Gokai Piece Chapter Three

Well this update is now on the table;

So I own nothing and I have not been keeping up with the One Piece show.

:Chapter Start:

Gigant Hourse-En route to Conomi Islands-three days away.

Inside a mobile labratory, a green haired woman wearing sleek orange glasses, green body suit under a white lab coat, and typing on a computer attached to a metal cylinder when a loud beep was heard as the cylinder that opened allowing Berserk Fist out with both his arms replaced, being the wrong colour as they were matte grey. Berserk fist stretches and says, "Thank you Issan, next time I see that red bastard and his cowardly ally I will kill them!"

The scientist, Issan, adjusts her glasses and says, "Gills Sama fixed you on a whim. If you fail again you will be silenced. Do I make myself clear," the light flashed on her glasses.

Berserk Fist gulps heavily before saying, "Yes ma'am," Issan nods as Berserk Fist quickly left the lab as Issan tapped a button on her terminal and Berserk Fist's recent memories and found what her master, Prince Warz Gills.

Gokai Galleon-A day from Conomi Islands-Crow's nest

Hope and Vivi were looking through telescopes around the ship, Hope using the telescope correctly while Vivi was using hers backwards. Hope continued to search as Vivi says, "Wow, Navi got really far away from the ship," Hope turned around and after shaking her head fixed her telescope where she was zoomed in on Navi's face as he had been flying in front of her by a foot.

Vivi continues to look at Navi, while Hope pulled out her Gokai Phone and says, "I don't think it is here anymore."

Marvelous hummed on the other side and says, "Damn, I wanted to taste some fight chef cuisine. Come back inside, Doc made lunch." That comment got Hope's stomach to growl.

Hope hanged up and pulled Vivi down the steps, into the main cabin room where Juroku was serving lunch on a tray and proceeded to pull out his Gokai Phone only for him to see the two and the three proceeded to eat their lunch as Vivi asks, "What about Marvelous?"

Juroku answered, "He is eating at the helm, something about wanting to get to the Conomi Islands something about Tangerines," Joruku frowns at that.

Hope nods before saying, "Yeah, I can understand what this is about. Marvelous and myself will be with meeting with someone that we have been wanting to meet since we were children. It is a pity that the Floating Restaurant that we wanted to try. Apparently it was a delicious food."

Vivi was thoughtful as she asks, "But aren't we already eating delicious food."

Her question was met by Hope saying, "True but we were told stories about the restaurant that was an interesting adventure for mom's friends."

The Baratie Restaurant-Kitchen Back Room-That moment.

With two of the main chefs from before the buyout were sitting in a back room while keeping an eye on one of the bus boys. These are two are Patissier Patty and Meat Master Carne. Two cooks who were part of the original crew, and now working with their own restaurant ships docked beside the Baratie, but using the Baratie's kitchen to serve all the customers on the ships. Even though these days they only have one paying customer. These two were enjoying some time together while the Busboy was cutting fruits and vegetables up for tonight service.

Patissier Patty sighs when he finishes his smoke and says, "You now recently I have been thinking about how if Sanji had stayed. Would we be working on the Baratie again?"

The Busboy stopped his chopping as Meat Master Carne said, "Nope, he would have treated the new owner the same way Head Chef Zeff would have. Kicking the idiot's head in."

The Busboy continued to chop food as Patissier Patty simply asks the boy, "The last time you saw him, Joe?"

Joe a sixteen year old boy with blue skin and wearing rags simply says, "Yes, Head Chef Sanji kicked one such man away, A turtle Fishman at the time, cracked his shell and he took a puff of his smoke and says, 'Everyone needs food at sea, this is my kitchen. You want it out cook me.' He then returned to cooking, even giving everyone a free meal at the time."

Patissier Patty and Meat Master Carne laughed at that before Meat Master Carne says, "You know for a walking fish, you are not so bad." Joe rolled his neck stretching the Springs keeping him from moving too much. Carne then continued, "Though I am still surprised that he took a student in cocking. Though I still don't know why you left."

Joe, bound in heavy metal bindings with springs that make it difficult to move simple says, "We had a different idea on how to fight," he flexed his arms slightly adjusting them for his arm fins, his gulls completely covered so he would drown if he tried to leave, "Plus I was earning money to come to the surface. Last time I saw him he gave me the money I needed and told me were to go. Then he told me he never wanted to see me again."

