The roiling of her stomach woke her up and Daenerys jolted up in bed, keeping quiet to not wake Harry, who was curled up in bed next to her. She curled an arm around her body and stood up, swinging her legs off the bed and padded through the room, stepped into the small room in the corner in time to sick up. A whimper left her throat unconsciously as her dinner left her stomach, leaving a burning feeling in her throat.
She tried to take a deep breath only for more to come up, fast and hot.
Harry knelt beside her, his eyes soft with concern as he drew back her hair and rubbed her back. "Do you want me to get Missandei?"
Dany nodded, gulping in shaky breaths and leaning against Harry's bare shoulder. He was shirtless and just in a pair of comfortable sleeping leggings. He curled an arm around her waist before whispering something under his breath, a ghostly blue… dragon flowing out from his fingers. The dragon was about the size of a small horse, taking up a lot of room as it walked over to nudge Harry playfully. Dany watched as Harry blinked, sucking in a tight breath at the sight before them.
"I… did not expect that," Harry whispered, before gesturing to the door. "Missandei, the queen needs you. We're in her rooms."
"You…" Dany croaked out, staring at the ghostly dragon as it flew between the walls of the pyramid. The sun shone through the windows of the queen's quarters, bright dawn light covering every square inch of the terrace outside. Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion were curled up together in the small gardens outside, sleeping under the lone tree. "You did not expect… what?"
Harry's lips twitched up into a wry grin, reaching his hand back and catching a hovering glass. He handed it to her and she peered into it, taking a sip of deliciously cold water. She watched as he whispered another spell, waited for a minute and then caught a shirt in his hands, pulling it over his torso.
"That was a patronus," Harry explained, as they heard Missandei open the door to Daenerys quarters and walk in. "It's usually used to protect against dark creatures-"
"Like the dementors you told us of."
"Yeah, exactly like. Or it can be used as a messenger," Harry continued, shrugging. "It has two forms, one that's more of a shield and the other is an animal. The animal usually takes the form of whatever is most significant to the caster and it can change. When I first cast it in my school years, my patronus took the form of a stag."
"Your Grace?"
Daenerys let out a sigh of relief as Missandei came in, her dark eyes narrowed as she took in her appearance.
"I would totally help to braid your hair," Harry offered, winking at her. "But I don't know how to braid so…"
"Would you like to learn?" Missandei asked, as she stepped into the small privy and reached for a small towel and dunked it in water.
Harry stared between them, watched as Missandei lay the wet towel onto Daenerys' neck. "I suppose. It's probably time for a haircut for me anyways, all this hair flying loose."
Dany grinned, taking in another deep breath as her stomach calmed. "I like your hair."
"Yeah, well, yours looks so much easier to handle," Harry retorted, smiling back at her. "Mine… Ugh, don't even get me started."
Dany laughed quietly and took Missandei's hand as she stood up, raising an eyebrow. "No one else was affected by last night's meal, were they?"
Missandei shook her head, her eyes narrowing even more in worry. "No one reported anything. You would know if it was poison?"
"You would know," Harry said, standing up and glancing out the door and then back to them. "Any other symptoms?"
"You're not leaking blood or pus out of unusual points, you're not yellow… I'd say it's not poison. There could have been something in the food, some unusual herb by itself. When we get to Westeros though... " Harry trailed off, his eyes going wide.
Magic gathered at his fingertips, sparking around his fingers, and Dany's heart skipped a beat, worry filling her. "Harry?"
"There's something… Magic. Familiar magic. I felt it," Harry murmured. "Have there been any… unusual sightings in the city lately?"
Missandei shook her head. "What would you consider unusual?"
"Uh… I don't know," Harry said, glancing to Dany. "What is on the schedule this morning? Anything?"
"I am due to make an appearance at the the fighting pit this morning," Daenerys answered, lifting her shoulders in a small shrug. "As awful as watching people fight to the death for entertainment is."
Harry nodded idly, following them both as they stepped back into Dany's main rooms.
Daenerys glanced down at her stomach, feeling the last few rumbles subside, and sat down on the chair. Missandei followed her and began to braid her hair, her deft fingers carding through her hair.
