
The sounds of a 120 mm tank gun had shattered what was supposed to be a peaceful dawn in a certain location at Kiryat Shmona.

Yomikawa Aiho, who had drunk so much beer last night when she had a night-out with all of the girls from the Academy City side, groaned as she wriggled under her bed sheets, her speech slurred as she tried to stay put and tried to sleep back. But in a few minutes, another batch of 120 mm tank cannons finally put her out of her journey to lala-land as she woke up in a frustrated manner that she nearly kicked Tsuzuri, who was sleeping beside her, out of irritation. Wearing only her white camisole and her blue jogging pants, she quickly blitzed pass the doors like she was looking for a fight as she growls, "What in the world is happening?!"

"Oh, Yomikawa-sensei is awake…"

Blinking at the voice, the Anti-Skill lieutenant turned to the right to realize that she wasn't actually outside alone early in the morning.

"Well, we cannot sleep anymore as this ruckus started happening at four am," Kumokawa, who is in her sleeping attire, simply yawned as she made the decision to walk with her former sensei, "Since you're here Kumokawa-sensei, we might as well walk together. It seems that my cute little kouhai has been drilling intensively with his men and the guys from the IDF."

"The IDF?" Yomikawa looked around her to see that it was still pitch dark and that the little community was still in deep slumber. Since the time that both the JSDF peacekeeping force, Kamijou's Special Forces Group, the medical staff of Academy City and the Anti-Skill has been brought in to help in the international peacekeeping project (although the SFG's true mandate is far different from the public memo), the once little and two separated garrisons were and refugee camps, slowly but surely, being redeveloped into one, single quasi-community that, if approved and supported by the Northern District of Israel, could be converted into a town or a kibbutz within a few years.

Seems fun. Kumokawa chuckled somehow, every effort that the former students of a certain high school have borne fruit.

They walked pass the deserted quarters and small shops built by evacuees from the neighboring Syrian and Iraq and soon, they found themselves outside of the walled compound and as soon as they were outside, they were more surprised to see few and familiar faces sitting down on a pavilion outside the base as they were all busy watching what looked like a graceful display of firepower and tracer rounds.

"Huh? You're all awake at this early hour?" Yomikawa skeptically raised her eyebrows as she saw her former students in high school as well as Misaka, Shokuhou, and Index all staring back at her, like questioning what she was doing there in the first place.

"It was too loud. Well, not too loud for the other people here who got used to strife in their lands," Tschimikado shrugged, "But Kami-yan himself said that this is just normal activity for them."

Fukiyose Seiri was dripping in sweat, obviously having gone to jog although it was much earlier than her usual routine, "I briefly saw Kamijou and his comrades in their full battle gear although I don't know what really is happening. Maybe it's really a drill as Tsuchimikado said…"


They were all silenced by a tracer round far away from them but clearly visible striking a target. It was pitch dark but through the illuminating rounds and practice explosives, Tsuchimikado can see that they weren't actually practicing in an open field but instead, there were rows and groups of what looked like to be makeshift structures as they were being silhouetted by the bright lights coming from the blazing barrels of every type of gun being fired.

Now, Fukiyose won't claim to be a military strategist nor an expert since she was, by profession, a medical nurse but it's been some days or weeks since they have all been assigned in this particular place and by now, she isn't any more surprised by any type of small arms drill that they conduct regularly but this type of drill was a first for her. In fact, it was conducted in a way that bystanders were only able to feel it when the guns starting barking. Was that a tank? She asked herself as she saw a strange-looking tank firing away.

"Oi, you guys! What are you doing here?!"

Being the elder of the group, Yomikawa whiplashed her head behind the back to see who the fool that was calling out to them was. But to her dismay, it was actually a familiar figure—or at least, familiar to a certain spiky haired guy.

"It's still too early. Go back to your quarters!" Rapisura, the Filipino guy, held a flashlight to clearly see their faces and didn't even flinch when she saw the angry expression of Misaka. Clutching an M16A2 assault rifle in his chest rig, he made it clear that he meant business, "It's very dangerous here. One wrong move and you could find yourselves in the risk of being hurt in those ricocheting ammo!"

Misaka then sharply turned to Yomikawa and demanded, "Hey, Yomikawa-sensei, do something! You're also an officer here and…"

"Baka! Let's just follow!" Tsuchimikado motioned to the rifle he was holding and it clearly showed that he wasn't joking, "You don't want to get embroiled again on another conflict that you usually start because of your stupid mouth…"

Clamping her large mouth, Misaka only followed grudgingly as they all slowly turned and began to walk back to the entrance. The Railgun threw dirty glances at Rapisura, who just stared back emotionlessly while he fanned himself using his boonie hat. After that have all been ushered inside, the group then began to walk silently back to their inn and they were supposed to be returning there in peace until…

"So…why are you still following us?" Index asked a suddenly appearing Rapisura, who was actually following them inside as he lights up a cigarette.

"What a creepy guy…" Himegami whispered to herself but since no one else was talking aside from Index, it was heard and being an NDA graduate as a foreign student, Rapisura can understand Japanese quite fluently and he just sighed when he heard what was supposed to be a snide comment against him.

