My Dearest Wife

I feel that I must travel to the Capital and help establish the new government. Hopefully I will be home before the baby comes. If it is a boy we will name him after my father, Jasper. If it is a girl Cordylia after my mother…I miss you so much.

With Regards

Your loving husband

Jon Arryn

Jon sends the letter by messenger. It had stopped snowing and the skies are clear, the sun is shining. The weather is still cold and in some places the snow is high. He writes the letter the night before and then leaves for the Capital the next morning with Robb. They leave by Dragon as Daenarys, Jon, and Tyrion stopped at Winterfell to rest the Dragons.

They stop at Riverrun to pick up Lord Edmure. In all the trip takes six days including the stops they needed to make and time it takes to feed the Dragons. Upon arriving in the Capital everyone gets settled before a meeting is called. The meeting takes place a week later in the throne room to accommodate the guests.

"I believe the first order of business that needs to be discussed is the Stormlands." Varys says speaking up.

As they talk food is served, "I suggest we legitimize Gendry Waters…" Robb says speaking up, "He fought bravely at Winterfell. He is the son of Robert Baratheon."

"I support that motion."

"I protest!" Lord Estermont says, "My House was allied with the Baratheons by marriage…

My House should be elevated to Lords of the Stormlands."

"Gendry should be rewarded for his bravery. We cannot allow the name Baratheon to fall into obscurity." Jon Arryn says, "He may be a bastard, but he still has Baratheon blood."

"And who would give their daughter to such a man."

"My sister Arya Stark has grown very fond of Gendry…The two can be the Lord and Lady of Storm's End."

Reluctantly Lord Estermont agrees. Next they discuss the refugee situation and reconstruction. Work teams are already burning the scores of dead. With Tywin, the Mountain, and Lorch dead there was no one to put on trial for crimes against House Targaryen. Tyrion had explained to Daenarys the reason Jaime killed her father so the issue was dropped and Jaime given a pardon.

"What of the Night's Watch?" Robb asks.

"With the Night King dead…" Jon says speaking up, "…We feel that the order is no longer needed, but the Free Folk have agreed to occupy most of the Castles on the wall. Just in case…Also we will continue the practice of offering criminals a chance to serve on the wall…"

"Does that mean you will not be returning to the Watch?" Robb asks.

"No I will not."

They discuss other matters and then Dany names Ser Jorah as Prime Minister of Essos to rule in her name. When every possible subject is addressed, Daenarys announces her engagement to Jon Stark. Her coronation takes place three days later. A feast is held, but Jon is anxious to get home and since he had pledged his support to the new Queen Jon heads for home.

Before leaving Jon meets privately with Robb, "I hear your wife had a son."

"You heard right My Lord."

"I have always liked the idea of a marriage alliance with Houses Stark and Tully…If my first child is a girl or we have other children would consider a bethrothal?"

"Of course."


Jon travels by ship to Gulltown and then across land to the Eyrie. Isabella is eight months pregnant. Jon dives into being a husband and Lord. Jon does not pay attention to the passing of time and a month later Isabella gives him a baby girl. They name her Cordylia Arryn; a feast is held and Ravens are sent out. The other Lords of the Vale cannot attend because of the High snows. Jon finally is able to become the father he always wanted to be.

"How many do you want?" Isabella asks lying in his arms holding the baby.

He smiles, "We have time. We will wait a year."

"I want to give you a son to carry on the family name."

"I'm not going anywhere." A year later they have another daughter and name her Bella Arryn. And a year and half after that she gives birth to a son and they name him Jasper. Cordylia grows into a beautiful young woman and on her tenth name day is taken to Winterfell to meet her betrothed.



The Winter lasts nine long years. During which time Robb and Talisa have five children. They name them Torrhen, Robert, Lyanna, Cora, Arryn, and Theon. Within three more years Joan and Catey are born. Torrhen is a lot like his Grandfather Eddard Stark. Robert is like Robb in more ways than one, he inherits his father's warging ability. Lyanna takes after her Aunt Sansa and Cora is another Arya. Arryn and Theon are the most mischievous of the bunch; they to inherit the ability to Warg.

Joan takes after her older sister Cora and follows her around. Catey and Sansa are the best of friends. Arryn and Theon are sent to ward with Lord Arryn at the age of eight. Cordylia wards with the Starks at Winterfell. She and Torrhen fall in love as they grow up around one another.

Robb is a better Lord and Warden than his father. He hates being compared to his father, because he feels Eddard Stark would have made a better decision. Robb spends a lot of his time trying to keep the peace between the Lords of the North and the Free Folk. Not an easy job with the Winter over and the roads open. Eventually both sides learn to live in peace.

