Chapter 22: To Protect Someone


Just as a heads up, this chapter is inspired by certain events from episodes 20 and 23 of Inuyasha!

Also, I'm really sorry about the long break. I went through a tough time recently and it made writing really hard for me. But I managed to get through it, even if it took a while. And I hope to stay inspired for a long time to come!


Captain Levi was a man of his words. So, when he said he didn't want Kagome leaving his side, he damn well meant it. And if at point she put an unfavorable amount of distance between them, his calloused hand would find her wrist and yank her towards him until they were shoulder to shoulder once more. And though his pull was unforgiving, he couldn't help the look of concern that marked his face. Because falling behind meant being put in danger. And as much as he knew she didn't want to admit it, she was clearly still weakened by the sedative.

Prideful little brat. As if I'd blame her for being human. He frowned at the thought, taking a peek back at her as she began to trail slightly behind him. Though, he wasn't happy to find that her stare had fallen down to his moving feet, a hint of guilt swirling in those large eyes of hers.

No doubt staring at his slight limp.

And sure, all this walking wasn't exactly pleasant on his damn injured ankle. And yeah, it still fucking hurt with each step they took. But it wasn't a major injury. He could manage in a dire situation like this. But what he couldn't deal with was that damn look of sympathy and shame Kagome wore as if she felt bad for him right now.

What, did she want to carry him or something? Ridiculous.

"Brat, stop looking down." He ordered in a low voice, quiet enough not to alert any nearby enemies. And her gaze immediately snapped back up and met his briefly before he looked ahead once more. She didn't respond, and he didn't expect her to. She'd know better than to argue at a time like this, and he became increasingly grateful that he was at least here with someone who could keep their shit together. Many other brats would be pissing themselves at this point.

They reached an ascending staircase at the end of the long hall, indicating that their dungeon cells were located underground, a common practice for all prisons. And there was not not another soul in sight. If this was a rogue group, then perhaps it wasn't high enough in numbers to have guards patrolling everywhere, which was the best case scenario for now. While Levi was still confident in his ability to fend off enemies, being surrounded by likely armed men would make things annoyingly difficult. And he planned on making sure Kagome was safe no matter what.

Even so, not knowing who was behind this continued to bite at him. There were no known weaknesses to focus on, and no way of knowing what they may have up their sleeves.

Well, we know their interrogator is a fucking idiot. He mused inwardly, But I doubt he's at the top of the chain here. So, we have to be prepared for anything at this point... Shit, this really is a pain in my ass.

Both scouts began their trek up the stairs, finding that it spiraled up a bit higher than either of them preferred. But it wasn't like they had much of a choice other than to make their way and see what they find. So, he began walking up, with Kagome in tow. He wasn't speeding his way as he usually would, but he kept up a hasty pace while remaining light on his feet, and he noticed Kagome, too, was moving extremely carefully. They were like two mice as they made their way, not making a sound. Not even the slightest of creaks in the floor could be heard.

Though, as they were about halfway up the stairs, he noticed Kagome lagging behind once more. So, he reached behind for her wrist and tugged her forward. Then, he continued as normal, not sparing her so much as a single glance.

But it wasn't even a minute later that she fell behind again, and it was automatic for the man to grab at her again and yank. Though, he hadn't expected for her to stumble forward, tripping on the steps as her body lurched downwards.

He was honestly surprised when she managed to catch herself before bashing her face in, arms outstretched to balance her wobbling form while her eyes were still wide from the shock.

"If you're getting tired, I'd prefer you just say it." He huffed as he watched Kagome return to an upright position as she looked down in what was clearly mild embarrassment, her hand gently brushing the inky strands from her face.

"You just pulled too hard, that's all." She grumbled, staring at the ground as her bottom lip poked out in discontent.

"Tch, I didn't pull any harder than usual." He countered, though he felt a tinge of guilt for not noticing how fatigued she really was. It was still so evident, a certain weariness that darkened the skin under her eyes a few shades and left her face flushed. Her lips parted slightly as she took in deep breaths. In and out, emphasized by the rise and fall of her chest.

Ah, fuck. She can't continue on her own like this. I've always had a tolerance to shit from alcohol and other drugs, but she's still a short woman who got shot with a strong ass sedative. Who the hell knows what was in it. He frowned, sable brows furrowing together as he analyzed her form before him, taking her in with a critical eye as she wracked her brain to make what he knew would be a poor comeback. He could almost see the gears moving in her head, but he wasn't going to give her the time to speak some nonsense just to save face.

No, instead, Levi did the only reasonable thing he could think of in a situation like this.

