[Trigger Warning: Mentions of Non-Con, Infant Death/Miscarriage/Stillbirth]

Hey guys, New SQ fic from me, hoping its well received.

Read and Review

(All errors are my own, the characters how ever are not)

Emma had spent the years in Storybrooke, had come to love the place. But despite attempts from both Neal and Killian, Emma had remained single. Alone. It was how she preferred it, unfortunately. She had so many issues, more than people realised. But she had formed bonds even if she had neglected romantic pursuits. She got along amazingly with Regina these days, even despite the ups and downs. Henry was growing into a fine young man, making them all proud. Snow and Charming were capable of serious parental insights, especially after Neal came along.

Yet Emma kept to herself, she was happy too, there was no doubt about it. But she realised that she was definitely in a rut. It had been months of peace now and the Savior wasn't really needed. Regina was still surfing the highs of the 'honeymoon' phase of her and Robin's relationship. Killian had finally gotten the message and was now seeing Tinkerbell on the regular. Ruby and Dorothy were living the happy-true-love life which Emma was extremely happy about. The wolf had grown on Emma over the years.

Emma however, happy as she was, was stuck for what to do. She was sheriff in a town that had the lowest criminal activity in the whole of America. It was effectively Utopia but Emma felt… well empty. She had no plans, no goals, no real reason. It was demoralising and frustrating to realise just how boring her life was. Which was probably why she went out to the stables. She was finally learning to ride properly. David promised to give her lesson, she'd been going out for a few weeks now and found she really enjoyed it. She could definitely understand why Regina enjoyed it so much.

It was because she'd learned to ride that she was making her trip, alone but that was alright. She couldn't stand backseat drivers. She was headed to a farmstead about a day away. She was buying herself a horse, there was a nice large paddock out the back of her house and she'd already ordered the timber to make a small stable. She was really getting into the equine side of things, had researched feed, medications, even a local farrier. Between that she'd been messaging a woman about a colt she had liked the look of.

When she got there she was definitely impressed and had decided he was certainly the horse for her. He was a project, really, something for Emma to spend her free time on. The horse would pick up his feet, catch and float but he'd had little other work done and rising three he was due to start. Emma was willing to take her time and learn him and hopefully not ruin him but she'd looked up and researched quieting techniques as well. With the cold paid for and sighted she was allowed to leave her float at the farm as she was spending the night in town there and driving back the next day.

The motel was basic but it meant she could get a shower, would have somewhere to sleep and somewhere to change. She'd taken a brief shower once checked in and headed to the nearest bar. Sitting down she ordered a simple apple cider, it had grown on her over the years of occasional drinks with Regina which were typically either apple cider, apple Martini or scotch since she had to drive tomorrow the spirits were out. She liked the cider anyways, it was the perfect blend of apple and beer.

"Can't say I've seen you around here before." A man, handsome too, settled beside Emma with a pleasant smile.

"Correct you are. I'm only in town overnight." Emma smiled back politely.

"Well let me buy you a drink? Apple cider?" He smiles looking at the label on the bottle Emma had in front of her.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm Emma." Emma offered a hand and the man smiles shaking it lightly.

"Gavin." He grins brightly and Emma smiled.

"Thanks for the drink. What do you do around here?" Emma asked curiously.

"Sheriff." He chuckled and tilted his head.

"Huh, small world. Me too." Emma chuckled only for Gavin to snort.

"A woman sheriff? Not very common. What's the crime rate in your neck of the woods?" Gavin asked with a smirk and Emma saw it for what it was. He was looking to make her feel small about her work.

"Less than 1% actually." Emma commented a lot more blandly.

"You're pulling my leg." Gavin laughed shaking his head.

"Why? Because I'm a woman and criminals must know that I won't do shit? I'm a sheriff and a mother. You bet your ass I run a tight ship and unlike your town apparently my town isn't over run with parolees." Emma was annoyed now, her quiet drink was ruined, standing she put a twenty on the bar and turned to head out.