"Look, I wasn't trying to hit you or stalk you or anything else," The Filipino blew his cigarette as he clarifies himself before he gets called a perv, "It was actually Kamijou who asked me to intercept and watch over you all as according to him, you all had the tendency to just show up at his side whenever something. In short, I was just doing him a favor…"

Yomikawa didn't know how to react on that one. Surely, this was the first time something like this happened. She knew it because prior to this, Fukiyose used to be able to jog even without being questioned by the UN-mandated units there. Heck, the normal JSDF infantry lets them do what they want as long as it isn't beyond breaking some rules or hurting other people. "Look here, what is the meaning of this? Why would my former student do that all of the sudden without any consultation from us?"

Rapisura can only scratched his head as he felt like he's going to have a migraine from having to deal with them, "Look. I know it's very normal for all of you to see small arms drills in the past but today, it's just different. From what I heard, it involved some units from the IDF whose identities are even being withheld in public and their armored units are…let's just say it's not what you're used to seeing here in this community. I don't think Kamijou would want all of you to get in trouble for suspected charged of snooping or anything similar."

Hearing the reasoning of Filipino peacekeeper, the guys let it sink in their heads although Fukiyose noticed that something seemed off with what's happening around her, "You know? This is far too much, then. The Anti-Skill and the guys in the JSDF are enough to keep us safe. Why the need for you to do a very menial job?"

I'm sorry, Kamijou. I don't think they would be satisfied until they learn that a few days, you would be raiding Nablus together with the IDF. Rapisura sighed as he then decided to give out a bit of an answer, "Well, do you remember the time that you got abducted by those guys out there?"

"Well…yeah…" Fukiyose somehow grew uncomfortable with the question. She didn't want to relive those memories again. "It was Kamijou who saved me after all so I couldn't forget that."

Rapisura nodded as he then calmly faced the group, "Kamijou wouldn't forgive himself if someone, especially a former high school classmate like all of you, would die because he wasn't able to save them. He couldn't bear to lose Fukiyose-san when they already lost Obito…all because of Kamijou's single mistake…"

Something about the story made Kumokawa interested as she then opened her mouth in curiosity, "Uhm, excuse me sir but who is this Obito that you're talking about? I don't think I even heard his name from my cute little kouhai…"

"Yeah, who is this Obito?" For the first time, Shokuhou Misaki felt inclined to ask because she, too, was genuinely curious as to who is this Obito that Rapisura was talking about.

The Filipino guy snorted, realizing that he didn't really intended to tell them a particular dark incident during their first few weeks as fresh graduates, "I guess he didn't want you to know for now since it's a bit…personal and complicated. Besides, it's not my story to tell."

By the time he was finished talking, they were already back in the inn where all of them stayed.

"Well, we're back to where you all came from," Rapisura made a gesture to signal the group that he isn't going to stay for so long as he lights ups another cigarette, "I'm not here to babysit all of you for clarity's sake if that's what you're thinking but neither can you make another attempt to go out outside at this point. It's off-limits to people who had no involvement in whatsoever business they are in."

He then waved lamely at them as a sign that he would continue his rounds as a patrolman and as he did, he then turned his back, his feets kicking up a few particles of sand in the air as he stomps his burned cigarette and was apparently about to burn out a new one as his left hand is on the pockets. Everyone watched to see his shadow and silhouette disappear every second that he takes to get out of their sight and in no more than two minutes, his figure cannot be seen anymore amidst the environment, which is still blanketed in its pitch black sky.

"What a very dutiful man…" Kumokawa was the first to shatter the silence that was beginning to engulf them, "He sounds very much like Kamijou-kun."

"But still…flip-flops…really?" Misaka can't help but compare him and his fellow Filipino peacekeepers to their (former) resident idiot's SFG and even the regular JSDF peacekeepers, "I mean, I don't mean to sound a bit judgmental but…"

"I have to side with Misaka-san on this one, though," Fukiyose still cannot remember that the first they met the Filipino infantryman, her OCD tendencies flared up the moment his bare hands touched the fried rice and eggs.

"Seiri, I think you're missing something more important than Rapisura-san's hygiene or their old equipment," Himegami squeaked as she interrupts her best friend, "Is it weird that Kamijou-kun or even Fujima-san or Kurata-kun didn't mention a guy named Obito?"

"Well, normally no…" Tsuchimikado mused, "But since it's Kami-yan, we can't help but be curious…"

"I had to admit that it intrigued me somehow when he brought up my brief abduction," Fukiyose replied with a blank face, "And it even aroused my interest because of the fact that Kamijou didn't brought it up. Must have been too sensitive for him to talk about…"

And before they all knew it, the first rays of the sun began to bloom from the distant place the naked eye can see.

Misaka Tabigake isn't one that you can call a normal father.