"A Raven arrived from Storm's End My Lord…Your brother by Law Lord Gendry Baratheon is hosting a Tourney."

Robb takes the letter. He sighs after reading it, "I don't have time for a Tourney."

"Make time." Talisa says.

"Yes…" Catelyn says, "And we will be able to meet Gendry and Arya's children."


Arya and Gendry marry five years after the Night King's death. Then by ship they travel to Storm's End. A year later she gives birth to a son. They name him Robert Baratheon. Then there is Syrio, Stephon, and Sansa. When the Winter is over Gendry holds a Tourney two years after snows melt. Robb comes with his family, the Queen and Lord Protector show up with the young Prince on Dragonback. Prince Aemon is eight years old. He has two siblings Princess Rhaenys (6) and Princess Elia. Jon Arryn and Isabella attend as well with their children and wards.

The Tourney lasts a week and ends with Ser Donald Selmy son of Arstan Selmy of Harvest Hall. He wins the Joust, the sword, and the archer contests. Gendry had participated and was unseated in the final match by Ser Donald.

"He should have yielded to his Liege Lord." Robert angrily says. He is six name days old. As the oldest Gendry and Arya allow him to attend the feast. The other children are in their shared room being watched over by the Septa.

"I think your father did well." Arya says to her son.

"So little Miss I will never marry and be some Lord's wife…How is married life?" Sansa asks teasing.

"Fine how is Old Maidenhood."

Sansa is actually engaged to Lord Brandon Tallhart. "That's enough you two." Catelyn says. "It took the right kind of man to change Arya's heart and mind about marriage."

Arya smiles lovingly at Gendry, "Yes it did."

Bran had grown distant and spends a lot of time by himself. It is his niece Cora who is able to keep him grounded. Eventually Bran goes to visit Greywater Watch. He reconnects with Meera and they eventually marry. Rickon becomes a Knight of the realm and travels the world. He meets a young woman in Braavos and they marry. Ned the youngest gains Knighthood at twenty and one. He joins the Queen's guard.



Tyrion and Shae have a baby the first year after the Night King's death. They name him Tommen. She has two daughters, twins they name Joanna and Myrcella. Their youngest is named Tytos. When Gendry's Tourney comes up the Lannisters refuse. There is still bad blood over the death of Tywin Lannister. All his children are born regular size people. The Maester believes they get it from their mother.

Tyrion is kindhearted and a generous Lord, but when he has to Tyrion shows the strength of House Lannister. "I want to go to the Tourney!" Tommen complains.

"You want to go smile in the face of the people who killed your Grandfather?" Myrcella who is ten asks.

"It is a show of weakness not to go. The Lion does not concern itself with the opinions of the sheep." Tommen had heard members of his family say those words.

Trion smiles, "No son, but we do not deal with only sheep."

"Whatever sigil they brandish their opinions still do not matter."

"I understand your opinions son. I do not go out of respect for your Uncle and Great Aunt. They asked that we not attend." When Tyrion says this Tommen lets the matter go. Family is very important to him. It is the one lesson Tyrion drives home to his children.


Tyrion once told Jaime that he would find love again. He did and eventually marries Lady Alysanne Lefford. They have a son they name Tywin after Jaime's father. His name will be Tywin Lefford to keep his mother's family name alive. The truth about the Mad King had spread across Westeros thanks to Tyrion and Varys; so many people stopped calling Jaime Kingslayer and oath-breaker. He was counted among the heroes of Westeros

Three years after Gendry's tourney Jaime is invited to capital. As he rides through the streets people cheer and throw rose petals before him. The procession heads for the steps of Baelor. Many nobles are present including Robb Stark. "Ser Jaime Lannister…Take a knee." Daenarys proclaims. "For your unwavering bravery and upstanding morality in the face of madness and tyranny. I Daenarys Targaryen Empress of the East and the West Proclaim this day to be forever celebrated as the Day of Ser Jaime Lannister…The Day of the Young Lion.

No longer will he be called Kingslayer, but a hero of the people."

"I was not expecting all this." Jaime says to Daenarys, Jon Stark, Tyrion, and Jon Arryn.

"It was Lord Arryn's idea." Jon Stark says.

"Your brother did most of the planning."

Every now and then Jaime looks at Robb and he him. Eventually the two make their way towards each other. "I'm surprised to see you here Lord Stark."

"I'm here because my brother the Lord Protector asked me."

"Must be nice to have a Queen protecting you."

He smiles, "I didn't know I needed protection."

"You killed my father."

"And your son killed my father. We were at war."