"Now wait just a damn minute girly." Gavin reaches out and grabbed Emma's arm gripping tighter than he should have. Emma looked at the grip with a steely expression and then back to the man who it belonged to.

"Let me go, boy." Her tone was deadly quiet and Gavin immediately did as told, letting Emma go. There was a few people watching them. Without another word Emma went back to the hotel.


Henry was at the house when Emma got back, she'd stopped about half hour out of Storybrooke and text him, more replied to a text asking where she was, and so she really wasn't surprised that he was there. She drove up along side the house with her window down and smiled.

"Get the gate for me, Kid." She chirped pleasantly actually excited to show someone her not so little venture.

Once in the paddock she came to a stop, Henry running over with an interested look on his face. Emma grinned and climbed out of the cruiser and stretched before going to the back of the float and letting down the tailgate. Henry looked at the horse with wide eyes, both confused and enamoured by the beast and stood back as Emma went in and helped the colt down out of the transport. The horse whinnied curiously and pawed the ground a little before rubbing his slightly itchy face on the blondes shoulder.

"So what do you think kid?" Emma asked smiling at Henry.

"I think he's great but I'm confused. Why do you have a horse, you don't even know how to ride." Henry points out.

"Sure I do. I learned. Old dog, new tricks." Emma grinned now and walked the colt over to the water trough.

"You learned how to ride? Why? We don't really need to know living here." Henry points out.

"Because I needed something to do Henry. This town isn't rife with bad guys you know. Works pretty slow." Emma points out in return and Henry nodded with agreement.

"So can you ride him?" Henry asked smiling beginning to really get behind the idea of his ma riding.

"Not this one. Not yet. But I'm going to work with him. Say, do you want to name him?" Emma asked smiling.

"Can I?" Henry grinned brightly.

"Sure, so long as it's something I approve of." Emma chuckled and Henry nodded.

"Ok but I'm going to have to research it. It's got to be perfect." He smiled brightly.

"Sounds good to me, Kid. So shouldn't you be home for dinner?" Emma asked smiling.

"Nah, meeting at the Diner for dinner tonight." Henry grinned because the diner meant junk food.

"OK well let me get cleaned up a bit and I'll drive you, I don't have the energy to cook and I haven't eaten since breakfast." Emma grinned as well for pretty much the same thing.

"You should take better care of yourself." Henry wrinkled his nose.

"Yes mum." Emma retorted amused. Henry wrinkled his nose.


"Do you wanna eat with us?" Henry asked as the pair pulled up at the diner.

"Nah, Regina probably just wants to have dinner with her boys." Emma smiled pleasantly.

"Oh… well I mean I guess but you and mum get along so well these days I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Henry points out reasonably and Emma smiled a little brighter.

"Maybe but I don't want to encroach, if she invites me over great otherwise I'll likely see you tomorrow because I'm going to stuff my face and then go home and crash." Emma patted her stomach grinning as they walked in and Henry laughed.

"You're so weird." He says amused and Emma winked playfully.

"You love me anyways. Now go sit down with your mum. But hey do me a favour? Don't tell anyone about the horse? I kind of want it to be my thing for a while." Emma says smiling gently, the pair just inside the diner now.

"Then why'd you tell me?" Henry asked smiling gladly, pleased to be in on this secret.

"Because you're my best guy. And I know I can trust you." Emma grinned not really lying. She had been a little dubious when Henry had first found her but she had come to love her son a great deal even despite his being raised by another woman. He was raised well, that was what mattered.

"Love you, Ma." Henry spoke with affection and Emma kisses his head and ruffles his hair.

"Love you too, Kid. See you later." Emma smiled brightly watching her son practically skip over to his mother and her boyfriend.

Emma made her way over the counter and sat in one of the stools there. Ruby flounced out of the kitchen and perked up immediately on seeing the blonde. Making her way over Emma smiled at the waitress who always seemed happy to see Emma, even after finding her true love and all that. It pleased Emma, she always kind of took a backseat when others were happy.

