
By B.B. Asmodeus.


Fandom: Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.

Pairings: Jon Snow/Tyrion Lannister; Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth.

Rating: Explicit.

Categories: AU-Like-You-Have-No-Idea. Fix-it fic. Omega 'verse. Romance, Humor, Drama, Suspense.

Summary: Daenerys was intrigued by his request. She acted as if Jon had stuttered, tilting her face with the curiosity of a lethal bird. "Forgive Tyrion." Jon mumbled. "Show mercy." "Why, because you love him?"




"Should I pretend that you didn't exist?

Should I act like you're somebody I miss?"

-MARINA, "Emotional Machine."

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"Forgive him."

Daenerys was intrigued by his request. She acted as if Jon had stuttered, tilting her face with the curiosity of a lethal bird. "Pardon me?"

"Forgive Tyrion." Jon mumbled. "Show mercyー"

"Why, because you love him?"

Without emotion behind it, the statement didn't feel like a reproach. Only an icy observation. It caused Jon a lump in his throat. "Show mercy because you are capable of it."

"Mm." Daenerys analyzed Jon from head to toe. "I've never understood it. This... dance between you two. You know Lord Tyrion betrayed me by trying to get his sister out of the City before I could get to her. Mercy, it's the last thing I will give him. "

"What about me? What about my loyalty? I've prove my fealty to you. I'm standing by your side even now. Free him and pass him to my custody. He would be my prisoner, a servant of the North. You would never see him again."


Daenerys walked towards him with determination; an echo of their first meeting in the room of Dragonstone. "You haven't answered my question."

Jon lifted his chin in instinctive defiance.

Something in the neat image of the Queen seemed to tremble at the lack of cooperation. Her eyes, briefly, seemed to glow violet.

"You just sacrificed him, you know?" The woman raised one of her hands to caress Jon's cheek. He was surprised to feel it warm. "Your silence just confirmed it to me, more than any other truth that would have come out of your mouth. Jon... You're naive if you think that this kind of sentimentality cannot be used against you. Lord Tyrion will be sentenced to death, because his betrayal was a series of multiple errors of judgment that almost cost me everything. I won't give him mercy. I will make an example of him to anyone who wants to follow in his footsteps."

Jon tangled his glove with her hand to throw it away from his face. "His brother will take revenge."

"Jaime Lannister has only one hand, no army, and his house is in ashes. Why should I fear him?"

-Because he will not stand alone. Jon was certain that Sansa would use this moment to rise up in arms against the New Queen. She would feed Jaime Lannister's fury and use it to her advantage.

The clarity of the fact left Jon feeling dizzy; and at the same time, so much older. "But you are, aren't you? Afraid."

That was obviously the last thing Daenerys had expected to hear.

Jon was upon her in a moment. "It was fear that led you to do what you did. You were scared of losing everything you wanted. I know that. But, it's not too late yet. You can stop. Show mercy. Show everyone you're not your father."

Daenerys allowed Jon's arms to encircle her waist. She allowed him to get close to her, let their scents be woven togetherーDragon with dragon. Jon softened his voice, bringing his face to Daenerys' level, wanting to capture the woman's full attention.

For a moment, the swarm of pheromones were in full effect. The eyes of the Dragon Queen became opaque, compatible and interested, in the same way it had been in Winterfell, begging a drunken Jon for his silence.

Then, the woman blinked. The spell broke.

"Take him away."

Jon felt a new presence behind him. He didn't bother turning around to confirm that Greyworm would get the pleasure of arresting him, after all. The son of a bitch.

Jon waited for the Unsullied's gloved hand on his shoulder. The first punch went straight to Greyworm's nose. Jon had the pleasure of feeling the cartilage bend at the impact. He didn't stop there. Jon recalled the efficiency in which Greyworm had cut the Lannister soldier's throats. Men who hadn't carried a real threat.

Women. Children. Fury boiled through his blood. Jon wondered if that was the first symptom of madness.

Greyworm was a small man, slender, and fast. Additionally, a wild force that Daenerys had unleashed on the world, ejected of his old military discipline. Jon took advantage of that and sought to provoked him. Closed fists were soon planted on Jon's stomach.

As soon as he got him up close, Jon hugged Greyworm against his torso, holding him firmly.

The dagger had been easy to hide; a light weapon. Simple.


"No!" Dany's scream was a penance that Jon endured, releasing Greyworm's body. It dropped to the floor, eyes wide. The woman called for the rest of the guards in valyrian, kneeling in front of the agonizing figure of her Commander.

It was too late. Jon had pierced his heart. A clemency not really deserved.

Time slowed down while Jon watched the Unsullied Guards enter the Throne Room, their spears upright. Jon watched them approach. Knowing that without Longclaw he wouldn't be able to beat the odds ten to one, he hardened his body in preparationー


Jon threw himself to the ground, the scorching heat of the flames almost melting the leather of his uniform to the skin of his back. Distantly he registered the cries of agony. The smell of burnt flesh. Jon tried to open his eyes. He couldn't. The fire was too powerful.

Rhaegal's growl continued with the infernal surge; apparently a poignant objection.

Jon didn't think twice. He rolled over in the direction of the looming beast, and crawled over the ruins of the stone walls to get to Rhaegal.

A wing was flexed within reach and Jon climbed it.

"Keligon, issa tresy!"

