
I'm too calm.

I know that. I know I should be panicking right now.

But for some reason, I couldn't find it in me to react the way any normal person would. It was hard to be mad at much of anything when you're on the coast of Italy, even if you are standing on the edge of a cliff.

The salty breeze caused my skirts to whip and billow from my legs, exposing tanned skin to the setting sun. This was my safe place. This was my home.

This was my escape.

It's been over a year since I left the United States - since I left Edward. After our final discussion, I had gone to Carlisle and told him I would leave him and his family alone if he allowed me to leave - gave me some sort of respite. I had practically begged him to let me out of this without death being my only option. I promised and I swore I would never speak to anyone about the family or the family business. He knew I had no money that wasn't tied in Edward, and he knew my family wasn't an option. So, he sent me somewhere he knew Edward wouldn't come - the safe house on the Almafi Coast in Italy.

I knew that this was Carlisle's way of keeping me within reach while keeping me away from his son. I knew he had people watching me this entire time. Since they never really bugged me, I couldn't find it in me to care. It was better than staying in Chicago, and it was better than ending up in a shallow grave.

As far as my security that Edward would not find me, I knew he would never come here. It's not that Edward had anything against Italy; he had just been very vocal in the past about only liking Italy when he was with me. We figured that without me, it wouldn't hold any appeal - in fact, it would actively keep him away from here.

The past year had been filled with times of emotion, of healing, and of rebuilding. Most of my time here in Italy was spent on my own, secluded from the rest of the world, and it gave me lots of time to think. There were times when I questioned if I had done the right thing - questioned leaving Edward. But in the end, I knew I made the right choice. I knew I could never go back to just being 'the wife'.

Coming to the edge of this cliff was a part of my new daily routine. Looking out on the water calmed me, grounded me. Standing here, I took a moment to acknowledge what I had overcome. I felt strong. Invincible. Here, I felt like a woman again. Here, I found my happiness.

As the sun was about to slip completely from view, I turned and made the short walk back to the safe house. Really, it was too ostentatious to be a proper safe house, as it was a fully remodeled stone cottage with a tower from the 1300s built into the cliffside. Everything inside was newly painted and renovated, and it had quickly become my sanctuary. Upon my arrival, I had spent lots of time hauling items such as furniture and decor from Positano back to the cottage, decorating it to my liking. It was a place of my own, regardless of if it was provided to me by the Italian Mafia.

As I neared the home, I saw someone standing at the front door in all black, waiting. I approached them cautiously, and the strange man simply stared back at me. I stopped several feet away and waited for him to speak, unnaturally calm in a potentially dangerous situation. He took a few steps towards me and I stood my ground, eying him warily. Finally, he held out a manilla envelope for me.

"From Carlisle," he muttered in his heavy Italian accent, then waited patiently until I took the envelope from him. As soon as I did, he nodded and began to walk away. Instead of watching him disappear into whatever hole he hid in, I went inside, slipping off my sandals and ambling my way into the dining room.

Sitting down at the table, I stared at the envelope for a while before just deciding to bite the bullet. I broke the wax seal and poured the contents out in front of me. A packet of papers and a letter on a grey card. I went for the card first.

You're welcome.

- Carlisle

Curious now, I set the card aside and looked at the papers held together by a binder clip. When I saw what it was, I grinned.

Divorce papers.

Flipping through the stack, I was pleasantly surprised that they had already been signed by Edward. I sent a silent prayer of thanks up to whatever deity changed his mind and allowed him to let me go. I had expected him to hold on to the one thing I left him - our marriage bond - until he could either find me or until he found someone else to share his time with.

Finding a pen, I located the tabs where I needed to sign. It was as I dated the final signature that I realized the date - today was our wedding anniversary. Not that it mattered now.

I closed the packet, fully executed now, and packed it back into the envelope, getting up and leaving it on the front porch for one of Carlisle's men to take care of. Closing the door behind me, I closed my eyes and leaned back against the door, overwhelmed with lightness and joy.

I was finally free.

A/N: Please don't hate me.

Writing this was such a journey for me. My first fic, and it was a total doozy. I'm so glad that it has interested and enthralled so many people, and I have been overwhelmed by your support.

I know a lot of people wanted Edward and Bella to somehow end up together, but I don't think that was ever in the cards for this story. From the beginning, I promised that Bella would have a happy ending. For her, this was a happy ending, and I couldn't be happier that she ended up here.

A final thank you to those of you who read this story, especially those who patiently waited for my erratic chapter updates. You're all amazing.

I already have other stories in the works, and others I plan on working on. Hope to see you there.

xx orionsnights