When Kukkaku had finished, Sonic and his team were quickly surrounded by guards holding weapons. The guards slowly closed in on the group all ready to attack. Sonic tried looking for a way out. He thought that he and Knuckles could make it out but he knew Michiru couldn't move as quickly as them. But she was twice as strong.

"Seize them!"

Kukkaku ordered, the guards charged at them.

Sonic and Knuckles countered with a flurry of punches and kicks and guards fell back dropping their weapons.

"This is our chance!" Sonic pointed at the sliding door close by and his team ran past the guards and towards the door. When they slid open the door, standing outside were several more guards.

"Just perfect," Sonic complained.

"Eek! Let me go! "Sonic and Knuckles turned to see Michiru being held captive by one of the guards.

"Throw him off! You have super-strength remember!" Sonic shouted.

Then Michiru hurled the guard into the doorway hitting the other guards outside. The trio ran out of the room running into the hallway where more guards chased them. Sonic opened the nearest door then they all ran through into a small room.

"It's a dead-end!" Michiru exclaimed while trying to keep the sliding door shut.

"Not if you break the wall!" Sonic used his spin attack on the wall breaking right through it into another room, "We need to find the exit to this place," Sonic scanned the room and saw another door on the other side. He slid it open to reveal another room and on a table was a cyan Chaos Emerald.

"No way!" Sonic exclaimed.

Knuckles and Michiru had just joined Sonic and saw his discovery.

"Another Chaos Emerald!" Knuckles announced.

"Is it? I can't feel anything from it," Michiru said.

Knuckles picked up the Emerald, "This is an emerald."

"Well, let's get outta here-"

"Stop right there!"

The group turned and saw a crowd of guards blocking their way out. Sonic was about to break through another wall but one of the guards held out their hand and shouted.

"Bakudo number one: Sai! "

And then Sonic fell to the ground with his arms locked to his back, "What's going on!? I can't move!"

"Don't bother moving you're just wasting your energy," The guard said.

"Sonic!" Shouted Knuckles and Michiru.

The guards closed in on them with their weapons pointed. Knuckles put down the Chaos Emerald ready to fight then he heard a yell. Michiru had transformed. Suddenly, a tremendous pressure fell on the guards forcing them to the ground.

"This spiritual pressure!" One of the guards shouted,"

Knuckles noticed on the floor the cyan emerald glowing and back at Michiru," She's making them emeralds react," he said.

Suddenly, Michiru returned to normal and collapsed to the ground. Knuckles went to Michiru and tried to wake her up but she wasn't responding. Knuckles suspected that she still hasn't recovered to use her power again. There were only a couple guards standing and Knuckles could take them on but he couldn't ensure the safety of his team. Still, he had to try.

Knuckles dropped the Chaos Emerald and charged at the remaining guards.


Kukkaku stood in the front room with some of her servants. She was examining the damages done by the intruders.

"Lord Shiba!"

Kukkaku turned to one of her guards, "Did you capture the intruders?" She asked.

The guard bowed his head, "Yes my lord. For now, they have been thrown into the dungeon. The blue one has done a lot of damage to the walls and there was an attempt to steal the treasure you found my lord."

"They tried to steal the stone I found? I was gonna get Ganju to go and get the stone valued," Kukkaku said.

The guard nodded, "We retrieved the stone. However, for some strange reason, the stone is glowing."

"Glowing? This I'd like to see, "Kukkaku accompanied her guard to the room where she instructed it to be kept. When Kuakkku got there she looked around at now ruined room caused by the intruders and there they found the stone on the ground and it was glowing as her guard said.

"Why would it be glowing?" Kukkaku asked, "Was it something to do with that spiritual pressure earlier?"

One of the guards stepped forward and said, "The young girl, she began exerting this unknown reiatsu. it was unlike any reiatsu I felt but it certainly was powerful," he explained.

Kukkaku picked up the stone and looked at it closely, "Hmm, maybe I'll have someone check this out. This stone may be more valuable than I thought. How long has it been glowing for?"

"Several hours since we caught the intruders."

"Ma'am, what about the intruders?" Another guard asked.

Kukkaku put the emerald on a shelf, "Leave them there until I decide what to do with them. The Seretei may be interested in their story..."

"Lord Shiba!" Shouted a guard running with a panicked expression, "There are Hollows and they are surrounding the area!"

"What?!" Kukkaku exclaimed.