Patissier Patty and Meat Master Carne knew exactly what he meant before they hear the doors to the main kitchen start to open and quickly take over for Joe, while Joe mops the floor again. From the doors to the main kitchen a man wearing a modified Marine Uniform says, "Are the supplies ready yet, the Captain will be arriving in three hour for his meal. I will not be the replacement if it is not ready for him!" the two chefs nod as they finish up chopping leaving big stems on the ends of the carrots and other foods that they place in the trash.

Once the Marine Chef leaves the two former Head Chefs sigh and Meat Master Carne says, "You better take the 'trash' Joe, before we start to get angrier at ourselves. In ten minutes we will need you to come with us to get the Tangerines." Joe nods and takes the trash out the back.

Joe walks slowly with the springs stopping his movement and leaving him to wattle along the deck. Once to the roof where the dumpster is, Joe starts to pull out the stemmed vegetables and fruits and eats the food that would normally be wasted. The reason being that the food he is normally fed is actually highly toxic for him, the canned food that the Goumin are forced to eat. What the general public do not know is that Goumin canned food is what it is for, to save money on food the world government modified humans after their deaths to create the Goumin and then the Sugoumin are amplified to be stronger servants to Captains and Admirals. Joe finished the remains of the food and placed the remains in the trash and stepped away to see the Flying dump boat collecting the trash from the air and then flying away. Joe returned to the back room where Patty and Carne were holding rifles and with two baskets on their backs and a third for Joe.

Carne says, "Get the pack on. We have some product to 'collect' for dinner," all three roll their eyes at that comment as they walk out the back and along the deck and the gangplank leading to Conomi Island with Cocoyasi Village within a short walk.

Gigant Horse-Enroute to the Conomi islands-main bridge-Thirty Minutes later

Issan walked into the main bridge that Warz Gill was sitting in the Captain's chair reading a comic book while Barrizorg stood next to him. Warz Gill was distracting himself as the ship was travelling along the ocean, if the ship moved faster they would get to their destination within minutes but to keep everything hidden from those who would question Warz Gill's actions, would use it against him. Barizorg stood by with his sword in a resting position, as Former Admiral Damarasu arrived to speak, "My prince," Damarasu paused before asking, "Why is the ship moving so slowly, I would have thought you would want to get this task completed quickly."

Warz Gill drops his comic on his desk while standing to shout, "AND HAVE THAT NO GOOD BASTARD BROTHER OF MINE GET CURIOUS!?" Warz Gill calms down and retakes his seat and says, "I am taking this seriously and calmly. I refuse to let my anger get the best of me at this time. SO when we catch up to those who believe that I will take losing profit will be destroyed," Warz Gill then turned to Issan and asks, "Issan, what progress have you made?"

Issan stepped forward with her computer pad and says, "I have reviewed Berserk Fist's memories and have discovered that an individual wearing a red suit attacked the auction after reading Berserk Fist's diary. The issue is that one of the Vagapunks were with him, Berserk Fist apparently targeted him and found that this Vagapunk has a mutation that increased his speed," Warz Gill struggles to control his anger as Issan continued, "Project Tiny has been partially successful, but we need to complete a final test on a proper test subject, for both versions of the test."

Warz Gill asks, "How far away are we from the Conomi Islands?"

Barizorg answered, "Two days at present course."

Warz Gill asks, "I want an uninhabited island on the route then," Issan nods and charts a course that is along their current path while also uninhabited. Warz Gill sees the island and says, "Good! As soon as Project Tiny is complete I will have the ultimate weapon on the planet!" Warz Gill starts laughing hysterically.

Damarasu stands next to Issan and asks, "What is Project Tiny?"

Issan smirks and says, "As stated it is a weapon worthy of Gillsama. Though the name is meant to be misleading if that is your question. It has two stages that will be displayed during the test," Issan then turned to Warz Gill and says, "Gill-sama I have the perfect test subject for the test. Berserk Fist would make a proper test subject for the tests."

Warz Gill laughs and says, "Yes, make it so," Warz Gill's laughs at that comment before asking, "That made me sound like a captain right?" with Barizorg responding with a 'yes boss,' to the question.

