The familiar looking figure catches Sakura's eye. He has his back towards her, not granting her the view of his face but that spiky blonde hair combined with the orange jacket. It only takes one guess.

"Naruto?" she walks up to him. Not having expected him of all people in here.

"Oh? Sakura?" he looks surprised, a little too surprised, overly surprised even. "You were here!"

"Well, yes. I work here Saturday and Sunday."

"Right! Right!" he nods, "I had totally forgotten."

"What're you doing here?"

"Oh! I just came to grab a few magazines. You know, it comes very handy. Being an entrepreneur isn't easy," he holds up the magazine. Making the girl narrow her eyes.

"That's… a cooking magazine."

"Ah?!" he takes a quick glance at the cover, "Of course! I mean I'm a single man living alone. I need these."

Sakura watches him in confusion.

"Aaaand AND," he says, as if remembering something all of a sudden, "I was thinking I could go cook something for Sasuke."

It takes her a few seconds to catch that.


She blinks.

"As in… Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Do you know ten other Sasukes?" he rolls his eyes at her, "Of course it's him. He's so hopeless," he shakes his head from side to side, like he's completely disapproving.

"What… happened to him?"

"He didn't tell you?"

"No… I mean… We're not exactly… close…"

That isn't a lie. She hasn't seen neither heard from him since he dropped her to work a week ago.

"Well, makes sense. He didn't tell me either. I only found out because I turned up there without notice."

"Found out what?"

"He's been down with high fever. For the past four days. But that idiot still keeps working and… He doesn't take care of himself. Doesn't even tell his mother since she'll worry. To put it bluntly, he suffers alone."

"Why doesn't he take some medication? He doesn't even need to go out for that. He could have it delivered to his place?"

"He can't accept that he's sick. Hurts his pride."

"What an idiot!"

"Right?" Naruto smiles awkwardly, "I mean, dude, you're a human being. It's only natural that you get sick. Just accept it and take some medicine and get better. But who's going to tell him? He just doesn't listen. He's very stubborn."

"That he is." Sakura thinks for a while, pressing a finger against her chin. In the past when she was 'going out' with him, that was one thing she learnt about Uchiha Sasuke. He has a PhD in stubbornness. "Are you going to his place now?"

"No," he shakes his head, "I'll go in the afternoon. I was thinking I could make him something for dinner. I mean I absolutely suck at cooking and have no idea what to cook for a sick person but that bastard is my friend and I can't just let him die like that. Although, I have a feeling that he might just shut the door in my face." He sighs. As if defeated. "Why does he have to be such a prick?"

"Do you think…" Sakura contemplates the idea in her head before voicing it out loud, "He'll let me in?"

"You?!" Naruto's blue eyes go wide, sparkling like diamonds, "You'll go to his place with me?"

"I'm asking you. Do you think he'll let me in?"

"Of course he will. One hundred percent. As soon as he opens the door, I'll shove you in front of him. He won't be able to kick you out like me. He doesn't treat me like a human being."

Sakura chuckles. "He won't be mad?"

"Not at you. That's for sure."


"I don't mind being yelled at if it's for my friend," he places his right hand over his chest, "I'm that type of a person." Making Sakura giggle.

"Then, you don't mind if I tag along?"

"Mind? I'll be SAVED," Naruto joins his palms together, the magazine sandwiched in between, "Please. Help me save my friend."

Sakura laughs out loud.

"By the way, don't tell him. I'm sure he'll make up excuses to drive us away. You don't know him yet. He's nasty like that."

"Ah! Shit! I forgot!" Naruto exclaims loudly as they stand there in front of the door.


"Juice. I was supposed to buy apple juice." Without giving her a chance to speak, he presses the doorbell. "I'll be back in a minute." And he storms out of the corridor. Leaving behind an absolutely, utterly confused Sakura.

What the hell is wrong with him?

There's a clicking sound of the lock opening. Catching Sakura off guard. Within a moment, an overwhelming feeling of self-consciousness assaults her from all sides. Almost prompting her to run away. But it's too late for that since the door is open before she knows it and there he is. Looking at her with a faint, very faint frown on his forehead.


"I..." she feels unprepared. Very unprepared. Now that Naruto is suddenly gone, leaving her on her own to face Sasuke. "I…" she helplessly looks at the corridor.

Somewhat confused, Sasuke tries to follow her gaze, to see if there's something that could give him a clue regarding what exactly is going on. But he finds nothing. Making the frown on his forehead go less faint.

"Would you... like to come in?" he steps aside, making room for her.

