Please keep in mind all those reading the evening this chapter was posted, i posted chapters 2-5 together.

I am unsure when i will be able to update this again as i have since started school work (Tafe Course thats over at the end of November) so may well not be until the end of my course.

Read and review =)

Regina had been considerably more peppy since telling Robin about her drunken one night stand, initially he had been upset about it but he seemed much more accepting and forgiving once he had calmed down, assured her things were fine and so long as it didn't happen again there was no real issue. He had admitted to going and seeing Emma though he refused to tell her what was said, she supposed that was fine though all things considered. He and Emma were still on relatively good terms. Henry was still annoyed with her though.

"Honestly things are fine with You and Robin, they're fine with Ma and Robin but you still haven't been to see Ma? She's going to another show tomorrow." Henry points out reasonable. It had been two weeks since confessional… or like since his mother told Robin the truth.

"It's still a little complicated Henry. I said things and I'm not sure how to apologise for them. I'm working on it ok? I'll go and see her when she gets back from the show it's just a county show anyways." Regina brushes off lightly, she was slightly dubious only because it was held in Fairfield where Emma picked up Neptune.

"You know what, you're really dumb for a smart person." Henry huffs.

"That's a bit rude, Henry." Regina frowns.

"Maybe but it's the truth. The longer you ignore the problem the worse it gets. Worse for Emma I mean, don't think I haven't noticed how happy you've been the last couple weeks." Henry points out annoyed.

"You're getting a bit big for your boots." Henry heard the warning and sighed backing off a bit.

"I just want you guys to be friends again. You made her happy before the one night stand why can't you get back to that." He sighs sadly.

"We will Henry. Just not yet. It still needs a little time." Regina's tone is gently reassuring.

"I trust you." Henry says going over to hug his mother.

"I love you." Regina returns it easily.

"I love you too, mum." He smiles before heading off to meet Grace. He had a date, chaperoned by her mother.


Regina had been contemplating how to approach Emma, she was sitting in the den after lunch. Robin had taken Roland to the camp and Henry was upstairs doing his homework so his Sunday would be free. She was just about to message the woman when her phone pinged. Opening it she saw a jumping shot of Emma on Neptune.

'You're looking at a second place stallion, you best get back in the saddle, Mills.' Was the text accompanying the picture.

"You're right there is no way I can let you beat me. Celebratory dinner at mine?" Regina sent back with a little grin.

'Lasagne?' Is Emma's reply and Regina chuckles.

"If you like." Regina responds rolling her eyes.

'Going to have a beer with Neptune's old owner but you bet I'll be home in time for dinner.' Emma sends back.

Regina hadn't felt so good in weeks really, sure she was likely being stupid over the whole thing anyways but now it seemed Emma was willing to forgive and forget and Regina didn't need to hold any grudges. She was hopefully getting her best friend back and that was fantastic for Regina and Emma both. They needed each other even if they both at some point wanted things to be different but knew it couldn't be…


Unfortunately for Emma, Regina had apparently decided to come over to congratulate her when she got home so no sooner had Emma backed into the back yard did Regina stroll around the side of the house. Emma sighed inwardly she had planned to call and cancel dinner but apparently not. She knew the moment Regina saw it, she heard the gasp.

"Emma? What happened?" The brunette asked seriously. As Emma turned to face the woman a set of soft warm fingers graced her cheek.

"It's ok, you should see the other guy." Emma chuckles in her attempt to brush off the apparent concern.

"Emma seriously who did this?" Regina frowned at the woman.

"I'll give you a guess." Regina frowned before it slowly became a scowl.

"The sheriff?" Regina asked with a huff and Emma nodded.

"The one and only. He was drunk, bad mouthing one of the waitress'. He's a real sleaze, so I stepped." Emma explains lifting her hand to curl her fingers lightly around Regina's wrist.

"Of course you did." Regina smiles softly.

