
Everyone has a backstory. Not because they need to, it's because that it's impossible not to. Your backstory is your history. It's all the things that brought you to where you are today. It's your memories and experiences. Mara Pendt has a backstory. She just didn't think about it. Because no matter what, your backstory includes pain. Hers included a lot of pain. But that's wat helps us grow. Pain brought Mara to where she is today. And she wouldn't change a thing about it.

The first thing you need to understand about Mara is that she doesn't stand out in a crowd. She once had hair that faded from a light turquoise to teal in a long braid that cascaded down her back. She once had slightly tan skin with a tattoo of a barn owl on her left arm. Sometimes she remembered seeing her dark green eyes in the reflection of a mirror. But that isn't what she looked like anymore. Now she looked however she needed to. But you'll hear about that later. This is about her past. We have to finish creating the past. Mara was part of the super soldier program where she met Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison. She was Soldier 32, and one of the only females to have joined the program. Despite this, she was one of the best and she helped with everything she could in the omnic crisis. Then in 2068 she was caught in that battlefield. There was a tough battle and she had stayed to try to help another soldier. To many good people had already died in front of her. She wasn't going to lose anyone else. She had already lost to many people. It didn't matter though. A new type of omnic arrived and she gave her life to stop it. To save one soldier and thousands of bystanders. How can this story be about a dead person though? What do you mean she died? She lived. But her life changed, and that can mean giving up the one you already have. When she took it out a power surge device dropped. It would've taken out power within miles of it, and innocent lives would be lost. So, without thinking Mara threw herself onto it. After it detonated no one saw her again.

She didn't die. Not entirely at least. Mara Pendt, Soldier 32, hero that gave her life was still there. But now there was someone else there to. Glitch was born that day. She and Mara were the same person. But Glitch would glitch whenever she wasn't focused on staying whole. Lena Oxton, now going by Tracer, needed a chronal accelerator to stay in this timeline. Glitch needed something similar, but more suited to her problem. Whenever she wasn't focusing on keeping herself together she'd start to glitch like a computer screen. She couldn't touch anyone, no one could clearly hear what she was saying. It was torture. Copying the tech was easy, and she wore it on a small wristband on her left hand. It took her a year to get the hang of her powers and perfect her bracelet. She was going to Overwatch. She was going to find Jack and Gabe and she was going to make thing right again. She was going to pick up where she left off with Gabe and everything would be fixed. And then the Overwatch headquarters blew up along with everything she'd loved.