Chapter 1: The Land of Illusion

The Moon

The Moon is one uninhabitable planet located in the outer space...or so most people thought. What they weren't aware is that the Moon is actually inhabited with beings called the Lunarians. The Moon also had a city called the Lunar Capital, where the Lunarians lived. However, the reason why people never knew about this is because the Lunar Capital houses a barrier that hides it from existence. In the Moon Palace, we see two silhouettes watching a recording of a battle occurring in Earth.

"Hmm, so these are the people who stopped the Chitauri invasion..." asked the silhouette on the left.

"Correct. I believe they call themselves the Avengers." responded the other silhouette.

"I'm impressed that they were able to stop a full-on alien invasion...I guess the Earth isn't so bad after all..." said the sillhouette, which reveals to be a purplish-haired girl with a red dress. "But that doesn't change the fact that the Earth is still impure!"

"But...isn't it a good thing, sis?" asked the brown-haired girl.

"What do you mean?" asked the purple-haired girl.

"I mean they did wipe out the entire Chitauri army, the sworn enemy of the Lunarians. You could say they unknowingly helped us taking them out." responded her sister.

"Hmm...You do have a point, Toyohime." said the purple-haired girl. "But this is just the beginning of what's to come...As long as that Titan is still on the loose, I highly doubt that would be the last time we see of him and his army."

"I agree, Yorihime. The Chitauri are just the tip of the iceberg...Who knows what he's currently doing as of this moment." said Toyohime in an agreement.

"And so, we must plan this carefully if we were to invade Earth. We don't wanna risk revealing our presence in front of the Mad Titan." suggested Yorihime.

"Still, these 'Avengers' people are not to be underestimated, sis. I suggest we don't encounter them along the way." said Toyohime to her sister.

"I can assure you that we won't have an encounter with them, Toyohime. Because we're not even aiming at the Outside World." said the purple-haired girl.

"What do you mean, Yorihime?" asked Toyohime.

"We're actually going after a place where even these Avengers people will not be able to access through! It's a place where it's existence is hidden to the Earthlings just like our Lunar Capital!" said Yorihime.

"You don't mean..." said Toyohime before she gets interrupted.

"That's right...Gensokyo!" said Yorihime.

New York

The year is 2017. The city of New York have been at peace ever since it was invaded by the Chitauri army 5 years ago. However, recently, the Avengers have been divided thanks to the Sokovia Accords, leading to an all-out Civil War between Iron Man and Captain America. Today, we see Tony Stark and his best friend, Col. James Rhodes, looking at the Avengers Tower.

"Are you sure about this, Tony?" asked Rhodes.

"What do you mean?" asked Tony back to him.

"I mean, selling your very own tower?! Dude, that's insane!" responded Rhodes.

"It's fine, Rhodey. Besides, I'm only doing this so that the transfer to our new headquarters will be complete." explained Tony.

"You do have a point there..." said Rhodey.

"By the way, how are your legs?" asked Tony while looking at his leg braces.

"They're doing pretty fine, Tony. Although, I still can't walk normally." answered Rhodes.

"Eh, that's fine. You'll get used to it after a while." Tony reassured his best friend.

"I hope it does." said Rhodey.

"Now, if you'll excuse me..." said Tony as he takes out a device and pressed it.

And suddenly, a car sped up and appeared in front of them.

"Where are you going?" asked Rhodey.

"Going to take care of a certain kid who recently became a superhero." answered Tony.

"You mean that spider kid? Why?" asked Rhodey.

"First of all, it's 'Spider-Man'. And second, it's what he needs right now." said Tony.

"Whatever you say, Tony. Can you at least take me back to the facility before you go?" asked Rhodes.

"Sure thing." said Tony as he gestured him to get inside.

And with that, Tony starts the car and took off to their respective destination.


Somewhere in the land of the rising sun, we see a certain star-spangled Avenger scouting the area, presumably looking for something or someone for that matter. He seems to be different from last time, as his uniform is now darker in color and he is sporting a beard.

"Sam, have you got eyes on the target?" asked Steve through the communicator as he looks up.

In the skies, we see the Falcon soaring through the skies, looking for something as well.

"Not yet, Cap. Looks like this will take a while." responded Sam.

"Why would a HYDRA agent be here in Japan all by himself?" asked Natasha, who was with Steve.

"I don't know, but this is something we can't just ignore." responded Steve.

