Chapter 4: The USJ Part 1

Inside the monitor room, on the screen it shows Midoriya being carried away to the Nurses office. All Might than walked inside the room to update the students.

All Might: Alright students, young Midoriya will be out for the rest of the day to heal. His injuries are not serious, the nurse told me he'll be healed at the end of the day. But while we're in this topic, who can tell us what both teams did wrong?

Yaoyorozu than raised her hand.

All Might: Yes, young lady.

Yaoyorozu: I think I can answer that. From what I saw from the monitor, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Uraraka's actions were a risk if this was a real situation. Bakugou was mainly focused on attacking Midoriya by using his quirk, he could've easily missed his opponent and accidently hit the device and setting it off. Same goes for Midoriya especially when his quirk is powerful enough to easily setting the device off from that reckless move he pulled to help Uraraka. But for Uraraka, when she was face to face with Iida, she became distracted from Iida's act and she also pulled a reckless move that could've set the device off. Now for Ryotaro; like Bakugou, he put his personal feelings in his way and only attacked Takumi instead of being by Iida's side to help protect the device. So, that means only Iida and Takumi were the only ones that did this perfectly. Iida's main purpose was to protect the device and Takumi's main purpose was the opposite but was stopped by Ryotaro. If the "villains" stuck with the mission than they might've won, but Bakugou and Ryotaro did the exact opposite and that's why they lost.

The room fell silent until All Might broke it.

All Might: correct! Good job Yaoyorozu!

All Might than thought to himself.

"For Iida's part, I was going to say that he was pretty stiff but that could work."

All Might: Now, our next team is...

All Might pulled B team's ball out of the hero box, and I team out of the villain box.

All Might: Team B and team I!

The timer started once again, Mezo used his limbs to smell, hear, and see his surroundings.

Mezo: I can't sense anything right now, but they're probably going to use that invisible girl to capture us.

Tendou: Good, let me handle this...

Todoroki stopped Tendou on his track.

Todoroki: No, I'll handle this; you and Mezo stay here.

Tendou said nothing and listened to Todoroki.

Inside the building, Ojiro and Kenzaki stood near the device protecting it.

Ojiro: Are you sure this is going to work?

Kenzaki: It should, while we protect the device, Toru could sneak up on...

Before Kenzaki could finish his sentence, he could feel a cold presence coming near them.

Kenzaki: Shit! They're near!

Kenzaki pulled his Rouzer out and turned to see Ojiro and saw that he was frozen in place; Kenzaki than tried to move but saw that his feet were frozen to keep him from moving.

Todoroki: Don't think that I can be fooled easily, you have to do better than that.

Shoto Todoroki

Quirk: Half-Hot Half-Cold

Todoroki could create ice on his left side and create fire on his right side, if he only uses one of his quirk than he'll suffer with hyperthermia or hypothermia.

Kenzaki quickly opened his Rouzer and pulled out a card but before he could do anything with the card, Tendou was by Kenzaki's side with a dagger near his neck.

Tendou: Drop the sword and the card.

Kenzaki than sighed and did what Tendou said.

Todoroki: You're not the type to follow direction, are you?

Tendou: Grandmother once said this, "If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun."

Todoroki rolled his eyes and proceeded to turn off the device.

All Might: The Heroes win!

After the rest of the teams had their turn, they all met outside with All Might.

All Might: Alright students! You all did a great job! Luckily there were no serious injuries except for young Midoriya's part. But, it's nothing critical. Speaking of young Midoriya; you all should change back to your school uniform and go back to your classroom while I go visit the young lad!

Everyone: Yes Sensei!

The students did what All Might told them and spend the rest of the day doing class work until Midoriya came back. After school, Yusuke boarded off the train and waved his friends goodbye. After he unlocked the front door for the apartment, the whole room was pitch dark. Yusuke closed the door behind him and spent a few seconds finding the light switch; after he found it, he turned the light on and was startled after his little sister Minori surprised him.

Minori: Surprise!

Yusuke: Imouto, what is this about?

