A/N: Hi guys and gals. Just for starters this is the spin-off to the first story in this series, In A Galaxy Far, Far Away. So if you haven't read that yet I highly encourage you to check it out. But if you have, then that means you were at least interested in where this series is going so I hope you enjoy this new story. For starters though I plan to make this a shorter story, this is mainly trying to get some more interaction between the characters before the sequel takes place. Which will be set during Infinity War and Endgame.

I hope you enjoy and please fav/follow/review.

Executer-Class Super Star Destroyer, Brawl

Orbit over Coruscant

Coruscant Star System

The Bounty Hunter Cad Bane, one of the most successful and feared bounty hunters in the galaxy stood in the turbolift of the Brawl, he held the datapad that Admiral Zsinj had given him moments before with the details of his next contract.

Zsinj had assembled a team for Bane to lead, five of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. Bane read through each file of his new team. The first profile coming up was his tracker, the Trandoshan Bossk. Thankfully Bane had worked several contracts with the Trandoshan, so he had a measure of his skills.

Next on his list he was less excited about, a Corellian named Dengar. Unfortunately, he had done a contract or two with the bounty hunter. Though resourceful, he could be a loose cannon. But he was one of the best weapon experts, especially with explosives in the Galaxy, in other words. He was useful.

Third on his list is the Kyuzo, Embo from the planet of Phatrong. Again, Bane had done several contracts with the hunter. Bane considered him to be the second-best bounty hunter, second only to himself. His abilities in unarmed combat and skills with a bowcaster made him a force not to be trifled with. And his best quality in Bane's opinion was the fact that he rarely spoke.

The fourth man to join their party wasn't actually a man, or an organic but the ruthless assassin droid IG-88. It was no secret that the droid didn't play well with others, but Bane assumed the chance to hunt down the apprentice to the Emperor would drive anyone to do what was necessary to have the chance at this opportunity.

Finally, the fifth person working under Bane was the youngest of the bunch, a Mandalorian female by the name of Ketsu Onyo. Bane hadn't had the opportunity to work with her yet, but she was their pilot for the trip. But he did know some background information on the warrior, born on the world of Shukut, she trained at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore, and since then she had worked for the Black Sun and became a freelancer after her stint with Ziton Moj and the Black Sun. Bane hoped that her inexperience didn't prolong or worse, jeopardize the mission. He wouldn't hesitate to eliminate her if it meant completing the mission, and that went for any of the others as well.

The door to the turbo lift opened about a second after he quickly skimmed through the information of his team. He walked out into the lower hanger of the destroyer where he was met by the five members of his team, they stood by each other in front of a refurbished G11 Rigger-class light freighter dubbed the Arcadia. Left over from the Clone Wars, the Empire had provided it to Bane as their mobile HQ for their hunt. It was larger than its G9 counterpart, but other than that it looked pretty similar. The cargo bay was open where the IG-2000, IG-88's personal starship, was already loaded inside of it.

Bane walked over to his new team who all stood to greet the Duro. "Bossk, Embo, Dengar, Ketsu, Eighty-eight. Welcome to the crew. Hope you all have been briefed on the specifics of the mission because we are leaving immediately." Bane told the crew who all nodded at him, except for IG-88 who just stood their motionless.

After Bane dismissed the crew to finish loading the ship, IG-88 was the first to board, with Dengar following closely behind him, he carried his large blaster rifle over his shoulder and carried a crate with his other hand as he boarded the Arcadia. The others quickly boarded the ship and once Bane stepped inside the large cargo space, he closed the metal flaps behind him and walked up to the bridge where everyone was seated, the only seat left was at the co-pilot's chair next to Ketsu who was doing a preflight check.

"We all ready?" The Mandalorian asked, turning her head to face the rest of the crew.

"Ready whenever you are darlin'." Dengar said, giving the girl a wink.

Ketsu rolled her eyes at the Corellian and started the ship up.

"Coordinates should already be preprogrammed into the navcomputer, we should enter at an Imperial installation near the Maw, and then through some type of hyperspace breach into our target's galaxy." Bane explained as he did his own assessment of the ship's flight layout.

Ketsu nodded at Bane's instructions and slowly brought the Arcadia out from under the Brawl and into the void of space.

"Prepping the jump to lightspeed in three…two…one…" Ketsu counted down and pushed a few of the levers next to her up as the ship lurched into hyperspace.

'And so the fun begins.'