She stares at him, her green gaze a little distraught. But then she nods and steps inside. "Naruto…"


She takes in a deep breath. Reminding herself that she has spoken to him already, damn she literally gave him her notebook! She has come clean about everything.

I don't need to run away from him anymore.

"He said he'll be back buying apple juice."

"I'm not getting it. At all."

"He came with me. I mean, he brought me here."

"Makes sense since I don't remember giving you my address."

"Are you mad I'm here without asking you? I didn't mean to intrude, I just wanted to cook you a meal since you're sick. But if you don't want me in your house, I'll unde-"

"What did you just say?"

"I'll understand-"

"No. Before that."

"I…" she watches him, as if unsure, "Wanted- to- cook you a meal…"

"Yes and why is that?"

"Since you're sick?"

"I'm not…" now Sasuke watches her with narrowed black eyes, "Sick."

They stand there. Looking at each other. Then, Sasuke sighs. Opening the shoe cabinet, he brings out a pair of fluffy grey slippers, "Here."

"Th-thank you." She slips them on and with small hesitant footsteps, follows him inside. Her heart beating a little fast out of nervousness and thrill.

I'm at Sasuke's place.

She sees the papers and the laptop on the table in front of the kitchen island. "You were working."

"Ah," he walks past her and pulls the chair, starting to click the keys of the laptop, "Give me a moment. I'm done. I just need to send this mail."

"Uh, hmm," she nods, "Do you mind if I put this in the kitchen?" she holds the paper bag up.

"Go ahead." He returns his attention back to the laptop.

Sakura walks into the kitchen. Immaculate, and stylish, and modernised. Very different from her own kitchen in that old apartment. She puts the bag on the counter and looks around. The sleek looking black coffee machine draws her attention. Most of the apparatus here are black, including the glass-top cooking stove with three burners and the handles of the knives in the wooden knife holder. Or dark grey like the fridge and the microwave or the water purifier hanging from the wall. Which doesn't surprise her at all.


She almost jumps at his deep, almost husky voice so close to her ears, making all the fine hairs on her skin stand up. Turning around, she finds him right behind herself. A little too close. So close that she has to bend her neck to look up at his face. And for some reason, it makes her cheeks heat up.

"Y-your mail?"

"I sent it," he says casually. "Do you want some ginseng tea? My Mom gave it to me."


"Yes, tea." He looks like he's rolling his eyes at her without actually doing it in action. "I have coffee but I don't have milk and last time I checked, black coffee wasn't your thing."

"Yes, I'd like some tea," her nervousness makes a grand come-back, this time courtesy of a different catalyst though, making her throat go dry. She tucks a strand of loose pink hair behind her ear, "I- wonder what's taking Naruto so long," she smiles awkwardly.

"Ah. That idiot," Sasuke turns on the electric kettle, "Given he brought you here with a lie, I'm almost sure he isn't coming back."

"Wha-" Sakura takes a step back, holding the kitchen counter for support, almost getting a heart attack.

Sasuke eyes her head to toe, a small frown on his forehead. Then turning away, he grabs a glass. He fills it with cold water from the purifier.


"Eh?" she looks at the glass, fine droplets of condensation gathering on the outer surface.

"Water. You look like you're about to die."

"Ah. Oh. Wa-water." She grabs the glass and downs the cold liquid in one go. Making Sasuke's frown deepen.

"Do you want a refill?"

"Ref- Yes. Yes."

He turns around, filling up the glass again.

Calm down, Sakura. Calm down.

"I wonder why he lied to me like that."

Sasuke turns back to her, with a straight face, "I think that'd be because he's trying to set you up with me." He releases the glass, thinking she has held it. However, the sudden unexpected words leave Sakura unable to tighten her grip around the glass. And it slips. Falling on to the clean wooden floor and shattering into pieces.

"I- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Sakura as if dives into the floor, "I'll clean it up. I'll pay for the loss. Uh!"

Sasuke shakes his head.

"You're really annoying. Do you know that?"

He grabs her by the hand and pulls her away. A little too easily.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"I swear if I hear you say 'I'm sorry' one more time, I'll lose it." He inspects the small cut on her finger and drags her to the sink. Running the tap, he holds her hand under the water.

Sakura feels like she wants to disappear into thin air, her feeling of embarrassment reaching a new peak. But at the same time, she also kind of does not want to because she likes the way Sasuke stands behind her, his taller form looming over her, his hand holding hers.

The fuck am I thinking?

Get back to your senses, Sakura.