"Hey Ruby, how are you? How's Dorothy?" Emma asked smiling happily at the brunette.

"She's great and I love her but howdy, I'm only just now starting to notice all her little quirks." Ruby chuckled a little ruefully.

"Ahh, the 'honeymoon phase' is wearing off then. Good luck, not that you need it." Emma chuckles softly smiling at the waitress.

"Honeymoon phase? You know an awful lot about relationships for someone who I've never seen actually engage in a relationship." Ruby points out lightly only for Emma to chuckle and shrug.

"Relationships aren't for me." Emma brushes it off, or attempts too.

"Come off it, relationships are for everyone." Ruby shakes her head.

"Everyone but me." Emma shrugs again.

"That's a cop out. You just haven't met the right man yet…. or woman." Ruby gets her notepad and pen and eyes Emma.

"What do you want, babes?" The wolf queried before Emma could further comment.

"Oh, burger and onion rings please, and a chocolate shake." Emma smiled and pulled out her wallet handing over the cash now while they were near the register.

Ruby nodded and sent the order back to the cook in the kitchen and rung up the order on the til. Handing the cash over she looked at Emma with a tilt to her head. It made Emma want to sigh out loud but she refrained.

"What is your sexual preference?" Ruby was always one for being blunt.

"I don't mind either, I've been with both." Emma offered honestly though in a tone that hopefully said 'can we not?'

"Then why are you single? There are plenty of options out there." Ruby points out seriously.

"Can we drop it Ruby? I don't need a partner to be happy OK? I have Henry. I have my family. That's enough. I'm happy." Emma says a little abruptly and ruby leans back a bit.

"OK, you're right. I'm sorry I didn't mean to push." Emma sighs and shakes her head.

"No it's OK Rubes, I'm just… tired. I think I'll have that order to go? I need to crash early tonight." Emma smiles and Ruby nods though her look told the blond that the wolf wasn't exactly buying the happiness shtick.

Emma sat there as Ruby headed back to get some coffee and water to go and do refills while she waited on the few orders to come up. She really didn't mind being by herself, it was easier. She never had to inform anyone of her choices or decisions, she only had to look after herself. It was simple and preferable and she liked it… even if she did get really lonely sometimes.

"Hey Emma, how are you? I hadn't seen you the last couple days." Regina practically appeared at the blondes side.

"Hey Regina, I'm good you?" Emma asked smiling fondly, she had really come to count on Regina as a friend.

"I'm great. Do you want to come eat with us?" Regina asked smiling pleasantly.

"Oh. Maybe next time? I just ordered mine to go, I'm exhausted. But rain check for sure OK?" Emma smiled lightly.

"Sure, are you alright?" Regina asked looking Emma over for a moment.

"Fine, just tired. And hungry, I could eat a horse and it's rider." Emma grinned pleased when Regina chuckled lightly.

"Clearly you're where our son gets his appetite." The Mayor rolls her eyes playfully. Emma smiled more pleased than she maybe should have been that Regina referred to Henry as their son.

"Well maybe, he's mostly a mini male version of you." Emma chuckles with a half shrug. This time Regina beamed, she would never tire of the reaffirmation that she was Henry's mother even if not biologically.

"Yes well all the best qualities." Regina grinned.

"And the worst, he gave me a serious dressing down about leaving a damp towel on the bathroom floor the other day." Emma laughed.

"Yes well it's not our fault we have standards." Regina teases and Emma wrinkles her nose.

"What ever. I had just worked a double." She offers the excuse only for Regina to chuckle and hum, unconvinced.

"Foods up, Emma. Regina did you need anything else?" Ruby asked appearing at the counter with Emma's order and a smile.

"Oh no thank you dear, I was just chatting with Emma." Regina smiled.

"Right you are. I'll see you later Em, got orders to drop off." Ruby smiles and heads off to do just that.

