
Chapter 2

Izuku paces his dorm room, muttering to himself. The books were given to him by that strange girl and her friend lied open on his bed. The more he read from them the more he was POSITIVE those books weren't from the school library. They were more like journals than books. Journals are written by a mad man living in some town in America of places. He was glad they were taking English classes in school otherwise he'd never be able to read these books himself and he'd need to ask for help.

Kacchan was becoming a bit of an issue as well. Ever since the incident at the library he'd been drilling Izuku about what was going on with him. Why he was reading those books so much and why he wasn't sleeping at all anymore. Izuku managed to dodge the questions, but his decline in health was getting clearer by the day. He needed answers. He needed...

The third journal falls off his bed, making him look over. He walks over, picking the journal up and looking at the newer entries. "I need this guy.." He says after a moment. "I need these Pines people. They seem to know what's causing this or might have a clue." He nods firmly and begins to pack his things quickly. He had some money saved up. Enough for a ticket to America and back home...he hoped.

As Izuku is finishing his packing there's a knock on the door. He walks over and opens it to find his friends plus Kacchan standing outside the door. Ururaka is the first to spot my packed bags. "Are you...leaving?" she asks in a shocked panic. "I-I um...w-well." Todoroki looks at Izuku's palm, noting that the mark hadn't improved. It wasn't worse, but not better either. He remains silent for the moment, giving Izuku the chance to explain himself.

Izuku sighs tiredly. "Yeah...I'm leaving for a bit." He says, walking over and closing bag. "Where are you going?" Tokoyami asks, noticing the books on Izuku's bed and picking one up to get a better look. Izuku packs the other two distractedly. "I need to find someone..." He notices the third book isn't lying on his bed and looks over at Tokoyami. Shocking everyone, he quickly moves over, snatching the book from the dark bird before he can get a good look at the information in it. "Deku!" Ururaka scolds sharply, confused by the boy's behavior. "What's going on with you?" demands Iida. "You've never behaved in th-" Izuku cuts the class rep off. "I don't have time to explain! Much less to you all!" He says, stunning everyone into silence. Tokoyami's eyes narrow a bit as he notices something was odd about Izuku's eyes. When he had his outburst, his eyes flashed a frightening gold.

Izuku instantly looks regretful for his outburst. He looks down, rushing out with his bags. Kacchan and Todoroki quickly. Bakugo grabs Izuku by the arm, forcing him to turn and face them. "What the hell was that, Deku?! Ever since that weird girl gave you those damned books you've been acting insane!" Bakugo yells in Izuku's face. For once, Todoroki doesn't try and stop Bakugo while the boy rants angrily at the regretful Izuku. "What are those books? Who is this strange girl?" he finally asks once Bakugo had to stop to take a breath.

"They...They're not books..they're journals...They were written by some guy in America...I better start from the beginning." Izuku murmurs. So, he does. Izuku explains everything. The dreams, the mark, and the journals. "I NEED to find the people who wrote in these journals! They know something about what's happening to me, I'm sure!" He says, knowing he sounds a little insane. "So...let me get this fucking're going all the way across the fucking world to find these Pines in hopes they can help you with these freaky dreams?" Bakugo asks. "And you're doing this with limited funds, no warning to your family and friends, and very little understanding of the English language?" Todoroki asks, raising an eyebrow.

Izuku blushes, slowly realizing just how foolish this entire plan was. "Um...W-Well...That's..." Todoroki cuts him off, grabbing the boy's bags. "Go back inside...Call your mother and apologize to everyone else. I'll see about getting us some tickets." Izuku blinks. "Us?" he asks as Bakugo turns to Todoroki. "Yeah, what the hell is this 'Us' shit?" he demands. "Midoria isn't in a state to go to America alone. I know full English and more about the culture since my father often dragged me along with him to other places." Todoroki says as if this was obvious. "I can translate and make sure Midoria doesn't do something foolish."

Izuku tears up gratefully, about to speak when Bakugo explodes. "LIKE HELL! YOU'RE WORSE THAN HIM WHEN IT COMES TO GETTING YOURSELF INTO TROUBLE! DAMN IT!" Bakugo rages. "IF YOU'RE BOTH GOING THEN YOU BET YOUR FUCKING ASS I'M THE ONE COMING TO KEEP YOU BOTH OUT OF TROUBLE! GOT THAT?!" He shouts, storming inside and leaving the shocked Izuku and a slightly smirking Todoroki outside. "I had a feeling he'd say that...See you in the morning, Midoria," he says, walking inside after Bakugo.

Izuku stands there a moment in shock. "Wait...WHAT?!" He says, unsure what just happened.