Catra wakes up to find herself in a cell. She's in Shadow Weaver's cell.

"Oh right…" she realized. "Hordak put me here because I failed to capture Shadow Weaver."

She goes into a fetal position afterwards, and she has a sad look on her face. How could she have ended up in a situation like this?

If only someone would rescue her…



Suddenly, she heard shots were taken outside as the guards were taken down by a mysterious figure wielding a firearm that is unfamiliar in this world, not to mention the sound is quite different from when energy guns are fired. All that she could see is two shadowy figures, which were the guards, are trying to fight off this mysterious figure but ultimately they lose. The figure, which is a male, manages to put up quite a fight with moves that were unfamiliar to the point they appeared to be greater than Adora's. On top of that, he swiped an energy gun from one of the guards.

He approached her cell afterwards.

"You're Catra, right?" he asked.

"Yes, but who are you?" she asked with suspicious intent.

"My name is John. John Wick."

Meanwhile, Adora is seen running alongside Glimmer and Bow to the Fright Zone while in her She-Ra form. She recalled the events on her mind the moment she caught Shadow Weaver in her bedroom.

"Catra is being sent to Beast Island?!" she asked.

"That's right. You know the rumors involving the place?" Shadow Weaver responded enigmatically while she's in her cell. Despite Glimmer and Bow are unable to trust her information, Adora can trust her word. After all, seeing her looking tired is proof enough. "Well, that place is where Catra's people are currently residing, and they're called the Magicats."

"Magicats? So Half Moon is still there?" Queen Angella asked.

"That's right, and you know what that means, right?"

"C'yra is alive."

"And so is her child, the heir to the throne. I'm sure you already know who I'm talking about."

Adora continues assaulting the Fright Zone with Glimmer and Bow to rescue Catra. Despite knowing the distrust they have in her, she wanted to rescue her nevertheless, and Glimmer just couldn't believe this.