Emma gathers up her food order and looks at Regina with a warm expression which the brunette returned fondly.

"Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow night?" Regina offers seriously as she and Emma both stood.

"Sure, I work tomorrow but I should be off in plenty of time to clean up and be there for dinner." Emma smiled genuinely appreciating the offer.

"Perfect. I'll see you then if not before." Emma smiles brightly and nods in agreement with Regina.

"See ya, can you tell Henry if I don't reply to him tonight it's because I've gone to bed, he usually texts me goodnight." Emma smiled and regina nods.

"Of course, bye dear." Regina smiles and Emma returns it heading out.


"Mum?" Henry asked curiously, Robin was getting Roland to bed.

"Yes dear?" Regina looked up from the book she had been reading in the den.

"Do you think Emma is ok?" He asks with a light frown sitting down beside Regina.

"I suppose so. Has she said anything to the contrary?" Regina's frown wrinkled her brow lightly.

"Well no it's just… I don't know. She's quieter lately. And I mean… pretty much everyone in town has paired up. Even I have Grace. But Emma's single and alone." Henry points out with a wrinkled nose.

"Well yes, but some people prefer to be alone." Regina reasons softly.

"But Ma has always been alone." Henry points out.

"Exactly. She's used to it." Regina smiles reassuringly.

"But… it's not fair that she's used to it." Henry almost whined, something he knew Regina never liked.

"Well… I'm sorry, sweetie, but short of buying her a puppy I don't know how to fix that. She's a person and I'm not really sure she would appreciate me trying to set her up with someone." Regina realises too late what she's said but she knows by the way Henry's eyes light up that he's had an idea.

"A puppy! Mum that's the perfect idea!" He stands, kisses the woman's cheek and bolts upstairs before she can even attempt to dissuade him.

"Night, Robin." Henry says on his way, Robin was on his way down.

"What was that all about?" Robin asked amused.

"I think he's gone to find Emma a puppy." Regina says exasperated.

"I'm not sure I follow." Robin chuckled though clearly looked confused.

"Henry believes that Emma is… I don't know. Not well? Lonely I suppose. That she can't be happy while being alone or something. I may have said that the most I could do is get her a puppy." Regina chuckles softly only for Robin to laugh.

"Well when he asks you for money you'll know he's found her the perfect companion." Robin teases lightly only for Regina to chuckle.

"Fingers crossed it's well received." Regina rolls her eyes leaning into Robin with a fond smile.

"She means a lot to you." Robin observes gently.

"She's easily my best friend not that I'd give her the pleasure of admitting it to her face." Regina's smile was one of fondness.

"I'm glad, she's made some bungles sure but she's almost always stuck by you in some form or another." Robin smiles gently, he loved Regina but they both knew he couldn't say the same thing about himself.

"She's very genuine. It does bother me a bit that she's so set on being alone. I just don't understand it." Regina admits with a slight frown.

"She's been alone most of her life though hasn't she?" Robins frown was mild.

"Well yes, but I would think that that would make her more inclined to find someone to be with." Regina quirks an eyebrow.

"Who knows. Maybe you should talk to Zelena and see if she can try and make friends with Emma properly. They're both alone." Robin suggests.

"Hm I will talk to my sister about it." Regina smiles at the suggestion turning her head and tilting her chin up to lightly kiss her soul mate. Robin smiles into the gesture.


Emma was in the back field with the horse who had yet to be named, lunging him at a brisk trot with a bridle on, he'd taken the bridle very easily and seemed to have a soft mouth. He was making leaps and bounds with his training though even as Emma learned along with him, she was confident and he was trusting and they worked well together. Though Emma had a saddle and a saddle blanket she'd yet to even attempt to back the colt, she was taking her time.

"Em!" Regina called from the back of the house, she didn't know about the horse until that moment. The blue roan was stunning.