In one swift movement, he looped his arm around her waist, hand resting right above her hip bone. She gasped, her back arching in surprise, but he ignored it as he hugged her side against his, taking on some of her weight for her.

"Put your arm around my neck." He ordered in a low voice.

"B-But, what about your ankle?" She huffed, cheeks tinted with a hint of pink. He rolled his eyes at her awkwardness.

"Oi, don't say a damn word about my ankle. I'm fine." He asserted, tightening his hold on her for good measure, "I know you're aware of the gravity of this situation. Do you want to make it out of here with me or not? Because it's not the time to be concerned over shitty, minor injuries. I need you to cooperate."

Kagome blinked, staring at him with her eyes widened before she slowly threw her arm over his shoulders, allowing him to take the lead. And he took hold swiftly. She wasn't relatively heavy, at least, being shorter than most and having a generally smaller frame; she molded to his side nicely. And while taking her on like this did sting a bit more, he preferred that than pain than whatever these bastards had planned for the two of them.

This was the only practical option.

So, he helped her up the stairs, the heat from her body invading his, spreading through him and warming him up. And with the close proximity, the sound of her breathing filled his ears, light and airy as it escaped from her lips in steady puffs. She was exhausted.

But she's damned determined.

They continued until they reached the top, ambling out into a maze of hallways. And immediately, Captain Levi knew this was going to be a pain in the ass.

Kagome stole glances from Levi every now and then, their cheeks so close to touching as he supported her. She was sure at this point that he could feel the warmth emanating from heated skin. But she was grateful he didn't say anything. It was embarrassing enough that she needed help doing something as simple as walking. If he so much as mentioned her continued blush, she was sure she would just melt from humiliation. But in truth, she wasn't sure she would have made it without him taking some of the weight off.

They had made their way around the odd facility, having to duck into utility closets and empty rooms to hide from a few armed men. It was a stroke of luck, really, that they hadn't been caught by anyone as they traversed this unknown territory full of twists and turns.

The only downside was that they hadn't found a single clue about where they were. No symbols decorated the walls, specifically not the Military Police emblem, which she had mildly suspected strictly because she couldn't think of any other armed organizations who would have the motivation. And even when guards passed, they were mostly quiet aside from a few useless conversations about switching posts. No name drops or even mentions of what this place was for.

But once we get out, we can report back to headquarters and figure everything out with Commander Erwin and everyone else. She assured herself, narrowing her gaze as she could feel the resolve filling her like water spilling into a glass, starting at the bottom and swashing up.

Though, despite Levi's best efforts at reassuring her, she still couldn't help but feel agitated with herself for being so weak.

What was all this training for if she still needed to be rescued like a damsel? When would she finally feel like she was useful?

Like she was needed?

The captain hurried them both into another utility closet as more men walked by, leaving the door open just a crack so he could peek through.

Once again, the guards passed without issue, and Levi made a move to open the door so they could continue, his arm still secured around her waist.

"I... I think I'm okay to continue on my own again." Kagome whispered, her words causing the man to pause and look over at her with his brow quirked and a shadow of a frown playing over his features. His gaze flickered from her pleading expression down to her own legs as if trying to analyze her strength with merely his vision. But when he looked back up, meeting her deep gaze, he merely snorted and rolled his eyes.

"No." And she could feel his grip on her tighten for good measure, as if he thought she would try to escape him.

To be fair, the thought wiggling out did cross her mind, but it was fleeting when she remembered who this man was and how futile of an attempt that would be.

"There's just no real reason why this hasn't faded yet." She mumbled with a sigh.

"You're a small person. Less tolerance."

She blinked at that, looking up at the top of his head as it towered maybe an inch above hers, "But you're not much bigger than me."

He seemed to take a second to process her words before it dawned on him that she called him short. But when it did, his eyes quickly narrowed in, "Fuck off."

And he made sure to open the door before she could spit anything else out. She knew better than to continue the conversation out in the possibly infested hallway where her words could potentially bounce around the walls and reach unknown ears. Especially since it was quite clear that Levi wasn't planning on letting her walk on her own for the time being. So, she took in a deep breath and let him continue leading them around.

Maybe I'll start regaining my strength soon...

That little bit of hope was short lived, though. As they continued in what seemed to be circles through the absurdly large building, she only began feeling even more tired, like her bones were dissolving under her skin. And maybe they were. Or at least, it was something she seriously questioned as her mind, too, began growing dull as she continued to expend more energy than her body could handle. Step by step, even with Levi's help, was becoming almost impossible, and she feared that her feet would soon just start actually dragging behind her.

