jasmine's breath, hot against his neck and suddenly he was pulled aside, his body falling to the floor.

As Aladdin looked up, he watched as Jasmine fought expertly with the black hood. She was landing blows and dodging attacks, as Aladdin watched helplessly from the floor. He was paralysed with pain and fear. Aladdin was not a fighter, he was a thief. He ran from fights, not to them.

But now, as he was watched his wife fight, he felt useless.

Then, as if he was watching in slow motion, Jasmine caught a blow and fell, screaming out in pain. Aladdin jolted, hearing her cry pulled him to his senses and he sat up, groaning in pain as he pulled out the knife from his chest. He gripped the bedpost, lifted himself up and launched himself at the black hood, plunging the knife into his back.

The black hood pushed him off and Aladdin hit his head against the marble, Jasmine's face that was mixed with fear and pain being the last thing he saw before everything went black.

Thanks for reading. It's a very rough first chapter. Please feel free to leave feedback.