The colt tossed his head at the new voice and Emma clicked her tongue, pleased when he came right to her. Gently Emma clipped the lead off the bridle and onto the rope halter she kept on him. Turning she lead the colt up to the top paddock where Regina had just entered, she bit her lip seeing the keen interest on the known horsewoman. Only slightly afraid that Regina would have something negative to say about him.

"When did you get a horse?" Regina asked walking up to Emma and letting the young beast sniff her.

"Um… last week? That day I didn't eat with you guys at the diner 'cause I was tired. I'd gotten back when Henry came over." Emma explains gently.

"Serious? Why didn't you tell me?" Regina asks with a mild frown.

"I don't know. I kind of just wanted him to be my thing for a while. He was brought in as a foal with a small herd of mustangs, he'd been raised on a ranch in Canada and the woman who I bought him from bought the mare and colt about a year back but doesn't have time to work with the colt so …. I bought him." Emma explains with a half shrug.

"He's stunning, Emma. What's his temperament like?" Regina carefully reached out and rubbed the side of his face with a soft hand and he gladly leaned into it hoping for a scratch where the bridle rubbed.

"Actually he's very sweet. Very spirited and he moves great but comes with a click of the tongue, he doesn't mind being floated or having his hooves done, will stand still for a brush so long as it's no longer than 15 minutes then he gets antsy." Emma chuckles softly.

"He sounds quite Charming. No wonder you like him." Regina teases softly and Emma chuckles.

"He is. He's not broken to saddle but I've mouthed him this past week and he really doesn't seem to mind the bridle and bit one little bit." Emma smiles running a hand down the horses muzzle.

"I'm really impressed Emma. If you need any help backing him just let me know. Sometimes it can be easier with two sets of hands." Regina wore a proud look that had Emma smiling.

"Thanks Regina. Why are you in my neck of the woods anyways?" Regina chuckled at the question, suddenly remember why she was there.

"Oh yes. Henry is around the front. He has something for you." Emma quirked an eyebrow and pulled the bridle off the horse gently and unclipped the lead hanging both on the fence by the gate.

"Should I be worried?" Emma asks amused.

"No? I don't think so. But just before we go around there I think I need to say now… I had very little to do with what he has done." Regina grinned uncharacteristically bright.

"Ok yeah, now I'm worried." Emma chuckles as the pair made their way around the side of the house and around to the front.

Emma didn't know what she was expecting but what she was greeted with wasn't it. On the top step of her place was Henry, beside him was a large black bag with she could only guess what in it and at his feet regarding her curiously was a very cute, very curious black and white puppy. Emma's eyes lit up at the sight of it and she walked over smiling.

"Oh my goodness! Hey cutie! Aw, you're so cute." Emma gushed gently kneeling half way up the steps and reaching towards the puppy who looked nervous though her little tail was wagging happily. With a greeting sniff the puppy moved down the steps licking at Emma's fingers and hand with her tail going a mile a minute.

"So you like her?" Henry asked grinning happily at the reaction the puppy got.

"Yeah! She's adorable. I didn't know Regina was letting you get a dog." Emma smiles so warmly her eyes crinkled a little.

"Oh no, dear. The puppy is yours. Henry wanted to get you something so you weren't lonely." Emma wrinkled her nose a little at Regina's words.

"I said I wasn't lonely." Emma points out gently looking from Regina to Henry who looked a little sheepish.

"It's just… well pretty much everyone has someone. And you don't… I just thought maybe you'd like someone to talk to… and you know, dogs can't back chat." Henry rubs the back of his neck.

"Well you have a point, dogs can't give me lip. Really who could say no to this little face anyways." Emma smiles from Henry to the puppy as she cupped the dogs head in her hands. The tail was still wagging.

"So you're not upset?" Henry asked and Regina's smile became fond.

"No way, Kid. She's beautiful." Emma smiles happily rubbing the puppy's ears.