She shakes her head. Urging herself to wake up from her weird fantasies.

"Ah." Her skull hits his chin. "The hell are you doing now?"

"I'm s-" she remembers his words from earlier, "Please forgive me."

She hangs her head as Sasuke scowls at her.




"That should do it," he studies the Band-Aid wrapped around her index finger.

Her long and slender and small and perfect index finger.

"Thank you," her voice is like a whisper, mingled with shyness. And a blush painting her cheeks. Which Sasuke's hawk-like gaze doesn't miss.

"Hn," the room starts to feel a little hot to him all of a sudden, even with the air-conditioner on. He lets go of her finger and heads towards the kitchen without another word. However, Sakura follows him. Or she attempts to. But he turns around. Not looking very pleased.

"Do me a favour. Just sit there. I can clean it up myself."

"B-but I-"

Seeing the frown on his face, she decides to shut up and just goes back to sit in the corner of the comfy grey couch. Feeling very mortified.

"Here," Sasuke returns to her side after a while, finding it somewhat amusing the way she almost jumps out of the couch at his voice. He extends a hand towards her, a china plate with a tea-cup on it.

"Th-thank you," Sakura's hands shake a little as she accepts the cup from him. Afraid, she'll drop it, he reaches out, intending to support her. Their fingers touch for a fraction of a second and he feels an electric current like thing whirling in his bloodstream.

Damn hormones!

Not wanting to let his inner turmoil show up, he takes a sip from his cup. A slow, long sip. Savouring the flavor of the ginseng tea. But also buying himself enough time.

"So, you came here to make me a meal because you thought I was sick? That's kind of… nice."

He smirks at the way her cheeks turn redder.

"Of course it would've been even nicer of course, had you not ditched me on our wedding but anyway..."

He takes another sip.

"What are the lies he fed you?"

She looks at him, swallowing hard, not immediately getting the sudden change of topic. "Well… He… He said you're sick… But don't take medicine because you can't accept you're sick… It hurts your pride…"

"That's him," Sasuke narrows his eyes.


"He does that. Last time he was sick, he didn't tell anyone and suffered for an entire week before his mother sensed something was wrong and turned up at his door without any notice. The only reason he didn't get his ass whipped was because he was sick. I don't do that kind of stupid stuff. I'm very health conscious."

"Oh," Sakura nods. Not knowing what else to do.

He gets up from the couch, tea-cup in his hand and walks back to the kitchen counter. He takes a peek inside the brown paper bag there.

"What were you planning to make me anyway?"


"Sounds boring."

"I… thought you were sick."

"Well, to be honest, I'll take anything homemade at this point. I'm tired of eating takeaways." He shrugs.

Sakura watches as he takes out a pale grey, almost white apron and puts it on. Rolling the sleeves of his sweatshirt up to his elbows. His arms are perfect, just the correct amount of muscles. Much like his entire physique. He's tall and lean and...

All of a sudden, Sasuke turns her way. An eyebrow raised.

"Are you checking me out?"

"Wh-what?" her face feels like it's on fire, "What are you talking about? Why would I check you out? I was just… thinking."

"About me?"

Seeing her freaked out expression almost makes him chuckle. He's having a little too much fun.

"I mean, you made it very clear in that journal of yours how 'painfully handsome' I am and how you've spent 'night after night without a wink of sleep' thinking about me."


The biggest mistake of my life!

Just the reminder that he has her notebook makes her feeling of embarrassment reach a new record high.

Why did I have to give him my notebook?

She could have just told him, but NO. She had to get carried away and hand him that damned notebook with unnecessary details. She feels like pulling her hair out of her scalp.

"Give me my notebook back."

"I'm not done reading it," he takes out a chopping board and a kitchen knife from the stand. Washing them in the sink. Calm and composed.

"You've read enough."

"I don't think so."

She glares at him. And he glares back. Accepting her challenge.

"Fine," she stomps into the kitchen. The tea-cup in her hand. She puts it on the counter. Not too gently.

"Easy. You already have a glass to compensate me for. Do you want to add a cup and plate to that? These come in sets. It won't exactly be easy on your pocket."

She gives him a look, like spewing fire through those green eyes of hers. Then, pulls the chopping board and knife from him.

"What are you trying to do?"

"Cutting the chicken. What does it look like?"

She takes the chicken breasts out of the bag.

Sasuke's eyes narrow a little. Then he pulls the knife and board back. "You've done enough cutting for today."

She stands there. Not getting it. Until the Band-Aid on her finger catches her eye.