Minori: Well, the U.A. emailed Oyassan a picture of you in your new hero suit and we wanted to congratulate you!

Yusuke: Wait, the school emailed my new suit?

Minori: Yeah, see.

Minori pulled out her cellphone and showed Yusuke a picture of him facing another student with his hero suit.

Minori: Also, since Oyassan isn't here; he sent you a gift.

Yusuke: He did?

Minori nodded her head.

Minori: Yeah, follow me.

Yusuke listened to her and the both of them walked outside to the garage. Minori opened the garage door to reveal a motor bike with gold horns and a black, red, and silver design in the sides.

Minori: Ta da! Oyassan calls it the TryChaser 2000!

Yusuke than gasped of disbelief.

Yusuke: Wow, for me?

Minori nodded once again.

Minori: Yup, but Oyassan said that you can ride it once you get your hero license.

Yusuke kept smiling and nodded.

Yusuke: That sounds like a deal; once I get my license, I'll use the TryChaser, and that's a promise I'll keep.

Minori: That's good, now let's go in and eat, I'm starving.

Yusuke smiled and agreed while both siblings walked back inside. The next day, Yusuke was walking to school and stopped to see people with cameras in the front gate interviewing someone.

"What's going on?"

Yusuke walked closer and his eyes widened to see Ryotaro sweating heavily from being interviewed.

"Oh no."

Yusuke quickly ran towards Ryotaro while the interviewer is waiting for an answer.

Interviewer: Please sir, we just want to know.

Ryotaro: I-I um, I...

Yusuke: I'm sorry but we're late for class.

Yusuke quickly grabbed Ryotaro and ran inside the gate. Ryotaro sighed in relief while wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

Ryotaro: Thanks for saving me back there.

Yusuke: No problem, what was that all about?

Ryotaro: They were asking me about All Might and I froze up because of the cameras.

Yusuke: Wow, I'm surprised that Momotaros didn't do anything.

Ryotaro than rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.

Ryotaro: Well...after what Momo did yesterday, I told him and the rest to stay home for today.

Yusuke made a small chuckle.

Yusuke: Hehe, the good thing you did that because he would've changed the news topic.

The both boys laughed and made it inside the classroom. Later in the classroom, Aizawa confronted the class with an announcement.

Aizawa: Alright everyone, good work on the training exercise yesterday. But of course, there were some mistakes. Bakugou, don't waste your quirk on a personal problem, grow up.

Bakugou became annoyed but calmly responded.

Bakugou: Yes sir.

Aizawa: Midoriya, you broke your bones again. I've already told you that you need to control your quirk, you'll be nothing but gelatin if you keep it up.

Midoriya: Yes sensei!

Aizawa: Same goes for you Ryotaro, you need to control those little monsters before they'll make you expelled.

Ryotaro: Y-yes sensei.

Aizawa: Now that's settled, today you all will vote for a class president.

Everyone quickly raised their hands while giving their reasons why they should be class president all at the same time. All except for Wataru.

Kivat: Are you kidding me Wataru? You don't want to be a class president?

Wataru dug his face into his arms.

Wataru: Just leave me out of this.

Steam started to come out of Kivat and swooped to grab Wataru's hand to raise it for him. Wataru started to panic and resisted.

Wataru: K-Kivat! Stop, I don't want to do this!

Kivat: Yes, you do!

Everyone continued until Iida grabbed everyone's attention.

Iida: Everyone please, we all must settle this as if this was a real presidential debate. We must settle this by voting for the class president, and it'll be led by me if it's fine by you Sensei.

Aizawa: I don't care, just make it quick.

Tsuyu: How do we know if we can trust you, you could easily rig it kero.

Kirishima: Yeah, and people would probably vote for themselves.

Iida than fixed his glasses and explained himself.

Iida: You're both right, we don't know each other that well to trust me. But I'm a natural born leader and want to keep things simple and fair; and that is why I'll set up some rules to make it fair for everyone. All of our names will be written up on the board and we'll see how many votes we get, the one that has the most votes will be the class president and the one with the second most votes will be vice president. If anyone is caught voting for themselves or double voting unless they change their votes will be automatically disqualified. Does that sound fair enough?