"OK great! I thought you'd name this one since I'm naming the horse. She's due in a month for her last set of vaccinations. She's toilet trained cause she smart. There's even a little starter thing there for raw feeding." Henry reels off excited now that his Ma had confirmed she likes the dog.

"There also a big pillow bed thing that they amazingly rolled up and vacuum stored for travel convenience." Henry added only for both present women to laugh.

"You're starting to sound like an infomercial." Regina snickers and Emma nods grinning brightly.

"What ever. Anyways she's also got a collar and lead." Henry huffs at his mothers but smiles all the same.

"Thank you Henry. And Regina, who I am sure wishes there wasn't such a large dent in her funds at the moment." Emma huffed Henry and then turned and did the same with Regina.

"Honestly I don't mind, she is a cute puppy and I know you're the Savior and nothing ever happens in this town but sometimes I worry about you in this house alone." Regina smiles fondly.

"Aw jees, mum. Don't you know I carry a gun?" Emma asks playfully earning a swat on the arm and a good natured chuckle.

"Don't be a brat. I don't care about just anyone you know." Regina rolls her eyes playfully.

"Yeah yeah. I know that heart in there is huge." Regina huffed at the light poke to her chest.

"Yeah yeah." Regina begrudgingly agreed because just maybe she did care a little more than she usually let on.

"Mhm. Say do you guys want to stay for dinner? It's later than I realised." Emma offers sincerely.

"We was expecting Robin and Roland…" Regina bites her lip.

"Well I'm making your lasagne which the boys all like and I always make a large because I'm lazy and left overs are amazing. Message them and tell them to come here instead of the mansion." Emma shrugs with a smile.

"Roland does want to meet the puppy." Henry chimes from his spot on the top step now rubbing the puppy's ears.

"Alright fine." Regina's reluctance give-in was completely feigned. She enjoyed Emma's company and Emma was really good with the boys and got along well with Robin. Why not spend time together?


Another week had gone by, a week where people were still fawning over Emma's new buddy, Smartie, the border collie. The pup was a smart little thing too and Emma loved that she was toilet trained, she'd not had to clean up a single mess after the first day where Smartie was getting used to the new house. A bed was placed in the kitchen for the pup by the island which she used only when Emma was cooking otherwise she slept on the couch or on the bed with Emma.

As well as being well behaved in the house she was really good out of it and she was pleased yet again to learn that the colt didn't mind the dog one little bit. Short of being a little nervous the first time they met he learned fast to really not mind her presence at all, she could walk around and under him, he sniffs her she sniffs him and they go about their days again. It had really set Emma at ease and she'd gone and dog proofed her boundary fences and was currently installing a doggy door in her back door so Smartie could come in and out as she pleased.

When her phone started ringing she put down the saw she'd been using to make the hole for the doggy door and sat on the back step.

"Swan's sex services, how may I please you today?" Emma donned the smokiest tone she could.

"Oh my god, Emma!" Robin didn't know whether to laugh or cringe.

"Uh That's Cherry, to you sir." Emma tries not to laugh but can't help a snorted chuckle.

"Why are you greeting my fiancée like that?" Robin chuckles into the phone.

"Cause I bet her reaction would have been just as funny as yours. What can I do for you?" Emma laughs lightly at the sound of Robins amusement.

"Oh right, Roland and Henry were on their way over, it didn't occur to me until Regina was in the shower that no one had let you know." Robin says lightly.

"Oh. Well thanks, I'm home and I can feed them before they go home if you and Regina wanna get all canoodly." Emma's tone turned teasing towards the end.

"Duly noted." Robin chuckles.

"Actually can you do me a favour and get Regina to call me later or tomorrow or something. About the horse." Emma asks curiously.

"Yeah sure thing, Em." Robin smiles into the phone.

"That sounds like the boys, talk to you later Robin." Emma got up at the sound of the front door swinging open.

"See ya, Cherry." Robin hung up to the sound of Emma's laughter.