Peter Parker's Apartment Building

Queens, New York City, New York

United States of America

Peter Parker stood in front of the apartment of Miss. Watson who lived across the hall from Peter, and so did Mara Jade now apparently. It was only yesterday when Peter had been racing to catch up on the work he had missed from the week prior when dealing with both an alien invasion, and the resurrection of a real life god, and in turn saving the universe by defeating said god with the help of the Jedi Ezra Bridger and the former Imperial Grand Inquisitor Mara Jade. Now with Ezra and the Empire gone, only Mara Jade was left on Earth, who now attended Midtown School of Science and Technologies.

Tony had found a way to convince the eighty something year old Miss. Watson to allow Mara to live with her, in exchange that Mara would help her around the apartment when she wasn't at school. It wasn't that hard for to convince Miss. Watson to take Mara in as her 'caretaker'. With Miss. Watson being a widow and her only child, a girl who was about May's age when she died in a car accident in California about a decade or two ago, it would be good for her to have someone in the apartment keeping an eye on her.

Peter still didn't know how he felt about the Force user going to school with him. He just remembered not paying attention in his last class of the day, to having Tony Stark walk in and introducing his fake cousin.

Mara had offered to drop out if her presence made Peter uncomfortable, but Peter didn't have the heart to tell her that it slightly did make things…weird? She was just a girl, who had her childhood robbed from her by a psycho and forced to do his bidding, and all she wanted right now was to feel like a normal seventeen-year-old girl… with superpowers.

Though Peter wasn't exactly thrilled with Mara going to school with him…at first, but he definitely knew how it felt just to want to feel normal for a change, and if Mara was going to stay on Earth, Peter guessed it would be best if she started learning to live like an Earthling. Which probably means she should have some experience trying to survive high school. Or in this case, high school trying to survive her.

Peter only had to wait another minute or so before the door from Miss. Watson's apartment opened and Mara walked out in a black T-shirt and khakis. Her red hair flowed over both her shoulders covering the straps of her bookbag.

Closing the door behind her she sent Peter a confused look, "What's your problem?"

Peter quickly shook his head, "Na-nothing. Just ready to get going. Ready for your first full day?" Peter asked quickly changing the subject.

Mara nodded as the two made their way towards the bus stop at the end of their block. Mara was still getting use to the idea that Earth vehicles had tires, she had equated it to farming equipment, but Peter didn't say anything. He would have killed to be able to see a city where there was no ground traffic, all the traffic hovered thousands of feet in the air with advance airspeeders.

Mara sat in the window seat of the public transportation vehicle and stared out across the river towards Manhattan.

"So, how's being an Earth girl going for you?" Peter asked Mara.

She turned to look at him and shot him a small smile. "Not so bad, it's been nice to be able to stay in one place for longer than ten minutes." Mara laughed.

Peter smiled a little at her words and patted the top of her hand with his own before giving her a reassuring squeeze.

It was another five minutes before the bus pulled up to the stop by Midtown High. Peter and Mara got off and stood on the sidewalk, allowing the red head to take the sight in.

"You ready?" Peter asked Mara who nodded, not taking her eyes off the school.

The two made their way to the front entrance where they ran into Ned and MJ. Peter hadn't told Ned who Mara really was, not sure on how she wanted to approach the subject.

Ned approached Peter first and did their 'secret' handshake. "Hey, we need to finish building the LEGO Borg Cube, since I dropped it last time after…"

Peter nodded his head side stepped to introduce Mara.

"Uh, hi. I'm Ned and this is Michelle, but you can call her MJ if you want. We're in the same English class." Ned introduced himself.

Mara gave a wave, "And I'm Mara." She slowly said, Peter could tell she was struggling to try and be herself. After all, this was probably the first time that she had to be friendly to people as Mara and not as a badass secret agent.

MJ gave the red head a small smile and returned her wave but butted herself in front of Ned. "Apparently I can't introduce myself, but like the dork said, I'm MJ."

Mara gave the girl a smile and Peter led the group inside. Ned, Mara, and Peter headed left towards their lockers while MJ headed the opposite direction towards class. Once MJ was out of sight Peter pulled out Mara's schedule.

"Okay, looks like your locker is in the same hall as mine… and…we have nearly the same exact schedule? Did Tony really do all of this? Wait of course he did." Peter complained to himself, getting strange glances from Ned.

"So what, your now both Tony's 'intern' and his babysitter. No offense Mara." Ned quickly said, Mara shrugged her shoulders.

"Sorry Peter, I didn't know-"

"No it's fine, It's just, if anyone asks just say you were homeschooled, it'll draw less attention to yourself, not that many almost eighteen-year-old's who are still in their sophomore year." Peter explained. Ned shot the two confusing glances.

"Peter, I'm just following your lead. If you say it's for the best, then I will…trust you." Mara said, though hesitant on the last part.