Jon held on to the horns tightly. He evoked the little valyrian he had learned to be able to command flight. "Sōv... Sōvegon. Sōvegon!"

Unlike Drogon, Rhaegal wasn't covered in snow. The dragon was hot to the contact.

It took flight immediately, deaf to the calls of its Mhysa.

Jon exhaled heavily.

Well, then.

That was unexpected.

Drogon was heard in the distance, a quite confused whine breaking the stillness of the Dead City surrounding them.

Jon could relate.

He hadn't factoring in the creature's intervention on his behalf, despite the attachment forged by war. Jon had never tried to compete against the bond Daenerys and Rhaegal had.

Rhaegal had burned King's Landing just like its brother, after all. What kind of influence could Jon have, if not in that?

It didn't really matter. In the end, Jon was being transported out of certain death. He had the thought to feel grateful and run with it.

-SouthWallSouthWallSouthWallLet's go.

For Jon, directing a dragon basically consisted in conjuring a destination in his head with all his might. Jon didn't possess the grace, or the ability, to command a beast with a single look. He only had his gut. And trial and error. So far, inserting an image in his head seemed to do the trick.

Rhaegal rippled his colossal figure in a swift turn, just as Jon wished it, flying towards the south wall, to what was left of the Gods Gate.

Once there it landed on the edge of the gate.

On the other side, Jon saw the camp where the Northmen had settled on the outskirts of King's Landing, prior to the massacre Daenerys had caused.

A single thread of black smoke traced the sky. The signal.

It had worked.

Jon closed his eyes momentarily. Part of his spirit was revived with the sign.

It was done.

"You weren't part of the plan, my friend." Jon stroked the dragon's back. "You still don't have to be."

Drogon was heard again. Now, closer than before. It felt like an inevitability.

Jon had a choice in his hands, then.

To stick to the old plan, or to keep improvising.

The smoke intensified. Arya, no doubt about it. Letting him know she had managed to extract Tyrion from the tower where he had been held prisoner. Jon guessed that if Arya had succeeded on returning to the camp alive, she has alerted Ser Davos on the oncoming attack Jon's instructions would result into. His people would be left waiting.

The battle yells of the remaining Dothraki were a sign that improvisation would have to be his best choice. Daenerys must have already warned them of the betrayal.

Arya flashed through Jon's mind. Sansa and Bran followed. The corpses, forever imprinted in the back of his eyelids.

He thought of Tyrionーtheir constantly-interrupted historyーbrewing between them.

In hindsight it wasn't much of a choice.

"To the square!"

The dragon took off again. Jon inhaled, ash thickening in his throat. Everything smelled of damn Death.

Jon hadn't assumed to be alive for this part of the plan. He had kept hopeーa fool's hopeーthat Daenerys would just… stop.

Despite being armed with the perfect weapon to stick in her chest, Jon had suspected he would be unable to carry out the final blow. So he had fucking hoped.

While he distracted the Queen, he had planned for Arya and Tyrion to be out of King's Landing and on his way to Winterfell, so that by then consequences of Jon's betrayal would be felt only in his skin.

Another idiotic notion, Sansa would say.

Rhaegal circle around the arena of the Dragon pit.

Jon tugged at the horns he was holding onto and tightened his legs like a horse ride. The dragon even snorted like one when it felt the movement, perhaps feeling its own amusement. Rhaegal followed where Jon pictured in his head almost immediately.

Objectively, Rhaegal wouldn't be an opponent for Drogon. Its wings still hadn't healed properly from Viseryon's attack, and the flight to King's Landing had costed Dany another weapon against Euron's navel troops, since Rhaegal hadn't been able to fly at their pace and had been left behind on Dragonstone.

So, Jon would have to opt for the second best blow on Daenerys's militar defenses.

For this, Jon deliberately closed off his emotions. The ubiquitous voice of Ned StarkーHe shut down that too.

There would be no honor in this.

In his mind, Jon visualized the Aegon's Hill that led to the Red Keep, the central point where the formation of Unsullied had chosen for their station.

Rhaegal obeyed.

Drogon was coming straight towards them in the opposite direction. Jon held on and tugged again at Rhaegal's horns.

-UpUpUpUpUp. FollowTheSun!

Rhaegal was lighter. Being smaller than its brother aided its agility. It was capable of sharper turns. Jon encouraged the dragon to continue upwards; to hide in the dazzling source of light. Daenerys would avoid attacking them openly; she would avoid hurting Rhaegal directly, her motherly love incapacitating her for a moment.

A moment that Jon could transform into a victory.

-You're naive if you think this kind of sentimentalism cannot be used against you.

Up up up.

Then, they fell.

Jon saw land rushing towards themーAegon's hillーand opened his mouth.


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NdA: Catharsis, come to me!

Although the built up to Evil!Danny was the most ridiculous storyline ever, Dumb and Dumber did it. Now I would like Jon to deal with her as she is now. This is why I chose this point in the story as a start. As a writer, if you made me choose between Cersei's or Dany's POV, I'm more attracted to explore Daenerys as an opponent.

And also? Rhaegal's death was just stupid.

Stay tuned for more Jon/Tyrion sexual tension + Jaime/Brienne being clumsy in love in the next chapter.


Keligon, issa tresy = Stop, my son.

Sōvegon = Fly high.


Gods Gate & Aegon's Hills are book canon location of KL.