"So I was wondering if you were going to get him gelded?" Regina asks as the pair made their way down to the round yard, Emma had bought one of the six foot ones to have as a backing yard, somewhere more confined so there was less to distract the colt.

"Hm. I don't know yet. I might back him and even try maybe eventing with him. If he does alright he might produce pretty good foals. I'd hate to cut his genetic potential off at the starting gate." Emma admits, it had crossed her mind.

"You'll have to get him registered and branded." Regina points out casually, Emma had the saddle and saddle blanket while Regina carried the bridle.

"Well in lieu of his name being Neptune I thought maybe a trident brand would be OK, I've got to look more into it yet. Obviously I'm not in much of a hurry." Emma chuckles softly.

"Yes I'd say there is a lot to learn. I'd briefly looked into it in the past but being mayor and the evil queen didn't a lot for too much free time." Regina admits smiling.

"Now though? You've given up the queenly game and you know, Snow doesn't mind filling in as Acting Mayor from time to time. We could do this horse thing together." Emma grins at the idea.

"Let's get this boy backed and sorted out and we can talk about it at a later date." Regina says smiling at the idea.

"Right you are. He saddles pretty well, a little nervous at first but once the girth is tightened he just seems to get it." Regina nods as the pair set about getting the colt saddled.

Neptune side stepped once away from the saddle but seemed to really trust Emma as she mumbled to him softly and he stood firm. Getting the saddle on was definitely easy and Regina gently lunged the colt in a circle getting him to a canter before calling him in when it seemed the girth wasn't pinching him. Checking him over fully and making sure he was as comfortable as possible Emma finally moved to his side as Regina held the reins and mounted up.

Neptune didn't like it, he danced sideways as Emma got up almost dislodging her from the stirrup but she managed to swing her leg over and get into the saddle. Before she could get her other foot in the other stirrup how ever he pulled back hard and unexpectedly. Regina wasn't prepared for the move and lost her grip on reins. Emma managed to gather them and Regina got out of the way just as Neptune surged forward and started too fast around the round yard.

Before Emma could pull back and get any kind of head control she started to lose balance slamming hard into the round yard panel. An unfinished bit of weld ripped her shirt and some skin along her left side. Emma didn't barely notice though as she finally got enough control over the colts head to rein him in. He fought it for a moment before he finally game to a stop, huffing out a breath as Emma talked to him gently, and rubbed his neck. Looking over Regina was dusting herself off.

"That was… explosive." Regina offered walking over carefully. The colt seemed to understand that nothing bad was happening though and extended his head towards Regina for a scratch.

"He seems completely relaxed now though." Emma points out gently holding the reins in one hand as she presses the other to her ribs. A bit of blood but nothing too bad.

"Yeah no kidding. Strange boy. Well, why don't you try a few gentle commands. Walk, trot. See how he goes then I'll help you clean up that cut. Doesn't feel like you have broken ribs right?" Regina looks Emma over a little critically.

"No didn't hit that hard just got caught." Emma smiles at the concern of the other woman and gently pulls Neptune's head in a little more securely without putting much pressure on his mouth and clicks her tongue with a gentle squeeze of her calves.

Neptune didn't really understand the command and moved into an immediate trot instead, Emma was surprised he was such a smooth trot but pulled him back gently easing him into a walk with a firm 'walk on' command. Regina stood in the middle of the yard watching them, impressed as Emma transitioned the colt from walk to trot, trot to a gentle canter, calmly correcting him when he did the wrong thing. He really was an intelligent horse though as he understood quickly what command meant what.

Finally when Emma was done the cold had worked up a bit of a lather. "What say we hide this boy down and head in so I can get cleaned up?" Emma's asked Regina letting the colt have his head and dismounting easily.

"Sounds good. I have to admit Emma, you're pretty good in the saddle." Emma smirks at the words Regina chose.

"All the ladies say that." Emma smirks brighter as Regina rolls her eyes.

"I'm sure they do, Cherry." Regina and Neptune both startled slightly at the blonde loud bark of laughter.