The knock at the door drew her attention and she called for whoever it was to enter. Grey Worm stepped inside, looking to Missandei first and then between Daenerys and Harry.
"Your Grace, there are two people who are asking for you," Grey Worm said, his eyes narrow. "They say it's urgent."
Daenerys' eyes widened a little. "Are they masters?"
"No. They are not citizens of Meereen. They do not look like them nor do they look like anyone I have ever seen before. They..." Grey Worm trailed off, hesitant as he looked at Harry. "One of them has… your hair."
Harry blinked, crossing his arms. "My hair?"
Grey Worm gestured widely with his hands. "She has brown eyes and brown bushy hair."
"That still doesn't seem…" Harry paused, his eyes widening. "Is it a man and woman? My age?"
"And… Does the man have bright red hair?"
Grey Worm nodded and Harry's eyes widened even more.
"Harry? What is it?" Daenerys questioned, looking at him before glancing to Grey Worm in question.
"I think… Will you excuse me?"
Dany nodded and watched as Harry walked over to the door, slipping past Grey Worm.
Harry ran through the hall and down the set of stairs, taking the servant's stairs down to the great hall that Dany was using as a throne room. He stopped before the doorway, his heart beating loudly within his chest and nudged the door open, looking out into the hall.
Ser Barristan was waiting by the throne, talking to the young man and woman in front of him. Harry's heart thumped even louder and he could vaguely feel Viserion's interest perk.
"... He would be the same age as us," Hermione said, her voice steady as she looked at the old knight before them.
"Black hair, green eyes and a scar on his forehead," Ron added, his eyes narrowed. "You know of anyone like that?"
"Mayhaps I do."
"Ron! Hermione!"
Harry ran down the stairs, ignoring the two Unsullied soldiers who had been stationed at the door, and throwing his arms around both of his friends. Hermione and Ron both laughed out loud and wrapped him up in a hug, tightening their arms around him.
"How?" Harry questioned, pulling back a little to look at them each. Hermione was clearly pregnant, her rounder belly showing a little through her tshirt.
"It took a while," Hermione said, smiling widely at him as she stepped away. "We ended up having to go through the Black library and then… Well, it's good to see you, Harry."
"Mate, you wouldn't believe what people were saying about you," Ron remarked, shrugging. "There were people saying you had left to become a dark wizard."
Harry snorted and shook his head, noting that Ser Barristan had left to give them some privacy. "I'm not a dark wizard clearly. It's good to see you two too."
Hermione laughed. "We can't stay for long. The time turner we… fixed up only gave us three hours here and we used two of them to navigate here."
"Time turner? You stole a time turner from the ministry?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.
Hermione went red and elbowed him. "We've done worse. We just wanted to see you."
Harry nodded, smiling wide. "You didn't think I might have died?"
Ron and Hermione just looked at him, their eyes narrowed. Harry grinned and pulled them into a hug again, his heart beating.
"Does this mean that you'll continue to visit in the future?" Harry asked, after a few minutes.
"Don't you want to come back with us, mate?" Ron questioned, gesturing around at the great hall. "This place looks a mite dodgy."
"I…" Harry trailed off, sighing. "I found someone."
"Oh?" Hermione questioned, blinking and then her eyes narrowed.
"Come on." Harry gestured back up the steps and further into the pyramid. "I'll introduce you."
Daenerys looked out over the city as she broke her fast, seeing Grey Worm and Ser Barristan confer in the corner of the room. Missandei stood at her side, reading the several correspondences that they had received from the good masters of the city. There had clearly been something that had drawn Harry's interest but neither of them knew what it was, other than the two young people wanting to meet her in the throne room.
She turned to look as Harry stepped in through the door, his eyes lit with excitement. He was smiling, his shoulders looser than they had been for the last few days.
"Harry? What is it?"
"I…" Harry paused as he walked in, hesitating before the table. "The two people that wanted to talk to you were my friends. Is it alright if they meet you?"
"Your friends? From your home world?"
Harry nodded, his eyes narrowing a little in thought. "They… stole a device from our ministry to see me."