Everyone began to mumble to each other agreeing with the rules.

Iida: Very well, now let's get this started.

A few minutes later, Aizawa was in the corner sleeping in his sleeping bag while everyone is in a single file line while Iida was inspecting the class to see if anyone is breaking the rules or trying to cut in front of someone. After everyone was done, Iida woke Aizawa up to announce the new class president.

Aizawa: Alright everyone, here are the winners. For vice president, it is Yaoyoruzu Momo.

Yaoyoruzu got up from her desk to stand in front of the class to bow while everyone applauds her.

Aizawa: Now for the class president is Midoriya Izuku.

Midoriya was shocked for winning but still got up in front of the class to bow while everyone applauds him. Bakugou was furious but whispered something out of his breath.

Bakugou: Who the hell voted for Deku?

Uraraka than started to sweat from hearing Bakugou's whispers and thought to herself.

"I really hope he doesn't find out that I also voted for Deku, he's really scary."

Later in the lunchroom, Yusuke and Ryotaro grabbed their lunch and walked to greet and sit with Midoriya and his friends.

Yusuke: Hey guys, I hope you don't mind Ryotaro sitting with us.

Iida: We don't mind, sit and join us Ryotaro.

The both boys did just that while Ryotaro chuckled nervously.

Ryotaro: Hehe, T-thank, I just want to apologize to all three of you for what happened yesterday.

The group became confused for a moment.

Uraraka: Why are you apologizing? Wasn't that your ghost friend?

Ryotaro's face turned red and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Ryotaro: Oh, hehe I forgot that Aizawa sensei mentioned my quirk.

Midoriya: Not really, yesterday Yusuke explained your quirk to us.

Iida: Yes, and that Momotaros one reminds me of that Bakugou fellow.

Ryotaro: Really? I can't really see it.

Yusuke than dropped a sweat from what Ryotaro said. The group continued the conversation while in the background Wataru is struggling to find a seat.

Kivat: Wataru, this is getting embarrassing now, just find a seat before our food gets cold.

Wataru: I can't find an empty seat for us.

Kivat: Well you need to find new people to meet so just...

Before Kivat finished his sentence, Jiro confronted Wataru and Kivat.

Jiro: Hey, Wataru right?

Wataru tried his best to respond but he only stumbled his words, Kivat than quickly spoke for Wataru.

Kivat: Yes, this is Kuranai Wataru and my name is Kivat Bat the 3rd, but you can just call me Kivat.

Jiro: Cool, I just saw you guys trying to find a seat and I was wondering if you guys wanted to sit with us.

Wataru's face turned red and failed to speak once more until Kivat spoke up for him again.

Kivat: Of course, we'll be happy to join you; come on Wataru.

Jiro and Kivat walked to sit at her table group while Wataru is frozen in place. Kivat sighed and flew back to Wataru and grabbed his neck tie to lead him to the table. Later, the table group were having a conversation about the training exercise but Wataru remained quiet while eating. Jiro realized that Wataru was left out, so she had an idea to involve him.

Jiro: Hey, Wataru did pretty well too.

Wataru heard Jiro mention his name making him choke on his food for a moment.

Denki: He was the bat dude, right? He was awesome!

Flashback began with Yaoyorozo coming up with a plan to her group.

Yaoyorozu: Okay, here is the plan; Mineta, use your quirk to create sticky traps in the hallway. Once you are done, it'll give me time to create smoke grenades and ropes for all three of us. If they get past the traps, I'll activate the grenades and all three of us will stick together; Hibiki, while we're together use your quirk to sense who's closer to us so we can capture them one at a time. Any questions?

Hibiki: No complaints here.

Yaoyorozu: Great, now let's do this quickly.

The group dismissed and Mineta walked down in the hall to place a couple of sticky balls on the ground; but while Mineta was doing his job, he was extremely annoyed and began to mutter to himself.