A doting daughter to a certain Railgun and a lovely husband to his one and only Misuzu, the man with a chubby build and thick beard was someone that a random stranger can call an unorthodox businessman. Why? It's because ironically, he rarely makes money out of his self-created job of going around the world to find its flaws and correct them. Apparently, it entailed him to travel the world and act as some sort of "consultant" to people. This job is to apparently create money, and though he doesn't get money he creates he does receive rewards.

But because of his self-created job of travelling globally, it allows him to have contacts all over the globe, and even know people in important positions, from a Brazilian girl who had once requested him to do something about the illegal dumping of trash in the country, to a former Academy City general superintendent who had long since "disappeared" from the public consciousness. He also has connections with the Royal Air Force and has met another globe-trotting father of a certain Special Forces Group platoon leader.

Of course, Tabigake dearly loves his doting daughter and pretty wife which is why he decided that for once, he would show up in the doorsteps of their household and surprise both his wife and his daughter, whom he expected to at least be at home since if he remembered correctly, it's a certain university's foundation week which is why they should have been given a break.

Apparently, that wasn't the case he was expecting.

"Tadaima…" Tabigake boorishly greeted the moment he had opened the door and spotted his wife busy reading some of their financial reports, "I'm home, sweetheart."

"Oh, Tabigake-chan, you're home way too early." Nevertheless, Misuzu sounded happy to see her husband back from his business global trips and quickly gave him a light peck on the cheeks before going to the kitchen to prepare something for the heavily-bearded man. As Tabigake then removes his heavy coat, he then looks around and began to look for a certain someone.

"Mikoto…are you there?!" Tabigake looked a bit depressed when he didn't even get a response, "Mikoto…"

"Tabigake-chan, Mikoto-chan isn't around at the moment," Misuzu smiled sheepishly as she laid a tray of cold water and biscuits to the small table at their living room, "Although I'm somewhat disappointed that she isn't present despite the university foundation, she said that her presence is needed in something important and she said that it's a part of their grades so I don't feel sad about it anymore. Besides me and Shiina-chan had been hanging out in our free times so we have a lot of time to talk about our kids and how they're all grown up now…"

"Kids, huh? Ah…you must mean the son of Touya and that young-looking wife of his," Tabigake remembered the spiky haired boy that her daughter always associates with, "Well, I heard that the high school batch of the boy has been renowned as the best batch to have the highest number of medical nurses in the history of that university. Perhaps, Kamijou-san had graduated to become a good nur—"

"Ah…about that, Tabigake-chan, I think you're all correct except with one thing," Misuzu corrected him, "Misuzu-chan's son didn't took college in Academy City and certainly, he didn't even became a nurse."

Upon hearing the reply, Tabigake's interest somehow piqued as he puts down the glass that he was sipping on, "That's kind of a surprise. Usually, in Academy City, high school students who tend to take their college there would usually apply for their alma mater's college counterpart. Tell me then, do you have any idea where this boy had undertaken his tertiary education?"

Misuzu made a sweet smile before she replied, "He was a top graduate of the National Defense Academy…"

Tabigake nearly spitted his drink the moment he had gotten his reply, "The NDA?! You mean…Japan's most prestigious military academy and one of the best in the whole world?! It takes someone with the brawns and brains to even survive one year there as a plebe! But…" He then trailed a bit, "To be honest, his move is very surprising, considering he's from Academy City. I mean, it's already rare for someone from that city to move outside and it's even rare to have a top NDA graduate who hailed from AC. I was aware of the somewhat frosty rivalry between Anti-Skill and the JSDF armed forces and to some extent, the antagonism that some students and teachers show towards the Japanese government."

"But the boy's a prodigy, judging from what I heard from his mother," Misuzu replied, "Maybe not the prodigy type like our daughter but he excelled on the top of his class. In fact, I heard that he's a part of the JSDF's elite SFG unit. I think they're the same type as those special forces guys that you watch on television."

"Ah…wait a second…" Tabigake turned to face his wife as he suddenly remembers something, "You said the SFG, right?"

"Yes, dear. What's with reaction, though?"

"I just remembered that some months ago," Tabigake began to take a sip in his cold beverage, "There was a brief but controversial news about a combined SFG-Coast Guard patrol in the Sea of Japan when suddenly, they were confronted with an alleged North Korean fishing militia—although the North Korean authorities denied that they were authorized by their KPA officials."

"Well, that seemed to be big news," Misuzu exclaimed, "What's with you bringing this up anyway?"

"It wasn't reported in the broadsheets and television but I heard that some of the SFG personnel involved in the incident are actually either fresh graduates from NDA or they were rookies plucked from the Western Army in Kumamoto," The heavily-bearded man recalled, "In fact, the whole confrontation turned into a small but bloody gunfight and according to my sources, one SFG member and ten of the fishermen were dead when the smoke was cleared."

"That's just so sad." Misuzu commented, "But how come it was kept under wraps from the public?"

