A/N: (If you read the last chapter — Love in the Wind — too soon after I uploaded it, I recommend you go back and take a look at the A/N section again. I added a bit more information that I forgot originally.)
I've gone through every chapter and made edits. Chapter 1 I've completely rewritten (most of you probably already know that), and chapters 2-14 I've gone through and done thorough revisions on (meaning I read through the entire chapters, changed sentences, dialogue, and even whole paragraphs). The rest I only went through with Grammarly to weed out grammatical errors, as well as removing outdated Author's Notes that are no longer relevant. If anyone's interested in rereading the story, now is the best time to do it because it's in its final state. Officially, I've made my last update to this story.
Writing this story was a great journey, and I'm thankful for the amount of people that were along for the ride. Your continued support was a huge motivator to keep me writing so consistently. I uploaded the first chapter just barely over a year ago now, and it's with great sadness and pride that I upload this final author's note. Thank you to everyone who read this far.
Now that the story's over, I beg you to review and let me know your thoughts. If you have any questions, I'll answer them. If you have any criticisms, I'll be pleased to hear them (I only ask that you state them in a respectful manner). I care about what you think and respond to every review I get.
My next project, which I'm very excited about, is currently in the works. If any of you liked my writing enough to want to see what I produce next, then please hit me with a private message or a review stating as such and I will message back when I upload the first chapter. It's going to be another fanfiction, but it won't be for Percy Jackson. It's for a show/anime called RWBY. I'm writing a complete AU, so watching the show isn't mandatory, but it's recommended (it's all free to watch, after all). As of writing this Author's Note, I'm still in the planning phase and still have a lot of work to do before I can get started writing the first chapter, meaning it'll likely be a few weeks before it's up. So again, if you're interested, PM me or leave a review stating so and I'll tell you when.
Below the line break is the old Author's Note I wrote a couple of weeks ago notifying you when the Prologue went up. I'm leaving it here for those who haven't read it.
In case you missed it, the Prologue has been uploaded. It's a brand new chapter from Daedalus's perspective, and it's the first chapter (obviously), so go back and read it. After you read it, come back here and read past the spoiler alert.
Also, I threw together a new cover art for the story. I think it looks nicer than the old one, while still keeping the same theme.
SPOILER ALERT (Don't read this until you've read the prologue):
Okay, it's not that big of a spoiler, but whatever. I planted clues toward this a while ago, mainly in the guy's name, but yes. Daedalus's execution was ordered by Jason's step-father, though he was under the influence of Minos's ghost. If you Google Catreus, the first link will tell you that the original Catreus was King Minos's son and successor as ruler of Crete. That, coupled with the fact that Catreus Grace was legatus before Marcus, during the time that Daedalus was assassinated, were the clues to this. It's not exactly a groundbreaking revelation and doesn't change anything about the story, but I still wanted you all to know.