Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: This story contains explicit scenes, unrealistic proportions and actions regarding the human body, and other content suited for mature readers only. If such content does not appeal to your eyes, please press the Exit button and leave, you have been warned!
From now on, I am including the above warning in every chapter because I realized some people just can't read properly or rather don't want to read properly and say that there is too much smut. THIS IS A SMUT WITH PLOT STORY!
Thank you so much for the reviews and love guys, you are the best!
Thunderofdeath97: Well, not unless I want them to play a significant role in the story. But I can still mention in passing if possible.
Solochrollo: Lol, sorry for that dude. I didn't realize that I was burdening you so heavily by posting such a chapter in November.
Training Room, Xavier Institute
"There are four of you and I have five hours of spare time on my hands. One hour for one on one training and another for team spar should be enough" Naruto announced firmly, giving the gathered teenagers a pointed look that promised absolute pain if they refused an order or tried to get away. "Everyone except Kurt, get out and wait for your turns"
The rest of the mutants gave their tailed friend a sympathetic look and hurried out of the training chamber, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire of whatever the redhead would probably dash out.
Sharp blue eyes glued to the backs of his two students, the ancient redhead momentarily enjoyed the view of plump booty cheeks rippling in skin-tight body suits before gathering his thoughts and turning to his nervously sweating trainee. "Now then Kurt, tell me all about your powers"
Needless to say, the German mutant was not expecting such a question as he blinked several times. "Huh?"
"Are you deaf?"
"Umm … no?"
"Are you asking me or telling me?"
The amusement in Naruto's tone snapped the boy out of his stupor as he coughed in embarrassment. "Telling you, sir!"
"Good, now answer the question"
"Well, basically I can teleport from one point to another very quickly" the furry mutant tried to explain as best as he could, having not expected such a thing. "But I have to see or know where I am going"
The Dimension Hopper nodded softly, rubbing the underside of his chin in thought. That was quite a nifty technique if the obvious limitations and requirements were overlooked. "How far is your limit?"
That gave the tailed teenager an unexpected pause, as he rubbed the back of his head in nervousness. "I haven't … really tried to see my limit … yet"
"Then let's find it"
"Yes sir!"
An Hour Later
"I can't feel my legs" a tired voice mumbled in the corridor as Nightcrawler literally crawled up to the elevator, formerly clean suit litter with cuts, bruises and burn marks as he groaned in exertion. "I can't feel my anything!"
If it wasn't for the fact that they were mostly going to be in that very same situation pretty soon themselves, the three teens would have been laughing their asses off after seeing their normally cheerful and energetic friend practically crawl to the elevator like a wounded dog.
"So who is going to be next?" Jean asked unsurely, a delicate sheen of sweat visible on her forehead as she observed the state of junior friend. If the redhead was able to tire out someone as energetic as Kurt within one hour, then she could only shudder in fear for her own fate.
"There is, like, no way I am going in there!" the youngest of the three exclaimed fearfully, stepping back in fear as the door to the training practically glowed a dark purple. "I'm outta here!"
Sadly for the young Phase-shifting mutant, the elevator doors were locked, leaving no way for any of them to escape before their turns.
"Shadowcat, you are up next?"
Jean and Scott sighed in relief, wiping away the sweat gathered on their foreheads. Phew they were saved for the next hour.
Kitty, unfortunately, wasn't feeling the same way.
"He is, like, going to kill me" the Phase-shifting mutant mumbled in fear, stepping back from the ominous looking door of the training chamber. Did that room's door always had a skull design on it or was that just her imagination?
The rational part of her was terrified of the possibilities, but another much more dormant side was practically frothing at the mouth. The lewder and suppressed side of her being could only drool in anticipation in what the redhead had planned for her.
Maybe when she entered, she would be restrained and ravaged like a meek prey. That gloriously monstrous cock would stretch out her little cunt like rubber and reshape every inch of her love hole to the shape of that beast.
He would keep her restrained and pound her for days, never leaving her holes unplugged with thick meat or unstuffed with gooey stream of baby batter!
The short girl only latter realized that she had shouted out loud when her dirty imagination had gotten the better of her… if Jean and Scott's surprised looks were any indication.
"Kitty, you ok?" Jean asked calmly, giving her friend a questioning look. The little brunette was never the type to shout out loud even if she was angry. The surprising thing was that there was nothing that could've warranted such a reaction.