"It's probably to stave off any panic from the masses. The last time an incident like this occurred was a decade ago, when the Japanese Coast Guard sunk a North Korean surveillance vessel. Frankly speaking, had this incident grown larger than it should be, the other side won't shut up about rhetorical statements like "Japan Would Pay" or "The Korean People's Army is prepared to do something like this…" etc." Tabigake snorted as he bites his biscuits, "Goddamn kimchis…"

The two then stayed silent for the moment after Tabigake's rant about a certain news concerning Japan's security. The peace was more than enough for the husband, who has been always away from his family, to become attentive to his wife's emotional needs and they were both clinging to each other in silence as the bearded man looks around the house, which have been their home ever since their lone daughter was born. The fact that their daughter isn't at home with them somehow makes the supposed family reunion a bit lonely but Tabigake guessed that his homecoming at this point would have to sufficed, even if he knew that some few days from now, he would have to leave home to travel again worldwide.



"I have a feeling that Kamijou Touma will someday change the whole JSDF." Suddenly, Tabigake made a claim that even Misuzu had a hard time swallowing it in her own mind, "Being the soft-hearted fool that my daughter knows as well as NDA alumni, as long as he plays the right cards, he can eventually take the top of the hierarchy of the whole JSDF. Who knows? He can become defense minister."

"There you go again, making such absurd claims," Misuzu giggled, "Are you putting pressure on him?"

Tabigake snorted, "What are you talking about? I don't need to put pressure to him when he himself can conquer it? He has done it already by surviving both Academy City as a Level 0 and the NDA as a cadet. I believe he would do it again."

For an SFG operator like Kamijou Touma, a strategic planning, which usually takes long for a normal JSDF battalion, seems like it's a blue when in fact, it has been a couple of weeks since they've started to plan for an all-out assault with the IDF special forces in the slums of Nablus, where an arms dealer, regarded as an international terrorist, is holed up with his minions, most of whom are former militants from the Palestinian Hamas.

"So troublesome," Kurata sighed as he looks at the map that they are using for surveillance, "I mean, it's the first time since Japan had fired even a single shout outside their own home turf and just thinking that we're luckily alive from our first encounter makes me nervous for the incoming second one. Can we just ask the guys from the Iraq base to bomb Nablus?"

"Idiot. If we do that, collateral damages would be higher than we expect and we're defeating the purpose of selective strike if we just bomb it as a whole," Kawasaki chided their SFG member, "Besides, I don't think exposing the JSDF that easily would favor us in a long run, politically speaking."

"Hai…hai…I hear you, granny…" Kurata whispered but Kawasaki heard it anyway and the latter proceeded to clobber the razor-cut head of the poor Kurata, who ended up having to use his fists to cover his head against the Roseline's merciless beatings. Kamijou just sighed at their antics. Kawasaki Satsuki might be the nicest female in their SFG platoon but cross her or make any perverted antics and you would find her fists greeting your face in the most unpleasant way someone could imagine. And I wouldn't want to be on the short end of her sadistic tendencies. Kamijou shuddered as he briefly reminisced their time as cadets.

"By the way…" Fujima smirked as his eyesight transferred from the map that they were talking about to a certain doll-like figure that was resting into the shoulders of their platoon commander, "Rapisura-san had argued once that ghosts and elves don't exits but it seemed that Kurata's little mistake have proven me wrong on my hypothesis. Although…" He trailed off a bit, "I don't really understand now do I want to know how you and that fuzzyball there on your shoulders even met on the first place…"

"Who are you calling a fuzzyball, you wretched mortal?!" Feeling offended, Othinus didn't bother to hide her presence as she screamed, "I'll have you know that I'm a former Magic God and I can take away your soul anytime…"

"A Magic God that was so tiny that she could fit inside the barrel of an M79 launcher? Yeah, right?" Kurata mocked after nursing his bruised scalp, "Magic God, my ass…"

Kamijou Touma's mind then drifted into a memory lane.

Ever since they have been deployed to Israel, Othinus, the former Magic God, has always been kept out of public view—something that was already done by her caretaker since the latter was a plebe during his days as a cadet in the military academy. This was because her caretaker wouldn't risk her safety and security being exposed and in return, Kamijou would have been subjected to a series of psychiatric tests as well as paranormal investigations and a possible disciplinary action that will led him to a suspension and a visit to their Main Administration Building.

"Relax, Othinus." Kamijou, at one point, had to explain it to his 'understander.' "This is for your safety and mine's as well."

But even then, Othinus's life at the NDA was interestingly boring for her. Being stuck in the room like she was being quarantined for contracting a disease, she nevertheless understood Kamijou's intent for the both of them but at times, she can't help but feel a bit lonely since majority of the times when the sun is visibly up, she spent her time brooding to herself before night time comes—which meant that she can finally enjoy quality times with Kamijou although the night times are as equally rough, seeing that he shares his room with Kurata. Worst, there are times when the two aren't in the quarters because of a drill or an overtime class. If ever there was a time she did managed to go out, it's when Kamijou would go home to visit his family—and Index, who had come to live in the Kamijou Residence.

Nevertheless, Othinus did managed to endure it all until the fourth year, when the time for the young man to graduate, albeit with a lot of incidents involving him, with high honors in the academy. The former Magic God thought that she would be able to finally join the boy in the latter's so-called adventure towards war. In some sense, she did get her wish—in a mere three months although she wished she had joined the boy in a patrol drill—or at least, that's what the boy told her—held merely weeks after he and his batchmates graduated.

