SB/Kierra: And we are back with the next chapter!

Annie: This is the last chapter of this story! Thanks to all who reviewed and or read the eleventh chapter!

SB/Kierra: We don't own anything except our OC's!

"I like this look better, Grandpa." Harry said, breaking the silence that had fallen.

"I agree." Trowa added, which made Tom Riddle chuckle.

"So do I, my grandsons, so do I." he replied.

"I don't get it." Ron said.

"What is not to get, Ronald? Lord Voldemort also known as Tom Riddle is my grandfather. He fell in love with a muggle woman and got her pregnant, she died giving birth to their daughter, who just so happens to be my mother." Harry said as he scowled at Ron.

"Albus Dumbledore was after me and after the birth of my daughter; I knew that I could not care for her so I gave her to the good friends of her mother who were also muggles. They named her Lily Evans and Lily pretended to be a muggle-born witch when she came to Hogwarts." Tom said.

"Severus, James, Remus, and I were the only ones in the school who knew the truth about Lily." Sirius added.

"Lucius and I have been keeping him up-to-date on Lily's life, her marriage to James Potter, the birth of Thomas Remus Potter also known as Trowa Barton, as well as the birth of Harry James Potter." Severus added.

"Not everything we have done was real, for example, Cedric Diggory is not dead." Lucius Malfoy explained.

"Wait...what?!" Harry yelped in shock as Cedric arrived shocking everyone else.

"I wasn't killed. We had a golem made and that was sent back when you had vanished, Harry, to make everyone believe that I was dead. I have been living with the Malfoy's waiting for my chance to return to the wizarding world." Cedric explained.

"Oh Ron, Ginny? The two of you will never get my money. I heard you two talking the night before the final task last year during the tri-wizard tournament, so you guys are NOT my friends." Harry told them as the Order arrested Peter, Bellatrix, and others who believe the lies about Tom Riddle being the dark lord.

"I think I will change my name." Trowa said.

"To what?" Harry asked his brother.

"Thomas Remus Barton-Potter, besides the name Trowa Barton I have been using I took off a dead man. I never really like the fact that I was using a dead man's name." Trowa explained as his brother and grandfather both agreed, as they and everyone else left the ministry.

A few days later the 'Daily Prophet' the wizarding newspaper, came out with an article about the truth of Lord Voldemort, his 2 grandsons, Thomas Remus Barton-Potter and Harry James Potter; the death of Albus Dumbledore and how it all happened at the ministry of magic. The prophet also revealed that Sirius Black was innocent and was now a free man having been proven innocent during Peter Pettigrew's trial as well as his own trial that he should have gotten 14 years ago. Peter was sentenced to be 'kissed' for his crimes as well as Bellatrix; Harry meanwhile was going back to school with his friends.

Ron and Ginny were expelled from Hogwarts since the teachers learned the truth; their older brothers, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, and Percy all disowned the Weasley family name and the five asked the Potter brothers if they could take their name instead, the two agreed. Fred and George even went as so far as to change the name of their joke store, from "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes" to "Potter Pranks" with the slogan 'Perfectly pugnacious pranks from the proud purveyors of pure pandemonium.' And they put up a notice that read 'Weasley's, Dumbledore's, and Death Eaters are not welcome and will be hexed on sight; no questions asked.' They knew that some people would still claim to believe the lies about Tom Riddle and would call themselves Death Eaters.

Minerva McGonagall became the new headmistress and Professor Snape became the new deputy headmaster and Sirius, now that he was a free man, became the new Defense against the Dark Arts teacher. Trowa and the others left the school and went back to work as Preventers; they became 'home-schooled' students and had tutors help them since they wanted to finish their magical schooling. Fudge lost his post as minister as Delores Umbridge also lost her post and Amelia Bones became the new minister and the newly renamed Percy Potter became the new Senior Undersecretary to the minister of magic.

A year later Sirius returned as a teacher for the DADA position for the second year in a row, the curse on the position was finally broken. Harry and Hermione started dating as did Neville and Luna, Draco started dating Lavender Brown as Cho and Cedric pick up their relationship where they had left off when Cho believed that Cedric had died during the tri-wizard tournament.

Harry told his family that his oldest son would be named after his father James Potter; his oldest daughter would be named after his mother Lily. Remus married Tonks and Sirius made sure that Tonks and her family were no longer disowned from the Black family. Trowa or Thomas as he now went by since he legally changed his name to Thomas Remus Barton-Potter in both the muggle world and Wizarding world, he mostly went by Thomas Barton; he and Quatre decided that they wanted children and had their DNA combined and used a surrogate mother to give birth to their children.

Heero and Duo, as well as Zechs and Wufei, decided to do the same and have a surrogate mother give birth to their children. Thomas and Quatre took turns naming their children, using Arabic and English names, Heero and Duo used Japanese and American names for their children, as Zechs and Wufei use German and Chinese names for their children.

Tom Riddle was happy and at peace now that he could spend time with his grandsons and their spouses and his great-grandchildren like he always wanted to the moment his daughter Lily was born. Petunia and Dudley were happy with their lives as well and Dudley married a woman he had met and they had children of their own. Harry was named the godfather to Dudley's oldest son and Harry named Dudley the godfather of his oldest son, James Sirius Potter the second.

SB/Kierra: Hope you have enjoyed the last chapter.

Annie: Bye!

SB/Kierra: Cya!