"...The walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love, love, love, loooveeee.."

Smoke was leaking through windows, and buildings were crumbling to pieces. Walls were tumbling down, and dark clouds were rolling over the city. Only one man could be seen calmly walking through this city, with headphones on, singing along to the song playing.

How ironic, for this part to be playing, at this current time.

Missiles were seen flying above his head, blowing up vehicles of different shapes and sizes. But nothing seemed to get in this man's way. He sung along with the song, with no care in the world, waltzing through the battlefield.

The man's' name was Kai Chisaki. He was a 21 year old man, born and raised in a Japanese Yakuza family, and currently the boss of the Yakuza surrounding the Tokyo area. And currently, he was the one leading the assault on Tokyo.

Though there was no underlying reason, no profit to be gained, like you would expect. This was done merely on a whim, a man's boredom.

Kai's music suddenly turned off, so he reached into his pocket, and tried to pull out his phone, but the zipper on the pocket was jammed.

He struggled for a bit, before he resorted to brute force and pulled it open, although he broke it. He pulled out his phone, to see a message of his mobile data having ran out, which it shouldn't have done for a year.

When he was about to turn off his phone though, he saw a large shadow covering himself, then he felt a sudden pain all over his body, before everything turned black.


As sudden as the darkness appeared, it disappeared and he ended up in a room with an old man in a butler uniform.

The old man had a creepy, wide smile on his face, and his eyes were narrowed enough to make you believe them to be closed. With him, he had one of those bingo spinning wheels, this one having hundreds of different possibilities.

"Hello there, dead one."

Dead, huh? Kai took no time at all to realize what type of event this was, and a wicked smile formed in his heart. Bingo games, or betting in general was one of his strong suits, with the amount of luck and intelligence he has.

"No greeting me back? Well, it doesn't matter. You see, a recent influx of souls suddenly appeared here to get reused, which means that a bunch of people suddenly died. Unfortunately, I cannot interact with the mortal plane too much or I will be faced with heavy repercussions, but I decided to have the millionth soul to die after the influx begin, to get a chance to reincarnate without wiping his memories."

Kai's lips didn't even twitch, his poker face was solid, perfectly disguising the sheer happiness he was feeling right now. He read a few of the bingo results, and knew majority of them were good. There were prizes like "Gura Gura no mi - Naruto," the world and bonus power were decided at the same time.

"This was the most that I could do for the poor souls. Beside me, you can see the wheel of reincarnation. Your reincarnation will depend upon your luck. Good luck."

The old man disappeared, leaving Kai alone with the wheel. And finally, a malevolent grin broke out on his face. Had the old man in the butler clothing been here to see it, he would have instantly regretted his decision, but he was not.

Kai approached the wheel, and spun it, hard.

It went too fast to see, for a while, before Kai could finally see it begin slowing down, before it finally stopped, and the grin on Kai's face couldn't get bigger.

"Overhaul - Naruto"

The quirk of the villain in Boku No Hero Academia, the villain whose name and background was nearly identical to Kai's own.

Kai got enveloped in a beam of light, and then he was gone, his laugh still echoing in the mysterious place.


One year. It took a whole year of doing nothing more than merely lying around in boredom before I could finally feel my chakra, but I still can't touch it in the slightest. Why was I thinking manipulating chakra would be that simple?

Tsunade took how many years again to attain perfect chakra control? And she was the best in the world when it came to that particular subject.

Overhaul wouldn't help me either. Simply reconstructing my body wouldn't make chakra control easier, I am not knowledgeable in the human body, let alone the chakra network. The only thing I know is that there are 8 chakra gates, and a large number of chakra points.

I know exercises to train my chakra control, but those only work if you have a minimal amount of chakra control already. My family is also civilian, a civilian family in KONOHA, the most peaceful village in the ninja world. I won't be getting any early training. And if I did go around training myself, I would probably seem suspicious.