But what she didn't understand is that when the boy got home, he looked a bit depressed and wasn't even speaking with Index and his parents, who looked a bit concerned that their son didn't even touched his food during dinner time. Although he did managed to get over with it—with some help from Kurata and Fujima, who forcefully dragged him to a psychiatrist—she kept questioning the young man, who seemed to have learned the art of evading and diverting questions as he kept mum about what happened to that 'patrol drill' that had him getting dragged forcefully to a headshrinker.

Nevertheless, Othinus decided to drop it for now as she was then looking forward to the mission that Kamijou promised to bring her in although the latter seemed a bit nervous as she might be exposed to his platoon one of these days and he would end up freaking them up. Index then shut him up, telling him that he was being a paranoid before he was sent off to Israel.

But, unbeknownst to him, the days about the concealment of Othinus' presence will be coming to an end.

It was an ordinary day in the refugee community and Kamijou decided to bring Othinus secretly to a warm spring near the SFG's base. The day wasn't without any incidents, for Misaka and Index kept bothering him about when they are going home, with Fujima again doing what he does best by punching the head of the former. They entered the warm baths together, with people of both Druze and Bedoiun backgrounds steering clear of the two due to Kamijou's look (which wasn't all that scary but it's just that the boonie hat darkens the area at his face and that his tactical vest and his M4 carbine made those in the establishment think twice of confronting him). They made it to a vacated pool peacefully, and the moment he opened the door and entered, he suddenly paused.

"Neh, Othinus?

"Yes, human?"

"Are we the only ones who are here?" For some reasons, Kamijou's luck at getting to have the warm baths all by themselves seemed a bit preposterous. "I mean, I just have a feeling that something bad will happen…"

"What are you talking, human?" Othinus scolded him, "Everyone here on the warm baths is afraid of you. We're basically having the water to ourselves."

"Uhm…okay…I guess you're right, Othinus-chan…"

"You're scared, human? Where is the supposed warrior that was trained from the depths of hell?" Othinus taunted her partner, "You're being paranoid."

"Shut up," Kamijou shot back, "You should know fully well how potent my right hand is when it comes to bad luck."

When they had arrived in the changing rooms, Kamijou had laid down his rifle in a nearby arms depository while he had removed his uniform and replaced it with a towel that he draped it freely in his left shoulder. 'I'm just gonna wear my boxers in the baths.' He thought as he and Othinus then dipped quickly into the warm water.

"So relaxing…." The young man had never felt so relaxed for a very long time, "After a lot of hands-on activities as well as dealing with Index and the others, I felt like I can finally give myself some breather."

"You're not thinking about your upcoming operation?" Othinus asked in a skeptical tone.

"We've been talking about that since morning so give me a break," Kamijou snorted, "Besides, if I just have a choice, I wouldn't even come here in the first place. Makes me think twice as to what's the purpose of the IDF Sayeret if we're asked to come here."

"You say those things human but knowing you, you would have liked to come here to help other people and besides, without your being here, would you be able to save your former classmate from being raped?"

That statement instantly ended the brief argument.

Soon after, a few of those who have vacated the area began to return immediately after feeling that it was already 'safe' to come back to the bathhouse. Although the clerks and the people at the desk resumed their own business, the pool was still largely avoided and thus, Kamijou Touma and Othinus was able to chat and enjoy to themselves peacefully. The former then reminisced his younger days in Academy City, with Othinus telling him that she was the reason why he survived his whole three years in that place.

Unknown to them, a single man was currently running in the narrow street-like path towards the same bathhouse. Quickly putting down his assault rifle on the counter as well as his clothes, the man made a beeline towards pool of lukewarm water and that's when it happened.

The man was blindingly fast that even before Kamijou cam react to the loud footsteps of the incoming intruder, the latter had already jumped into the warm bath like he was jumping into the pool and he tackled the pointy-haired young man, who nearly choked in the water as he struggled to free himself from the man's grip.

"Kurata?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Kamijou frantically asked as he pointed at his colleague, who just made a peace sign to him as if he was deliberately mocking him. But before Kamijou can further protest, the gate crasher seemed to have been muted as he didn't even answer the question of their captain when suddenly, he heard what looked like muffled sounds coming from the mouth of his subordinate.

And it didn't even sound close enough to a male vocal sound.

'N-No-Noooo!' Kamijou mentally screamed as he was already too late to try and keep the existence of his guardian a secret as Kurata quickly pulled out what he thought was a non-living doll out of his mouth and before he can even say something, Othinus already ran her mouth, unaware of who was really holding her, "Damn it, human! Do you really have to shove me in your mouth when you could have just—"

She stopped midway in her rant when she realized that Kamijou wasn't even holding her.

She looked to the man, whose sight widened like saucers, "Ah…hello there, human…"

"You…you…" Kurata's brain began to spin wildly as he looks at Othinus and his commander back-and-forth, "Dammit, Fujima must pay up! I won the bet!" He then jumped up from the pool, with a struggling Othinus still in his hands.