Daenerys raised an eyebrow.
Harry shrugged, crossing his arms loosely. "We did worse during the war."
"Yes. I know. I would love to meet them," Dany remarked, her lips twitching up into a small grin as she stood up from the table. "Are you planning on coming with me to the fighting pit?"
"Do you want me with you?"
"Then I'll come with you."
Harry turned to look at something behind him, gesturing into the room. A young woman and man walked into the room, both stopping alongside Harry as they took in the room. The doors to the terrace were wide open to her left and she could easily see and sense Drogon outside, as well as see Viserion and Rhaegal curled up in the sun. The morning sun glinted off their hides, their wings curled up at their sides.
"Wow. This is quite a pyramid," the woman said.
"Ron, Hermione, this is Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Meereen and the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms," Harry said, gesturing to her. "Your Grace, this is Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, my best friends."
"Mate, there are dragons out there," Ron spoke, his eyes going wide as Drogon lifted his head up to look through the windows at them.
Dany smiled at him and turned to look at Harry's two friends. "It is nice to finally meet you both. Harry has said much of you two."
"We know there are dragons out there, Ron," Harry replied, grinning in amusement. "They're not like the dragons from our world. In this… men and women rode dragons."
Hermione's eyes widened as she turned to look at the three creatures out on the terrace, her gaze moving to the banner of the three headed dragon. "Why three heads?"
"This world is still in the medieval ages," Harry answered, lifting his shoulders in a small shrug. "It has houses and lords and ladies and kings and queens."
"You're of House Targaryen then," Ron said, his eyes lighting up with interest. "It's like a game of chess."
Harry snorted. "Uh… it's something like that. Darker though."
"The three heads are for the first Targaryen king of Westeros and his two wives," Dany explained, walking over to stand in front of the three friends. "Aegon, Rhaenys and Visenya. The three heads of the dragon."
Hermione's eyes widened further and glanced to Harry.
"There must be a longer story here," Hermione whispered.
Harry nodded, caught Dany's violet eyes. "Yeah. A story that goes back almost three hundred years."
"We don't have long here," Ron said, looking between the two. "Harry, are you really… going to stay here?"
"I think I am," Harry replied, his eyes narrowing. "There are a lot of wrongs here. She started it and I aim to help her gain the throne of Westeros. I don't… Will you guys be able to visit again?"
Hermione sighed, rubbing her stomach as she thought. "I don't know."
"You… you don't know?" Harry echoed, turning to look at his friend.
"Kingsley actually helped us with this spell," Hermione said, closing her eyes briefly before reopening them. "I've been working with him to get the ministry back under control and I don't know when that will happen."
"Kingsley said that she would be a good minister of magic someday," Ron added, smiling and slipping an arm around Hermione.
Daenerys smiled. "Harry said he thought so too."
Hermione's cheeks reddened as she looked at Dany, looking the other woman over. "Has Westeros ever had a queen before?"
"There was Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen," Daenerys offered, shaking her head. "She… went mad. My favorite Targaryen in history was Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was. I would have loved to meet her."
"The readings said she was still as fierce and fearless as she had been in her younger years as when she was 55," Harry said, blinking and then shaking his head. "The current King on the throne is a Baratheon, a son of the man who usurped her family's throne."
"Sounds like it will be quite a fight," Hermione said quietly. "Harry, I brought you a few things."
"You knew I would be staying?"
"I wanted to pack for every-"
"Every situation, yeah. What'd you bring?"
Hermione grinned and reached into a pocket, taking out a familar…
"My firebolt!" Harry exclaimed, grinning widely as he took it out of Hermione's palm and resized it. His trusty firebolt… He grinned as he stroked the handle, seeing his quidditch goggles strapped to it, and then glanced back up to Hermione and Daenerys, who was looking at it in confusion, her eyes narrowed. "I'll explain later."
Dany grinned, watched as Hermione again reached into her pocket and drew out a small fabric bag.
"That has the whole contents of your Gringotts vaults," Hermione continued, handing over the bag. "As well as the tent we used when we were on the run and… a certain sword. There's also a charmed trunk in there too, for you to do with as you wish. For now it has a greenhouse of potions ingredients, courtesy of Neville, and several other things that you might be missing."