"Wait!" Ned loudly said, gaining the attention of a few kids at their lockers, but they quickly turned back around once they saw that it was Ned who yelled. "Is she with the Avengers?" Ned whispered.

Peter looked over at Mara who was slightly confused. "He knows about, my activities with Mr. Stark." Peter explained then turned back to Ned, "Kind of. Not an official member, but we're just trying to help her show how Earth works." Peter tried to clamp down his mouth before he said the last part, but it was too late.

"Oh my god! You're an alien?" Ned excitedly whispered.

Mara lightly slapped Peter's arm. "Sorry." He muttered.

Peter glanced at his watch, "Ned, we'll talk at lunch or during gym, I've got to show Mara her locker." Peter said trying to get out of the conversation before he revealed anything else.

Once they got away from Ned Mara started to laugh a little. "You can't even keep a secret for five minutes. How hasn't anyone else found out about…you know?" Mara asked trying to stop herself from laughing.

Peter gave the red head a small pouty face but continued on.

As they reached their lockers Peter felt his spidersense go off and quickly turned around as Flash Thompson placed, an unwanted, hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Penis Parker, want to introduce me to your lovely friend over here?" Flash asked, his usual cocky-smile plastered over his face as he leaned on the locker next to Mara.

Mara narrowed her eyes at the shorter boy and raised her hand slightly before waving it in front of Flash's face. "Leave." She commanded and Flash did as he was told.

After he was out of earshot Peter quickly turned to face her. "We can't use our powers!" Peter whispered yelled at the red head.

Mara stood there confused. "Peter, I could feel the emotions and the-" She shook her shoulders slightly, "-lust radiating off him. It's not like I Force choked him or anything. And you should be happy, the old me would have just stabbed him with a lightsaber." Mara told the brunette.

Peter rolled his eyes and closed his locker and led Mara down the hall towards their calc class.

"No offense, but do you have any idea how demanding calc is? I just, don't want you to fall behind or have the teacher berede you for not knowing basic Earth math." Peter explained.

Mara shook her head, "Peter, math is math. No matter the galaxy."

Peter sighed and reached into his pocket to bring out a pair of glasses and handed them to Mara.

"Um, Peter, my vision-"

"They're not for seeing." Peter said like it was most obvious thing in the world. "They're modeled after Tony's STARK Glasses. Karen and I wrote an algorithm to automatically translate written English to Aurebesh." Peter explained.

Mara quickly put them on and activated the glasses, she looked down at one of her textbooks. Smiling as she read over the labels.

"Where-when did you get a chance to make these?" Mara asked looking back at the superhero who wore a devilish smirk.

"Last night. I used that history of the galaxy hologram you gave me, and Karen may or may not have hacked into your universal translator." Peter said attempting innocence.

Mara laughed and continued to follow him to their first class.

A few hours later…

Mara Jade sat at the lunch table next to Peter with every textbook open and scanning through all the pages. Switching between a chemistry textbook and a history book. Her lunch tray sat untouched in front of her.

Mara didn't pay attention to the glances Peter's friends were throwing her.

"Mara, you should give yourself a break. This is only your first full day." Betty spoke up. The blonde girl sat next to Ned and MJ across from her and Peter.

"Can't. I'm too far behind." Mara said not looking up from her books.

Peter had already tried to convince her to give it a break. Peter looked to Ned, unsure of what to do or say.

"How about you, Peter, and I go out tonight at the Starbucks off 62nd street and we can make sure you're all caught up with everything." Ned suggested, "Because you were homeschooled." He added when Betty and MJ shot him weird glances.

Peter nodded along, "Plus, it'll give me a chance to show you around the city, well at least Queens."

Mara sighed and closed all her textbooks and took off her STARK glasses. "I will hold you to that, because I'm not used to being this… out of touch." Mara admitted.

"We should come along, we can make it a group study session." Betty offered, nudging MJ in the process.

"Oh, yeah. Count me in." MJ added after Betty's nudge.

Mara looked over to Peter who shrugged his shoulders. Sighing yet again Mara turned to face the two girls. "The more the merrier."

Betty smiled while MJ didn't look as excited but continued to eat her lunch.

It was only another five minutes before the bell rang for the start of sixth period. Getting up Peter and Mara said their goodbyes to the others before making their way to U.S. History. "By the way I'm only up to the French and Indian War." Mara whispered to Peter who gave a small laugh.

"So, you haven't actually gotten to the 'U.S. part' of U.S. History?" Peter asked, attempting to hide his laughter.

"Shut up, I would like to give you a textbook on the history of Coruscant and see you try to cover everything important in a night!" Mara replied, slapping Peter's arm lightly.