I sighed in annoyance, of all ninja villages, it had to be Konoha, huh? Suna would be good, as they would be more than happy to have a kid with both the will to learn, and the potential to become great, seeing as they are currently lacking on those two departments. Nobody would care in Kiri, due to the civil war, on either side of the war, if I become strong, they would be happy about it. Only issue would be Obito, but even he wouldn't pay that much attention to a random kid with potential. I don't remember much about Kumo or Tsuchi, but seeing as Kumo tried to kidnap Hinata once, I think that they'd be happy to have a strong kid brought up in their village, though they might have me produce children to inherit my "bloodline" overhaul.

Konoha is not bad, don't get me wrong, but they pay SO much attention to the children that it's way too bothersome. With Danzo, and in the past, Orochimaru, there's Hiruzen as well, with his crystal ball. But Konoha is a treasure trove of knowledge when it comes to anything other than wind jutsu, and puppetry. The pros and the cons are both massive, but I think the pros outweigh the cons in this case.

It also has a lot of… resources.

Oh well, I'll think about this another day. For now, let's go back to sleep.


Six months after I started feeling my chakra, I was currently one year, seven months old, and a much appreciated event happened today.


It's the day of the Kyuubi attack. Seems I'm in Neji's age group, instead of Naruto's. But sheesh, the bloodlust this thing gives off is amazing, it took too much concentration to keep myself from projecting mine back.

My parents were currently running to the evacuation point, meaning, the hokage monument.

Speaking of, my mother has golden eyes, and black hair, so it seems I resemble her more than my father, as he has brown hair and green eyes. Might also be because I had golden eyes and black hair in my past life as well, that I resembled her more.

Anyways, I could see the Kyuubi charging up a Bijudama, the amount of chakra put into that was enough to make people from the entire village notice it. Minato at the same time threw his kunai at the monument, where the Kyuubi was aiming, and a large black writing appeared in the air. The five elements seal. The Bijudama fired into it, and space seemingly bent when it got absorbed into the seal, before Minato teleported it away, and a massive explosion was heard.

Minato might not have been the strongest hokage, nor was the best one, but he was probably the one I'd fear the most. If I didn't have Overhaul. Because let's be honest here, first of all, his sealing ability is way too strong. Second of all, hirashin can kill you before you react. Third of all, if he had time to master rasengan, he would likely become the strongest hokage before Naruto. We've all seen what Rasenshuriken can do, and Minato was one of the most talented people, ever. He would most likely create a stronger one than Naruto.

Now that we were inside the safety room in the monument, we could no longer watch the battle.

That doesn't mean there was nothing of interest, though. Itachi Uchiha. To see him in real life, what an honor. The most epic character in Naruto hands down. There was also Shisui Uchiha, standing right next to him, talking in a bright and encouraging manner. I don't know much about him, other than him being skilled in using shunshin, and his mangekyou ability being Kotoamatsukami, which let's one subtly convince someone that what the user is saying is correct. I think. Might also be implanting false memories, but I'm not sure. I only recall reading about him in fanfiction on my off time.

I really want to get my hands on Obito's mangekyou, or rather, I want Kakashi's. The left eye's kamui is a long range targeting teleportation, but it can also target the user. Perfect place if I want to hide anything. Only issue is Obito. The kamui world is shared between both users of kamui, so if I enter the kamui world, Obito will be soon to find out.

Soon enough, my petite body began to tire, and I couldn't form my thoughts no longer. Eventually, falling asleep.


Now I was four years old, a year after finally being able to push around my chakra. At the moment, I can move it slowly, or speed it up and it will move around in a random direction. For example, if I try to move chakra to my palm, it will instead move to the knuckles or wrist, and on the off chance, it will move into my arm.

There was nothing to do about it, other than continuous practice. But other than that, my mother, after continuously asking her for weeks, got me a library card. Apparently, you can't enter the library without a card. Now I was spending all of my days there, reading about human anatomy and the chakra network. Anything else is unnecessary.

As for ninjutsu, with overhaul, I can use earth, water, and wind, so I have no need for it, and I have no nature weaknesses. Honestly though, why didn't Chisaki Kai for My Hero Academia use the wind? Didn't he know that he can constantly disassemble, and reassemble the wind in a different state, like I'm the state of swirling around, to form a tornado.