"Are you serious? This?!"

"Yes," he takes the chicken to the sink for washing, "You're not holding a knife in my kitchen today. I don't want to call an ambulance."

She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Then what am I doing?"

"Giving me instructions, washing stuff, stirring a pot. I don't know. How do I slice the chicken by the way?" He doesn't even look her way as he asks.

"Thin strips will do."

She starts looking for a bowl. To soak the rice. Making a lot of noise with each movement to let him know she is pissed. Not like it's going to make him change his mind, he's stubborn as fuck. But it's the only thing she can do. Arguing with him is no use. Coming here was a mistake. And stupid. And maybe several other things. She should have known better, seen through Naruto's very obvious trap, she's smarter than this. It was just that when she heard he was sick, the logical side of her mind decided to go on a sudden vacation leaving her with this strong urge to be there for him.

But here he is. Bullying her.

Given what she has done, it wouldn't be unnatural for him to despise her. Had the roles been reversed, she'd despise him too. And she is aware of it every single second she spends in his proximity. Or even when she's away from him. However, his attitude doesn't exactly look like he's doing it out of malice. It's more like he's pulling her leg just for the fun of it.




"It's not bad," Sasuke comments, "Although it's just porridge."

"Porridge is good," Sakura rolls her eyes. Blowing on the spoon before taking it to her mouth. "By the way, why do you only eat takeaways? You can cook."

"I can," he shrugs, "But I don't have time. I got a promotion. And it's not exactly fun."

"I thought promotions were good?"

"It's not bad. But it's like a double-edged sword. On one hand your rank goes higher. So does your salary. That's good news for sure. But then you have people working under you. And you're responsible for them. I'm not good with people. Being after someone's ass, having to make sure they're doing their job properly, that's not my thing. I liked it better when I was only responsible for my own work."

He reaches out, casually taking out a tiny piece of garlic skin stuck in her hair.

"How about you? How are things at the university?"

"Fine. I mean, the usual stuff. Lectures, assignments, deadlines, sleep deprivation, feeling like I'm on the brink of death."

"You don't like it?"

"I don't hate it. But you've been to uni too. Let's admit it. It sucks."

"Hard to disagree."

"But yes, since this time I'm studying something I actually enjoy, it's worth it."

Sasuke nods slightly as he mouths another spoonful.

"This is pretty decent. And making it wasn't that much of a hassle. I'll have to write down the recipe."

"Let me tell you a trick then."

"Enlighten me."

"The way we made it today, we cooked the rice and the broth together. Right?" she places her elbows on the tabletop, lacing her fingers together. "But if you want, you can just make the chicken broth. Without the rice. Store it in the fridge. When you want porridge, take some of it out and add some rice to it. Boil and you have porridge. Or add some noodles and you'll have noodle soup."

"That's… interesting."

"Right? I do it all the time. Or say, for fried rice. Make some fried rice with corns and spring onions. Keep it in the fridge. Then, take some out and add whatever you're feeling like adding. Eggs, chicken, bacon, prawns, crab meat, anything. You can also add some spices, sauces, herbs for different flavours. I do it all the time. I cook on weekends and store them in the fridge. I don't like eating out. It's okay once in a while. But for daily food, I think eating homemade is healthier. And cheaper of course. And I actually like cooking." She smiles happily.

"I like it too. And I do cook. Asking my mother for recipes. But those are very elaborate, time consuming dishes. I can only make those when I have an off day. But your strategy is good. I'll give it a try."

"If you need help, feel free to give me a call."

Sasuke smirks, seeing her bursting with enthusiasm all of a sudden.

"When I was new here, it was such a big challenge for me. I didn't want to eat out because I didn't want to go broke. Back then, I didn't have a job yet, so I was worried about money all the time. I'd just buy instant noodles and throw in an egg, and whatever vegetable would be on sale that day. That was my meal. Slowly, as I spent more time here, I found work and well, things got better," she shrugs a little, "I mean I did have money from my old job but if you're only spending and not earning anything, it's going to run out."

"It was difficult. Huh?"

"Yes it was," she giggles, "I didn't know anyone here. And the city is just… so intimidating? Tall buildings, malls and plazas, way too many people, too much light and noise, it's very overwhelming. And I felt so self-conscious all the time. I remember I got on the wrong train once. Because with all the different lines, it's so confusing. Then when I realised, I got off. And I felt so embarrassed, so embarrassed. I felt like everyone was laughing at the stupidity of this small town girl who didn't know the first thing about Konoha city. I felt like I didn't belong here."