Peter continued to laugh while leading Mara up the stairs to the history hall of the building.

Base of Operations for the Scoundrel Six

Long Island, New York

United States of America

Cad Bane sat in his chair staring at the array of holograms and monitors IG-88 had set up around the abandond warehouse on the shore of the island they were currently working out of. Dengar and Ketsu, being the only two humans of the group had gone out to get some supplies from a nearby convenience store adjacent to a refueling depot.

IG-88 plugged himself into the computer apparatus he had rigged up and was scanning through the city's intelligence network of security cameras searching for the Grand Inquisitor. With terabytes upon terabytes to scan through he had yet to come up with anything. They had been lucky to catch her entering the island from old footage, which was the entire reason for Bane to set base up here. But since then she's managed to avoid the camera, at least any hooked up to the city's mainframe. Only a few stolen glances here and there.

"It's been nearly ten hours since she's dropped off the radar, maybe she's in for the night." Bossk hissed out.

IG-88 turned all his red sensor nods to look directly at Bossk.

"I shall not rest until the target has been neutralized." IG-88 stated, his voice modulator set to its' ruthless tone.

"Maybe I should go out and try to track her scent from the last place we located her from." Bossk suggested.

Bane shook his head, "The last thing we need is for the locals to see you." Bane said turning around to face the Trandoshan. "I can see it now, 'Large Lizard on the loose.'" Bane said, using his hands for dramatic affect.

Bossk hissed at Bane and headed up the stairs to the roof where the Arcadia was placed underneath a cloaking tarp.

Bane went back to staring at the monitors but quickly sat back up when he heard Embo walk out of the shadows.

Embo said a few quick words in his native language that made Bane chuckle, "No, not that I don't trust your skills of stealth, I rather be sure that we have the target before we risk exposing ourselves to unwanted attention from the locals." Bane replied.

Embo nodded, agreeing to Bane's decision and walked out of the make-shift surveillance room.

Bane repositioned himself to lean back in his chair and sat watching the monitors run through random images of millions of people walking about the metropolis.

It was about thirty minutes later when all the images on the screen stopped and lit up red, each screen had an image of their target walking down the street and heading into a caf restaurant.

Bane stood up and walked up to the monitors, "How far are Dengar and Onyo from that location?" Bane asked the assassin droid.

"Half klick." IG-88 responded and a map of the city popped up on the monitor with a GPS marker showing both the bounty hunters' location and the target's.

"Dengar, sending you location of the target, don't engage, we're on the way!" Bane ordered through comms.

"I'm going to take the shot if I get the chance." Dengar replied.

Bane was about to overrule his decision but Ketsu beat him to it, "Dengar, don't even try. She'll kill you before you would get the shot off." The Mandalorian replied making the Corellian growl in annoyance.

"Ketsu, keep Dengar out of trouble, we will take the target together. The cleaner we make this the faster and easier it will be for us the complete the contract." Bane said as he and IG-88 went up to the roof to gather Embo and Bossk.

"Understood boss."


Queens, New York City, New York

United States of America

Mara Jade was next to Peter and MJ as they sat at the large table near the back corner of the restaurant that was covered in textbooks, papers, and their assortment of drinks and food.

Though the evening had started with the group helping Mara catch up on everything she had fallen behind on because she was 'traveling' the world with her 'parents'. It was a complete lie, but Peter didn't want to tell his friends about his alter ego and Mara didn't want to go into her real backstory.

Now the group was running rounds for their upcoming Academic Decathlon tournament in Philadelphia, a city a few hours away by land travel. Betty had invited Mara to join the team, but she knew it was only a curtesy ask, Mara could tell the blonde girl knew she wasn't the most knowledgeable in the topics they were discussing. For good reason, but of course she didn't know that.

"So Mara, what's it like being related to Tony Stark? I mean Peter pretty much tells us everything about his sugar daddy, but I rather hear it from an actual family member." MJ asked leaning back in her seat while Peter tried to hide his embarrassment with the others laughing at his displeasure.

Mara wasn't familiar with the terminology, but she figured it referenced something lude. "Well, Tony and I haven't really known each other for long, we actually just met for the first time a couple of weeks ago, but with some unforeseen events happening, he figured the best way for us to get to know one another was by staying in the same regio-state. So, here I am." Mara lied, hoping that dark haired girl wouldn't press to hard into it.

She seemed to accept the answer, though the look on her face told Mara that she knew it was complete Bantha fodder.

The group went back to running practice rounds while Mara started to read through her history textbook. Slowly making her way through the Revolutionary War chapter, Mara started to feel uneasy, the Force trying to warn her of something. Looking up, she noticed Peter having the same uneasy look in his eyes.