Damarasu was confused what could 'Project Tiny' be. (=P)

Conomi Islands-With Joe-Half Hour later

Patty, Carne and Joe walked along the path on the other side of Cocoyashi island, with Joe covered in mess from the trash the villagers had thrown at him. Joe remained calm as he walked along the path leading to the Tangerine grove on the coast of the island. They reached the building as Patty and Carne checked their rifles and walked over to the building and knocked.

From the building a blue haired woman, with a spiral tattoo on her shoulder was looking at them with an angry glare as she crossed her arms while looking at them. Patty was the first to speak, "We are here for the Tangerines for today's dinner," he lowered the rifle while saying, "Sorry about this Nojiko-Chan."

Nojiko sighs and says, "At least they sent you, and not those pathetic Marines," Nojiko then looked to the Grove and walked over to the trees closest to the house and says, "I need to rotate the trees, I won't be able to grow here much longer," she sighs sadly.

Joe speaks, "What is stoping you?"

Nojiko looks at Joe and says, "Well you dumb fish, what is stopping me is that this is my home, along with my sister and our mother." Joe nods accepting the answer as Nojiko adds, "Why are you even here on the island the Conomi Islands is anti Fish Man."

Joe says, "Not all of us are here willingly," Joe simply answers, Joe looks to the trees and asks, "Which plants can we pick from, and how many are we aloud," he was completely civil as Nojiko glares at him.

Nojiko simply says, "Last line, near the ocean, you can only take one basket's worth," Nojiko takes a seat on her veranda and watches them carefully. After thirty minutes they collect their produce and thank Nojiko before making their way back to the Baratie.

Gokai Galleon-An hour later

The Galleon sailed through the ocean towards the Conomi islands when they were within sight, Red speaks over the inter come pipes, "Conomi islands dead ahead," he then looked at the screen infront of him and spots something that makes him smile under his helmet, "Looks like an early dinner or an afternoon snack, Because the Baratie is also dead ahead!" he laughs lightly. Red controls the ship so that it would dock to the side near Cocoyashi Village as he stepped out and transformed into Marvelous, and stepped into the main cabin to see Juroku helping Vivi to maintain their weapons. Marvelous says, "Cocoyashi village and the Baratie restaurant for an early supper. What are you two doing?"

Vivi says, "Doc-san is teaching me how to fix our weapons."

Juroku smiles before saying, "The weapons were in desperate need of maintenance. They were plenty sharp but the energy amplifiers needed to be rewired and some replaced before they blew up in our hands. Though I need some ore and equipment to build replacements."

Marvelous nods and says, "Good job. Get cleaned up we will be reaching dock within the twenty minutes." The two nods as Hope enters the cabin fully dressed and bathed, with a towel being used to dry her hair. Marvelous says, "Twenty minutes Hope, before we reach Cocoyashi Island." Hope paused at that and nods silently before Marvelous says, "Then there is the Baratie, it is docked next to the island."

Hope froze at that before her stomach growls causing her to say, "I might be feeling a bit peckish," she smiled largely.

With that the ship docked at the small island town, surprising its inhabitants as the ship was larger than the anything they had ever seen, they even noticed the big white splosh on the canvas as promptly ignored it as the four Youth swung down on ropes that retracted back onto the ship, with Juroku had fallen down to the ground on his butt. Marvelous led the group while dropping some cash on the old abandoned dock manager station to pay for docking the Galleon. The group started walking along the cost towards the Baratie, where they stop when Marvelous sees Joe walking with Patty and Carne.

Mavelous says, "Wow, a Fishman. Though why is he in such strange bindings?" They don't get an answer but they follow them to see the Baratie as well as several other restaurants. Marvelous sees anyone at the stands or eating food but do see Patty, Carne and Joe walk behind the restaurant Marvelous and Hope came to try.

They walk to the front of the Baratie and through the open doors to see that only one table was set along with a single chair. Hope says, "I wonder where they keep the extra chairs?"

Marvelous looks around before seeing a door under the stairs leading to the rooftop balcony and pulls out three chairs and set them around the table while Marvelous grabs the only menu on the table and starts reading. Vivi and hope spoke to one another while Joruku frowns as he looks confused. Marvelous continues to read the menu with a frown as the Marine Chef enters the room with a set of knives and forks before dropping them and angrily stomps over to the table and says, "What do you think you are doing?"