"You're right..." said Natasha.

"Still, I didn't expect you to help us, Natasha." said Steve.

"I mean, I did help you guys escape from Tony in the airport." said the russian spy.

"Why did you help us at the airport, anyway?" asked Steve.

"I'm only doing what's right, Steve. This whole 'Civil War' between you and Tony have gotten worse to the point that the only way to stop this fight is if I let you go and find the one responsible." explained Natasha.

"Did Tony know about what you did?" asked Steve.

"No. At least not yet anyway." said Natasha.

"Hate to be the one to break the reunion, but I found the one we're looking for." said Sam through the communicator.

"Where?" asked Steve.

"Just 30 miles north from where you two are. I'm heading there right now." answered Sam.

"Alright, we're on our way." said Steve. "Let's go!"

And with that, both Steve and Natasha both rushed towards north to chase after a HYDRA agent alongside Sam, who took off in the sky earlier. Meanwhile on Falcon's perspective, it seems that the man that they're after is running, he might have saw Falcon in the air until he saw the man running towards a building.

"Uh-oh." said Sam through the communicator.

"What's wrong, Sam?" asked Steve.

"He's not alone, Cap! We've got several HYDRA agents waiting for him!" answered Sam.

"I knew he wasn't alone..." said Steve.

"Don't worry, Sam. We're coming!" said Natasha.

"You better be, 'cause I'm currently engaging them!" said Falcon as they heard gunshots in the background.

Several HYDRA agents appeared in the building and firing their weapons at Sam, which he managed to dodge. He then takes out his dual pistols and takes out several of them. Soon after, both Steve and Natasha had arrived to join Sam in taking out the remaining HYDRA soldiers.

"So, they already had a base here in Japan..." said Steve as he looked at the building.

"Out of all the places they could set up, why Japan?" asked Natasha.

"That's why we're here to find out! Let's move!" ordered Steve as the three of them get inside the building.

Inside, the building is covered in a Japanese-styled room, containing several swords and other weapons on the wall.

"This place seems like just a normal Japanese room to me. Are we even sure this is a HYDRA base?" asked Natasha.

"You finally came, Captain America!" said a mysterious voice out of nowhere.

Upon hearing the voice, they are alerted and proceed to look around for the source of the voice. Eventually, a man wearing a purple costume appeared in front of them holding a sword.

"You...You're Zemo!" said the star-spangled Avenger.

"How did you escape from prison?" asked Natasha.

"Let's just say that I had a couple of people who had helped me escape." answered Zemo.

"What more do you want, Zemo? The Avengers have already divided thanks to your efforts!" asked Steve to Zemo.

"I already told you, Captain America! I wanted revenge!" answered Zemo.

"And having the Avengers kill each other's throats wasn't enough for you?!" said Sam as he points his dual guns to him.

"That was just the beginning of what I had planned!" said Zemo.

"Alright, that's enough Zemo! We're taking you down!" exclaimed Steve.

"No, Captain. It is YOU who should be taken down! By the mighty Baron Zemo!" replied Zemo.

"Baron...Zemo?" asked Sam out of curiosity.

"Yes. It is a noble title that I have acquired while staying in Japan." explained Zemo.

Suddenly, more HYDRA soldiers are coming in Zemo's direction pointing their weapons at the three fugitive heroes.

"Looks like he's serious about this...What do we do, Cap?" asked Sam.

"The same thing we always do. We fight!" responded the Captain.

"Ha! You think you can fight me without your shield?" asked Baron Zemo as he points his sword towards the Captain.

"I may not have my shield, but I'm more than capable of taking you down without it!" said the Captain.

"Very well. Let us begin!" said Zemo.

And with that, Captain America and Baron Zemo began fighting each other while both Falcon and Black Widow fight the HYDRA soldiers that are gunning towards them. The battle is getting intense, as both Captain America and Baron Zemo parried all of their respective attacks on each other, which is kinda impressive on Cap's part since he is unarmed in this fight.

"Impressive, Captain America! I can see why they call you a living legend." said Zemo.

"If you know about that, then why do you insist in fighting me?" asked Steve.

"Because I will show to the entire world that even a living legend like you will not last forever in this world!" said Zemo before swinging his sword towards Steve.

But the Captain managed to get a hold of his sword and headbutts him, flinching him in the process.

"I can do this all day." said Steve to Zemo.