Mineta: Jeez, I'm here doing this while that Hibiki guy is in the room alone with Yaoyorozu; why couldn't it just be me and Yaoyorozu with her big, awesome, soft bre-

Before Mineta could finish his sentence, someone grabbed Mineta from the ceiling and lifted him up while covering his mouth. A few minutes gone by and Yaoyorozu is pacing back and forth with the materials while Hibiki is doing push-ups near the device.

Yaoyorozu: What's taking him so long?

Hibiki: He's probably finishing up his job.

Yaoyorozu: Yeah but the hallway near this room is not that large so he should've finished a long time ago.

Hibiki got up from his push-ups and walk towards Yaoyorozu.

Hibiki: It's alright, we have plenty of time to...

Hibiki stopped his sentence to look at the entrance.

Yaoyorozu: What? Do you sense someone?

Hibiki quickly grabbed Yaoyorozu by the shoulders making her drop the materials to dodge an attack from a shadow creature in the entrance. Out of the shadows, Tokayami and Wataru walked inside the room to face Yaoyorozu and Hibiki.

Yaoyorozu: Change of plan, we need to keep the device safe by distracting them; don't try anything that might set the device off.

Hibiki: Got it.

Hibiki quickly grabbed his ongekibou from his back to face off with Wataru. Wataru jump kicked Hibiki but quickly blocked the kick pushing Wataru back. Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu lead Tokayami away from the device while avoiding his quirk.

Tokayami Fumikage

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Tokayami is able to summon and control a shadowy monster figure as long as he's in a light area. But if he summoned Dark Shadow in a dark area than it'll lose control.

Dark Shadow charged at Yaoyorozu with full force, but she quickly created a shield to block the attack.

Yaoyorozu Momo

Quirk: Creation

Yaoyorozu is able to create objects, weapons, materials, etc. from body fat and can summon it out of her skin.

Yaoyorozu than quickly created a bow staff to parry Tokayami's attack. Hibiki continued attacking Wataru with his ongekibou, but Wataru avoided Hibiki's swings and swiftly kicked Hibiki across the face. Hibiki quickly recovered and swept Wataru's legs making him fall to his back. Wataru quickly did a head spin to recover and to make Hibiki back up. Hibiki quickly charge towards Wataru to swing his ongekibou once more, but Wataru grabbed Hibiki's left arm to twist it towards his back and kicked his leg to place him face first to the ground. Wataru turned towards the entrance to give a thumbs up for a clear sign. Tsuyu than came out of the shadows by crawling on the wall. While Yaoyorozu was dodging Dark Shadow's attack, she gasped to see Tsuyu crawling her way towards the device.

"They were distracting us the whole time so they can get to the device easier!"

Dark Shadow continued to attack until Tsuyu finally made it towards the device.

All Might: The Heroes win!

Tsuyu Asui

Quirk: Frog

Tsuyu is able to do what a common frog could do, she can leap high, extend her tongue, climb walls, etc.

The flashback ends with the table group talking about Wataru's fighting skills while Wataru covers his face from embarrassment. Suddenly an alarm set off startling everyone in the cafeteria.

Security level 3 has been broken. I repeat. Security level 3 has been broken. This is not a drill. Students, please evacuate from the cafeteria.

The students did just that in panic. The large crowd of students began to shove and move other students out of their way to make it out of the exit. From the crowd, Yusuke lost his friends. He began calling their names but he only saw Ryotaro's hand calling for help. Yusuke tried to make it to Ryotaro but he was pushed away from him. Ryotaro than began to stop struggling and gave up.

Ryotaro: So, this is where I die. Getting stomped to death by a stampede of students. Can my luck get any worse?

Momotaros: "It will if you keep complaining."

Ryotaro: Momo? But I...

Momotaros: "No time to talk kid, we have to get out of this mess!"

Momotaros began to possess Ryotaro's body and started to shove people out of their way. Before (M)Ryotaro continued, everyone stopped from a loud voice.


Everyone than payed their attention to Iida on top of the entrance.

Iida: Everything is fine, it was only the Press trying to get more information! So, please calm down! We are all U.A. Students now start acting like it!

