Hello People!
So this is my new story that I will also be working on at the same time as my Harry Potter fanfiction, A Different Time. This is a LOTR fanfiction. There will definitely be some canon divergence but hopefully not too much. Only enough to carry on with the plot. Also the language might not be too close to the time period considering I'm a working 19 almost 20 year old who does not have the time or patience she had in high school to research everything. Also any Sindarin or Elvish dialects will be in italics (unless it is obviously not or you are told otherwise) as my knowledge of the language is pretty limited except for some phrases or certain words. Hope you enjoy my story xx
It had been many, many years since she had last seen this beautiful forest. She had missed the trees, lakes, breeze and even the people. As she walked amongst the tall trees allowing her senses to spread so she could hear the trees talk amongst themselves, feel the flowers dancing with the wind and to see if there was any dangerous life forms around her. When she found none, she continued on her way. Her feet taking her closer and closer to Lothlorien.
Her dark cloak covered her rather short body completely, many people would have easily picked her out as a man especially since her hood obscured her face from view. She was happily walking along, her gaze finding the beauty of the forest in a world so full of death and suffering when she heard what she could only describe as cries of anguish and grief, followed by voices shouting.
Her hand immediately found her sword at her waist. The sword her father had gifted to her. Unlike her kin, she did not name her blade for it did not need one. Her blade was apart of her, another limb perhaps so if it did have a name then she could only think of her own.
Walking towards the noise cautiously, she peeked through a small bush to find four Hobbits, one of which had an Orc arrow embedded in its shoulder, a dwarf with a long red beard and two Men. Each of them looked as if they had battled through the very pits of Mordor to get here and looking at the little Hobbit, maybe they had. She was about to move out of her hiding place to help their friend when she felt something sharp pressed into her temple.
Crap she thought. She must have been so focused on the scene in front of her that she did not think to focus on around her to see if there were any others besides them.
She felt herself being yanked to her full height. "Move" the person hissed at her while pressing their, what felt like an arrow, closer to her temple and pulling her towards their group. The person next to her shoved her onto her knees in front of them.
The group she had been watching all stopped and immediately crowded around the short, skinny, dark haired hobbit with blue eyes and their injured unconscious hobbit companion. She took a brief glance at the person beside her to find a blonde haired elf that looked a lot like the King of Mirkwood so she assumed that this was his son.
"Who are you?!" One of the Men from the group hissed at her, the blade of his sword dangerously close to her neck. Looking at the man, she saw what she saw many of them have. Complete and utter arrogance.
"Boromir, stop it." The other man in their group said, moving his blade away from her chin. This man had chin length black hair that looked like it had not been washed in weeks and a beard that was just beginning to grow. It was his eyes that captured her though. They were a light shade of blue, almost pale that vaguely reminded her of the lake that she use to love visiting with her family when she was young so many years ago.
"Estel, why do you falter? We do not know who this man is. He could wish to harm us." The Elf said speaking to the man in Sindarin, surprisingly.
Eleniel had to resist the urge to laugh. Mistaking her for a man never failed to amuse her especially when they found that she was indeed a woman.
The elf and man continued to argue with each other. She heard some words like I feel that he means us no harm and if he was with Sauron, why would he be travelling to Lothlorien of all places?! She had to admit that was some very smart logic because if she was a servant of Sauron, why would she come here?
Finally having enough, she reached her hands up towards her hood and shoved it off as she spoke, her long dark hair now glinting in the sunlight. She smiled and giggled at the flabbergasted looks on the hobbits, dwarf and man before turning towards the still arguing elf and his friend.
"I assure you that I do not wish you harm, Master Elf. Nor am I a man." Aragorn looked at the elleth in front of them. She had long black hair that curled slightly at the ends, it's length well past what even the elleths at Imladris usually kept their hair at with it reaching almost to her knees and eyes that Aragorn could only think of describing as dark, stormy clouds.
She was beautiful as all Elves were but she, even more so to Aragorn for some reason. The Hobbits swore she was even glowing a little.
The group all stared at her in disbelief and maybe even a little relief as they stared at her then at their injured companion.
"Please Miss, could you help our friend?" The Hobbit asked her. Ignoring the still suspicious looks she was receiving from Boromir, she rushed towards the groaning body on the forest floor.
Examining the wound, what she found was not good. The poison from the arrow was slowly moving throughout his body. Poisoning him from the inside out.
No, no, no she thought looking over the Halflings body for any other wounds and releasing a happy sigh when she found none. Grasping the end of the arrow, she broke it off before taking her cloak off and reaching into her bag for some cloth. Biting her lip nervously, she looked at the wound. She knew what she needed to do.
"You, blonde person," she said, pointing at the elf before handing him the cloth she had. "I'm going to attempt to remove the rest of the arrow. You will need to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding."
Turning to the man with the blue eyes, she regarded him inquisitively before giving him a small pouch of Athelas. "Chew on this until it is a slight paste consistency. I will tell you when to put it in the wound, ok?" He answered yes and she turned to the task at hand again.
She silently contemplated how to get the arrow free but decided on the fast approach so nodding at the elf and man to be ready, she reached out and yanked the arrow free. The small Hobbit let out a cry of pain and thrashed around before the cloth was placed over his wound and then cried and thrashed more once the Althelas covered the wound. Muttering a small prayer to the Valar, she let a small amount of her power move from her fingertips to his wound. She could see a faint white glow emitting from her hand and desperately hoped that the elf didn't notice. Looking at him, she internally sighed in relief as she saw him talking to the dwarf. All of them watched as their Hobbit friend slowly calmed down until he was sleeping, a small smile appearing on his lips. His companions sighed in relief before smiling at her.
"He should be fine for now," she remarked smiling at the odd group. "But you must get to Lothlorien now so that the healers there may check over him again."
The Hobbits all gathered around her, each of them giving her a hug which made her smile brightly. "Thank you for helping him Miss..." a slightly bigger Hobbit than the rest said, trailing off.
"Eleniel. My name is Eleniel."