The only thing I have to pay attention to is to not take away the air close to me, so that I still have some breathing air. The best thing about it is that the winds are formed INSTANTLY. No time to prepare.

Anyways, the only thing I need now is the information on why the sharingan's chakra consumption is so high for anyone other than Uchiha clan members. And books on that can only be found in the Uchiha clan library, which I won't be able to access for 5 years, which is one year after I enter the academy.

After I'm done with learning everything I can about the human body and chakra, I will focus more on muscle building, like Lee. Lee's speed is something that I want, and with Overhaul, I can improve my muscles by making them as compact as possible. The end result will be a better physique than anyone in the whole world.

For now, I haven't attracted any suspicion, and the way it's going, I can probably keep it that way. Sneaking into the Uchiha clan compound and sneaking out with a bunch of books should be fairly easy. Killing Kakashi and taking his eye will only take the slightest contact with his body and my hand. After that, maybe I can get the blood of Naruto and Sasuke through sparring at the academy, using the chakra blood of the reincarnations of Indra and Asura to get my hands on the six paths sage chakra, which means rinnegan. This is really too easy, giving me Overhaul was truly a mistake of that God.


So, I'm 6 years into my new life, and both chakra control and muscle growth is going great! After learning everything I could about the human body, and chakra, I could start muscle training without any restraint. If I were to injure myself I could overhaul it, so there was no issues there. But there was an issue with the amount of damn pain inflicted when overhauling the human body. I had to fucking tell my parents I had a nightmare. I got cuddled that night, for the first time since I could walk, and that was all my fault.

Nowadays I take painkillers, no negative results from taking too many of them either, due to overhaaauul~

My chakra control is good enough to tree walk now, so it should be better than Itachi's at my age, and taking a few steps out while using water walking is not entirely impossible either.

Anyways, it's apparently really hard to use overhaul on anything I can't see. Which is probably why, let's just call him Manga Kai, which is probably why he didn't try to control the wind. Paying attention the all of the air in a large area, is nigh impossible… If it wasn't for chakra.

You see, if I spread my chakra out, I will subconsciously pay constant attention to all of the air. After that, just touching and using overhaul on the chakra cloaked air is enough to get the results I want.

I can do the same thing to the ground, but I still have to touch that which I want to overhaul. But if I spread my chakra out through the ground of Konoha, I can potentially destroy Konoha, even better than Pain did. That would just take a lot of chakra though. Biju level.

Anyways, that means I have no need for Byakugan, which is a relief, meaning I can switch both of my eyes out to sharingan ones. The question is, whose eyes should I switch?

Maybe I should go all out Kamui.. That's definitely the most versatile option. Hiraishin was already versatile enough, kamui can teleport the user ANYWHERE without the need of those hiraishin marked kunai. I'll wait a bit before making up my mind, but currently that's my best option.

But now that I'm six, my parents have also started pressuring me into making friends. I could just ignore them, but I am a man who repays his debts, and these parents have been worriedly raising a antisocial, weirdly calm, adult like kid for 6 years. I might as well get a friend or two to ease the weight on their shoulders.


Wasn't planning on making this, but once I saw Chisaki Kai in the manga, I fell in love! No homo. Overhaul, such a wonderful ability! And that character design! Aah!!!

This will have romance, but no harem. Never written any romance, so I cannot guarantee it will be any good. I'll do my best though.

Feel free to recommend anything in particular that you want Kai to do, wood release won't be taken btw, as Kai only needs to touch a tree to use it.

Now that we're on the topic, these are some things that won't be used:


Dead Bone Pulse

Crystal release

Dust release

Sealing jutsu

Any new dojutsu

Lava release

Boil release

Why won't these be used? It's simple, they are UNNECESSARY to Kai. Ice release has a lot of unexplored potential, puppetry may have perfect synergy with overhaul, magnet release might be able to get strong enough to manipulate the world's magnetic fields, who knows. But I won't make Kai go and get an unneccessary bloodline ability.

I'll use an OC for my heroine, so don't recommend anyone, because I don't like any of the girls in Naruto.