"H-Hey, give her back to me!" Kamijou managed to jump out of the warm pool as well, "Look Kurata, it would be best not to…"

"Oi, Kurata, baby boy, what the hell is happening here? Your voices can be heard from outside, you know…"

Suddenly, Kamijou Touma and Kurata Rikichi found themselves facing an irritated Kawasaki Satsuki and some of their men in the Special Forces Group and like the two friends, they seemed to came here to relax as well.

"And by the way…" Kawasaki shot a look at the 'doll' in Kurata's hands, "Did I just hear that talk as well?"

'Oh crap…' Kamijou Touma's worst nightmare came true.

And from then on, Othinus' life with her understander was never the same before.

"Shut up, you wretched mortal!" Othinus couldn't forget the fact that she got swallowed up in the mouth of Kurata. The brief outburst of the former Magic God-turned-doll snapped her understander out of his trip to a memory lane.

"Make me…" Kurata faked a yawn as he fishes out a box of Golden Bat-branded cigarettes and began to smoke.

"I never pegged you as a smoker-type of guy…" Kawasaki deadpanned as she looks a bit disgusted at the brand of sticks that her kouhai is smoking.

"I rarely smoke," the guy being question defended himself as he quickly finishes his first stick and is now on the process of lighting up another stick.

Yeah, I never thought you smoke this quick. Makes me think you're worse than Stiyl. Kamijou himself isn't a fan of cigarettes. Suddenly, something about the presence of Othinus then made him remember another stuff that he needed to focus on.

"Hey guys, let me exit for a while," Kamijou excused himself, "I needed to speak to some of the people out there that know personally."

The SFG operators present didn't need to know who their platoon commander is referring to as they were just a stone's throw away from their position.

"And please…what you see and hear, just leave it within us…"

Meanwhile, the weeks went by and by this time, all of the Academy City girls were slowly adjusting to their new environment at Meiko. For Fukiyose Seiri, it was the usual stuff like their medical and humanitarian mission, the need to keep their two idiots in Tsuchimikado and Aogami under her tight leash. At the moment, she just finished her last day in her 'special training' with a certain old man World War II veteran and right now, she is taking a break beside their clinic together with Himegami, the two idiots, Kumokawa, Yomikawa, and the three youngsters in Misaka, Shokuhou, and Index, who is eating more than the usual average human appetite.

Apart from doing their usual operations in their clinic, Fukiyose, and sometimes, her best friend as well, served as a teacher and a senpai-figure to both the 3rd and 5th ranked Espers as she was hands-on in teaching both former Tokiwadai students the things they needed to learn in nursing and basic surgery and they had reached a point where they could help her in simple tasks such as extracting blood samples from their patients as well as cleaning up mortar shrapnel and wounds inflicted by projectiles. The first couple tries were a bit off though and the Mental Out had to be especially guided as she was especially fidgety with some of the tools being used, such as the scalpel and the needle. But, aiming to be the hard-worker that she wanted to project and really wanting to best Misaka and impress her prince, Shokuhou continued to practice using life-sized dummy corpse and not before long, she was able to find her own confidence in her medical abilities, even though it was a bit similar to their mentor.

And Fukiyose was glad for this. Shokuhou, while getting pressured at the start, didn't seem like she'd murder her for the somewhat harsh training but maybe it was because she had something else to direct all her energies on.

In Kumokawa Seria's case, life at Kiryat Shmona base seemed to be a sight (literally because of the environment around them) to behold at best and an everyday-nightmare at worst. As their stay in the community base further passes, the Beauty Senpai realized that there isn't a day in the JSDF party wherein security isn't always discussed. For instance, both the JSDF blue helmets and the JSDF-SFG led by her former kouhai would always meet up and go outside the walls of the base just to check and spot for any unusual activity. Even then, she knew that this situation, despite being a new experience for the Japanese humanitarian group, isn't a taboo for both the Israeli security forces and their Japanese counterparts, the former for obvious reasons and the latter because they were trained, especially the SFG, for situations like this. While the rest of the delegates that came here had already went back to Japan, she and veteran Kikuchi Kouji decided to stay here for an unlimited number of time. She deduced that the old geezer must have felt a bit sentimental as she sees him speaking with a number of junior officers from the JGSDF Blue Helmets and that she knew his connection with a certain former spiky-haired kouhai and how he was trained by the World War II veteran on the lessons on sharp shooting and sniping as well as holding a gun in the most efficient and deadly way. After all, both had ties with the National Defense Academy, where this certain kouhai of hers graduated and unlike a certain university (or any school in Academy City), the NDA treats everyone equally at least until their fourth year and that they do recognize every person that fought for the sake of Japan's security—as long as they weren't connected to any crimes involving the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy in the second great war.

And as far as Kumokawa heard, Kikuchi never partook in any crimes similar to the heinous Nanjing Massacre (which the Japanese government, sadly, hasn't even made an effort to apologize formally for that event) and instead, became renowned as the "Yellow Death" for bravely holding the defense line in Okinawa and taking a bounty of more than 300 US GIs killed—a feat that earned him the respect of not only the next generation of Japanese military servicemen but even their American enemies.