"Well he got lippy and I was still riding the high of the red ribbon. So… yeah he clocked me one and I slugged him and then a couple of the fellas that had been there citizen arrested him and called internal affairs and the town mayor stood him down, they're holding a vote next week to elect a new sheriff." Emma chuckles lightly and Regina finally drops her hand.

"Well good I'm glad he got his just desserts I do wish you'd stop putting yourself in harms way all the time." Regina says softly.

"You're starting to sound like you care." Emma chuckles softly but it's clear the words sting more than she intended by the way Regina pulls away.

"I do care, Emma. I have for a long time. But I love Robin, you're my best friend but you and I will never happen." Regina says as the conversation shifts.

"Yeah I kind of figured that out already Regina it's fine. I was just joking. I don't mean to put myself in harms way but it's like… genetic predisposition to stand up for the little guy. Savior and all that remember." Emma smiles softly the sadness shining dimly in soft green eyes.

"I'm sorry Emma." Regina says so low Emma barely heard her.

"Me too, I'm just glad you're happy." Emma smiled sincerely, she meant it of course.

"Yeah… come on I'll help you clean up then you can ride with me to mine. I'm sure the boys will love your tale of heroics." Regina smiles and Emma chuckles.

"Of course they will, the boys love violence." She grins and Regina rolled her eyes but doesn't deny it.


Emma was sitting in the diner sipping a hot chocolate and reading the paper when a body slid into the both across from her. Looking up she smiled to see Zelena with baby Robyn. How ever Zelena looked completely haggard and Emma set her paper down with a look of concern.

"Are you alright?" Emma asks seriously.

"She's cutting teeth and hasn't slept in a while, I haven't slept all night." Zelena grumbles.

"Yikes… well do you want me to take her for a few hours and you can get some sleep." Emma suggests gently and Zelena shakes her head.

"Aren't you working?" She asks with a frown.

"Well yes but honestly it's too early for Grumpy and he's really the only trouble I have unless Pongo gets loose." Emma chuckles lightly.

"Are you sure?" Zelena asked frowning slightly.

"Seriously me and Deputy Robbie will have a great time and you can get some sleep." Emma says smiling brightly not minding at all.

"Well if you really want to do this why don't you come over to mine for dinner then? I'll cook you a proper meal because if you're anything like me living alone those are few and far between." Zelena raises an eyebrow and Emma laughs lightly and nods.

"I'll keep Robyn with me then. Call and check in when ever you like." Emma smiles happily and Zelena nods returning the smile with an appreciative one.

"Thank you you're a life saver." Zelena sighs relieved, she loved her daughter immensely but there was no doubt she was one tired momma.

"Any time. Go relax. I'll pop to the store and pick up some diapers and maybe even something to feed her." Emma chuckles lightly.

"Thanks Em." Zelena reaches over and squeezes Emma's hand before standing.

"Honestly it's ok. Go rest." Emma smiles and Zelena nods handing over the child and heading home for a while for a nap.


Emma and Smartie had rather enjoyed their time with little Robbie, she was about that age where she had just around all of her teeth but was cutting two of the back ones at the bottom and Emma suspected she might have also had a small ear infection so she bought some bananas and froze them and otherwise played with the little girl to keep her distracted. Smartie seemed a bit dubious about little sticky grabby hands at first but warmed to the gentle little girl easily and happily sat and let the baby grip and pat the dog. Emma kept a close eye on the baby and dog even if she did trust Smartie, pain responses could happen quickly. Robyn was very gentle though.

While Robyn was distracted Emma was able to get most of the paperwork done which was good as she was due to take it over to Regina at the office the following day. She was just setting the paperwork aside when David walked in for his shift. He beamed at Emma before frowning at the sight of the baby on the floor with the dog.

"When did you get a baby?" He asked scooping Robyn up with a smile.

"Ha Ha. She's cutting teeth and Z got no sleep last night so I offered to give her a break and take Robyn for a while. She's getting sleepy." Emma explains with a small smile looking at the little girl yawning.

"That was nice of you." David smiles at his daughter who grins.