Harry blinked and opened the bag, smiling and then pulled Hermione into a tight hug. "Thank you."
Hermione wrapped her arms around him too, leaning against his shoulder. "You're welcome. I figured you might need some supplies."
"You figured right."
Magic started to gather around them both, crackling and raw, and Hermione pulled back, crossing her arms and looking to Daenerys.
"You love her, don't you?"
Harry sighed, knowing that Hermione would be able to tell if he lied and nodded. "I do."
"I'm glad you found someone," Hermione whispered, stepping back to stand next to Ron. "Good luck, your Grace."
Daenerys dipped her head in a nod as Harry walked back over to stand next to her, dropping his arms to his sides. She turned to look at him as his friends vanished and slipped her fingers into his, feeling him tremble.
"I don't know if we'll see them again," Harry whispered, his voice shaky.
"She said that it would be possible, didn't she?"
Harry snorted. "She and Kingsley will have a job between themselves. The ministry is a hornet's nest."
"What did she mean when she said your vaults from Gringotts?" Dany questioned, peering down at the bag still in Harry's hands.
"Oh. They're my money," Harry remarked, shrugging. "I figured they would use it but I guess not. If my memory serves, there's enough in here to fund an invasion force. If we need to buy ships and the men to crew them, we can buy them."
Daenerys' eyes widened and she blinked, meeting his green eyes.
Harry grinned a little.
It was a week later and yet another morning of attending the opening of another fighting pit that Daenerys woke up sick. Missandei helped her to the privy, looking at her in concern.
"Your Grace…"
"Alright. Call Harry," Dany whispered, her voice hoarse as she leaned against the warm stone wall.
Missandei stood up and walked out of the small room, speaking quietly to call for their wizard. Harry came at a hurried walk, his hair all over the place, wand in hand as he looked her over. "This is the third morning this week."
Daenerys nodded and felt his magic curl around her, warm and safe. Harry blinked at the results, something only he could see, and stared, his mouth opening and closing.
"Daenerys… Are you sure you can't get pregnant?" Harry questioned, his voice quiet.
"Yes. What… what are you seeing?"
"I see… You have a child growing within you," Harry murmured, his eyes wide.
Dany stared at him, her eyes wide and her heart beating rapidly within her chest. She glanced down at her stomach, slipping an arm around herself. "A… babe? I have… I'm pregnant?"
Harry nodded.
Daenerys blinked, slowly stood up, taking his outstretched arms to steady herself. "I'm pregnant."
"I'm really… A child…" Daenerys whispered, slowly beginning to smile. Missandei returned her smile with one of her own, washing the cloth that she had used to clean Dany's face of sick. "A child. I didn't… I thought I'd never have a child of my own again."
"It must be my magic," Harry replied, shrugging and running a hand through his hair. "Is this… Do you want it?"
Daenerys curled an arm around her stomach again, smiling widely now. "Yes."
Harry grinned and slipped his arms around her, his eyes widening and smiling even wider. He gently picked her up and swung her around, laughing quietly. "A child of our own. You're not the last of your house."
Daenerys laughed and curled her arms around him, burrowing into him.
Later that morning, Jorah Mormont showed up for the first time in a year as a fighter in the pit. Daenerys stared down at him, seeing Harry out of the corner of her eyes as he stepped forward to stand next to her.
"I bring a gift!" Jorah called out as the guards tried to haul him away and out of her sight.
"A gift?" Harry whispered in confusion. "What…"
"It's true! He has."
Daenerys turned to look at the speaker, glancing down at the dwarf as he walked into the small arena. He had short, blond, curly hair on his head and mismatched eyes, one green and one black, and he walked into the arena like he owned it.
"Who are you?" Daenerys questioned, standing up.
The short man walked up and held up his chained hands. "I am the gift. It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Grace. My name is Tyrion Lannister."
AN: That's it for this story! Next up is "Rising Dawn" and I'll get that started soon. I hope you guys enjoyed this little fic.