It was 12:00 pm. Charlie snuck downstairs like a whisper in the night. She dashed out to find bumblebee who sat where she left him, he was shivering. "Bumblebee!" She whisper yelled "come on, you need to turn into a robot though."

The shaky bot did as told and followed her inside. Her house was bigger than he thought. She took him by the servo and lead him up a flight of stairs.

" mom and dad can't know your in here, if they find you as a car they will just probably be confused on how I got you in here, but as a robot!" She pulled him closer, her tone became dark and low "they might send you away" Bee gasped at that

But I don't want to get sent away!!! His expression clearly said. "It's ok, I won't let that happen." She then opened a door and let them in. Locking it behind them.

"This is my room, is a bit messy but feel free to make yourself at home!" Bee took that time to look around. Her walls were light blue and she had a lot of pictures of fancy cars along them. She had a large stuffed cloth, he soon learns is called a bed, that she recharged on.

She took a large blanket from her bed and then a pillow. She placed the pillow next to her bed and then patted it "This will be your bed" she said gesturing for him to lay down. He sat on the pillow and curled up into a comfortable ball. She then covered him with the blanket and tucked it under him.

Bee sighed, this was nice. Charlie dipped down to the point where Bee could feel her hot breath on his face. "Goodnight Bumblebee." She planted a kiss on his forehead before climbing into her own sleeping area.

Bee took one more glance at her before letting his lids cover his optics

"Good night...Charlie"


Starscream sat in front of the ships control center. BW-j13 sat strapped to the ships wall laughing and garbling for no reason what so ever. Starscream clenched his servo into a fist, resisting the urge to throw the youngling out the window. He slammed his fists onto the wall the baby was strapped to "would you shut up!! You have literally nothing to be happy about!" He froze and stared at starscream with big sad optics. The con just rolled his optics and continued to watch the monitors on their Coordinates.

Earth was close at this point and they would land in approximately 10 nano cycles. BW-j13 whimpered, he felt so confused, he didn't completely remember what happens to his carrier or sire, he just knew they were gone. But he and a few other Orphaned con sparkling had been found by Megatron, and for some reason... he was assigned a new guardian.

Starscream obviously wasn't Fond of him. Maybe if he just stayed silent he won't aggravate him anymore then he already had.

The ship broke through the earths atmosphere causing the ship to shake violently. The movement caused BW-j13 to slip out of his straps and fall to the ships floor with a hard thunk. He screeched and waddled frantically towards the older con and grabbed his leg. He emitted a loud cry in fear.

The ground was coming up fast, the impact would be rough. Starscream looked out the window at the upcoming ground then at the baby clutching his leg.

"Ugh fine!" With a swift move he reluctantly lifted the sparkling into his arms and held him tight. "I'm only doing this because if you die I'm going to get punished.." the baby con didn't necessarily care that he was only saving his life for his own benefit, at least it meant he would survive.

BW' clenched his optics, he felt the impact of the ship as it busted the forest floor and he and starscream went flying.

The blue and red con tumbled and the child went flying out of his grasp. BW landed helm first into a pile of dust and dirt. He lifted himself up weakly and coughed up a clump of dirt. His head throbbing in pain. He looked around At the foreign world around him. He cried A loud squeak in destress. The sound of loud big foot steps echoed as Starscream ran to the youngling and picked him up, shaking him and brushing of the dust from the fall.

"Are you ok?" There was legitimate concern in his tone. BW-j13 gave a reassuring meep and a nod.

The two cons both looked up in awe at the unfamiliar environments. The blue sky filling with smoke from the flaming ship, "woah... this place is so different from Cybertron...

It's so... organic." Starscream breathed and slowly started walking away from the destruction The sparkling In is arms cranes his neck to give him a confused expression. "O-gan uh?" He questioningly garbled.

"What? Organic? That means the beings are soft and disposable... like this planets dominated species."

He ex vented moving BW' into his servos and holding him by his armpit so he was eye level with him "you think you can walk kid?" He gently placed the child on the forest floor. BW-j13 stood up weakly and wobbled at the attempt of taking a step. Starscream lent down so the young one could grab his digit to gain balance. BW looked up at him and his face plates curved into a warm smile.