"Don't be too proud Zelenas cooking me dinner in thanks so it's not completely thankless." Emma grins brightly and David can't help but laugh.

"Well fair enough. So dinner hm? Zelena is still single isn't she?" David asks attempting coyness, it wasn't a good look for him.

"That's a terrible look on you, to my knowledge she is single yes but why are you even suggesting that? Aren't you supposed to want me to be with a guy?" Emma leans back giving David a raised brow kind of look.

"I've realised I will probably never find a guy good enough for you and since you mentioned that Gwen lady…" David shrugs with a grin.

"Right… well very doubtful, redheads aren't really my thing." Emma laughs lightly shaking her head.

"Really? What is your thing?" David asks grinning and Emma rolls her eyes holding her hands out for the kid.

"Gimme the baby, get to work. Don't even think about playing match maker or I won't be coming to Christmas or birthdays anymore." Emma threatens playfully and David just rolls his eyes with a laugh.

"Have a nice dinner." David smiles and Emma gathers all their stuff and heads out with Ruby.


Emma took Robyn back to her place for a couple hours where she gave one of the frozen banana and some food and put down for a small nap. She had time to feed Smartie and Neptune and even lunged Neptune a little before having back in where she changed into some slacks a blouse, not that she though Zelena needed her to be all fancy but she'd been in her jeans and tank with the jacket all day so decided to at least freshen up.

Once she was ready she headed for Zelena's with Robyn in tow smiling and talking softly to the little girl. Emma had grown to like Zelena just fine, the witch had completely changed since having the baby, the little light in her life. She was still just as sarcastic as ever though that just something both women had gotten from their mother Emma was sure. She wasn't nearly so harsh these days though.

"You have my baby, you hardly have to knock." Zelena commented swinging the door open shortly after Emma had knocked. The witch was considerably fresher in appearance.

"Yeah you have a point but what if you'd been in the buff or asleep or something? Regina's almost fireballed me for startling her." Emma points out amused. Zelena stares for a moment before nodded.

"Fair point. Come on in. How was my little bird?" Zelena asked looking at the little girl in the capsule. Robyn had had a nap earlier and woken before Emma gave her a frozen banana.

"She was alright. She really likes Smartie and thankfully Smartie seemed to like her right back so the doggo kept her distracted most of the day. She had a little nap for about an hour and I don't know what you plan to feed her but I'd been giving her a few frozen banana halves which she loved chewing on and seemed to take her mind off the teeth." Emma explains smiling watching the mother scoop up her little girl.

"Since when did you get so good at babies?" Zelena asked a little wonder in her eyes and Emma chuckled.

"I gave up Henry because I was in prison at the time and technically very homeless outside of prison. Not because I didn't think I'd be a bomb ass mother." She says with a grin and Zelena laughed.

"In all honesty though I'd been in a few homes that had tiny babies and mum and dad having Neal never hurt any." Emma explains with a shrug following Zelena into the kitchen.

"Fair enough. I never thought of the banana thing so thanks for the tip." Zelena smiles genuinely.

"No problems. I didn't give her any but there's also this stuff. Pain reducers for little kids. She's about 9 months now right?" Emma asked fishing some ibuprofen for children out of her bag and handing it to Zelena.

"There's a dosage chart on the back, might be alright to give her a bit before she goes to bed of a night." Emma suggests and Zelena looks it over.

"I'm still getting used to this world. I probably should have considered that this is a thing." Zelena says genuinely feeling like a bit of a failure.

"Don't worry about it. It hurts now but she won't even remember the tooth ache later. You're a first mum and new to this realm. It's all a learning curve you're not meant to know everything at once." Zelena smiles at Emma's words and nods gently.

"I guess you're right. Come on dinner ready." Zelena grabs a little container with some cool mushed fruit in it for Robyn and lead Emma through to the dining room. This place wasn't even nearly as grand as Regina's place but this place was so much cosier.

"So how was your nap?" Emma asked curiously as she sat down at the already set table. Zelena deposited the baby in a high chair beside her own seat.