"Robin told you about that?" Emma snickers as they lead the colt out of the yard up to the straining post at the top end of the paddock. A makeshift hitching rail.

"Indeed he did." Regina chuckles finally.


"Shirt off, let me look." Regina demanded after they'd finished with the horse and come inside. They'd both washed up and Regina got the first aid kit.

"And don't even bother." Regina cuts Emma off as the blonde was clearly about to make some inappropriate comment.

"Fine." Emma rolls her eyes amused and unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off tossing it in the bin before sitting down.

Regina was rifling through the first aid kit before turning to Emma and zeroing in first on the injury across Emma's ribs on the left side only to then be distracted by the tattoo above it higher on Emma's ribs and closer to the side of her breast. It was a curious image, a lion that was all lines and circles and stars… the Leo constellation, over set a rainbow watermark tattoo that appeared to be be a rainy cloud over a rainbow. It was intriguing and tasteful.

"That's a nice Tattoo, when did you get that?" Regina asks curiously.

"I got the Lion for my 17th birthday actually." Emma's tone was unusually soft, she didn't even seem to notice that Regina was cleaning up the cut.

"17? But that's before you had Henry and if I recall… you're a Libra." Regina frowns lightly unable to make sense of it.

"You're correct, I got the rainbow after Henry." Emma sighs lightly.

"Do you know what a rainbow baby is?" Emma asks before Regina can query any further.

"I'm afraid not, dear." Regina continued her actions gentle cleaning up the skin.

"A rainbow baby is the term coined for a baby, a healthy living little baby, born after a miscarriage, neonatal death… stillbirth." Emma's tone dropped even more.

"Henry's my rainbow baby." Emma looks to Regina, watching the realisation dawn on the brunette.

"You were pregnant before Henry?" Regina bites her lip when Emma nods.

"I was fifteen when I was placed with a family. The parents were OK if a bit thoughtless, but the son, he was 17. He'd come into my room sometimes… I didn't want to leave. It was a nice home. He threatened to have me put back in the foster system. I should have known it probably would have been better just to go back. But if I didn't struggle he was gentle and it was always over so quick. But then I got pregnant… I hid it from them for most of the pregnancy, lack of attention and baggy clothes and Lucas got a girlfriend and left me alone." Emma explains after a moment.

"You never went to the doctor?" Regina whispers leaning back now.

"Not until I stopped feeling her. At first I'd been really worried, what was i going to do with a baby? I was just a child. But then I started to

Think she was everything I wanted, she was mine, my family and I was going to love her like I never was. She was perfect." Emma's eyes welled with tears, she still got upset thinking about her lost child.

"I was 31 weeks when I stopped feeling her, I took myself to planned parenthood. They checked for a heartbeat and couldn't find one so they did a scan first, they had to call my guardians though. They were… cold. They didn't like the idea I'd been sleeping around and refused to listen when I said it was their precious son. The doctors explained my child had passed away but that I would still have to give birth to her. It was the worst feeling I've ever experienced, to give birth to something that should have been warm and vibrant and in need of care and love but to instead give birth to that poor lifeless little soul who never even had a chance." Emma sniffles and stands up getting some paper towel and blowing her nose.

"Emma I… I couldn't imagine." Regina whispers watching the blondes back, shirtless as she was it was easy to see how tense Emma was.

"Good, it's not something I would wish on anyone." Emma says firmly turning to look at Regina.

Regina but her lip, seeing Emma in a whole new light and suddenly unable to figure out what to do or say to the woman. Not that it mattered because a look of panic flashed in green eyes a moment before Emma was walking to the front door with a hastily thrown out 'I need to get to the station for a while'. Emma was in such a hurry she simply grabbed her leather jacket from by the door, whistled the puppy who had been in the living room, and walked out pulling the jacket on over her bra and getting in the cruiser. Leaving Regina there with more questions than answers and a sudden sense of change that she wasn't sure was welcome or not.