"Hey Peter, want to help me find a place with a refresher." Mara said, eyeing the door.

Peter gave her a confused look but finally took the hint. "Oh, right. I think they have a bathroom at the bodega next door. I'll go with." Peter uncomfortably said and lead Mara out of the restaurant.

MJ and Betty turned their gaze to Ned. "What?" He asked and went back to eating his food.

Mara and Peter quickly went behind the Starbucks. Reaching inside her jacket pocket, Mara drew her black blaster pistol while Peter changed into his Spider-Man outfit behind a dumpster.

"Are we just being paranoid?" Peter asked walking next to Mara attaching his web shooters to his wrists.

"No, there's defiantly something off, I can feel it. We're being watched." Mara said looking up to the rooftops, trying to find anyone sticking out of the shadows.

"Here, let's get a better vantage point then." Peter said and wrapped his arm around Mara and shot a web to the top of the apartment building next to them and swung them up to the flat roof.

They landed with a 'thud' and rolled to their feet. Walking up to the edge of the building, Mara scanned the nearby rooftops, looking for anything that stood out to her.

Peter yawned, stretching his arms over his head. "I think we should call it a false alarm; the others are going to start to wonder where we are." Peter said.

"Message Ned, have him cover for you." Mara said plainly, not taking her eyes off the city.

Peter took his phone out and started to type on it but quickly dropped it and pushed Mara to the ground as a red laser bolt hit the roof.

Leaning up against the small barrier that lined the edge of the building Mara brandished her blaster. "Think I'm being paranoid now?" She asked Peter who quickly shook his head and pushed himself off the edge and flipped over using his webs to create a web barrier allowing Mara to quickly use the Force to push open the roof access door in the middle of the roof allowing the two to quickly get inside the building.

Several more laser bolts hit the roof as they made their way down the steep staircase.

"There's defiantly more than one out there." Peter said as they ran.

They pushed their way pass several tenants, some of who tried to snap a picture of Peter as they ran down the stairs of the seven-story building.

"Karen, do you know what's trying to shoot us?" Peter asked his A.I.

After a few seconds Mara asked, "Anything?"

"She doesn't have anything." Peter replied as they made it to the first floor where two figures stood at the bottom the steps. Mara quickly stopped in her tracks and Peter ran into her back at the sudden break.

Before her stood Dengar, a dangerous bounty hunter, and a woman wearing Mandalorian flight armor. Dengar carried his signature DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle, and the woman carried a staff with a blade on the end, a blaster pistol hung at her hip.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't our payday." Dengar laughed pointing his blaster at Mara. "And please, no Jedi tricks. We want to keep this civil, don't we, and what's with the costume?"

Mara ignored the Corellian and held her hand out to prevent Peter from attacking. "Leave now, and I won't kill you. Bounty Hunter." Mara ordered, reaching for her lightsaber in her other jacket pocket.

"No, your worth way too much for that." A hissing voice said from atop the stairs and the Trandoshan Bossk, and Embo stood at the top of the stairs, both had their blasters pointed at the two.

"Four on two. Not much of a fair fight. For you is it?" Peter asked nodding his head to Mara.

Simultaneously Mara Force Pushed Dengar and the Mandalorian out of the way and Peter used his webs to rip down the staircase above them blocking the two others from shooting them.

Mara and Peter quickly ran out of the building and down the alley way.

After reaching the end they both stopped to catch their breathes, Peter turned to face Mara, even though his face was concealed behind the mask, she knew he was smirking.

"That was awesome, and kind of scary, but awesome!" Peter yelled.

"Shush." Mara held her hand up to Peter's mouth. But the sound of a blaster sounded, hitting Peter in the back and he fell to the ground.

"Peter!" Mara yelled and the sound of thrusters caught her ears as she leaned down to make sure Peter was still alive.

"Uh, Karen, right? Is he okay?" Mara asked, hoping the A.I. would respond to her.

"Peter's vitals are weak, but he's still alive. He should really be taken to a hospital." A feminine voice called out.

"Should have come with us willingly." The raspy voice of Cad Bane called out from behind Mara.

Standing up, Mara stood face to face with the Duro. The four other bounty hunters made their way to surround her, and a fifth one, an assassin droid which she assumed was IG-88 joined the group.

'Six, on one. Great.' Mara thought to herself as she tapped her silver hilt unceasingly

"Should have left when I gave you the chance." Mara coolly said, eyeing the each of the bounty hunters. Igniting her lightsaber Mara turned back to Bane. "Now, it's personal."

A/N: I hope you all liked it. Please drop a review and fav/follow.

May the Force be with you because Marching season is here!