"I haven't slept that well since before I got pregnant. I did miss having my little Robyn around though." Zelena admits honestly as she fished up the food for them both, it seemed like lamb roast with roasted and steamed vegetables and Emma was pleased to see mint sauce and gravy on the table to go with it.

"That makes sense. I've given it a go a couple times and the comfort levels Just tank." Emma chuckles missing her slip up completely. Zelena didn't though.

"A couple times? You've been pregnant more than once?" Zelena asked with a raised. Emma paled a little but she supposed she'd been giving up that information more freely lately and honestly it seemed to help to be able to let people know that she knew actual loss.

"I… Yeah. Foster systems aren't amazing. I was put with a family that had an older son when I was 15. He… well anyways. I ended up conceiving a little girl but she passed in utero." Emma explains softly.

"Oh… how far along were you?" Zelena asked gently.

"I was 7 months so in the third trimester." Emma

Scooped up some peas on her fork and sighed softly before eating them.

"Oh Emma… that's awful. I'm genuinely sorry to hear that." Zelena offered sliding her hand over to cover Emma's on the table.

"Thanks Zelena, I appreciate that. I don't think until recently I was even able to talk about it." Emma admits, gently turning her hand to squeeze the witches fingers.

"Until recently? Did my dear sister pressure confessions out of you?" Zelena asked in a light teasing tone to lighten the mood. Emma laughed and explained.


Emma enjoyed dinner and Zelena's company so much so when she the witch had asked if she'd like to linger a while Emma has readily accepted. The even kind of peaked with the pair getting into bed together, Emma was wholly sober this time and so when she woke naked the following morning with a head of red hair on her chest she was not startled, shocked or embarrassed about why it was there. This hadn't been the plan when she'd come over for dinner in the first place but it hadn't been a bad development.

"You say her name in your sleep you know." Came the tired muffled voice of the witch. Emma bit her lip, not even pretending not to know.

"How long have you been in love with her?" Zelena slowly lifted her head and there was no avoiding answering with those emerald eyes searching her own.

"Longer than I care to admit." Emma sighs running a hand through her hair, the other was playing idly with the ends of red curls.

"Then why did you both not get together? Pretty sure my sister would be into that." Zelena points out. Emma snorts lightly.

"I'm pretty sure she is too but… like most Enchanted Forest folk Regina seems pretty hung up on the soul mate, true love idea. I'm pretty sure that had everything happened the way it did and Regina and I had been together the moment she realised who Robin was she would have left me anyways or had doubts and that would have just ruined things." Emma half shrugged and sighed.

"And now?" Zelena quirked an eyebrow.

"Drunken one nighters suggest Robins still the first choice and I think I just have to live with that. Robins a good guy, you know that." Emma huffs and sits up running her hand through her hair.

"Wait you've slept with Regina? And she still chose Robin?" Zelena seemed confused by that.

"Yes somewhat recently, she didn't talk to me for weeks and when she did start talking to me again she made it quite clear she chose Robin." Emma shrugged a look of defeat on her face.

"Well I've slept with Robin so I'll just bet that was a hard choice for her. Soul mate or best sex she's had in a while? Tough." Zelena says seriously yet Emma laughed anyways.

"Thanks Zelena, you could be good for me ego." Emma chuckles lightly.

"No kidding. I'm not really in any position to enter a relationship but I see no reason we can't do this from time to time. At least until my sister comes to her senses." Zelena leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Emma's back as the blonde chuckled.

"So for a while then. Booty call buddies?" Emma asked amused turning and threading her fingers in Zelenas hair.

"Exactly." The red head grinned before being kissed by a still chuckling Emma.


"You look more chipper this afternoon than you did yesterday." David says when Emma walked into the station with Smartie that afternoon.

"Yeah? No crying kid on my hip might do that." Emma points out with a grin.

"Yeah? And the bruise on your neck?" David asked casually.

"I fell over?" Emma attempts only to realise she'd been had with David grins.