Kukkaku and her guards ran outside to find the other guards. Kuakku looked out and saw black holes appearing out of thin air with Hollows emerging from them. The guards looked towards Kukkaku and one of them said,

"What shall we do?"

"One of you, get a message to the Seretei immediately. In the meantime, Try and hold them off!" Kukkaku ran back indoors


For the last three hours, Sonic and his team were behind bars. Sonic was still bound and was unable to move. Knuckles tried to help Sonic but he didn't know what was keeping Sonic bound. Michiru had awoken but she was too tired to be of any help.

"Let us out!" Sonic yelled, "If you don't then our worlds will-"

"Shut your mouth you blue pest or I'll shut it for you!" The guard snapped.

"Man, where's Ebony when you need her?" Sonic squirmed around on the floor trying to free himself.

"Just calm down Sonic!" Knuckles said.

"Yeah, we're not going to get anywhere like this. We just need to think," Michiru added.

"You're wasting your time,"

The three faced the guard standing outside their cell, "What?" Sonic said.

The guard continued, "Your reaitsus are pitifully low. Even if you did manage to break out of here you'll just get caught again."

"Shut up!" Sonic snapped.

Sonic started to pull his arms free using every bit of his strength.

Michiru looked at Sonic and said, "Sonic, maybe you should-"

"Wait! I think I'm getting loose!" Sonic shouted. The guard laughed and suddenly the floor shook violently. Sonic stood triumphantly, "I told you I'd do it!" He faced Knuckles and Michiru who began to look at Sonic strangely, "Was that you?!" They exclaimed.

The floor shook again along with muted the sound of an explosion.

"What was that?!" Michiru shouted.

"I would like to know as well," Sonic said. He noticed that the guard was already gone so with a spin attack, he broke the bars of the jail. Michiru and Knuckles joined Sonic and ran up a flight of stairs.

"By the way, why didn't you detect that Chaos Emerald from before?" asked Sonic.

"I don't know! I only sensed it when it was nearby!"

"It's probably because the Chaos Emeralds are the only source of its kind in this world," Knuckles said, "all that stuff about spirit energy means that there are other energy sources and they could be blocking Michiru's senses."

"Is this true, Michiru?" Sonic asked and Michiru nodded her head.

"Somewhat. Look, we've almost reached the top of the staircase!"

The group made it out of the underground dungeon back to the main floor which was devoid of any activity. The group hurried on toward the location of the Chaos Emerald which was in the room where they met Kukkaku for the first time. On a shelf was the cyan Chaos Emerald from before. Michiru took it off the shelf and put it in her pocket.


The ground shook again but this time it was more violent.

"Whatever that was it sounded like a cannon." Sonic said, "Are they under attack?"

"What does it matter? We got the emerald so let's go before they find us," Knuckles said to Sonic who agreed and focused on finding the exit.

Suddenly, something crashed through the wall. It was a Hollow with no head. Sonic and his team watched the Hollow disappear before looking and finding a hole leading to the outside.

"That's saving us time. Let's go gang."

The trio walked through to the outside onto a hillside where they could see the guards from before fighting against an army of Hollows.

"It's just like in the Human world," Sonic said, "The Chaos Emeralds attract Hollows here too."

"Should we help them?" Michiru asked.

"We can't risk that," Knuckles replied, "if we do help them, what happens if we get captured again?"

"It's no sweat," Sonic said, "we won't stick around, we'll just lighten the load. Besides they didn't know that the Chaos Emeralds attract Hollows. It's only fair," He explained.

Knuckles sighed, "Fine. So what's the plan we got against these things?"

"Easy, we win like we always do. Don't cramp my style Knuckles "Sonic smirked at Knuckles who sighed again.

"What about me?" asked Michiru.

"Just stay here and rest. We can't afford to lose you." Sonic said to her

Michiru nodded and then Sonic and Knuckles ran down the hill ready to join the battle. Knuckles dived and burrowed underground. Sonic headed right for a Hollow that appeared to give some guards trouble. Sonic jumped and delivered a right hook to its face knocking it flat. This allowed the guards to break the Hollows mask.

"You! Why are you helping us?!" one of the men asked.

"It's what I do!" He answered.

Sonic sped towards another hollow approaching and circled it at super-speed creating a cyclone that blew the Hollow off its feet and towards some other Hollows close by.

Sonic fist-pumped the air, "Strike! Let's see Knuckles beat that," He grinned.