Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, or any characters.

With Sakura

It's been a week since their last encounter. If Sakura saw him again, it would be way too soon. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to see him though. It's just a matter of whether she's ready to tell him.

The real question is whether he still likes her or not. He probably doesn't. He probably still brews on how she used to treat him and on how she just treated him. She's such an idiot when it came to feelings.

She sat on her windowsill, the little scratch marks on them showing the times that Naruto got in late from a mission and would crash there. She would let him, after all he is a friend. She would ask him how his mission was, and that conversation turned into another, and then that would turn into a friendly debate. Then they would just laugh because neither of them were going to win, then they would get tired and Naruto would carry her back to her room.

She always wanted to reach out to him and pull him down and cuddle up to him and feel his warmth. She always wanted him to stay with her. She hated waking up to see his notes left on her alarm clock that would say that he left and didn't want to wake her up. She wanted to…share a home with him. Judging by the way he used to treat Konohamaru, and other kids in the village, there was no doubt that he'd be an amazing father.

Why did he feel so out of reach? It feels like he's miles away, but she could show up to the Hokage Tower any day and see him. So, why doesn't she do that? It's…complicated, even though it isn't at the same time. She loves him, no doubt, but why does it feel like it's one sided?

She can't stop thinking about what she did to him. She didn't have to go anywhere, she was just too much of a wimp to tell him how she really feels. He doesn't deserve to be treated that way anymore. She can't do that to him. She has to go apologi…ze.

With Naruto

Did he do something bad to her? The way she talked to him, the way her chakra felt, the fact that she was in a hurry. Did he do something to upset her? Sure, it's been a week, but it keeps bothering him. Sakura is the closest person to him, and the thought of upsetting her is, well…upsetting.

He didn't know what was wrong, though. Before that time, he hadn't talked to her for months. It's not like it was his fault. He was only in two places during the day…at the tower, or at his house. She knew where he lived, and she knew he was always in the tower. He used to see her and would wave, but she would always look the other way like he was a nobody.

But, again, they hadn't talked for two months. It's like ever since he started dating Hinata, she became more and more distant. Wait. Two months…Hinata…dating. She was mad because he started dating Hinata and didn't tell her. But, why would it matter? It's not like she liked him. She was always with the teme. Speaking of the teme, wasn't he supposed to be visiting last week and this week?

He stood her up again. She's probably at her house now crying her eyes out. He needs to see her whether she's mad at him, or not. He can't let her do…wn.


"Wh-what are you doing here?" Why was he at her house? And why did he look mad?

He took a breath to regain his composure before speaking. "The teme was supposed to be visiting today and last week, but I see he hasn't come?" Sakura nodded at his question. "Typical. That bastard." Naruto scoffs, looking away before turning back to her.

"Anyway, I came to see if you're okay, after all, you do like him." Hearing him say that made her heart ache.

"Actually, Naruto, I was looking for you. I…have to talk to you about something." Sakura said, a light blush adorning her face. Naruto took notice but dismissed it.

"I need to tell you something too, Sakura-chan. But you go first." Sakura nodded and let him in as they sat down on the couch.

Naruto looked around, taking in his new surroundings. 'She changed some stuff around in her house,' he thought, 'usually we go shopping together.' He sits down, saddened at the gesture.

Sakura turns to him, her emerald green eyes locking with his cerulean ones. She shakes her head, feeling herself getting lost in them.

She exhales, preparing herself for what she's going to say. "I'm sorry." They both say at the same time making them both have a confused expression.

"Why are you sorry?" Sakura says to him as she points a finger at him.

Naruto scratched the back of his head. "I thought you were mad at me because I started dating Hinata without telling you first. I'm sorry if I upset you, Sakura-chan." Sakura sweat dropped. He couldn't be serious.

"I'm not mad at you, Naruto." Sakura heard him give an audible sigh, which almost made her laugh. "I'm sorry because I've been avoiding you. The truth is, I'm not the best with my feelings, and I don't really know how to portray them. With Sasuke and everything, stuff has been pretty crazy, but that's not the reason why I'm avoiding you."

Naruto looked at her with a puzzled expression. "So, why are you avoiding me, Sakura-chan?"

Sakura looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm avoiding you because…because…I love you, Naruto. I didn't know how to tell you and I didn't know if you still loved me. The day you told me to meet you at Ichiraku was the day I was going to confess, but then Hinata was with you and I saw you guys holding hands. I didn't bother because it hurt me too much." Sakura finished and looked at him. His face was expressionless, like he was a machine.

"You might not feel the same way and that's fine, but I at least want to still be friends." Sakura said, but Naruto still had that same expressionless face. As she was about to get up, Naruto grabbed her by the waste and slammed his lips on hers. She was stunned, but she eventually relaxed into the kiss.

When they separated, Naruto held her close. Her face was buried in the crook of his neck as he stroked her hair softly.

"Hinata and I ended because I couldn't get over you. It didn't feel right with her in my arms, or visa versa. But, right now, with you in my arms, this feels totally right dattebayo." Sakura looked up at him.

Naruto put a strand of hair behind her ear. "Everyone told me that Hinata is the perfect girl for me. When I started dating her and I felt like everything felt fake I went to baa-chan. She told me one thing that made me realize that Hinata isn't the one and that you are. She told me, 'Variety is the spice of life.' That's when I realized that you are, and always will be, my spice of life."

At this point Sakura was crying and she threw her arms around Naruto and let the tears flow. After a few minutes she stopped her crying and looked at Naruto.

"Does this mean that we're together?" Sakura said.

Naruto took her lips in a passionate kiss. Naruto looked at her after they separated. "Does that answer your question, Sakura-chan?"

Sakura brought her hand up to Naruto's cheek and ran her fingers along his whisker marls, eliciting a purr from him. "I love you, Naruto."

"I love you too, Sakura-chan."

Tormint: Finally done! I really enjoy writing NaruSaku because the pairing just flows so perfectly.

Also, this is my first time using 'dattebayo' in one of my writings.

As for "My Only Weakness", I'm working on how to write a lemon. I've been doing some test drafts, but none of them seem good, so they're in the bin with all my other NaruKuro fic ideas. Lemons are surprisingly hard.

I don;t know when I'll be done with that, but I'll try to get it out soon. I'm on summer break, so I'm free to write whenever.

I have other story ideas in mind, like a Naruto x OC story, but I kind of want to get done with My Only Weakness first because I have ADHD and I tend to get sidetracked from the main objective easily. If I get into my Naruto x OC story, then I'll never get My Only Weakness done.

Anyway, I think I've rambled on for long enough. Don't forget to review, and I'll see you guys later.

Tormint out!