"Reading a menu," Marvelous answers before asking, "What are the prices? They are not listed."

The soldier says, "That is because this is not a public restaurant!"

That caused both Marvelous and Hope to pause as they slowly stood and walked into soldier's face with and angry look, both with glowing red eyes that scared the man. Marvelous simply says, "I want to speak with the Head Chef."

The soldier gulped loudly and says, "I am afraid that there is no Head Chef," that got Marvelous to grab the front of his shirt and raise the soldier into the air as the soldier continued, "The owner kept getting into arguments with the Head Chef and had them executed, no one on the staff is willing to take the job. Last time customers came to eat here without his permission he ate them," Marvelous was confused as the Soldier continued, "He is a Navy Captain, who ate the Chomp Chomp Fruit, turned him into a monster. Ever since it became illegal to own a business on the ocean, all seafaring restaurants in East Blue was Docked her for the Navy."

Hope simply says, "You are being very forth coming about this."

"That is because I don't want to be eaten for people being here when it is being prepared for the Captains arrival, dinner is in twenty minutes. So please leave," the Soldier says barely containing his fear of the hungry teens until Carne drinking some wine.

When Carne was finished, he says, "You four go up those stairs, we will give you something to eat. So that Soldier boy here can live to barate the rest of us later." The soldier was about to argue until Carne says, "The fact the red one hasn't thrown you through a wall is surprising. Everyone on the island knows not to come here, last time the Baratie dealt with Pirates were needed to be saved by the Strawhats. So you worry about feeding the captain, and let the original chefs of the Baratie feed these young adventurers." That got Marvelous to calm down with mouths open in shock and drooling at the thought of tasty food. Carne directed them to the stairs in the middle of the mast and says, "Top button." The four pirates nod and go upstairs quickly. The soldier was about to shout at Carne only for Carne to place a hand in his face and say, "Calm down before I serve you up. Patty and I will cook them up something simple and they will leave." Carne walked to the back where Patty was watching. Carne says to his friend, we better make this quick, Captain Blackgut will be here soon. We will cook it up quick and Joe can take it to them."

Patty simply asks, "Can they pay?"

Carne frowns before laughing along with Patty and says, "Well there is no prices on the menu, so I guess they are eating for free."

The two walked into the kitchen to see that Joe was washing dishes with high amounts of strain doing little repeating movements with none water proof bindings. Patty walked over to him and says, "We need you to peel some of the Tangerines for a quick dish for some youths upstairs. Quick now, don't have a lot of time before Captain Blackgut arrives."

Joe's eyes narrow at that, but he complies helping Patty and Carne make five dishes of the same meal. That Joe took down into the basement from the stairs before pressing a button that took him to the roof. Once the doors open Joe saw four Pirates waiting for their meals. Joe frowns as Marvelous sees him and says, "Ah food," Marvelous simple comment surprised Joe until Marvelous asks, "Why did you bring five?"

Joe counted the pirates followed by the dishes before saying, "Carne and Pattys' eyesight has probably gotten worst." That comment got chuckles from Marvelous, Hope and Vivi while Juroku appeared flabbergasted.

Marvelous says, "Well you might as well join us in eating, bad idea wasting food on land or sea. Have a seat," he directed to the side where there was a stack of chairs. Joe took a single chair and sat with them after placing the food in front of everyone before taking a seat for himself. Marvelous says, "tell us about yourself," as he appeared to stare at a sliced tomato closely.

Joe simply says, "I am a Shark Fishman from Fishman Island. I worked in a restaurant owned by a human on said island. Until I had enough to leave and come to the surface to become a swordsman. Spent five years learning to wield a sword until the Navy Leader of East Blue came to recruit my teacher, Koushirou Shimotsuki. There was a battle a year ago and I suddenly found myself wearing this fishman binding suit."

Marvelous simply says, "So you are a swordsman. Did you cut these tomatoes?"

Joe paused at that comment before saying, "Yes, Why?"

"You used a blunt knife," Marvelous states.

Joe sighs and says, "I am not allowed to cook, I was placed here to do janitorial work."

Marvelous frowns before saying, "Well that is dumb," as he eats the food before asking, "What is keeping you here?"

Joe was thoughtful as he says, "Besides the bindings, if I leave then the owner may get angry at the crew."