"And what about now?"

"I love being here. I've made a few acquaintances, I feel more confident now. And the thing about big cities is people mind their own business. They're too busy to be wasting time laughing at someone else. I'm not saying it's good or bad. But I needed that. Because it was a huge challenge for me, stepping outside in the world full of people. Because people were the reason I had withdrawn from the world in the first place. Everywhere I went, people were talking about me. They tried to make it look like they were worried about me. But actually it was just because it was fun, it was their entertainment. I was like their circus. A relative, my mother's cousin's husband, like I haven't even met this guy till this day, my Mom went on yelling at me one day because he was going around talking about how I had lost my mind and was on the path to ruin my life. The fuck? I had to talk with people with a smile as they wished me good luck and said I was very brave to have the courage to try something new this late while being completely aware that as soon as I turned my back, they were going to laugh about how crazy I am. It was a shitshow." She shakes her head. "It was too much to take, in the end I stopped going out and locked myself in my room. I deleted my social media accounts because everyone looked like they were doing so great. A promotion, a new job, getting engaged, married, going on extravagant holidays, buying a new house, having kids, everyone was showcasing their never ending list of achievements and there I was. Locked in my room with a pile of books I didn't even have the energy to open. I started to feel so inferior. I had already stopped going out, I stopped opening my windows even, I stopped going to the dining table because I didn't want to see my parents. I'd bring my food to my room and eat alone. I felt tired all the time, and slept a lot. And then blamed myself for being so lazy and not studying for the coming exam. But I just… I was exhausted. I wished I'd fall asleep one night and never wake up again. I didn't want to live anymore but didn't have the energy to do something about it."

"Reading your journal I was thinking," Sasuke takes a sip of water from the glass, "Why didn't you see a therapist?"

"It's expensive," Sakura laughs, "But also because of the stigma. People were already calling me crazy, I didn't want to prove them right."

They sit in silence for a while. Looking at each other across the table.

"Do you want to see a therapist now? A colleague of mine was seeing one. I could ask him."

"You're so nice," Sakura smiles at him, very easily, very casually, "But I don't feel like I need one now. I'm doing fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Uh huh. This is the happiest I've ever been in my life. But thank you. For understanding. I don't usually tell people about it because I don't expect them to understand."

"Hn," is all he manages to get out of his mouth.




"I'll drop you off," Sasuke grabs the key as Sakura prepares to leave.

"Wha-" she turns around, eyes wide in surprise, "You don't have to- I'll take the bus."

"I know I don't have to. I just want to," he switches off the kitchen lights, "You came here to cook me a meal because you thought I was sick."

"Well, I-" her face feels hot and her heart starts hammering against her ribs like crazy as he comes to stand beside her, nonchalantly putting on his spotless white sneakers.

"I love going out for a drive once in a while," he opens the door and holds it for her, "Besides, it's not fair you know where I live but I don't know where you do."

She almost, almost feels like he's flirting with her. And it all gets way too confusing in her head.




"I'll give you a call once I'm done with your journal. Things at work are a bit hectic at the moment so it'll take me some time."

"Don't worry about it. Take your time."


Sasuke eyes the five-storey building painted in light yellow in front of his eyes. It's kind of old, but not like a haunted house. It's simple without unnecessary embellishments and is in a safe neighbourhood. In other words, it's okay. And it has balconies. Small but a balcony is a balcony still.

"Which floor do you live in?"

"Second floor. First door on the right. Flat number 301."


He notes down the number in his head.

"Thank you for dropping me, S- Mr. Uchiha."

It almost makes him roll his eyes the way she corrects herself so hurriedly. As if afraid he'll chew her head if she doesn't.

"I got home much earlier so now I can work on my assignment."



"You can call me Sasuke."

She blinks. The chaos in her head getting messier.

"Sa- Sasuke?"

"Yeah. I'll be dropping the Haruno as well."

"Hmm," she nods. Unable to form proper thoughts. Words out of question.

She turns around one last time before walking through the front door. To find Sasuke's car still there, across the street. She lifts her hand and waves a little. If he returns the gesture, she doesn't get to see it due to the lack of enough illumination. But she believes he nods a little. And her cheeks heat up. A thousand thoughts unleashed in her head.

What exactly do you think of me, Sasuke?