And, as they're about to turn a corner, Levi must have sensed oncoming enemies drawing near because he suddenly jolted backwards to avoid being sighted.

Though, the plan backfired when the caught-off-guard Kagome let out an involuntary yelp as her body was jerked back.

The captain's palm was over her mouth within the second, but it was no use. The sound had already been made, echoing through the halls in unwanted encores. And it was soon followed by quickly moving stomps, coming closer and closer.

There were no doors, no closets to hide in. Just a wide open hallway while the opposition were a mere seconds away from spotting them.

And there was no telling what would happen then.

Kagome's eyes flickered over to Levi, who dropped his hand from her slightly parted lips and let go of her waist. He made a move to grab the knife he'd taken, gripping it tightly it until his knuckles paled, his whole body tensing while a wildly violent glint overtook his gaze. It was like an animal waiting to strike, the aesthetic finalized with the sneer that split his face and exposed his gritted teeth. Even in his exhales could she hear a light growl resonating from his throat.

He's gonna try to fight them off... Even in this condition. The women breathed in a heavy inhale, her breaths shaky with anticipation. But we don't even know how many men there are or if they have weapons on them. He could die and it'd be my fault!

She clamped her eyes shut, not even realizing the way her fingers wrapped around his forearm and squeezed as if he would disappear if she didn't hold onto him. The steps were getting nearer, a blur of voices invading her eardrums. But she couldn't focus on what they were saying. All she could do was try to fumble through her mess of thoughts for any ideas to get them out of this alive.

Levi... I won't let you die. I won't even let you get close to it. I'll fight, too!

She could feel the heaviness of her panic pressing down in her chest, threatening to weigh her down until she crumbled. He was the one who helped her make it this far, not once making her feel bad for it, either. He protected her from the the interrogator, and took on her weight so she could keep walking. Levi's been protecting her this whole time. But there was something simmering beneath her, something that wanted to protect him, instead. A deep feeling that was building like pressure. Like a dam about to burst.

And with her eyes still shut, that feeling surged through her like a full-body pulse. And suddenly, everything felt light and airy.

In the moments following, Kagome stayed motionless, still holding tight onto the captain. But the fabric of her calm was swiftly shattered like broken glass when Levi let out an audible gasp.

Her eyes tore open instantly at the sound, and she peeked over at with a mystified look, jaw slack and inner corners of her brows raised. But when she focused, she realized that there was a thin layer of shimmery pink surrounding him. It was barely visible, like she imagined fairy dust to be, specs of blushed light twinkling the way a diamond in the sun would. And she found her eyes growing into moons on her face.

He blinked as his own stare narrowed in on it, examining this development before he switched his attention to her, steely orbs seeming to ask what the hell is going on? But she couldn't answer. Any words were stuck in her throat, piling up pressure as though there was an invisible hand choking her.

The guards turned the corner, right on cue, and snatched their focus from each other. Everything was happening in a heated blur of anxiety. And Levi still clutched the knife and readied to lunge.

But he didn't have to.

When the four men ambled onto the scene, each armed with rifles and ready to shoot, they just paused. Their gazes didn't even seem to land on the pair who was still pressed up against the wall. Rather, eyes scanned the hallway with a certain bewilderment, like they couldn't see them standing right there.

Like Kagome and Levi were invisible.

And the guards just ran on by.

I'm so happy to finally get this chapter out. It was so hard to write. I honestly had like seven different drafts and hated all of them. And while I know some parts of this isn't my best work, it's a relief to have it written after so long.

So, no, I have not abandoned this story!

To dive in though, in case some don't remember, the ending of this chapter is inspired by episodes 20/23 of Inuyasha.
These chapters involve spiritual barriers being cast in order to sort of make what's inside undetectable by the naked eye.
Episode 20 involves Miroku and Kaede sealing an injured Inuyasha in a hut and using a spell to make that hut invisible to the demon, Royakan.
Episode 23 involves Kikyo using her spiritual abilities to make Kagome invisible to Inuyasha when she tried to take him to hell.

I've always wanted to explore different ways the spiritual powers could play out in a world that lacks demons. And this just seems right for the story, so I'm excited for it go on!


I've also started a Levi/OC (reader-insert) fic. It takes a different tone, and writing it has been really helpful for getting my groove back. So, I think having the option to go back and forth will help my creative process and make writing easier! The other story is posted on AO3 right now. It was going to be another Levi/Kagome fic, but the character ended up fitting a different backstory.

If you wanna check it out, I'll post the link in my bio.
But for now, I'm dying to know what everyone thinks!