Marvelous nods before continuing to eat while Vivi continues to ask, Joe questions along with Juroku and Hope as they ate.

Down stairs Captain Blackgut arrived. Most people would expect that the captain was black and human looking with a large stomach. You would be wrong, for BlackGut was brightly coloured, with orange and green limbs with a large head that took over his upper torso and shoulders with a jaw that goes between each shoulder. The reason that he is called Blackgut is that he has a literal black hole for a stomach that was deemed a suitable upgrade to the Chomp Chomp Fruit. In front of him was a stack of food that appears to be enough to feed an entire town was suddenly gobbled up in a single bite, before several serving boys collected the plates and brought out a second tray just as large. Blackgut continued to eat, consuming another ten piles before he cleaned his teeth with an oversized toothpick.

Joe led the pirates off the ship quickly through the basement, while taking the dishes into the kitchen. Patty and Carne gestured for Joe and the pirates into leaving quickly, while Blackgut became more vocal for more food. Which the chefs would do until Blackgut finally stopped eating. Which would not be for several more hours or until he ate someone. Fortunately for Joe, he was gone long before Blackgut decided he wanted Fishman Sushi.

With Marvelous' crew and Joe ten minutes later.

The four human teens were walking along the road towards Nojiko's Tangerine Grove. Though they moved a bit quicker as Joe had trash thrown at him, Marvelous looked at the people around them with a glare, while was met with flinches of fear. Hope was in her own world struggling to continue forward and when Nojiko's Grove was seen ahead she tried to run away only for Marvelous to catch her and pulled her along. Once out of town, Vivi asked Joe, "Why does the villagers dislike you so much?" Juroku nods wanting to know the answer.

Joe simply says, "I do not know, but no one talks to me anyway so I have given up on trying to find out."

Marvelous being still within ear shot of the villagers says, "about twenty or so years ago, the Conomi Islands was enslaved by a Pirate Crew of Fishmen. Not surprised you did not know. There have only been three actual crews of Fishman. The last two being anti human extremists, while the first crew was a group of pirates to free slaves, their desire for equality between Fishmen and Humans was met with the World Government killing the queen and then destroying any chance for Fishmen live on the surface without being slaves. It got worst just as StrawHat Luffy was on the final stretch to becoming King of the Pirates."

Joe frowns at that having known about some of that but made no reference to actually adding to what was said. Hope then says, "Well let's get this over with. I am already freaking out."

With that the five walk along the path leading to Nojiko's home and Marvelous knocks loudly. There was a subtle stumbling before Nojiko walked kicked her door open and says, "You better have a good reason being here," aiming a large rifle at the five.

Marvelous snorts and says, "Yep this is her," he turns around and taps Hope's shoulder in support and pulled Vivi, Juroku and Joe away from the house.

Hope gulped nervously before struggling to say anything before reaching into her coat and hands Nojiko a letter addressed to her. Nojiko accepted the letter and quickly reads it, her eyes widen in shock before staring at Hope who says, "Hi Aunt Nojiko," she waves awkwardly as Nojiko suddenly feints from shock. Hope looks at her unconscious Aunt and mutters, "That could have gone better."

Gigant Horse-That moment-off the coast of Forested island in East Blue.

Warz Gills waited patiently until Issan returns, Barizorg and Damarasu was standing in wait around them. Issan and a couple Sugoumin had gone with her and Berserk Fist to the island. Eventually Issan return alone causing Damarasu to ask, "Where is the Sugoumin that went with you?"

Issan chuckles and says, "They are part of the test," Issan stands next to the terminal on the left and says, "Starting first stage Project Tiny stage one," the terminal opens as a hatch on top of the ship opens releasing a prototype flying device that raised into the air on helicopter blades that floated into the air far enough to see Berserk Fist and the Sugoumin. Issan reveals a gun like device that she pointed towards the screen and pulls the trigger. A single green beam blasted the spot that the Berserk Fist and the Sugoumin were hit. The result was that they grew at a high rate that surprised the three targets. Berserk Fist laughed at the amount of power he received.

Issan smiles as Warz Gill laughs in victory before saying, "Brilliant, see all this started with a thought. Giants are the ultimate fighter on land, but are terrible to transport. So how about making a Captain or Sugoumin into a giant to destroy our enemies."

Damarasu then asks, "What about when they are not needed to be giant?"