"There is no mark, nice guilty conscience." David points out.

"That's a dirty trick." Emma huffs and sits down at her desk with her diner coffee in hand.

"I'm just glad you had a nice night is all. So are you guys gunna…" David made a gesture that without context might have just looked like a fly was bothering him.

"No dad. She's not after a relationship and frankly neither am I, I'm too busy with work and the horses." Emma chuckles rolling her eyes.

"Whose not after a relationship?" Emma paled slightly looking up to see Snow White and of course Regina right beside her.

"Pretty sure Emma spent the night with Zelena last night after looking after baby Robyn yesterday." David's tone was light and teasing but the look Regina turned on Emma was withering.

"You slept with Zelena? Huh, oddly enough I don't mind the idea." Snow offered innocently and Emma sat in her seat.

"Yes well as fantastic as you may find it I'd rather we weren't talking about my sex life or lack thereof." Emma said a little more gruffly than she meant too. David and Snow immediately looked apologetic.

"Sorry Sweetheart." David lightly squeezed Emma's shoulder.

"It's fine but I have work to do." Emma gestured to the almost complete paperwork on her desk.

"Right yep, we will head off then, late lunch. See you later Emma, Regina." David offered and Snow smiled and offered her own see you laters as they left leaving Emma and Regina.

"So you're sleeping with my sister now?" Regina asked a little coldly.


"No it's fine. Whatever. It just puts things into perspective a bit that's all. Kind of feel like I dodged a bullet now. I expect the papers this afternoon." Regina cut Emma off and turned for the door as she spoke. Emma followed.

"Yeah that's super fucking unfair Regina. Dodged a bullet? Shots weren't fired until right now. We both know Robins always been your first choice. Happy ending because magic said so. Don't give me a hard time now because instead of being alone I chose fleeting intimate companionship." Emma scowls grabbing Regina's arm.

"So what you're saying it's my fault you fucked my sister?" Regina scowls.

"Yes! No… no it's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault Regina. But let me ask you this… are you made because it was Zelena or are you mad that I'd sleep with anyone after…" Emma trailed off. After her blatant admission of serious romantic feelings for Regina?

Regina didn't answer straight away, that alone indicated that though Zelena was the right answer it wasn't the true answer. Emma shook her head and stepped back smiling sadly.

"I'd give you everything I had you know. Love you with every fibre of my being. But you decided that wasn't going to happen. You decided you are staying with Robin. You cast me aside, Regina. You absolutely do not have any right at all to dictate who I can and cannot sleep with. You get your happiness, you don't get to expect me to be alone the rest of my life." Emma shakes her head as if to make her point more firm.

"You have no right!" She added, more choked out than spoken she supposed. Tears filling her eyes and clogging her throat.

"You have no right to throw it in my face!" Regina bites back seeing Emma's tears and knowing they were her fault just made her mad.

"No right to what? Sleep with someone? Have some physical contact? What am I supposed to do Regina? Just sit around and wait for you to MAYBE wake up one day and say 'maybe I really do want to be with Emma'?" Emma throws her hands up and walks back over to her desk.

"I do want that! But he's my soul mate!" Regina bites back angrily.

"That's funny, last time I checked people could be soul mates without being in romantic relationships. I have paper work to do." Emma scowls annoyed.

"Why would I chose you Emma? First sign of conflict and you run away." Regina snarks, realising full and well that she was a hypocrite in saying so but she wasn't to be accused of rational thinking.

Emma stepped closer and poked Regina in the chest, it was that or outright slap her but even as mad as she was she didn't like the idea of striking the beautiful and infuriating mayor.

"I'm not running away Regina. I haven't done a damn thing wrong! Don't say shit you don't mean. You don't want me or you'd already be with me. But I am not running away… no I'm removing myself from this situation because I'm real close to slapping you and frankly I'd rather not." One final poke to the chest and Emma turned and walked back to her desk.

Regina stares after her for a moment, rubbing the spot on her chest where Emma had poked her, before turning and walking out.