Hello everyone my name is S1lveRWAr, Silver for short and this is my very first fanfic. So, I've got many ideas swarming around my head and I hate that I can't do anything but use my imagination. So, I decided to create a fanfic that's been on my mind for a while, so I decided to write it out.

Also I'm new to this so if anyone can give advice or state any important rules I should follow please do.

Also please check out my youtube channel, its name is S1lveRWAr and I hope you guys enjoy my story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon or Ben 10, just my OC.

Prologue-Calm before the storm

"Yeah yeah I know what I'm doing relax." a young boys voice echoes through the night. "Don't worry we'll be in and out in a few minutes, it'll be like we were never there."

"I don't know Brad; shouldn't we wait until tomorrow?" another voice spoke nervously, scared of being caught.

"Again, stop worrying, what could possibly-" the first boys voice said before being interrupted by lights being turned on, scaring the two boys. In front of the two boys stood a teenager looking down at the duo with a tired and annoyed look, he had short silvery white hair that's currently in disarray and he was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and black shorts, his silver eyes narrowed at the frightened duo.

"Care to explain why you boys are up so late?" asked the teen, it was clear he wasn't in the mood for jokes. The two boys shuddered in fear. "We..ummm...well you see.." Brad, the first boy started before the teenager raised his right hand, stopping him from saying anything else.

"I don't want to hear it right now, so go to bed I'll deal with you two tomorrow." was the tired response of the teen "Understood?"

""Yes, Big Bro Silver"" was their combined response before they left for their rooms.

"Sorry Sam I thought we can get some cookies before going to bed"

"It's alright Brad, I knew I was asking too much thanks for helping anyway"

The voices of the two boys echoed down the hall until they can't be heard anymore.

Silver let out a tired sigh, that was the fifth time this month that the kids decide to sneak out in the middle of the night, he turned off the lights and head back to his room. He's currently living in an orphanage for children of all ages and being the oldest of the orphaned children, he's often seen as an older brother figure to the children that live here. Of course, that made him rather protective of the children that live here with him. Most of the time he's often the first to judge any adults that come to adopt a child to make sure they are caring enough for him to trust the kids to. However sometimes he gets WAY to protective and many adults complained that the teenager is a problem and that they should send him off, however the caretakers that look after the children often had to explain that he was also an orphan like the other children and is rather protective of the little ones. Needless to say, they're opinion of him changed instantly.

However, that also prevents him from being adopted by potential parents as they didn't have the heart to take him away from the children. Silver didn't care, he's perfectly content with looking after the young ones and nothing can make him happier. The silver haired teen smiled to himself as he plopped himself onto his bed and let the darkness take him into the realm of dreams.

Unknown to him his life is about to take a rather massive change.

Scene change

Birds were chirping as they perched atop of trees, their singing waking up all of the residents of the orphanage.

All but one person.

Silver was still asleep in bed despite the constant singing outside and the loud ringing of his alarm clock. The silver haired teen continue to sleep peacefully not noticing several tiny footsteps enter his room. Whispering was heard for a while before everything went silent, then suddenly-



Silver suddenly found himself buried underneath several giggling children as they continue to squash him.

They had dogpiled on top of him, giving him a rather rude awakening.

But it got him to wake up, despite the comfort his bed provided. Silver let out a tired sigh as he scooped up all the playful children and placed them on the ground. The children smiled at him and shouted,


Despite the rude awakening he couldn't help but smile back at the little ones.

"Good morning" was his tired reply as he yawned and got up from his bed.

"Please leave while I get changed kids" he added after, which made the kids nod and leave the room. Silver smiled to himself as he got ready for the day, after all today there will be some adults coming to inspect the children and possibly adopt one of them. He never liked the feeling of the children leaving but their lives are not his to decide. Humming to himself as he showers he mentally hope that the adults that come here are the kind ones that are willing to look after the young ones.

Oh how wrong he is.

Scene change

The multiple children were running around the hallways playing with each other when he arrived at the living room, he was now dressed in a plain white T-shirt, a white hoodie jacket and black jeans. He also wore a pair of sports shoes and had headphones around his head as he listened to his favorite songs. Silver looked around the hall, watching the kids interact and play with each other. He would let them play more, if today wasn't so important.