The other day he made it very clear that he's still pissed at her which makes complete sense given what she did. But at the same time, he's also like a friend, a very good old friend who really, truly understands her and all her struggles and her flaws. And he accepts it all like it's no big deal. Even offering his help. Just the fact that he doesn't hate her is more than she could ever ask for. So, she doesn't want to have expectations and she does not have expectations. But then, there are moments… like when he dropped her off the other day or today, when he asked her if she still loves him, or when he said it was okay for them to go back on first name basis.



Sasuke feels like her friend, Sasuke is someone she feels very close to, someone she holds very dear in her heart, someone she now believes she can actually trust. Sasuke feels her own, unlike Mr. Uchiha. Who was cold and distant and unfamiliar and...

Her thoughts start to get all tangled up inside her head as she climbs up the stairs. Wondering about when he's going to finish reading the notebook and call her.

She never got over him.

She never thought she did though. But now that he's here again, becoming a part of her life, appearing in front of her from time to time, it hits her in the face like a ton of bricks.

Where is this going to take me?

There's a warm feeling spreading through his heart as he recalls how she turned up here, shopping bag in hand, to make him a meal because she thought he was sick. She was worried about him.

She still loves me.

It's not up for debate. It's a fact he knows. At first from intuition and now from her notebook. It's information. And somewhat of a problematic one.

And what makes matters worse is the knowledge that he himself is no better.

And he hates himself for that. A little bit. For sympathising with her. For putting himself in her shoes and seeing things from her point of view and taking her side. Him of all people.

She hurt him. She lied to him. Made him look like a fool.

He should just turn his back and not give a fuck. But why did his heart flutter when he returned home after dropping her and got this faint smell of cherry and milk and what else lingering in his living room?

The time she was here, cooking with him and all, it was fun. It was so fun it was annoying. He isn't an extrovert by nature. He doesn't like people, he doesn't ease up to people, he doesn't let his guard down in front of them. There are few exceptions. Very few. And why is she barging in there? Once again?

Why on earth did he offer to make her tea and cook dinner with her? Why did he let her inside his flat in the first place?

He needs to cut ties with her. If he had anything resembling reason left in his brain, he'd run in the opposite direction at her sight. Because she has this weird charm, like a witch, she as if holds his heart hostage. And he becomes powerless in front of that spell of hers. And therefore, even when all the common sense in the world urges, screams at him to kick her out of his mind, his life, the sirens going off with bright red lights, he does the exact opposite and wonders about how their next meeting will be.

Maybe it'd be easy. It'd be easy had she tried to defend her actions. Had she been stubborn. Had she fought back when he confronted her. But she didn't. She didn't put up any resistance. She put up the white flag before he could start the fight.

That's how annoying she is.

And then, she loves him. And as bizarre as it sounds, he thinks he loves her too. And this could be so poetic, so romantic, so adequate under normal circumstances but it's not. It's not because there are sentiments other than love at work here.

Distrust on his part. Guilt on hers.

It's one thing making peace with the past, it's different taking the risk of dragging it to the future.

Maybe it's a mistake.

Maybe he should have just listened to her and given her the notebook back. Ending things for ever.

But he has always been one of those who instead of getting intimidated by risks, get thrilled. Playing safe has never been his thing.

Sasuke takes a sip from the beer bottle, enjoying the cold refreshing late night air on the balcony. His gaze fixed far far away. Upon things that aren't in front of his eyes.

Note: I'm glad you guys don't think Sasuke is too OOC. I personally think someone's character is determined by two factors, the internal factor, i.e. the core, the person they are inside and the external factor, the surroundings, people around them and events in their life. So, when I place a character in a different universe, to a certain extent they're gonna be OOC because one major factor is changing. I take pre-massacre baby Sasuke and put him in different universes because that was the purest form of him we saw. And the fun thing is even in the original story, Sasuke has always opened up to Sakura. He talked to her about the massacre during the bell test. From the very beginning, he somehow eases up to her. I picture it as he has this high wall built around himself, and whatever he allows into the outside world gets filtered through these walls. But for Sakura, at this point as his wife, she actually is inside the wall, she sees the real him.

Lots of rambling. Just wanted to clarify that I'm not losing sleep worrying about making them OOC, it's a different universe, he has had a different life. He's gonna act a little different. I'm not making him act like Rock Lee of course.

And please don't feel like you have to to leave me reviews. Reviews are very motivating but I don't want them to come from a place of obligation. I want them to be real. So only leave me a review if you mean it. And every reader is very important to me. Even the silent ones. Thank you all for reading my story. I love every single one of you.

Hope you all are doing alright, times are difficult it feels like a miracle that I'm still alive. Take care.

Lots of love,

June ❤️