"You think that's going to scare me, Captain?!" asked Zemo as he once again raises his sword.

Both Captain America and Baron Zemo are now charging towards each other, to settle this once and for all. But before their attacks could even collide, a bright light suddenly enveloped around the area. The bright light stopped and...


We see Captain America about to land an attack, but he misses since Baron Zemo is no longer in his presence and the Captain has been whisked away from the area they were in.

"What the?" said the Captain out of surprise.

He looks around and realizes that he's no longer inside a building. Instead, he's in a forest of sorts...

"Where the hell am I?" asked Steve before trying to contact his teammates through the communicator. "Sam, can you hear me?...Sam!"

But the communicator received no response from either Sam or Natasha.

"I need to get out of this forest so that I can get a clear reception." said Steve as he let out a sigh.

He began navigating through the forest in hopes of finding someplace where he can get a clear reception. As he walked around the forest, he saw some mushrooms.

"Huh. I've never seen these kinds of mushrooms before." said Steve as he inspects it.

However, as Steve was about to touch the mushroom...

"Don't touch those mushrooms!" a voice spoke out.

Steve looked to his left and he saw a blonde-haired girl approaching him. The girl in question is wearing a white and blue dress and carrying what seems to be a book. Not only that, she also has a floating little doll besides her.

"Those are hallucinogenic mushrooms! If you touch them, it will surely kill you." warned the girl to the Captain.

"I-Is that so?" asked Steve, in which the girl nods. "I didn't even know these mushrooms are lethal."

"Judging from your clothing, you must be from the Outside World." said the girl.

"Outside World?" said Steve, confused as to what the girl is talking about.

"That's what we usually call the place outside of Gensokyo." explained the girl.

"Gensokyo? Is that where I am?" asked Steve.

"That's right." said the girl with a nod. "In fact, you're currently in the Forest of Magic."

"I see..." said Steve.

"So, what brings you here in Gensokyo?" asked the girl.

"I don't know. I was in Japan, fighting against Baron Zemo and his HYDRA goons and the next thing I know, I suddenly ended up in this forest." explained Steve.

"Sounds like he's been 'spirited away'...I think I know a certain youkai who would do something like this..." said the girl to herself.

"Anyways, I need to head back to Japan to regroup with Sam and Natasha." said the Captain.

"If you want to head back, then I suggest you find the shrine maiden that lived here." said the girl to the captain.

"Shrine Maiden?" asked Steve.

"Yes. She's the only one who can get you out of Gensokyo safely. Her name is Reimu Hakurei and you'll usually find her situated in her own shrine." explained the girl.

"And where would I find this shrine?" asked the captain.

"You don't have to worry about that. I can guide you there myself." answered the girl.

"Are you sure?" asked the captain.

"Of course! I frequently visited her from time to time, so I really know where she lives." answered the girl.

"Alright, lead the way...uh...I haven't catch your name yet." told Steve to the girl.

"Oh, right, I forgot. I'm Alice Margatroid, a magician from around these parts." the girl introduces herself.

"A magician, huh?" muttered the Captain.

"You don't seem to be surprised when I said that I'm a magician...Usually, people will freak out about it." said Alice.

"With what's happening over these past few years, nothing's gonna surprise me anymore..." explained the captain.

"I-I see..." Alice stuttered, probably surprised about his statement.

"Anyways, I am Steve Rogers. Nice to meet you, Alice." the Captain introduced himself and lends a handshake.

"Likewise, Steve." Alice said while accepting the handshake. "Alright, let's get out of this forest."

And with that, both Steve and Alice ventured their way out of the Forest of Magic in order to find the shrine maiden.

A/N: And that's it for Chapter 1.

Having watched Avengers: Endgame, I decided to rewrite the Avengers x Touhou fanfiction. It's still set in the MCU, but I decided to use the canon route of Captain America: Civil War instead of altering the events like in the old one. Also, this fanfiction takes place in 2017, exactly 1 year after Civil War and it also takes place concurrently with Spider-Man Homecoming, which explains the reference from Tony about the kid in this chapter.

I also decided to bring back Zemo as the villain. He was pretty underwhelming in Captain America: Civil War, so I decided to make him more faithful to his comic book counterpart, complete with the costume change.

The Touhou side of the story will mostly be an original story that I came up involving the Lunarians, so this will be nothing like the storyline of Silent Sinner in Blue.