"Alright everyone come on time to get ready." he called out to the playful children, catching their attention. "Awwwww... " was their collective response causing Silver to laugh. "Remember what today is kids? Today's the day that the grown ups are coming, the President himself is coming too." was his reply causing them to get excited. After all, it's not everyday that the President decides to visit your home. The children scrambled to clean up the halls of toys and games as the caretakers of the orphanage arrived. "...And here are the children that live here Mr. President." one of the caretakers said and noticed Silver watching the kids clean up. "Ah Silver I see you got the kids to clean the room" was his response. Silver just shrugged, "Someone had to remind them who's visiting today" as he watched the kids before turning to the President. "Good morning Mr. President, my name is Silver, if you haven't figured it out already " he said introducing himself. The President raised an eyebrow at the teen "Silver? that's a rather unusual name" he replied. Silver chuckled and said "No one knows my real name, not even me. So the kids decided to call me Silver after my silver hair and eyes". The President nodded in response, understanding the origin of his name "I take it that your one of the caretakers here?" he asked. Silver shook his head and replied "No, I'm also an orphan like these kids, I've just been here longer than they have".

"I see, back to the original topic can you tell me about the young children that live here?"

Silver nodded and started listing them off.

"Well there's seven children living here still, not including myself. There's Brad who's known to sneak out for treats at night, but he's extremely kind and is willing to do anything to help others. Then there's Sam who's basically a brother to him, Sam's the quiet type, preferring to sit in a corner somewhere and read a book. The blond haired girl over there is Alyssa or Aly for short, she's a rather rowdy one often enjoying sports activities over studying. The girl next to Aly is Rachel, who loves to cook despite not being allowed to go into the kitchen. She does help me bake cookies though, on certain occations. The chubby one in the back is Andrew who plays games rather often with Benjamin, the boy with glasses next to him. Finally we have Jacob who's currently practicing to become a writer, since he enjoys reading and writing."

The President hummed to himself, each of these children were unique in their own way so it's also tough for him as he didn't have the heart to seperate some of them. But before anything else can be said an explosion from outside startled everyone in the building causing the kids to panic and run towards Silver, the teen hugging them in an attempt to clam them down. The President's bodyguards quickly formed a circle around the President and the civilians keeping a watchful eye for any movement. A nearby wall collapsed as some people in gas masks entered the building, SMGs aimed at the people. Their leader spoke up "If you value your citizens lives Mr. President, then you will surrender yourself to us right now." the terrorist demanded in a raspy voice due to his mask muffling his voice. The President gave them a dark look, before sighing and raising his hands in the air, "Very well, just don't shoot the children".

The kids were crying now as they watch their beloved President slowly walked towards the terrorists, the leader smirked behind his mask thinking that they have won.

He was wrong when he was suddenly tackled from behind.

Silver had snuck around them and is now attacking the intruders, angry at them for destroying their home. The leader growled and attempted to throw him off but Silver's grip was too strong, he yelled out in pain when the teen dug his nails into his exposed neck and rammed the teen into a wall causing him to stagger. Silver grunted as he struggled to keep his balance when suddenly-


Silver gasped as he felt warm liquid flow down his abdomen and onto the floor.

He has been shot.

The terrorist leader grinned as he approached the injured teen and pointed the gun onto his forehead, before he could pull the trigger Silver reacted, knocking the gun away and putting the man into a chokehold. The leader's eyes widened as he struggled to escape, looking over to his men to call for help, only to realise that the President's bodyguards are already trying to restrain them. He growled and took out a knife and jabbed it into the teens side. Silver winced everytime the knife buried itself into his side.

But he didn't let go.

He refused to, after all he's not going to let the kids be hurt by this lunatic.

It went on for a few more secs before the terrorists attacks became weaker until his arms went limp and his pupils dilated. Silver dropped the unconscious leader onto the cold hard floor.

Silver had won, and lost.

He subdued the leader, but had taken too much punishment. He collapsed onto the ground bleeding profusely from his side, we wasn't even aware of his surroundings anymore he just knew that there were voices but they sound distant and his vision blurred. He smiled knowing that the kids are now safe.

And closed his eyes.

So what do you guys think? Lemme know in the comments on what you guys think of the story so far :)

And check out my Youtube channel! Its name is S1lveRWAr - Gaming and more, I upload occasionally there so please do me a favour and check it out

Thanks a lot and I'll see guys next time, take care now!

Edit: I noticed a few minor errors but I fixed them don't worry guys :)