Issan says, "That is stage Two of Project Tiny," she selects a new setting on the terminal and says, "Beginning stage two, reduction in mass," she aimed at the three giants and started reducing their size.

Two successes and one surprise was discovered causing Damarasu to say, "We cannot use this unless it is a last resort for the Captains."

Warz Gill says, "Very well, but it will still be an option."

Issan says, "The beam will repair damaged tissue as the expansion occurs. Test have proven that recently departed organic lifeforms will revive themselves during the process."

Warz Gills then says, "Overall a successful experiment. Issan you have my permission to begin the final stage. Orbital generators!" That got Damarasu's eyes to widened in shock.

Nojiko's Grove-Half Hour later-Cocoyashi Islands-Outskirts of Conami Village.

Nojiko groans as she awakens from feinting. She clutches her head and sighs, "Talk about crazy dreams," Nojiko looks around and notices Hope to the side looking at a picture of Nojiko when she was a child with a younger orange haired girl along with a woman smoking, giving the impression of being a tough hardened soldier. Nojiko looks at Hope and says, "So not a dream. What are you doing here for?"

Hope turned to her before saying, "Well besides delivering that letter I was going to visit my grandmother's grave, before leaving the island. To continue our adventure," she looks out the window with a far off look.

Nojiko sat at the table and asks, "So how is that little sister of mine?"

Hope smiles and says, "Greedy and always making a fortune with a quick buck. Though she started her own farm after I was born. Though I can't really stay long with the Marine's getting in our way."

Nojiko frowns before saying, "Yeah, especially this one. At least with Arlong he didn't take our food. The marines showed up five years ago. Ate the first ten villagers that told him to stiff it. Then he started taking our crops and produce to feed one man once a week."

Hope nods before saying, "Well not as bad as what happened on where I grew up, They tried to round up all the children to be sold for profits. Marvelous, actually took down a Marine Captain during his first proper fight," Hope takes a deep breath before saying, "It was a tough day. Sorry if I appear to be rushing you but I really need to catch up to Marvelous before he wanders off, looking for hats and books."

Hope starts leaving when Nojiko stops her and says, "There is one problem, all ships that try to leave the island get raided by Navy ships. Never know where they are hidden."

Hope frowns before smiling and says, "They won't get us," and leaves without another word leaving her aunt to question her niece's sanity.

With Marvelous and crew-Ten minutes later

Hope walked along the path towards Marvelous as he looked at the village from the edge of town. Joe was speaking with Juroku who was examining the bindings sealing Joe's full abilities, while Vivi appeared interested. Marvelous looks to Hope and asks, "Everything sorted?" Hope nods in the affirmative and Marvelous says, "Well then time for the last part of our visit," they start walking with Hope pulling out a map for the group to follow. Marvelous used his phone to contact Navi as they walked along the path. As they walked they reached a cliff side cemetery where a large grave was at the tip of the Cliff. Navi arrived carrying a basket with flowers and other items to be placed on the grave. This is Bell-mere Grave a place that Hope promised to visit before leaving the East Blue.

Hope accepted the basket from Navi before the mechanical bird flew back to the Galleon. Marvelous, Juroku, Vivi and Joe waited at the entrance. When Hope was out of ear shot, Joe asks, "So how did this person die?" Marvelous looked at him strangely before Joe says, "I understand if it is private but if it is important."

Marvelous simply says, "Hope's Grandmother, the first victim of Arlong's Fishman Pirates reign of terror. They were taken down by a rookie pirate and his small crew. Anyway, I have a question for you," Joe listened carefully before saying, "If you were free what would you do?"

Joe frowns before simply saying, "Well my teachers told me that you can only learn so much in the dojo or the kitchen. So I would probably travel, but I don't have my swords. All the swords were taken and melted down to make weapons for the Navy."

Marvelous frowns before revealing his own sword and hands it to Joe and asks, "What do you think?"

Joe weighed the weapon in his hand before stepping away from everyone and gives the sword a brief swing and says, "Well it appears to be well made, but I can't tell too well due to these bindings," he hands Marvelous back the sword, who hides it back into his coat.