A healthy tinge of redness flashed on the bubble-butted mutant's plump cheeks. How could she tell her friends that she, the supposedly most innocent girl of their school, had just wetted her lower lips in arousal from fantasizing about their hunk of teacher hammering her stupid? Not to mention that her choice of fantasies were anything but innocent.
After all, innocent girls aren't supposed to imagine tied to a chair, striped of all clothing and getting stuffed with the thick slab of man-meat of their gorgeously handsome teacher?
"I a-am fine"
"Kitty, get your pretty little ass in here right now!"
"Eek! I am coming!"
Cyclops and Jean watched as the short brunette took deep breathes and tentatively entered the room, automatic doors closing shut behind her. They had no idea that Kitty was actually trying to control her arousal and try to ignore the wetness between her legs.
The two childhood friends listened with batted breathes, hoping to get a feel of how Naruto was going to train them. All they got was Kitty's loud squeals and moans of pain.
"Is it ok to say that I am scared of that dude?" the chestnut-haired mutant muttered weakly, wincing slightly when Kitty released a loud squeal, followed by the sound of a controlled explosion. "It's like a warzone in there!"
"Glad to see we are on the same page" the busty redhead retorted, heart sinking in apprehension as her sensitive ears picked up the sounds of Kitty screaming and their redheaded teacher releasing maniacally evil chuckles with each explosion.
An Hour Later
Steeling herself for what may be the most difficult time of her life, Jean Grey nervously strolled into the Training Room, jumping in uneasiness when the door behind her slammed shut. She had a perfectly valid reason to feel so jumpy.
After all, she had witnessed her junior friend limp out of the room covered from head to toe in bruises. Her eyes were blank and devoid of life, missing the usual vibrancy and mischief glinting those blue orbs. Neat body suit frizzled, burned and slashed everywhere.
In fact, if she was honest with herself, Jean secretly thought that Kitty had done an amazing job coming out as she was considering the explosions they had heard outside. Then again, shifting through solid matter was a handy technique.
Seeing their new teacher standing still in the middle of the room, hands crossed over his naked torso and … wait a minute, naked torso?
As soon as her eyes focused on the apparently shirtless redhead standing only clad in a pair of black pants, her entire world crumbled around her. The young woman could feel her cheeks heating up and burning warmth traveling all over her body to a certain place between her legs.
A nosebleed threatened to slide down her nose as her eyes tried to focus anywhere but on the redhead's chiseled chest, muscular arms and even … his crotch without actually meaning to do so.
Somewhere deep in her mind, the personality that had awakened since Naruto's arrival and one she had suppressed after hearing the sheer lewdness of her ideas… stirred once again. The changes in outlook of the situation immediately forced the redhead to look away and save herself from the onslaught of disturbing ideas sprouted by her inner self.
Sadly, it was too late.
'Jean, what the hell? I was enjoying the show!'
The redheaded mutant could only groan at her inner self and would've grabbed her by the ear to give it a few twists if she was real. 'Keep your hormones in check and be quiet!'
'How in the nine hells can you resist those muscles? Just look at them! I can't wait to wrap my mouth around…'
'He is my teacher, I can't think of him like that' the redhead Telepath retorted with a mild blush as she interrupted Inner Jean before she could sprout other things. 'Besides, why am I even talking to you? You shouldn't even exist!'
'Well too bad, I am here and I intend to stay' Inner Jean countered with a wide grin, teasingly nudging her blushing counterpart's manifestation while wigging her eyebrows 'But enough about me, let's talk about the hunk. Can you imagine the sheer size of the cock connected to that redheaded man-meat? I mean he is not even hard and I can already see it from here'
'Shut up'
'Am I making you horny, you prude? Just imagine having your tight muffin stuffed by two long, fat and juicy sausages while I force you to plunder my sweet pussy with that tongue of yours'
'S-shut up' Jean hissed in anger, cheeks glowing red from embarrassment as she looked around the room to see if the redhead could somehow hear her inner self's shameless words or not. She would die of humiliation if he heard her counterpart say those things about her.
Fortunately for her, the professor wasn't here and Naruto had no telepathic powers to know what was going on in her mind.
Unfortunately, that did not stop Inner Jean from continuing with her disturbingly dirty ideas.
'Imagine being knotted like an animal while having both of your tight holes getting rammed, stretched, fucked and pounded like a bitch in heat. Just picture how those two drooling fucksticks would look stuffed balls deep in your sweetly tight holes, firing endless ropes upon ropes of sweet, scorching hot boy-cream into your over-crammed body'
A severely aroused Jean slapped her hands over her mouth when she eventually realized that she had shouted out loud. Her eyes widened in shock, cheeks burned in embarrassment and mouth opened without uttering a single word as she became the focus of the her fellow redhead's curious stares.