Something dawned on Starscream, why was he being so kind to such an.. annoying span? This.. thing was forced upon him He should Despise this needy being and should have left it to die when he had the chance... but, something about the way the young one looked at him so fondly was unbearably sparkwarming.

It wasn't till the soft giggling of the sparkling caught his attention that he realized that its small servo was still hooked around his digit. His face tinged with embarrassment(even though there was literally no one around the two to judge him) he, Starscream, being a softy all because of a random newspark.

He cleared his throat awkwardly "u-uh, don't get used to this, this is a one time thing." The baby con peeped contently and ran forward pulling Starscream with him. Starscream took this time to explore their new environment,

The plants and small animals that passed by were so very unusual to the cybortronians, since cybortron was technically made internally out of metal and they didn't really have animals or plants at least not like the ones here.

Something caught the The blue and red con's optic and he stopped cold in his tracks, BW-j13 let go of his digit and ran ahead. Starscream came close to something wedged in the ground. It was a piece of metal thriving with cybortronian energy... blue energy... blue! Autobots have blue sparks... that could only mean this was from...


Starscream turned quickly to see the sparkling running to him with fear in his optics. He ran behind him and pointed ahead as something in the bushes moved. Starscream squinted his lids "what the-?"

Suddenly a large brown furry organic came out of the bush.

It stared at them with beady black eyes and bared it's teeth. Starscream knew very little about this planets indigenous life forms but this one was of no superior intelligence.

Now, this animal compared to the con was not very big, the size comparison was equivalent to a human and a medium sized dog. The creature growled and stalked closer to them. Starscream quickly scanned he creature, his programming of various earth organics said to it be called a Ursus arctos, brown bear as commonly called by natives.

Starscream put his arm in front of the youngling and backed up slowly, although the animal was no real threat to him it easily take out the baby in one go. The animal charged for the two with a defensive roar, tackling the older con and crashing to the ground. He winced slightly as the bear bit him digging its teeth into his metal arm, iridescent purple fluid leaked from the teeth marks it left. The animal was about to claw at him again when BW-j13 suddenly came from behind and pounced on the animal, knocking it and himself across the dirt ground. The organic glared at BW with disgust and weakly got back on its feet to attack him again, he swat a large clawed paw but the youngling dodged it, he may have been only around two years of age, but he was programmed to be skillful.

Something inside the baby must have cracked, because he let out an angry squeak and pulled out his arm missiles and amid them directly at the organic's face, as to warn it that it should back down while it still could. Unfortunately for it, it didn't get the message and it hissed and stood on its hind legs.

With that BW fired two missiles one struck the side of the animal's face and the other hit its abdomen.

It fell to the floor with a helpless thud. It whimpered and struggled to stand up, no fatal injuries but the fur was burnt off in the spots that got hit. Starscream stared as the animal scampered away in fear. Starscream got up, shaking slightly in shock for the youngling's sudden mood change. BW sat on the ground venting heavily as he closed his arm cavity. He got up and waddled to his watcher and reached for him. The older con smiled weakly

"wow.. I guess Megatron wasn't kidding when he said you would be a helpful soldi-ugh!!" Starscream Groaned and clenched a servo around his injured arm. BW whined in concern and placed his servo on top of Starscream's as to ask 'are you ok!?'. He chuckled "hey, I'm ok. nothing fatal... a few patches Here and there and I should be fine."

His face plates curved into a smile "but... It probably would have been a lot worse if you hadn't shot that earth bear." he patted BW's head gently with his digit "you got a lot of blitz..." he said and the younger blushed and fluttered his large jet wings. Something in Starscream's mind clicked. He hummed "blitz-wing... I think I'll call you that from now on."

Blitzwing looked up and grinned 'blitzwing?' He thought proudly 'I like that.' Starscream turned and got up to walk towards the glowing blue metal shard from earlier. He had completely forgot about the mission. He pulled the shard out of the ground and observed it.