In the distance Hope placed the flowers on the grave, Marvelous was in his own world apparently thinking as he removed the Boiler cap from his head as he scratched his temple. Joe went back to talking with Juroku and Vivi, who was asking about Fishmen culture. Everything was calm until a group of Goumin arrived and marched up to Joe before grabbing him. Joe fought back only for one of the Goumin revealed a control handle and pressed a single button resulting in Joe's Bindings suddenly clamped together stopping him from fighting back. Marvelous drew his sword and went to attack the Goumin, along with Juroku drawing his gun and Vivi drawing her own sword. The group of Goumin outnumbered the group as ten of the Goumin carried Joe away.

Marvelous slashed through a couple different Goumin as Hope arrived to shoot a Goumin that was sneaking up on Marvelous. Hope simply asks, "What happened? I left you all alone for five minutes."

"Joe was taken," Vivi answered as she accidently defeated five Goumin at once while swiping her arms to each side. Vivi paused and looks at the Goumin she defeated in confusion. The Goumin go to attack only for Vivi to be surprised that she actually can weld a sword very well appearing to actually know what she was doing.

Juroka fell back and managed to shoot several Goumin as Marvelous and Hope took down the last of the Goumin. Marvelous asks, "Where would they have taken Joe."

Juroku answers, "Well either a cell or if this Blackgut the kitchen of the Baratie. Though with the bindings they placed on him the most secure place is at the Baratie and the restaurants on the water."

Marvelous frowns before saying, "We should find him," and he starts to run towards the Village.

With Joe-Just reaching the Docks.

Joe was being manhandled by the Goumin with his arms and legs completely immobile. Joe just sighs annoyed as he says, "Is this because I was told to go with the Tourists? Look I was asked to keep an eye on them," all he received in response was one of the Goumin bonking him on the head and it doing nothing. Joe just glared at that Goumin as they continued to walk and carry Joe. Eventually they see Blackgut laughing as a bonfire was being lit in the middle of the wooden deck between all the restaurants.

Blackgut appears to be dancing while saying, "FISHMAN BARBEQUE!" repeatedly in a little crazy and creepy voice.

Joe frowns at that before his eyes widened and he begins to struggle more as the Goumin starts to tie him to a rotary cooking spindle. One of the Goumin started to rotate Joe slowly over a small fire that Joe tried to extinguish fire every time he faced the rapidly growing fire that was slowly spreading to the deck.

Blackgut was continuing to dance as he says, "Fried sharkman is going to taste good!" only to be shot in the side of the head and falling down to the ground. Blackgut looked to the side where he sees Marvelous holding his gun aimed at Blackgut his sword resting on his shoulder. Blackgut stared at Marvelous and says, "I am not sharing this is my dinner!" Only to get shot between the eyes and falls to the ground from a hundred metres away.

To those who had never met him, it was a skill he can repeat a thousand times, to those who have known him most of his life, it was due to years of constant practice and improvement that has gradually increased the distance he can shoot ten times that distance. With that done he slowly walks forward with Hope, Juroku and Vivi followed him as he walked the distance to the rapidly expanding fire that Joe continued to try and blow out as he was now stuck facing.

Mavelous then started to sprint quickly towards the Goumin before jumping into the air and double kicking the Goumin away from the fire. Then Marvelous kicks Joe away from the fire so that Juroku and Hope could untie him while holding their swords under their arm pits. Mavelous says, "Oi, Joe want to get away from the island?"

"Give me a sword I will join your crew," Joe states before as he struggles to move in the bindings.

Marvelous smirks before jumping over the fire and slashing very quickly against Joe's binding. Marvelous looks to Joe and says, "Well prove that you can weld a sword then," he nods to Hope and Juroku.

Joe stands and stretches lightly, rolling his neck as the bindings fell apart and off his body, revealing him to be shirtless and wearing tattered pants. Hope blushed lightly at Joe's six pack as he finishes his stretches. The Goumin ran around the fire quickly to attack Juroku and Hope only to be side kicked together and into one of the restaurants violently together like a human ragdoll bullet. Joe looks to Hope and Juroku and says, "Can I borrow your swords."

Juroku nods while Hope shakes her head and the two of them hand Joe their swords. Joe swings the swords lightly as the muscles in his arms flex with a strain they had felt for two years. Joe continued to stretch before charging towards the Goumin and swung the swords downward before smashing the docks with enough force to get the water below to shoot up and douse the fire.