Right now, she was busy drinking a glass of shaved orange juice that she ordered from a nearby store ran by former refugees from neighboring places as she sat with all the Academy City girls pas well as their senseis in Yomikawa and the timid Tessou Tsuzuri, who look fatigued as she was slouching on the monobloc chair.

In turned out that after learning that her former student had learned his craft and expertise on the old man, Yomikawa had then decided to secretly pester Kikuchi for some pointers although she never got to see the veteran whenever she's free. It got to the point where Tessou suggested that he must be a ninja for he managed to elude the two Anti-Skill officers stationed there.

"Poor Yomikawa-sensei…" Kumokawa mocked her as they all sat in the table while enjoying themselves with their free time, "Maybe you can seduce him in one of the bathhouses available here."

"Kumokawa…even I have my own pride and image to maintain…" the Anti-Skill officer grits her teeth, "I'm not that too low to resort to such lecherous acts."

"By the way, Kamijou-kun has been quite busy lately…" Himegami cut in, wanting to divert the discussion from the lewd topic that came out of Kumokawa's mouth to a more, cleaner one, "I mean, he rarely talks to either Misaka-san, the nun with us, or even Seiri here…"

"He's got a job too," the Iron Wall Girl didn't even look up as she was drinking a carton of Musashino milk, "And considering that his job deals with decisions concerning life and death, he can't simply slack off or take away his focus for the moment."

"But we also deal with decisions concerning life and death…" Himegami replied.

"But you all do it in a different way," Kumokawa rested her left cheek in her palm, "Fukiyose-chan saves lives by healing them like what you do every day. Kamijou-chan saves lives by…well, I don't know how to exactly put it in words but rather than saying that he kills people, I will say that he keeps people in Japan safe by using force…"

No one noticed a faint smile appearing on the Forehead Deluxe's face, "That's why we can all sleep safely at night, knowing that someone like him will keep protecting us."

"But he still killed people, whatever the reason is," Misaka frowned, "Look, it's not that I don't object to it but to be frank, it just doesn't sound like him. I mean, I knew him since seven years ago and…"

"Correction: You only know my prince for just three years. The next four years is like a blank period for us," Shokuhou refuted, "We all don't know what happened in those four years that made him into the soldier that he is today but one thing is certain: a lot of things changed. Didn't he already told you that a lot of things would eventually change and one year alone can drastically transform a person, whether good or bad?"

"Wait…you were listening to our conversation back then?" Misaka's face reddened as she got a bit embarrassed and angry at the same time.

The blonde Mental Out licked her lips as she pointed cutely at Misaka, "I'm not only sharp, Misaka san; I'm also all-knowing."

"But short hair is right!" Index suddenly comes to the defense of the brunette Railgun, "It's very unlikely for Touma to kill as he was too innocent to do that and besides, it's very sinful…"

"So you call someone holding an M4 carbine at all times and came from a brutal military academy innocent?" Yomikawa replied, "Only someone who is too naïve to see how this world works would see something like that as innocent. In fact, he admitted that he somehow admired the way Israelis do their urban tactics, which is said to be the most cost-effective but the least safe for civilians getting caught in a crossfire and that's hardly what you call innocent. Besides, you two have already come to terms with Kamijou's career already, no?"

"We accept it but it didn't mean that we like it," Misaka huffed.

"So you did come to terms with it…somehow…" Kumokawa chuckled as she sips her juice, "By the way, did Mitsuari-san knows about this? I feel a bit bad for her since we made it look like we left her hanging in the dark…"

Somewhere in a certain university, a chocolate-haired college student suddenly sneezed violently.

"She also chose nursing like us although…" Shokuhou poked chin as if she was thinking very deeply of something, "I doubt if she knew anything about Kamijou-san's career, considering that she spent most of her time in the Reformatory during our high school days."

"Less opponent, more chances of helping that idiot…" Misaka muttered rather loudly.

Everyone gave her a look.

"Always the helper that he needs," Shokuhou laughed cutely, ignoring the cries of protest from the Railgun, "But of course, I would also help him when he is in need."

"Uhm…that's quite nice to hear from you, honey-scent lady."

Everyone turned their heads at the source of the new voice and to their delight, it was the none other than the subject of their discussion. Kamijou Touma, who just came out from their meeting, suddenly appeared before they even knew it.

"Seemed like you're in your battle garbs again," Fukiyose raised her brows at the fatigue pants, a chest rig and vest topping over a plan, white t-shirt rather than a camouflage shirt, his usual M4 carbine although the females noticed that it had no magazine attached to it, and a leg holster with his .45 pistol.

"It's something serious which is why we're wearing this," Kamijou replied, looking for a free seat. Seeing this opportunity, Fukiyose quickly offered the lone free seat on her left side even before Misaka can open her mouth to ask Index to move one seat away so the seat besides the Railgun can be freed up.

"Thanks Fukiyose," Kamijou said as he laid down his rifle, "By the way, how is your day and how did you do training this next batch of nurses?"