"We could finish our war in a duel. Just me and you."

"The Lannisters always pay their debts…But not this time. It warms me at night Ser Jaime knowing how bad you want your revenge, but can never have it." He watches as Robb walks away tempted to punch him in the back of the head.

"Lord Stark!" He stops and looks back, "Enjoy the Day of the Lion." Robb raises his goblet in salute. Jaime returns to Golden Tooth a week later.


She had been in hiding with a close friend and ally of her father's. When Gendry held his tourney Brienne attends. Her father is also at the Tourney. "My dear sweat daughter…" They hug, "…By the gods I thought I lost you."

"I missed you father."

"And I you."

The bounty on Brienne's head was lifted after Daenarys became Queen. Not that anyone was looking for her after Stannis was removed from the Iron Throne. Still Lord Tarth was not willing to risk his daughter's safety and instructed her to stay hidden. Brienne also attends Daenary's proclamation feast for Ser Jaime Lannister.

She is at the table and accidently bumps into Sandor Clegane. "I am so sorry…" She pauses looking at his face.

"What the fuck you looking at?"


"You're a woman?"

She frowns, "Yes I am…Again excuse me I did not see you." She turns to look back as she is walking away. There is a man Ser Bronn talking with Sandor.


Bronn looks across the room and watches as Brienne bumps into Sandor, "Who is that with Sandor?" He asks to Tyrion.

"Lady Brienne of Tarth."

He smiles walking across the room. Bronn had recently married a young woman, not of noble birth, but a young beauty living on his lands. They married after the snows melted three years ago. It was a large wedding and many lords of the west showed up. More so to gain the favor of the Lord of Blackwater Castle; it is well known that Bronn is very close friends with Lord Tyrion Lannister. His young wife had already given him a son he named Tyrion.

"Destiny sometimes starts out like that you know."

Sandor looks at him, "What the fuck you talking about?"

"I saw Lady Brienne bump into you…The Maiden strikes again."

"Piss off…No woman would want the likes of me."

"She's not just any woman is she? Brienne of Tarth…Wanted for killing King Renly. They say she bested two knights the day Renly died. She may not be a beauty say like the queen or Lady Margaery over there, but a beauty in her own right. If I were not happily married I would have a go at her."

"You are crazy."

"Maybe…But where is a monster such as yourself gonna find a woman suited to be a match for the Hound?" He pushes Sandor, "Go get her big man."


His feet started walking in her direction. She wasn't an unattractive woman, just tall for a woman. And she seemed awkward in the dress she is wearing. Was it destiny, that she bumped into him? Much of what Bronn said made sense. "Why the fuck am I walking towards her?" Sandor asks to himself. Brienne is talking with Margaery Tyrell.

"I swear it my lady."

"I believe you Lady Brienne…" They stop when Sandor walks up, "Ser Clegane…"

"Excuse me ladies…Um…Thank you for saying that Lady Tyrell…But I'm not a Knight."
"Lord then…With your brother dead that makes you the Lord of Clegane's Keep."

"Yes it does…I…I…"

She looks at Brienne then Clegane and smiles, "Excuse me. You know what they say, two is company and three is a crowd…"

"Wait you don't have to…" Brienne says, but she walks off before Brienne can stop her.

"I just wanted to apologize for my rudeness earlier."

"No need to apologize the fault was mine."

"Right…I heard what happened with King Renly…I was wondering if you would tell me the story."

She looks around, "Well I have told that story so many times. What is one more?"

"You seem uncomfortable." Sandor says after she tells him about Renly.

"I always am in these settings."

"So do I…You want to leave?"

"With you?"

"If you don't mind being seen in the company of a Monster."

She sighs, "Are you trying to win a bet with Ser Bronn of the Blackwater?"

He frowns, "No why would you say that?"

"I saw the two of you talking."

"He said that I should apologize to you if I spoke unkindly."

"Oh." Bronn was right and that is how their relationship began. Sandor didn't know if it was destiny, the hand of the Maiden or dumb luck. He and Brienne had a lot in common, as they both had been the butt of many jokes throughout their lives, because of their looks. A year later they married and had eight Children together. The world became a prosperous place and enjoyed many years of peace under the rule of Daenarys Targaryen and the Jon Stark.

The day finally came when Jon Arryn's daughter Cordylia marries the heir of Winterfell Torrhen Stark. Everyone related by blood and marriage is present. Even Tyrion is present with Shae, but he is there, because Jaime gave his okay and because of Dany and Jon. Jon Arryn the ever proud father is able to give his daughter away looking forward to the day he can hold his first grandchild.