Marvelous slashed a couple Goumin away from him as Vivi was managing to knock Goumin into each other and proceeded to stop most of the Goumin from attacking her. Joe was now standing back to back with Marvelous, causing him to say, "Is that all?" Joe smirked as the Goumin started to surround them. Marvelous proceeded to jump kick over Joe as he swept the Goumins off their feet. The pair would block and defend for each other as Marvelous would shoot the Goumin trying to attack from a distance as Joe managed to slash the Goumin as they came in close. Eventually the pair defeated the Goumin attacking them, as Vivi slashes through the last one attacking Juroku and Hope. Marvelous says over his shoulder, "I admit it, you are pretty good."

Blackgut roars in anger and says, "You ruined my meal!" only for Marvelous to shoot Blackgut between the eyes again.

Blackgut groans at that as Marvelous says, "Who cares about your meal! You were about to eat the newest member of my crew," as he sheaths his weapons and starts looking through his coat for something. He eventually finds what he was looking for only to have to dodge a charging Blackgut and shooting him in the back and into the water. Marvelous says, "Well talk about clumsy."

Joe simply says, "Normally he just eats everything in his way."

As if to answer Blackgut appeared from the dock with his mouth opened and breathing deeply trying to suck everything into his mouth. Hope grabbed Vivi and the deck while Juroku did the same thing. Marvelous and Joe was pulled forward towards Blackgut but before they could be eaten, both Marvelous and Joe kicked Blackgut into the stomach stopping him from eating everything. Blackgut groans as Joe and Marvelous slashed him repeatedly and away from them.

Blackgut groans in pain as Joe and Marvelous jumped back to the others and Marvelous says, "To part of this crew you need these, to attain your dreams," he hands Joe a Gokai Phone and a blue Gokaiger Key. Joe accepts the items and Marvelous continues, "Let's end this," he pulls out his Gokai Phone and Ranger Key. "Gokai Change!" Marvelous becomes Gokai Red, as the others follow his example becoming their colours, Vivi Pink, Juroku Green and Hope Yellow.

Joe looks at the device and says, "GOKAI CHANGE!" and with a blue flash become Blue. Blackgut recovers and generates lightning to blast the Gokaigers that cause them to raise their weapons to defend themselves. Blue says, "I did not know that he could attack with lightning."

Red nods before saying, "Then let's finish this glutton," with that he hands Blue a Blue Ranger key from his belt and inserts two red Ranger Keys into each weapon causing them to flash multiple colours before focusing on his base colour. Joe does the same with his Gokai Key and the blue key he was handed. Marvelous then says, "Gokai Scrabble!"

With that Blue swings the two swords towards Blackgut as Red fires a bullet of red energy before swinging quickly and increasing the power behind the bullet where the two sets of attacks combine and slash through Blackgut who screamed in pain before falling down to the ground and explodes destroying most of the dock.

Patty and Carne nods at that from their spot on the Baratie's roof as they watch the Gokaigers walk away from the destroyed docking area. The pair had thoughtful looks before smiling largely with Patty saying, "At least this time we didn't have to lie about his cooking. Almost being eaten alive tends to do that," Patty laughs quickly.

Carne nods and says to the laughing Patty, "Yeah, kid never wanted to work in a kitchen. Hopefully he will become a swordsman that will be remembered for generations to come."

They watched as the five youths leave quickly to the large red Galleon ship and smile that the Fishboy was leaving and that the Navy Captain was vanquished freeing the island at least until the next Navy Captain was assigned to the island, which would not really matter as most of the inhabitants had been wanting to move since they were forced to live on the island. The end result being that everyone would be gone by the time that Warz Gill arrives to find the island empty.

Random island in the Grand Line-A day later

A man under a partial tarp was walking into a town that was empty he looked around and spots the giant cacti behind the village. As he looked around with a concealed frown and says, "They must have already been here," before he turns around and towards what appears to be a dinosaur themed blue and silver submarine.

:End of Chapter Three:

The crew of Five is complete.

Red: Marvelous

Blue: Joe; a Fishman

Yellow: Hope; Daughter of Nami

Green: Juroku; Former Scientist of the Navy

Pink: 'Vivi'; Amnesiac Princess of a currently unknown land.

Silver: Not yet revealed






Yes I plan on adding crew but they are a surprise for later in the story.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed and until next time Beware the Wraith Ship.