"Oh I am sorry, am I boring you with my explanations?" Naruto asked in a sarcastic tone, raising an eyebrow of amusement and interest at the strangely blushing redhead. He hadn't even started yet and she was already shouting at him to shut up?
That was very rude!
"S-sorry, I ... just have a lot on my … mind recently" Jean covered weakly, inwardly cursing herself for the outburst.
'Yeah, like the images of that hunk of man-meat fucking the living lights out of us' Inner Jean chirped 'helpfully', releasing a loud giggle. 'You know… no one is in here besides us and that hung redhead. Just hold him down with your Telekinesis and ride that fat cock of his till you squeeze every drop of man juice out of his balls!'
Unfortunately, Jean Grey realized that training with her fellow redhead would not only traumatize her physically to the point of exhaustion but also scar her mentally, especially now that 'Inner Jean' seemed to automatically awaken as soon as Naruto appeared.
'I hate my life'
'You can always turn it into a paradise if you simply follow my advice and let that horse-dicked stud mount you like his personal breeding mare. Can you imagine the pleasure while he is balls deep inside your sweet little pussy?'
A Few Hours Later
Humming a jaunty tone, Ororo nonchalantly lay on her stomach, long legs swinging lightly to wobble one of the fattest and juiciest booty of the planet with each swing of her long legs as her curious eyes roamed over the novel before her.
Long silver hair done in a high ponytail and leaving a single strand to hang in front of her face really drew eyes towards her bright blue eyes, cute little nose and plump rosy lips.
Moving downwards, a pair of massive tits were mushed against the soft bed and barely covered by her see-through night gown. Her large cleavage drew eyes to the sheer vastness of the dark boobs, making one wonder how fucking those would feel.
A towering shadow appeared in the room without a hint of movement as it moved toward the bed and onto the unaware mutant with a sinister grin.
Ororo raised a delicate eyebrow when she felt a pair of strong hands grope her massive booty cheeks and part them like the person was looking for a treasure before she felt the head of something massive trying to poke into her tiny pussy.
'Oh no!' she gasped in dread, knowing exactly what was going to happen next.
"Goodnight babe!"
"Naruto!" the silver haired mutant shrieked in mind-numbing pleasure as she was impaled by the biggest and thickest cock she had ever seen, tearing her pussy walls apart and punching through her cervix until it punched into the back of her baby oven and almost threatened to rupture her womb from the thrust. "I'm trying to read!"
After regaining her composure from the savage thrust, the powerful mutant turned her blue eyes behind her to shoot the man balls deep inside her pussy an annoyed look, partially deformed by pleasure.
Predictably, leaning over her seductive form and his dick embedded in the deepest parts of her cunt was the familiar form of a tall red haired man with the most intense set of eyes, high cheeks bones, thin lips and red locks swept in a neat, glossy pattern.
Sharp blue orbs penetrated her very soul with their intensity, peering right at her blue eyes and brimming with love, fondness and raw lust.
"You are free to read, no one is stopping you" Naruto answered in a smug tone as he leaned over his dark skinned partner, making sure to force a few extra inches of his foot long meat into her pussy as she gasped. "I came here to say goodnight"
"Yeah right!" Ororo gasped lewdly as inch after pussy-splitting inch of her redheaded lover's cock was pushed into her unprepared womb. "H-how much is left?"
"6 inches more to go" the redheaded Ninja grumbled as he shifted forward, shoving more of his dick into the seductive silverette. "Make that 4 inches"
The weather-controlling mutant could only groan, writhe and squirm as her lover shoved inch after inch of his meat into her pussy. Only half of it was inside her and she could already feel herself full beyond her limit. "Hurry up! I want to finish this novel without your dick balls deep inside my pussy"
"Be patient baby" the redhead assured gently as he wrapped his arms around the mutant's waist and hoisted her up like a ragdoll. "Now this way, I can feed you every inch of the cock you love so much"
Ororo merely squirmed as Naruto sat against the headboard of the bed, holding her up while he positioned himself properly before slowly lowering her down on his throbbing cock. Strangled gasps escaped her pillowy lips as inch after inch of pulsating Uzumaki meat entered into her twat once more, until finally her doughy butt met her hung lover's pubic.