"Their doing fine, I guess." The brown-eyed young woman replied, "In fact, they absorb what I teach to them like sponges."

"And Seiri's a hands-on teacher. She keeps an eye on the two of them so that she'll know immediately when something wrong happens or if they're doing it quite wrong," Himegami further explained.

"That's good to hear," Kamijou looked a bit swamped as he slumps on the floor, "I miss my college grounds…"


"I just feel nostalgic about my days in the academy," Kamijou's mind was traveling in a memory lane, "I mean, when I was still a cadet, I use to complain how the drills were a bit hellish and me and the others were wondering if the COs were secretly all demons reincarnated. But…I guess that now I'm working, I was thankful that I already experienced hell back in the NDA for I had now understood what it really means to be a soldier—much more, as a special forces member."

"But university back in Academy City is so boring," Misaka groaned, catching everyone's attention, "Lectures are very boring and I don't even know if I'm going to use it in nursing career."

"You say that because you aren't even working yet," Kamijou replied, "Trust me, even if they're boring, try to endure it because it would pay off in the long run. In fact, you actually had it easy and aside from the fact that you got your privileges as a Level 5 Esper, you have probably have nicer professors there who would be glad to help you."

"As if you don't have those kinds of teachers there…" The Railgun huffed.

"Anything less than getting pushed down in the shores of Yokosuka and drills would be something merciful," Kamijou shrugged, "That's the reason why a lot of plebes gives up even before they can march onto the second year."

"By the way, Touma? Why do you barely speak with us in the past few days?" Index made it sound like the behavior of the lone boy in the table is suspicious. Hearing that, Kamijou momentarily flinched for a second as the others had funny expressions in their faces while Misaka seemed murderous.

"Increased security and the fact that we have an operation coming soon," Kamijou cooly said, "If you weren't all aware, there were some recent rocket attacks in the eastern part of Israel that was reported immediately to every unit available. Since we cannot rely on the IDF as they're stationed faraway from where we are, we had to make sure that everyone here is safe and secured."

The afternoon break continued with some fun after that, with all the girls relieved that they need not to worry over the young man's safety.

Later that night…

"Phew…everyone is asleep Othinus…well, get prepared, we're leaving for Nablus early in the morning…"

"You don't have to remind me, human! I'll be more than welcome to any poor enemies whose blood will be shed and flesh that will be sacrificed for my war-hungry appetite."

"No need to be visual about it. I'm starting to throw up right now…"

It was already past 12 in midnight when Kamijou Touma is now busy preparing his equipment that he would need in a fierce urban warfare with militants in a certain area at Nablus. Quickly checking and rechecking his M4 carbine while attaching the reflex sights of his rifle, his hands were pretty fast as he was already loading his STANAG magazines with fresh 5.5645mm NATO ammunition that was delivered to their base a few days back. Specifically, he was using the M855 variant because the latter is designed for armor-piercing and based from the reports they have received from their Israeli counterparts, most militants that they're likely to encounter had smuggled Ratnik body armor.

After checking all the equipment that he will need, Kamijou puts Othinus in his magazine pouch and quickly made his way outside his quarters to meet with his fellow SFGs. The moment he got outside, he was already met by his platoon whose men, like Kamijou himself, were also wearing dark jeans, rubber sneakers, and black t-shirts instead of their camouflage attire.

"Yo, Cappy, the guys from the other line has arrived," Kurata clutched his own M4 carbine as they spotted several IDF Sayeret operators, all wearing black balaclavas, had arrived for a last-minute orientation, "Though unfortunately…"

"Yeah. I asked Kawasaki-san, Yamashita-san, and Okazaki-san to stay behind since someone had to look after this place," Kamijou explained, "They don't need to do any recon stuff for us although we can send them a quick message if, God forbid, something bad happens to all of us. Right now, I'm going to review some things: basically, we'll have to catch any possible Japanese syndicate members who are involved with this arms smuggling ring. We'll retrieve anything that legally belongs to Japan and as for that arms smuggler chief—I think the other party would want to handle it themselves. According to Cohen, they'll be the spearhead while we're the shaft. Nevertheless, if that guy shoots at you, don't hesitate and shoot back. We clear?"

"Yes, captain!" Every Japanese male from his small but capable platoon as eventually, they join their IDF counterparts, who used civilian trucks instead of their usual Namer or Achzarit heavy APCs.

This will be a long and tiring morning. Kamijou groaned. I hope we finished this already before Misaka-san and the others knew that we have been long gone into a bloody battle. That way, they don't have to risk themselves…

" seems that the SFG platoon of Kamijou Touma has started to move to the point of engagement..."

From a random location somewhere in Israel, Stiyl Magnus lit another stick of cigarettes as he watched a column of trucks file quietly in the dirt road.

"Do we start moving as well, Stiyl?"

The fire mage priest stomped the burnt cancer stick on the soil.

"Marie, Mallybath, and Jane would be coming here in a short moment," the red head said. "After they arrived, it's time that we move quickly, Kanzaki."