"Yep... just as I thought." It was more then just Cybertronian, it was from the b-127. It was to small and discombobulated to determine what it was exactly, what but...The blue energy on it was most likely Energon from a possible injury the child got from the landing. This, would be useful.

He went back to blitzwing and picked him up, he then opened his servo to the child to show him the shard. He grinned evilly.

"I think we might have found a way to track down B-127."


Bumblebee buzzed in his recharge, this was probably the most Time of recharges he's gotten in the past few solar cycles.

But he got an unnecessary wake up call when he was bashed in the face with a pillow. He opened his groggy optics to the sound of a femme's soft giggle. He sat up and standing in front of him was Charlie, holding her pillow up like a weapon and whacking him again.

"Good morning sleepy head!!"

He glared at her playfully and rubbed his optics with his servos. Charlie sat next to him on the floor. She smiled widely "how'd you sleep buddy?" Bee twitched confused "what's sleep?" Charlie cocked her head "do robots sleep? Or do you power off or something?"

Bumblebee just shrugged and turned his head in the other direction. Something caught Charlie's gaze, there was a large gash in the bot's neck, blue sparks cracking from colorful hanging wires. It had to of hurt, how did she not notice this earlier!? it didn't look like a minor injury!

The girl's hand rose and involuntarily inched its way to the bot's neck, fully aware she might get electrocuted. Her finger had just barley grazed the edge of the gash before Bee jerked back abruptly. Standing up His servo gripped to his neck and he back away from her, he looked at her in fear, almost betrayed.

"Hey hey!" She put her hands up and crouched down to show no harm. "Bee... buddy it's ok I-I I didn't mean to..." she stuttered, scared she had just lost her friends trust. She outstretched her hand to him.

Bee knew she had no intentions to cause him pain, it just was an unexpected gesture. He vented, with a servo still cupped over the wired filled hole he stepped closer till his face made contact with the human femme's hand. Her expression became soft once again "I'm sorry...did I hurt you?" Bee shook his head.

Charlie wanted to question the knew found pain causer on the bot more but forced herself not to, he seemed sensitive about it.

She decided to change the subject, "wait... how am I gonna get you back outside so mommy doesn't see you.." she hummed and taped her chin. Her gaze landed on her window. "Oh!" She pusher bee by the shoulders towards her window.

Bee looked a her puzzled as she unlocked her window and opened it revealing her front yard that lead to the driveway and road. The two pulled themselves up onto the windowsill. "Ok so you can climb down my wall and you'll be outside and I'll meet you there in a few minutes" Bee looked down at the grass below then back at the girl. His eyes showed hesitation "aww don't worry it's less then a... three foot drop." She helped the small bot up onto the edge of the windowsill. "Ok.. Brace yourself!" And with that she pushed him and he fell face first into the wet morning grass.

He sat up and rubbed his helm. He could help but glare at the femme who laughed at him lovingly. She quickly put a hand over her mouth "I'm sorry! Are you ok!?" She choked out mid laughter. Bee nodded and stood up.

She looked around behind him "ok can you turn into a car now I don't want the neighbors to see you." He buzzed and transformed so now a toy car was in front of her. She smiled "good." Bee heard her close the window and scamper in the opposite direction.


Charlie skipped down stairs and to the table were her mother had made her a bowl of her favorite cereal she eats every morning.

"You seem happy.." her mother said, otis was cradled in her arms with his hands shoved in his mouth. Charlie smile widened and she ate a spoonful of the marshmallow cereal in front of her. "Mmh-hmm!"

Her mother glanced at the clock, she gasped, "oh no, ok I got to get to work!" She walked to the living room to place otis in his play pin, she then grabbed her purse and walked over to place a kiss on Charlie's head "bye sweetie." Charlie giggled "bye bye mommy."

Her mother started for the front door, she stopped before exiting it "oh, Charlie.. did you remember, your friend Memo is coming over for a play date today." Charlie's eyes widened,

Oh yeah! How could she have forgotten... she could show bumblebee to him!! They would have so much fun'


Bumblebee! She left him outside!

And with that thought she ran upstairs to get into some clothes that weren't her onesie.


The next chapter will be out soon, hopefully,