"I feel so full!" the silver haired seductress gritted out in pleasure as she felt the head of Naruto's dong push the walls of her uterus further up her chest, a long cylinder shape forming along her stomach to signify the sheer thickness of the meat inside her pussy. "Finally!"
"So proud of you, doll!" Naruto gushed out in blissful excitement as he sighed in content, idly rubbing the tube-like protrusion on his Ororo's stomach as he leaned her against his muscular chest and reached for a book placed on the nightstand. "Why don't you just enjoy yourself while I tell you everything written in the novel, after all I'm the author. Where were you before I interrupted?"
"Thank you so much for your … fuck that's deep!... generous offer" Ororo groaned sarcastically, biting on her lips as she leaned against the redhead's strong chest while he rubbed circles on her bulging stomach. "Somewhere between you fighting Orochimaru and bringing back Tsunade to your village!"
"Oh yes, so Pervy Sage and I were assigned by the elders to bring Granny back to the village so she can be Hokage" Naruto narrated fondly, gently thrusting his hips into Ororo's cunt while she listened to his story with half-lidded eyes. "We found her gambling and drinking away her sorrows in a town far away from the village"
"Ororo, the professor has been calling for you and sent me to fetch you" a soft but incredibly sultry voice interjected from the doorsteps.
"I will be … ahmm… there shortly, Jean" Ororo answered weakly, raising one of her hands to wave at her lover to stop him from worsening the situation before a glint of smugness entered in the redhead's eyes. "Just … fuck!... give me a few minutes"
"If you say so …" the redhead trailed on, no doubt surprised by the change in the silverette's tone, blissfully unaware that her kind and compassionate teacher snugly seated on their new teacher's massive cock with an almost broken expression on her face.
Gaining a mischievous idea in his mind, Naruto grinned widely and cleared his throat.
"Hey Jean, what's with the commotion?" Naruto greeted smugly, making sure to make his voice appear as though it was coming from the room to next Ororo's as he slowly thrust into his seductive girlfriend, a wide perverted grin on his face.
"Nothing… I just came to fetch Ororo" Jean replied unsurely, eyes still glued to the door as she tried to come up with ways to inquire about her instructor's strange behavior. She could hear muffled moans inside the room, though she wasn't sure if they were from pain … or pleasure.
"Why, what's wrong?"
"Just finish a-already!" Ororo moaned through gritted teeth, both from the fact that her student was unintentionally interrupting the fun and from the gentle thrusts pushing into her cunt giving her almost constant mini-orgasms.
"As you wish" Naruto purred softly as he discarded the book he was pretending to read and grabbed Ororo's wide hips, hoisting her up only to drop her entire weight down on the pulsating meat.
It's not like he was really here to narrate stories to her anyway. He had come to fuck his dark-skinned lover and pump her with his load of the night.
"I am cumming!" Ororo shrieked in pleasure as she was wildly bounced on the redhead's massive dick, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she constricted around Naruto.
"Prepare yourself, babe, because I am going to pump you full of my milk! You want my cock milk to fill up that slutty pussy of yours, right?" the Uzumaki redhead gritted out in pleasure as he wildly hammer into the moaning seductress, bouncing her thicc body up and down his meat like a sex doll.
"YES! I want every drop of that nasty cum! Pump everything into my womb and use my cunt like your personal cumbucket!"
Fortunately for the two, Jean had long since decided to leave the silver haired woman to her devices, one because she could always ask the woman later and two … to stop her perverted inner self from coming up with ridiculously dirty ideas.
If she had stayed, she would have heard her beloved teacher wildly fucking Ororo into the bed, strong hips blurring into the fat ass cheeks of the African woman.
With a mighty roar, the powerhouse speared every inch of his colossal 12 inches dong into his dusky-skinned lover's abused cunt and unloaded inside her.
Soon enough, the last inch of Naruto's massive dick forced its way into Ororo's stretched hole and stuck, unleashing one of the biggest loads of the century into the phat-butted dark woman while she could only drool with a broken expression as she was used like a cumdump.
"A-are you done yet?" Ororo mumbled almost incoherently as Naruto kept himself embedded inside her overly stretched pussy, still pumping scorching wads of thick cum into her womb as her belly bloated steadily with each pulsation of his ball sac.
"Not yet!"
For the next 15 minutes or so, Ororo resigned herself to simply moan, squirm and endure as Naruto kept her plugged with his meat pillar and continuously flooded her abused womb full of potent cum until the very last drop was squeezed out from his balls by her ever tightening vaginal walls.
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