Bleached Chaos



Mobius, A small Earth-like planet hidden behind a region of dark matter in another dimension. The planet Mobius was once a beautiful unspoilt world inhabited by anthropomorphic animals that live in different regions called "Zones" that range from huge cities to uninhabitable deserts. All was well was until Dr Robotnik entered the scene, and since then Mobius has become a birthplace for chaos.

Resting in a very messy room, a certain blue hedgehog opened his eyes when he had heard a loud noise coming from his wrist, he saw his watch was beeping red and so jumped out of his bed. He recklessly scrambling through his messy room until he had found a pair of red sneakers with a white strap going across the middle. The blue hedgehog scowled as he hastily tried to force his shoes onto his feet, once he got them on he sped out the door at the blink of an eye.

What could be happening now? Its been a year since Mobius was in any sort of peril. Robotnik had officially lost his mind and hasn't been active since his most recent defeat of trying again to attain godhood. The only other incidents that happened on Mobius was a creature hell-bent on getting the Chaos Emeralds and destroying everyone, and thanks to Sonic's reckless actions, the creature managed to kill Johnny LightFoot, one of the original Freedom Fighters who went up against Robotnik. Sonic cringed at the thought, he never liked that he, the one who was meant to save Mobius, got someone killed.

"Sonic!" A panic-struck young fox hovering in the air with his spinning twin tails flew towards Sonic and pointed behind him and said, "Knuckles was attacked by some creature that came out of the Chaos Emeralds and Knuckles needs your help!"

"A creature from the Chaos Emeralds huh? " Sonic commented, "Where are the others, Tails?" Sonic inquired hastily using a

"Porker and Amy are evacuating citizens from Emerald Hill."

Sonic walked ahead of the young fox, "Go and help them, and then get somewhere safe, got it Pixel Brain?"

The Fox nodded and Sonic left leaving a cloud of dust behind him.

Sonic recalled that after the battle with the Chaos Creature that the Floating Island fell into the ocean and sunk, and so Knuckles remained in Emerald Hill. He lives on the outskirts where he guards the Emeralds in an artificial Emerald Chamber replica that Porker Lewis built in order to protect and stabilize the Chaos Emeralds. Sonic heard a loud bang and saw a certain red echidna up against a... giant shadow? Well whatever it was, it was going down.

"Knuckles! Make way!" Sonic yelled rolled into a ball whilst running and hit the shadow at high-speed causing it to fall over and land with a loud crash, and as a tightly curled ball, Sonic slammed and bounced on it relentlessly, not giving it a chance to retaliate.

The red echidna who had previously jumped out of the way of Sonic's assault, got up from the floor and said: "Who asked you to come to help me Hedgehog?"

"Nice to see you to Knuckles," Sonic replied, after uncurling. He looked behind him and saw that the shadow wasn't moving, "Anyways, what on Mobius is that thing?" Sonic asked.

"I don't know, but it just appeared out of nowhere, it looks like its made out of the energy from the Chaos Emeralds."Knuckles explained, "It seems like it's after the Emeralds but I managed to keep it away from them for now."

Sonic nodded, "Where's the Chaos Emeralds now?"

"Back at t-"

Suddenly the creature rose up and attacked, Sonic and Knuckles jumped out of the way causing it to hit the ground making a crater. The creature continued its attack on the duo.

"All right, so how are we gonna defeat this thing?!" Sonic shouted.

"We can use the Control Emerald and drain its power!" Knuckles replied, "Follow me to the Emerald Chamber!"

The duo made a break for it and the creature followed them. Sonic and Knuckles ran through a wooded area and at some point they stopped. Knuckles walked towards a bush and moved it aside and there was a hatch door and Knuckles opened it.

"In here, the Emerald Chamber is underground." Knuckles jumped in and Sonic followed in after.

Sonic followed Knuckles until they reached the Emerald Chamber, it was a huge underground cavern and in the middle of it was a well where the seven Chaos Emeralds suspended thanks to the advanced technology around it.

Sonic looked up and saw the Emeralds crackling violently, he then asked,"Did that creature make the Emeralds react this way?"

Knuckles approached the control panel, "Looks like it, the energy signatures are going on and off the charts." He pointed on the screen.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Sonic looked behind him and saw the giant shadow and it looked like it was ready to pounce on the Emeralds.

"Knuckles! If you got a plan lets hear it!" Sonic shouted, he saw the creature jump towards them and Sonic jumped in response and balled his fists for a counter attack but the creature grabbed Sonic while it was heading towards the Emerald Chamber.

"No! If Sonic makes contact with the Emeralds, we'll be in much bigger trouble than this thing!" Knuckles exclaimed as he began to type on the control panel, "I'm gonna try and shut the Emerald Chamber down!"

However, The creature and Sonic hit the Emerald Chamber and the energy from the Emeralds began to crackle with energy and a white light burst from the Emeralds, it enveloped both Sonic and the shadow creature.


And just like that Sonic, the creature and the Chaos Emeralds all disappeared into thin air.


Sonic landed on hard ground, he checked his surroundings and did not see any sign of the creature anywhere but he did immediately notice that he was no longer on Mobius, he had an idea of where he was. He was about to say something until he had heard a scream.

"N-No go away!"

Sonic saw across a street two humans and one was about to rob the other with a knife

"Give me all your stuff or I'll-"

The robber didn't get to finish his sentence because Sonic had already punched him in the face. The man stumbled backwards, "W..what the f-" The man saw Sonic standing in front of him with his arms crossed and a cocky grin.

"What's up? Never seen a Hedgehog before?"

Immediately the man ran off screaming dropping his knife.

Sonic turned around and saw the human he defended against and her face was a mixture of confusion and relief.

"Uh hi, my name is Sonic The Hedgehog"

The human paused and looked at him for a moment and replied, "Hello... my name is Michiru Ogawa."