Everyone did just that and calmed down until they heard more info. Later back in the classroom, Midoriya announced to the class that he's giving his leadership to Iida because of Iida's natural born leader instinct. The whole classroom began to applaud Iida while Iida bowed and gave his thanks to Midoriya. The next day during the afternoon in class.

Aizawa: Alright everyone, listen up. Today is a special day for you all. For this basic training me, All Might, and a specific other will be supervising you. You all will be preparing for disaster relief, from fires to floods. This is going to be a rescue training.

The students began to mutter to each other until Aizawa continued.

Aizawa: Now, it is up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes. As some of them are ill-suited to this type of activity. The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going on a bus. That's all, get ready.

The students did just that and later met up in the bus. Later in the bus drive, some students were having conversations and some were minding their own business until they made it to their destination. (M)Ryotaro was buying time by sharpening his weapon in its sword form.

Ryotaro: "Hey Momo, about yesterday..."

(M)Ryotaro: I know, you're probably pissed off because I disobeyed you. Look, we felt that you were in danger so...

Ryotaro: "I want to say thank you for saving me, if you didn't come than I would've probably died or seriously get hurt. So, I just want you to know that I'm thankful."

(M)Ryotaro was silent for a moment until he made a small chuckle.

(M)Ryotaro: Don't mention it kid.

Meanwhile across the bus, Tsukasa was busy cleaning his camera lens until he lost train of thought from a question.

Kirishima: Hey, I've been wondering. Why do you always bring that camera with you?

Tsukasa: No reason at all, I just want to take some photos for memory sake.

Shinji: Yeah but why at a school? Isn't that like invading another person's privacy?

Tsukasa: Oh, come on guys we're future heroes, aren't we? A little photograph won't hurt.

Tsuyu: Yeah, but invading other people's privacy isn't what a hero does.

Tsukasa than began to chuckle.

Tsukasa: That's true, but what if I don't make it as a hero but become the "Destroyer of Worlds" instead?

Everyone was silent for a moment until Tsukasa broke it from laughing.

Tsukasa: I'm joking, I'm only using the camera to take pictures of buildings and fields.

Tsukasa continued cleaning his lens while chuckling at his own joke while leaving everyone feeling uncomfortable. Time has passed and they finally made it to the USJ. At first glimpse it looks like an amusement park, but there are different obstacles including floods, whirlpool, landslides, burning buildings, etc. The students were amazed how big the obstacles were.

?: I'm glad you all like it; I've built it myself. I call it the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint!"

The students were disbelief to see another pro hero coaching them.

Midoriya: It's the Space Hero: Thirteen!

Uraraka: He's a gentleman hero who does his best work in rescue scenarios! Ooh, I love Thirteen!

Before Thirteen could explain more, Aizawa walked towards him to ask Thirteen a question.

Aizawa: Where's All Might? He was supposed to be here with you.

Thirteen: He called in, he said that saving a lot of civilians wore him out; so, he'll make it towards the end.

Thirteen than turned back to the students to explain some details.

Thirteen: Now, before we start; you all may know that my quirk is called "The Black Hole".

Midoriya: That's how you save all of those people in disasters.

Thirteen: That's right, but this quirk could easily kill someone. You all might not have quirks that could harm people, but these courses will help teach you the way to save people with your quirk instead of potentially harming them. The USJ is here to teach you all to use your quirk for good.

Thirteen than began to bow like a gentleman.

Thirteen: Thank you all for listening, you may now enter.

Iida than began clapping while Uraraka started cheering.

Uraraka: He's so awesome!

Aizawa rolled his eyes, but he noticed something in his provisional vision. Aizawa turned to see a small black hole growing larger revealing someone with a prostatic hand covering his face. The hole grew larger revealing more unusual people with him.

Aizawa: EVERYONE DON'T MOVE! Thirteen, protect the kids!

Kirishima: Who are they? Are they robots imitating some villains?

Aizawa: No, this was not planned. From the looks of them; they are real villains!

To Be Continued